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Beginner July 2022

Bach Party Issues

Ashley, on September 13, 2022 at 8:58 AM Posted in Parties and Events 0 14
So my bach is next week
from the beginning i had one bridesmaid back out due to “ money issues “ which honestly felt like a bunch of crap because other bridesmaids even tried and offered to help her pay for part of it and she kept refusing and coming up with different excuses
and now the week before another bridesmaid decides to back out because she has “ too many bills” and can’t afford to get her plane ticket and pay for the activities, once again another bridesmaid offered to help her and told her to just get her plane ticket and she’d figure out the rest and she suddenly kept coming up with other bills she has due so how she can’t pay for her plane ticket, keep in mind she known about this for months and could of been saving up for my bach which clearly she didn’t. and now last minute she can’t gowhat would you guys do if you were in my shoes? i don’t even know how to say or how to feel because this whole process has been so stressful and people just don’t surprise me anymore


Latest activity by Jacks, on September 14, 2022 at 4:10 PM
  • A
    Beginner July 2022
    Ashley ·
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    MOH also got a surprise gift for all the girls, should we still give them theirs or just keep the extras
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  • Kelly
    Super October 2023
    Kelly ·
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    You don't know everything about their financial situations, so be gentle. Something could have come up that you don't know about. It's also possible they don't want to share all the details with you or the other bridesmaids.

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  • A
    Beginner July 2022
    Ashley ·
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    Which i 100% understand but the first one literally has been on other trips and constantly came up with different excuses as to why she couldn’t go
    the second one i understand we all have bills but she’s always had these bills so if she agreed to go on this trip why wouldn’t she save up instead of the week before saying she can’t go because of her bills
    idk, am i being too mean?
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  • Kelly
    Super October 2023
    Kelly ·
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    It's possible that things have come up for them they didn't anticipate. It can be embarrassing for some people, so they may come up with excuses. I know I do it. Also, if money really is an issue, offering to pay for some of the trip might not be enough. It's possible these other trips were paid for in advance or by someone else. They're your friends, so they want to be there for you. I think you should accept what they're saying and tell them you'll miss them.

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  • G
    Dedicated September 2023
    Grace ·
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    I agree with Kelly. Money is a tough topic, and not everyone is good at managing it. Personally, (and it's easier said than done) I'd recommend focusing on having a great time with those who can join you! Overthinking about this is only going to create friction in your relationships. It's too hard to know why they can't do it, but I'm sure they'd really appreciate you respecting that they can't go. A simple "I'm going to miss you!" and proceeding to have a great time with your other friends will keep the stress minimal for you. Money is so tricky and reading into their spending habits ends well for no one. I hope you have a great time with your other friends!!

    As far as the gifts, I'd still give them to them, but maybe afterwards? That way the gifts are still a surprise for those attending. I'm sure you'll have a great time!

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  • Michael
    Master October 2023
    Michael ·
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    Maybe also they disliked the plans for the party. The planned activity and destination may be too much additional tasks leading to your wedding. It was nice that other bridesmaids offered to help, but that might not be enough incentive.

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  • Sharon
    Super September 2021
    Sharon ·
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    No matter how close you are to someone you don't know their full financial story. Finances can be very a personal and touchy subject. Maybe some unexpected expenses came up, Maybe they thought they'd be in better financial shape by now. Who knows?
    Truthfully, bachelorette parties have gotten very expensive on top of all the other expenses associated with being in a wedding. Just because someone backs out it doesn't mean they don't love and support the bride. Sometimes it's a practical decision not a personal one.
    I personally wouldn't feel comfortable having someone else lay out the money for me so I don't blame them for not accepting the offer.I know you're hurt but try to be understanding of your friends situations.
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I think you are being too harsh. You should never assume someone's financial situation no matter how close you are to that person. It's very possible that they are just poor planners or something unexpected happened that they don't feel comfortable discussing. I would just drop it and move on.
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  • Bailey
    Expert October 2023
    Bailey ·
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    It sounds like maybe they just decided going wasn't best for them. Whether that means they don't want to go, are too tired, emotionally spent, etc. It may be about the money, or it may be simply they don't want to go and there isn't much you can do to negate that unfortunately.

    I am doing a destination (albeit, relatively inexpensive) destination bach and I gave the girls 1 year of save $350...LOL. It sounds like you did something similar - so while incredibly frustrating because you gave a big heads up, I would let it go.

    Doing a destination bachelorette you have to accept that some people simply may not feel like going! And that doesn't mean they love you any less, or are any less of a friend.

    Edit: for a friends bach last year, we went out of the city so I guess it was a destination? And one of the girls she invited did what your friend did- said it was about money so I offered to pay for her flight. She still declined and said, "I'm sorry, I just don't really want to go." so consider your friends may not feel comfortable telling you the real reason because they don't want to hurt you. Happens a lot!

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  • mrswinteriscoming
    VIP December 2021
    mrswinteriscoming ·
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    Unless you are in a position to pay for everyone's costs, you are not in a position to judge your friends for not being able to make the trip for monetary reasons, regardless of whether they "had time to save" or have chosen to attend vacations recently.

    People are entitled to spend their hard earned cash how and when they want to, and even if some of your invitees originally said they would be able to come, that does not mean that subsequently their circumstances haven't changed rendering them unable to go through with it.

    The only thing that should be done now is to kindly acknowledge that they are unable to make it and move on.

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  • Jacks
    Champion November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Your wedding party aren't obligated to go on trips to celebrate your upcoming wedding. They had other priorities, it seems. You don't get to determine what is important enough for them to spend money on.

    Destination bachelorettes are problematic in this way, because you're asking them to spend time and money on something you want to do.

    Maybe see if they want to get together as a group for dinner or lunch or something.

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  • S
    Just Said Yes May 2023
    Serra ·
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    This is something similar I'm going through with my MOH. It seems as though the rest of my bridesmaids are more involved with planning and ideas than she is. She hasn't attended one single event like picking out my wedding dress, or accessory shopping, helping with bridal shower, decorations etc. She's already her limits with my bach party. I don't expect anything from these girls, but when i asked her to be my maid of honor she knew what she was signing up for. For her wedding I did everything, even with 3 months notice til the date! But money is a really touchy subject for people. Im laying back and if they want to do stuff for me then they will. If not, then they won't.

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  • T
    Dedicated July 2017
    ti ·
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    I think the ladies and gentlemen above are talking a lot of sense here.

    Whilst this must be very disappointing and frustrating for you, unless you are willing to cover the cost of people attending your bachelorette party/hen do you do have to accept that people may not be able to come or may have to back out last minute.

    Equally, if the ladies aren't accepting help with money it may be that there are other things going on that are making them feel uncomfortable about coming. It could be mental/physical health issues, pregnancy, fertility treatment, recent miscarriage that you don't know about it, it could be family or relationship problems, it could be that their work won't let them take the time off.

    Of course, in an ideal world people would have told you in advance that they can't come. I get that, this must be very difficult for you emotionally to have people dropping out last minute.

    But it happens and be prepared because it will probably happen at your wedding too. We had 4 people drop out 24 hours before the wedding... and also about 6 turn up who never RSVPed lol

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  • Jacks
    Champion November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    When she agreed to be MOH, she agreed to buy a dress and stand with you during the ceremony. That's all. A position in a wedding party is a chance for you to honour them, not the other way around. Your wedding is months away, maybe consider lowering your expectations in order to preserve your friendship. I like your idea of laying back and then people can do what they are capable of doing at this time.

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