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Am i wrong?

Michelle, on June 3, 2021 at 6:49 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 34

Disclaimer: I really am trying my best to include all of my loved ones, but I don’t have the money to accommodate for everyone. Im planning my wedding for March of next year and it seems like im being looked at as being rude. I told my mom the issues that I was having and she thinks that I should...
Disclaimer: I really am trying my best to include all of my loved ones, but I don’t have the money to accommodate for everyone.

Im planning my wedding for March of next year and it seems like im being looked at as being rude. I told my mom the issues that I was having and she thinks that I should downsize my wedding.
For my wedding website, I have a link attached for people to send us money to plan the wedding, as well as our honeymoon. I didn’t think this was such a big deal because it’s not like I’m forcing people to give me money.
Also, due to budget and space, I can’t allow my friends to bring their spouses/SOs because the venue I picked won’t allow it due to it being over capacity. I’ve also made it so that only family is included in the reception also due to our budget. I’ve had several friends told me that they won’t be able to make it and my mom says that it is most likely due to those reasons. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone and I figured that since they are my friends they would understand and wouldn’t take it any type of way. So, am I in the wrong?


  • M
    Michelle ·
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    What if I have a get together the night before, kind of like a bachelorette party so that they won’t just be only going to the ceremony?
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  • Jessi
    Super October 2022
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    Unfortunately I don't think that covers anything. You can have a get together like that but they're still not likely to come. Honestly, while ceremonies are nice, they're not very fun. That's kind of the point of the reception being a thank you to people who came to watch your ceremony.

    At this point I think you might just need to admit your idea was well intended, but not the right way to go and either make a totally new plan to let these friends bring their SOs (which honestly idk if I'd want to go at all anyway if I were your friend and you might need to accept your friends could feel the same way) or just have a smaller wedding with family that you can pay for without asking them for help.

    As far as asking for money as a gift, we plan on having a fund available to help us pay for a kitchen table and chairs, but that's along with a registry including other gifts if people don't like the idea of giving only money. I don't even hate honeymoon funds, but asking for people to help pay for your wedding that you don't need to have is very rude.

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  • Ava
    VIP May 2022
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    You can most certainly have a get together the night before, but in no way does that make what you are trying to do with the wedding acceptable. Regardless of whether you have a get together the evening before, you will still need to invite all guest’s significant others, and you will still need to invite everyone to BOTH the ceremony and reception. It sounds like you need to find a new, larger venue for your event. Either that or you need to downsize your wedding and only invite the amount of guests (with their significant others) that your current venue can accommodate. If you do not like either of those options, it sounds as though you will either need to postpone the wedding until you can afford the type of wedding you are wanting, or else elope/go to the court house.
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  • AJ
    Super October 2022
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    You can but its not fixing the fact that you are being incredibly rude. You need to include those invited to the ceremony at the reception - no if, ands or buts about it.

    Thats like inviting people to your bridal shower and not to the wedding its super rude and gift grabby.

    If I was told "you can come to the ceremony but not the reception" I wouldn't even bother and would probably never talk to you again. I was invited to a wedding and my fiance was not, and I will not be attending for that reason because it is rude.

    You either need to find a venue that can accommodate everyone and what you can afford, or you need to cut your guest and you need to include significant others.

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  • S
    Expert November 2021
    Sara ·
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    Ugh, that would make things even worse... guests shouldn't be invited to pre-wedding events if they won't be invited to the wedding reception. Like I said before, I honestly think your best bet is to scrap everything and start over with the planning.

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  • Florida Marlins
    Expert October 2017
    Florida Marlins ·
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    Please don't do this either. That would be like rubbing it in and seems almost worse. Please, take it from the mid-50 year old two time bride here: Cut your losses, have a small elopement and apologize to those you have offended with this plan. Not trying to be mean, just blunt and to the point.

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  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
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    I think you should just throw a wedding with just the family. Don't do any pre wedding parties with your friends. If friends ask tell them do to money and venue space you guys decide to have a small family wedding. I'm sure they will totally understand if you do it that way. Many people have small family weddings.
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I agree that this will only make the matter worse. I think you need to come up with a completely new plan because what you are trying to do is incredibly rude. I also think it would make more sense to spend the money that would be spent on something like this on the actual wedding.

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  • Vicky
    VIP January 2020
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    No, that doesn't fix it at all.

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  • Hanna
    VIP June 2019
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    I wouldn't recommend that. It's kind of like rubbing it in their faces and saying "celebrate me even though you're not good enough to be included in my reception."

    I think that you've gotten some excellent advice from all of the PPs on this thread and I hope you take it to heart.

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  • C
    Devoted September 2022
    Carissa ·
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    You are certainly in the wrong for asking for money for PLANNING your wedding. You shouldn't be planning a wedding you can't afford. It is not anyone else's responsibility. If they wanted to send you money, they would do so in a congratulatory card or something.

    I've gone to weddings without my SO, but generally I stay long enough to eat and then leave. Its no fun to be there and find seating and such without a partner. So if youre okay with people declining or leaving early, then that's one thing. But overall, I'd agree with your mom. Downsize and only invite family. Remove the money request from your website.
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  • C
    Devoted September 2022
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    I dont think this changes much of anything. It actually makes it a little bit worse, IMO, unless you're providing somewhere for everyone to stay at get ready the next day. I'd be put off if someone expected me to drive to them two days in a row.
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  • J
    Judith ·
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    I would be offended by your fund raising, and not attend. Nor would I attend without my husband or SO. Invite us both, or leave us both off the list. I will not be offended if dropped from the list. Weddings are expensive, and you have to limit a list. But do it right. Don't be rude in the process. Have the wedding you can afford.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Honestly I'm really sorry to say that your mom and everyone are correct. I feel like you need to start over with a smaller guest list. The world does not owe you a wedding, particularly on the heels of a pandemic.

    Here are some etiquette guidelines:

    Don't ask people for money

    Don't invite people pre-wedding events that aren't invited to the wedding.

    Don't invite just 1/2 of couple. You can't someone to celebrate your union while disrespecting theirs.

    Don't invite people to the ceremony but not the reception. The reception is an event that you host to thank people for attending your ceremony.

    Once you involve others, it's not just "your day".

    Moving forward, I would apologize to anyone that was affected by your planning so far and plan a lovely wedding that you can afford. Good luck!

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