What is your opinion on accommodating dietary restrictions? From some posts I’ve seen I feel like anymore it is considered very rude to not provide a meal that meets guest’s individual dietary restrictions. I’m gonna share my plan, please let me know what you think. I will have a buffet, not a plated dinner, so I won’t have a place to write in allergies or a meal option on the RSVP card when I do the invitations. There will be vegetarians, gluten free, nut allergy, and lactose intolerant guests that I know of, and who knows what other issues my guests may have that I'm not aware of. I'll have the caterer label each dish with what it is and any allergens it contains. I feel like the guests need to handle it from there. They should skip what they can’t eat and take what they like. If they end up only liking a couple things, don’t eat much, and are still hungry later that is on them. I am allergic to apples and grapes and nobody has ever attempted to factor that into a menu. Continued....