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Devoted November 2012


Lauren, on April 16, 2012 at 5:24 PM Posted in Planning 1 37

I have lived (suffered) with Panic disorder my whole life and was diagnosed at age 11,

It has gotten worse as ive gotten older and My panic attacks usually stem from not feeling well...

Butterfkies in my stomach, or if Im having stomach issues the day i have to do something or go somewhere where i could possibly be stuck there or cant leave cause it could ruin someones day. It is so dibilitating that i avoid doing alot of things because im just so afraid of having a panic attack and not being able to get home and deal with it. The symptoms of my anxiety are embarasing and painful... Intestinal issues, dizziness, having to use the bathroom, Crying, what have you..

DO any of you brides suffer from this and do you fear/have a plan for if this happens on your big day. My mom has clients (shes an LMFT) who get married the day b4 the wedding in a court house in case the bride gets "sick"/has a panic attack..

My e-shoot is on the 27th, starting in a so afraid ill panic.


Latest activity by Elizabeth, on July 31, 2014 at 7:48 AM
  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
    Lauren ·
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    ...and that there wont be a place for me to go (aka a bathroom) to calm down and do what i need to do. My panic hrs are usually in the morning and in the late evening...those the times my stomach has its most issues and i get anxious. Also on holidays or days i have to do something exciting or special, I almost always get scared and have issues that day. I plan on playing games on my fiance's phone and doing alot of distracting tecniques on the drive to the photo shoot and i also plan on taking my anxiety meds b4 hand...but i am so so nervous, and i know im only making everything worse by worrying about it.

    Wanted to know if there were other brides with these problems and if you think about it/how have you gotten through it.


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  • T
    Expert July 2014
    Tammy ·
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    I don't want to say I suffer from it, but it's normal to get panic attacks every once in a while. The last time I had them was 2 weeks ago when I was in Miami at David's Bridal. When the Bridal consultant bought out the dresses for me to try on I starting shaking uncontrollably. And I get butterflies too.

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  • MekMek
    Master June 2012
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    FH thinks I need to bring this up at my next doctors appt because I've had all those symptoms on more than on occasion when facing a few things. I find myself sneaking off to a quiet space and staying there for hours. I hope this only wedding related.

    What do you do when you feel them coming on?

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  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
    Lauren ·
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    @mekmek - because i have been diagnosed and have a severe case, the first thing i do when i feel them coming on is take my "as needed" meds. They work really fast, but dont always help, especially when you feel them coming on just as theyve already gotten started.

    But b4 i had my meds i would run a bath and get in before its even full and focus on making the temp just right. Distraction is key to me getting through them, I do deep breathing to get through the panic attack #1 symptom to be frank, is i have to use the restroom ..#2. (its common for panic attack sufferers) And it can be breathing helps me with that alot.

    I do alot of Easy cross word books,

    And also i do alot of texting/calling through my panic attacks. I usually have them in the car, on the way to events or things where i feel like i can spoil the day by needing to go home. (i hope that makes sense)

    my mom is an MFT so i txt her every symptom...just letting it out really helps.

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  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
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    But for me distraction is key. if you feel it coming on...remind yourself your thoughts might not be rational and that this will pass and you will be okay. And distract distract distract. My FH has lived with me for 5 yrs and isnt always supportive when i need him to be in these situations. I cant blame him because its hard to live with someone who cant get in the car to go somewhere or who refuses to go to the movies or disneyland or anywhere fun out of fear that ill have a panic attack... So finding someone who will talk you through it and distract you is really helpfull.

    The ultimate bad situation for me is if my stomachs not feeling well, i get anxious and then i have to use the bathroom and there is none....then i loose it. Smiley sad thats when i have to breathe and call my mom till she picks up or call someone who will understand what i need.

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  • keli716
    VIP September 2012
    keli716 ·
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    I suffer GAD....I'm not taking meds for it..I was given paxil but I have been trying to stay away from the medication and control it on my own. What works for me is staying busy, I"m crocheting and also working out when I start to feel too much stress coming on. I haven't been having too many panic attacks lately..mine have mainly been at night before bed. My biggest fear for the wedding is just how I will handle being in front of everyone at the church for my ceremony. I made my disorder known to our officiant and he said not to worry about it I will have my back to the people and we will find ways to make the day easier on me. I did tell him my biggest concern is the length of our ceremony, so we are going to discuss order of events and time constraints when the wedding gets a bit closer.

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  • MekMek
    Master June 2012
    MekMek ·
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    I had a full blown one this Saturday and felt so bad because I couldn't explain what was happening to FH before I started with the water works. Then a car pulled up next to us with his music/bass way too loud and sent me over the top. He spent the next hour trying to come me down it was the worst date ever.

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  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
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    @keli: GREAT idea talking to the officiant about it. I will def do that. I like to be open about my anxiety so i feel like im in good hands but ALOT of people dont understand it or dont think its real. MY BIGGEST FEAR is that i will have a bad stomach/intestinal attack as i call them the morning of the ceremony and that I will have to run to the bathroom every ten seconds b4/durring/after the ceremony (reception).

    I am in tears now, and i didnt think i would be...But thinking about not being able to enjoy my engagement shoot and scaring everyone (the photog and assistants and make up ppl) is just killing me.

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  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
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    @mekmek : I have had those moments far too many times. I would def bring it up to your doctor just to let him know. Its a very common disorder and there are so many ways to help get through it. Telling your doctor will help validate it to your FH and help him understand its real and what you both can do (even un medicated) to help when things like that happen. I am very open with people and let them know about what i go through because i feel like not alot of people understand and the more people understand and know its real, the more it helps us feel okay.

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  • keli716
    VIP September 2012
    keli716 ·
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    Lauren I definitely know how you anxiety causes stomach problems for me too, so I am definitely worried about that as well! Right now I am just reminding myself that I have plenty of time til my wedding so I am just keeping as busy as possible and working on wedding details..I"m anticipating my anxiety will start to get worse as the wedding approaches, but now now I am just trying to stay positive and push all the negative thoughts to the back of my mind!

    I was nervous about my shoot but we did ours at a park so once we got out there I started to have fun with it and my anxiety lessened and lessened as it went on (I'm hoping this happens on the big day too!) It also helped that it was the photographer and just me and FH, not a bunch of other people around either.

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  • Shropshire2Davis
    VIP June 2019
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    I have suffered from PTSD since I was a child, my dad was a yeller, and ever since if people start yelling at each other, I start to freak out, rock back and forth and's hard to deal with but thankfully it doesn't happen often anymore. I also have a hard time in cars on long car rides (like the 3-4 hour drive from my place to anchorage), especially at night. I have complete panic attacks because I cant see anything. I don't take medication for it because the doctors have always said they will go away on their own and not to worry about it, which the panic attacks in the car have dwindled greatly since they started to happen in 07 but they haven't gone away completely. I'm grateful most of my family understands why this happens and are willing to pull over and let me out for a moment to chill out when it starts to get unbearable.

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  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
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    I want to thank you guys for being so honest and helpfull and possitive.

    My Fiance's family is kind but they dont understand my issues at all! they are a loud bunch of adventure seaking Hooting and hollaring italians (well..half of them, the other half of his family is full blooded japanese and they just dont discuss emotions at all, so to them axiety isnt talked about or real in some cases) So i worry they wont understand if i need my time to get it together at the reception. at least 80% of the wedding guest list is the loud italian side of my FH family. lol.

    I will try to stay possitive and distracted as you said @keli716

    And My aunt (my ultimate support person) is friends with my photographer and she offered to explain to him the details of my anxiety and what I am worried hopefully that will help. I wish i knew exactly where the shoot was going to be..There was no address, just we are starting in a field in roseville. I live in Sacramento.

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  • Carly
    Super October 2012
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    I dont know if I have an anxiety disorder or not, sometimes I feel like I do. I have all the symptoms for GAD. I have always been a worrier my whole life and it has gotten increasingly worse as I have gotten older. I havent had any wedding related breakdowns, but the stress of just planning a wedding has definitely gotten to me. I had an episode not that long ago where I just wanted to check out of everything. I am getting ready to graduate in May, FH was up for a promotion, I was starting to apply for jobs, Wedding plans, homework, bills, housework, etc just all started to pile up and all I wanted to do was lay in my room and cry and do nothing. But I got over it. I have had that happen about 4 times since our engagement, which we got engaged in Oct. I actually started taking St. John's Wort and that has helped me a lot! Just helps me be more mellow and not so high strung all the time.

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  • keli716
    VIP September 2012
    keli716 ·
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    That is great that she is going to do that for you Lauren...also remember, nerves run high for a lot of people during wedding times, so a lot of the the photographer, understand there will be major nerves and stress Smiley smile

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  • Carly
    Super October 2012
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    I think the hardest thing for me has been feeling guilty about being stressed. All the things I have been stressed about are good. ie: wedding, promotion, graduation, new job. I felt like I shouldnt feel stressed because these are all things I have wanted, so why am I upset? I still feel that way sometimes. Like lots of people have it worse than me, why am I so upset? I have a feeling it is something I will struggle with for a long time.

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  • Meredith
    Savvy September 2012
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    I have the same troubles...and typically when I get worked up I actually faint. UGH! The last major time when it came to that (though I've had panic episodes since) was on the plane to Maui...unbeknownst to me he was going to propose during our trip so at least I know I didn't scare him off!

    I am already anxious about our wedding and it's not until September!

    I agree with calling/texting folks. You mgiht also just want to have an ipod queued up with your favorite upbeat music or conversely something really mellow that will make you at ease. Music definitely helps me and I'm planning on having the stereo up in the bridal dressing area at our venue until the very last moment just in case! A little dancing certainly helps keep loose and positive too Smiley smile

    Good luck! I'm rooting for you!


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  • Meredith
    Savvy September 2012
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    Also,I'm sure you know this, but STAY AWAY from alcohol and matter how good it sounds! Both increase the chances for anxiety/stress, especially if you've overindulged the day before.

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  • Lauren
    Devoted November 2012
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    @Meredith: thanks for sharing your story too Smiley smile Love knowing there are people like us willing to support one another.

    I hear music helps alot of people, unfortunatly for me it just makes things worse. Im not a big music person, never have been. I do sing, but other than that im really not into music, i dont ever choose to listen to it. FH is a HUGE music person, he's got over 15 guitars and amps at home, He lives for it and it makes things worse cause he plays loud music in the car and i just freak out..only if im already having a panic attack.

    things that are emotive, like scary movies or dramma (movies) or music with alot of feeling, screaming, or a strong beat for some reason just get my heart racing...not in a good way. FH hates that.

    AND THANKS FOR THE GOOD LUCK Smiley smile my wedding is in November so ive got a while aswell. Luckily i have meds that will help me stay mellow that day and the day of the wedding and i will bring my crosswords and sudoku on the drive and txt when i need.

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  • Mrs. Endres
    VIP December 2012
    Mrs. Endres ·
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    I have diagnosised ocd /anxiety and other emotional problems... when I get nervous I get(excuse me- maybe tmi) diahriahra... have lost control totally ..I have visions of that during the cerimony!..Im going to wear my diapers, and take my meds and hope and PRAY.

    so I understand. thankyou for letting me talk about it too. this is my biggest fear.

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  • CarolynMas
    Devoted June 2012
    CarolynMas ·
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    I'm sorry to hear that! I have anxiety issues that kind of come and go fortunately. I also am planning on bringing this up to the doctor when I go in the next few days. I have similar symptoms and I also get horrible hives on my chest and arms. (No doubt a gorgeous look in a strapless dress. I wish I had advice for you, but wish you the absolute best.

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