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Beginner October 2022

“Because they don’t like you”

Silver, on May 1, 2021 at 11:48 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 21
My boyfriend and I had talked about getting married for a couple years now. And he’s always made up excuses as to why he hasn’t proposed yet.
Tonight I found out the real answer.

His mother and sister don’t like me. To me, they have zero reason to not like me. I’ve always been respectful and helpful, I just also happen to be shy. I’ve never hurt my boyfriend (unlike previous girlfriends). What I think brought this on, is that anytime my boyfriend and I have a fight, he tells them about it. So they’ve formed this horrible picture of me that’s not even remotely true. One of them actually said that they could see me spit in his face during a fight!!! I have never in my life! I would never in my life! That’s like the most disrespectful thing you can do.
Anyways, he and I had a long discussion. But he decided to propose anyways and wants to talk to his family about it next week. Now I’m in an awkward situation because I thought things with me and his family were great, but now that I know the truth, it’s going to be crazy awkward. I don’t want to resent them but I hate what these people think of me.


Latest activity by Reasie, on June 8, 2021 at 11:49 PM
  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    I think the bigger issue is your bf gave you excuses for TWO YEARS to stall and he keeps airing his dirty laundry to his family, knowing it taints their perception of you.

    Side note, do you fight often?
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  • Catherine
    Expert March 2023
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    I think you need to have a conversation with your boyfriend about what he should and shouldn’t share with his family. I understand having a safe space to go after a fight. But maybe he could get a therapist or a friend to explain his feelings to instead of his family. My fiancé never tells his family about our arguments. If you two are arguing often, that’s also another thing you should be talking about. Maybe going to couples counseling would be a smart thing to do.
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  • Silver
    Beginner October 2022
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    Our last major fight was a year ago. That’s the one that the family won’t let go. We really don’t fight that much. I think I’m the 3.5 years we’ve been together we have had two big fights.
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  • Silver
    Beginner October 2022
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    He said he didn’t have anyone to talk to. His dad died 6 years ago and so unfortunately, he only has women in his family that he can confide in. I’m sure you know how malicious women can be.
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  • Katie
    VIP August 2021
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    I agree with this. He shouldn't be telling them about your fights. And nobody elses thoughts on his girlfriend should make him put his life with you on hold. The only time I seen guys put their life with their girlfriend on hold because of what others thought about her is when he was questioning whether they were right about his girlfriend.

    I think you need to have a discussion with him about how he shouldn't be airing out your guys dirty laundry.
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  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
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    It doesn't matter. You never ever talk to family about fights, or anyone else really for that matter. Fights should stay between the couple as much as possible, or with a counselor if necessary
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  • Samantha
    VIP October 2022
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    Do you want to marry someone you have to convince?
    That is not going to be a happy life.
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  • Rea
    Devoted November 2017
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    What Samantha said.
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  • E
    Super July 2023
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    This, 100%.

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  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    If I were in your position, I wouldn't marry him.

    Red flag #1: he tells his family about your fights. It is unlikely this habit will go away. With serious discussion and counseling, he may be able to understand why this is a toxic habit, but the moment he gets into a heated situation with you, this will go out the window and he'll "vent" to his mom and sister again.

    Red flag #2: he has used his own poisoning of his family as the reason he didn't propose.

    Red flag #3: you had to have a discussion to convince him to propose to you.

    It WILL be crazy awkward. My in-laws hate me (due to religious belief differences), the feelings are mutual (they are terrible people and I wouldn't want them to like me anyway), and whenever I have to interact with them, I am uncomfortable and the hatred is palpable. I generally find excuses to avoid them entirely, and in the last 6-7 years I have seen/spoken to them maybe twice. But I never had to convince my husband to marry me, and he doesn't care at all what his family thinks of me - and he doesn't talk to them about me or our relationship, because his own relationship with them is not good, either.

    Take this advice as you will. But you should know that you deserve to marry someone who has zero hesitations about marrying you, and you deserve in-laws whose opinion of you hasn't been poisoned.

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  • Apryl
    Devoted March 2022
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    Samantha hit the nail on the head.

    Also do want to marry someone that doesn't understand that certain things need to stay between you two.
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  • Katie
    VIP August 2021
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    Absolutely agree with this. You shouldn't ever have to convince someone to marry you. They should want to marry you because they truly love you, not because they are tired of listening to you nag them about getting married.
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  • Silver
    Beginner October 2022
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    Well they were legit excuses like he wasn’t ready at the time and that he didn’t have a ring and it felt wrong to propose without one. Like those were understandable. A year later, he felt ready and bought a ring. But when he told his family, two weeks before he planned to propose, they told him how they really felt and he was taken aback. He wanted them to be happy for them but they just weren’t so he was hurt and confused. Regardless he did propose despite what they thought.
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  • Silver
    Beginner October 2022
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    There was no convincing or nagging. He didn’t propose to just make me happy. He proposed because he wanted to, but he had some hesitancy because he wasn’t expecting his family to feel so strongly against it.
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  • Jessi
    Super October 2022
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    I tell my mom and my friends about fights my fiancé and I have, that fact doesn't mean in itself that your SO isn't worth marrying. The part that is problematic is that because he has gone to them, his family has made their assumption of who you are based on your fights, which isn't fair to you or your bf. I think at this point, the best thing that could happen is your bf having a heart to heart with his family and letting them know that what he said was all in the moment and that he let it get too far by telling them everything in that light.

    I tell my mom all sorts of stuff, but I make sure to occasionally throw in that I'm just venting and that things truly aren't bad. I work my thoughts out by talking, so normally by the end of our conversation I'll be thinking totally different stuff than when it started. This may have been what he was missing. He meant to just get some stuff off of his chest, and they ran with it.

    I'll say as well, my MIL HATED me when my fiancé and I started dating, I even walked into the room as she was trying to tell him to get rid of me. You don't have to have an amazing relationship with his family - you can suffice with a cordial, polite relationship if you're both okay with that. At this point, if his family isn't ready to invite you in with open arms, just do what you can to keep things light and let him deal with them. His talking started this, so he should be the one to make the moves to reconcile, not you.

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  • Silver
    Beginner October 2022
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    And he is making the moves to reconcile. He’s been having conversations with her and resolving any concerns that she has from him telling her all of that. Like you said, he was in the heat of the moment and wanted someone to talk to. But he’s agreed now that what happens between us stays with us. He realizes it was completely unfair and what it’s now done to my confidence level with them.

    His mom’s a VERY particular women and a doctor on top of that, so she was always hard to figure out. Both he and I are nurses and I wonder if she’s also not thrilled that he’s not engaged to a doctor or if it’s “no one will ever be good enough for my baby boy” type deal. His whole family are doctors so we often feel like the odd ones out haha
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  • M
    Expert April 2021
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    I had a very similar situation with my first true boyfriend. (I had dated people before, but this was the first person I was in a serious long-term relationship with. At the start of the relationship I was 19 and he was 22.) We had started dating in September; he spent Thanksgiving with my family and I spent Christmas with his. When I was there everything was good and they really seemed to like me. And they legitimately did. The boyfriend and I didn't really fight, but we had small disagreements and I wasn't shy about letting him know when something was bothering me. However, every single time we had even the smallest of disagreements or I was bothered by something he would call his mom and talk to her about it.

    Not once did he ever call to say that things were going great with us or talk about something nice I had done. (Not to toot my own horn, but I put on a massive surprise party for him for his 23rd birthday that included a ton of our friends from the line dancing community. I had given a friend a key to my house so the friends could gather there while I took him out to dinner and then surprise him when we got back to my house. He has a TON of food allergies and I specifically baked a regular cake for guests and an allergy-friendly cake for him that was actually really good. He cried because of how happy he was and literally spent months thanking me for doing that for him. But did he even mention this to anyone in his family? Nope.)

    Since his family lived 3 hours away and he spoke to them on the phone when I wasn't there, I had no idea that their perception of me had changed. A few months after his birthday his parents and sister came down to visit. He asked me to sit out dinner with him so he could spend some time with just his family because he didn't get to see them in person very often (cool, I get it, that's fine). Then I met up with him to go to line dancing and his family met us there. Things were..... very strange. I tried talking to them and they were cold and distant, only giving single word answers and making no effort to hold a conversation with me. This is the exact opposite of how Christmas went and I was hurt and confused. After they left town the next day I asked him if he had any idea what was going on and he told me how he only really talked to them about me when things weren't perfect and they now hated me. I had never hurt or abused him, so I was understandably flabbergasted at how their opinion of me had changed so much especially when they never even interacted with me aside from when I was staying with them for Christmas.

    I broke up with him a few months later for mostly unrelated reasons. I'd be lying, however, if I tried to say that his family now hating me didn't play into it at all. When I broke up with him he mentioned that he was already looking for a ring for me. (Maybe he thought I was breaking up with him because he hadn't proposed yet? I don't know...) That knowledge sat with me for a while and I just couldn't stop thinking about how I would have felt if we hadn't broken up and I married someone whose family hated me. It would have been horrible for me.

    You're not me, so your decision and thought process won't be the same as mine. All I can do is pass on my experience and what I learned about myself in that process. If you really do feel like he is your person and you both absolutely want to move forward with a life together, then there are some discussions that you'll really need to have. You'll have to come to an agreement on what things can be shared freely and what needs to stay between you guys or be shared only with a professional or other completely unbiased party. If you want a good relationship with his mom and sister, then you'll need to figure out the best way to move forward to try to make that happen. However, they are their own people and don't have to have a relationship with you if they don't want to. If they are unwilling, is that something you could be okay with? Are you able to acknowledge the awkwardness but not let it take over or try to talk about it every time you see them? There are really a lot of factors at play here. My best advice would be to take the time you need to really figure out if this can work for you guys. And I would suggest figuring that out before moving forward with any wedding planning.

    I absolutely wish and hope the best for you. These situations are never fun and I'm so sorry that's where you are now. Best of luck, and my thoughts and prayers are with you!

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  • Ana
    Beginner June 2020
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    This is a tough one. You need to set boundaries with him. He needs to stop telling his family about your issues because that's exactly what happens. They will judge you and have a negative attitude towards you. Also he needs to remember this...once you get married. You are the most important person in his life and not his family. Hope it all works out.
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  • M
    VIP August 2021
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    I come from an immediate family of 6 doctors and they don't make others feel like shite. They think you are so low you can spit onto your fiancés face? This makes me wonder how your man speaks about you.
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  • Florida Marlins
    Expert October 2017
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    "But he decided to propose anyways and wants to talk to his family about it next week."

    GIRL! RUN GIRL RUN!!!! He has to talk it over with his family? The family that does not like you because of HIS oversharing? BREAK UP NOW AND DO NOT LOOK BACK. I am 56, I have seen a lot of stuff (including a lot of stuff like this) and it NEVER ends well. He won't respect boundaries, he does NOT respect you or your relationship. Trust me and good luck!

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