So my bach is next week
from the beginning i had one bridesmaid back out due to “ money issues “ which honestly felt like a bunch of crap because other bridesmaids even tried and offered to help her pay for part of it and she kept refusing and coming up with different excuses
and now the week before another bridesmaid decides to back out because she has “ too many bills” and can’t afford to get her plane ticket and pay for the activities, once again another bridesmaid offered to help her and told her to just get her plane ticket and she’d figure out the rest and she suddenly kept coming up with other bills she has due so how she can’t pay for her plane ticket, keep in mind she known about this for months and could of been saving up for my bach which clearly she didn’t. and now last minute she can’t gowhat would you guys do if you were in my shoes? i don’t even know how to say or how to feel because this whole process has been so stressful and people just don’t surprise me anymore