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1200$ Bridesmaid Dress

Sarah, on June 27, 2024 at 7:52 PM Posted in Wedding Attire 0 8
I have a best friend who is getting married this year. I want to say that I love her dearly and we have been friends since we were very young. This is her first time getting married and I am a bridesmaid in her wedding. We have just recently gone on a bridesmaid trip, which was a blast. We had also spent a lot of money planning for the trip and doing a lot of events during that time. There are six of us and I have heard others complaining about how much money they have spent on the trip. Granted, everyone participated and there were no issues. She is customizing her bridesmaids dresses, and we had even gone in for fitting to be customized to our body size. It was never mentioned that we would be paying any portion for the bridesmaids dresses nor were we asked whether we wanted to have them customized. I’m sure we would have no problem getting regular bridesmaids dresses as we are all different sizes and would like to be comfortable in our own skin. This whole time I thought she would be paying for the dress and the customizations. Now she sent a text saying that the dress fabric was ready to be done and that there would have to be a 60% down payment within a week. She stated that the dress would be $1200 and we would have to be making two separate payments. I think this is absurd to even ask a guest at your wedding and Bridesmaids to even pay for a dress of this amount no matter how much money any of us make. We have already paid multiple things during the bachelorette trip, but no one is saying anything in the group chat. I plan to send a text to her on the side and say that she should count me out for this wedding at this point if this is what she wants for her bridesmaids. One person in the group chat to clarify how much the amount of the dress was, but another just said OK. I know I can’t be the only one thinking this, but I don’t want to text the other girls on the side because I don’t know them personally. Just asking for some personal input here.


Latest activity by Michael, yesterday at 4:52 PM
  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah Online ·
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    That’s an absolutely unreasonable amount of money to force someone to pay for a dress they don’t even get to pick. That’s the cost of a bridal gown not a bridesmaid dress. Your friend needs to come down to Earth.
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  • LM
    Super December 2022
    LM ·
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    Sometime people text "okay" in a passive-aggressive, push-off way particularly if they don't add anything further. Just like you, this bridesmaid will probably confront the bride in a private conversation. It is an unreasonable amount for a dress you didn't even pick out for someone elses' wedding. You've supported the Bride enough. Decline the bridesmaid role and go as a guest.

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  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
    Cece ·
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    $1200 for a bridesmaid dress that she didn’t discuss with you is absolutely unreasonable. I don’t care how much I love someone, there is no way I am spending $1200 on a dress I will wear once. I am sure the other girls are feeling the same way about this, but they are likely feeling trapped since they have already participated in the beginning stages of getting measured for the dress, etc., and also being in a group chat, where others can see their comments. You all may be waiting for somebody else to be the first to approach the subject. Personally, I would just reply in the group chat. But, if you don’t feel comfortable doing that, I would definitely reach out to her privately. I’d let her know the dress is not going to be within your budget, and you’d be happy to support her on her big day by attending as a guest. I am so sorry she put you into such a horribly awkward situation!
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    OMG no. I'd just go ahead and say that you'll attend as a guest. hell no.

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  • Andrea
    Rockstar January 2024
    Andrea ·
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    I would reply to the group chat that its far more than you’re comfortable spending and you unfortunately will have to step down as a bridesmaid. I think the others on the chat are probably stunned and waiting for someone to speak up.
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  • Lisa
    Rockstar July 2022
    Lisa ·
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    That's way too much money for a bridesmaids dress. The bride should have checked what everyone's budgets were before deciding on the dresses. You could reply in the group chat to say that the dress is outside the range that you have budgeted for the dress, and ask if there's a cheaper alternative that's within everyone's budgets. Others in the group chat likely have the same question. If she doesn't have an alternative option and insists on everyone paying the full amount, I would reach out privately to let her know that since you aren't comfortable spending that amount on the dress, you'll attend as a guest instead.
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  • Silent
    Silent ·
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    Oh, this is absurd. The price is too high for a bridesmaid dress. I think she should pay for her wedding, including bridesmaid fees. Because you also have to spend a lot of money on her wedding. And she should have discussed the cost, style of the dress, and how to pay with all the bridesmaids in advance before making a decision.

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  • Michael
    Savvy October 2025
    Michael ·
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    I agree that you need to reply in the chat that this should have been discussed previously. It's absolutely unreasonable. And even IF no one else is thinking it (which I highly doubt), it still needs to be said because, HELL NO. Back out now and save yourself the money, stress and DRAMA that is clearly coming.

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