For context, my fiancé comes from a Latin family and while they are very close, they also are incredibly clique-y. They barely talk to each other, but my fiancé feels a sense of responsibility that pulls him to be the MOST present person at all family events. He's the one trying to keep the vibes up, but no one really pays attention to his efforts, they're all in their own little worlds.
Not only that, but there is a language barrier between myself and the family, and while I've been taking classes to get my Spanish up, and can understand more than I can speak, I just end up isolated and sitting on the couch while everyone around me speaks in Spanish and I try to participate but I get mostly ignored. It's also a lot of work to mentally translate (though it's super helpful to learn, so I'm not complaining) and by the end of the night I'm exhausted.
After the holiday season, I'm looking back and realizing that there are expectations that are put on me to be as present in the family as my fiancé is, but even my fiancé ends up feeling completely ignored and overlooked after every family event. They celebrate birthdays every month, I'm expected to go, and they will include neighborhood kids in the birthday celebration, it's all very cute! But my birthday came and went and people didn't know until the end of the party that it was my birthday as well as one of the other family members--who's a teen so I don't mind letting her take the spotlight, it's really not about me wanting to take attention as much as I just felt sort of hurt that my new family doesn't make much of an effort?
I saw my own side of my family once last year, they live 2 hours away and have busy schedules but we've always been close. This past year we've been so distant and I don't talk to them as normally as I used to, and it seems like I'm always going to my fiancé's family house and sitting on the couch for sometimes 9 hours straight (and don't get me wrong, I try to start convos and walk into the kitchen and sit at the table with everyone, it's not like I'm actively antisocial. I just feel really on edge).
I'm from a white American family, and the way we celebrate holidays and even birthdays is super lax. a nice dinner maybe, but that's it. New Years Eve? We stay up until 12, have some bubbly and go to bed. But now I'm expected to do everything with my fiancé's family and I can handle it for about 2-3 hours before I just feel so disheartened. It gets better every time, so I'm trying to stay positive, and every time I visit I feel like I know more Spanish! But it doesn't change the fact that even the family members that are fluent in English don't care to talk to me more than a few sentences.
Am I complaining too much? I have a lot of guilt over even writing this, because my fiancé tells me I basically need to just deal with it and that it's his culture, of which he's very proud of, and should be. But I feel like he looks at me like I'm just a blank slate who he can drag along to these birthday parties and holiday celebrations and that even though he knows my energy is draining, he is too afraid to leave his family's house earlier than anyone else for fear of how it will look, how his older brother will judge him for not putting his family first.
I don't want to force my fiancé to take sides, but am I just being overly sensitive? Do you think it's fair for me to skip some events? My fiancé knows that I don't particularly enjoy myself and that its hard for me, but it's like he's putting his family's expectations of him over how I'm feeling, and that doesn't feel great.