Willy Cigars is a cigar company based in Chandler, Arizona. Led by Cuban-born craftsman Guillermo “Willy” Carrazana, Willy Cigars produces a variety of high-quality, handmade cigars. With over 45 years of experience in the cigar trade, Willy has cultivated an ability to create cigars expertly. He personally selects and imports tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic, blending these cigars with Cuban tobacco seeds in order to ensure optimal aroma and taste.
Willy first entered the cigar crafting business in 1958 at the age of eight. He was initially mentored by his grandfather, who taught him the process of hand-making high-quality cigars. Later, Willy came to work in a cigar factory in Cuba, where he refined his knowledge of cigar making, eventually immigrating to the United States and settling in Arizona.
Services Offered
Willy Cigars offers a variety of hand-crafted cigars in different flavors and quantities. Services and products provided by Willy include:
- Cigars available in sweet flavor
- Custom cigar rings and bands
- On-site cigar-making demonstrations
- Hispanic or Latinx-owned
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