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Dedicated March 2020

Bestman dilemma

Erica, on January 17, 2020 at 10:21 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 32
Hello lovelies! So My future husband and I have a slight dilemma. My grooms best man is a serial dater (not the problem). But when we sent the save the date he was dating a girl whom he had been with for 6 months and we hand hung out with her a few times so we were fine when he asked if he could bring her. However he broke it off with her shortly after. So we gave his plus one to a family member we had on the “waiting list” essentially since we had already hit our cap and assumed he would not be bringing someone else. We sent out the invites and the best man called wondering why he only had 1 seat reserved. He then told my groom that 2 months ago he started dating someone and he had already purchased plane tickets for her and accommodations (it’s a destination wedding). We have never meet this girl and my groom feels his friend probably won’t be with this girl for long since the best man doesn’t want a serious relationship. So my FH told him it would be weird to have her at the main table, in our wedding photos and that we’d have to pay additional cost for her. The best man agreed it would be weird but still pushed that it would put him out if we don’t include her. My groom also suggested that there was no issue to have her attend the welcome drinks event at the wedding after party, just not the main event...but the best man still pushed back. With A small amount of time till the wedding, I’m stressed about what to do. We have a relatively small bridal party and we’ve known all of our friends in the bridal party for 10+ years and all of their spouses have been around for a long time (which is why we decided to have everyone at the main table) and we’re all friends except for this random lady he wants to bring. We’re trying to find a compromise by asking if we could sit her at another table just during the dinner part of the this unreasonable???? (Sorry for the long novel)


Latest activity by Hope, on January 26, 2020 at 1:26 PM
  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
    Kristen ·
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    Sorry this is not his wedding but yours and to me plus 1's are reserved for serious relationships. In this case he just started dating this girl and it is not bad he wants her to go but not to sit at the main table. My only suggestion is that he does not sit at the main table so he can sit with her but realistically I am not sure what he was thinking. He should have asked since the original plus one was for his ex and since he does not want to be in a serious relationship he should not be inviting this woman to a wedding let alone a destination wedding as that to me is something you do for a serious commitment. Either say she cannot attend as she is not in the final plan or he can have her come but he sits with her but not her at the main table. That is just me.

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  • Shelly
    Devoted January 2021
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    I would invite her and think it’s kind of rude not to. I know 2 months isn’t a long time but if this is FH best friend he should give him a plus one. Especially since they are traveling.
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  • Nicole
    Master September 2020
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    Any person in a relationship, whether you deem it serious or not, should be included in the invitation. A couple is a social unit and should be treated as such. Plus one's are for truly single guests. Even if you go against etiquette and do not offer to host a person's significant other, the wedding party should always be given a plus one or have their SO invited, as they are supposed to be your nearest and dearest. It's rude to ask them to come celebrate your love and relationship (for a destination wedding, no less!) and in the same sentence tell them that you are not validating their relationship. You never know, he may fall for this girl and end up marrying her. I didn't want a serious relationship when I met my FH, but now we're 6 months out from our wedding. I say you include her in your guest list and give her a place at the head table with all of the other wedding party members and their SOs.

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  • Nicole
    Super October 2021
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    I think the compromise it to invite her but like you said sit her at a different table not the head table. But then you should give him the option to sit at the head table or sit with her wherever she ends up (because I personally hate being separated from FH at weddings).

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  • Joanna
    Dedicated October 2020
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    Oh my gosh, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this!

    The best man is being selfish. This is not his wedding, it's yours! I think the two of you need to look at your numbers, and remind him what you can and can't do. You are being flexible on allowing her to come, but that would be weird for someone random to be there at the main event when everyone else is already super close. Don't change your plans because of his temper tantrum. I understand that he is the best man, but this is your wedding. Both of you need to stand your ground.

    Good luck!

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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    I totally agree but I felt his situation was super odd. I am not even against a plus one ever but her sitting at the main table no. This is a slightly different situation ha ha ha. I hope he does not take this girl to a wedding and does not at least try to be serious but if it does not work out it does not work out. Just in case I say he can sit with her but not at the main table since all this happened a little bit last minute but I am kind of a jerk about moves like this. Not bringing plus ones but this dude not thinking to ask would it be cool to bring the new girlfriend and have her sit at the main table before buying tickets knowing that the offer was more for his ex. If they do not know her well not that she is not nice but would be odd for her at the main table but maybe not. I think I would be more understanding if they had the space and budget for her. Interesting situation.

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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
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    You have him a plus one, it’s super rude to revoke it. Plus ones are typically always given to the wedding party. It’s a lot to expect him to be in the wedding, travel there alone, and then sit alone at the head table with everyone else and their dates.
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  • Erica
    Dedicated March 2020
    Erica ·
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    You an I are on the completely same page! I just think if an invite is for an ex and they break up, you don’t substitute someone random in there and last minute.
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  • Cherry
    Expert February 2020
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    I do think that the reason he's pushing back is to save face: he already invited her. She has a plane ticket. How can he tell her no now?

    In his defense, he thought he had a plus one. If you guys didn't have a conversation with him after the breakup saying, "We thought you were bringing her but since you aren't, we're not giving you a plus one", then how would he have known he wasn't allowed to have one? I agree with Catlyn that it's a lot to expect him to fly to a destination wedding and sit alone while everyone else has their dates. Some people are fine going to D.W.s alone, but you should still give them the option to bring a date, just in case. I understand you don't want her in the photos or at the head table. I do think there's a good compromise here: Allow her to come and just don't sit her at the head table - that's your decision. If he wants to sit with her instead of the rest of the party, that should be his decision.

    Have you gotten all of your responses yet? I've been getting back my RSVPs and there are a few people who can't make it out - that frees up a few spaces. You'd be surprised at how many people say they are DEFINITELY coming and then when it's time to RSVP, they back out. Things come up. So you may have the extra space for her.

    Also, you never know, she could be The One. Even though the chance is slim, it could happen. And if that's the case, she will end up being a friend for a long time to come. You wouldn't want to start that relationship off on a bad foot.

    Groom: "Oh, you remember Erica and her husband?" ...

    Long-Term girlfriend: "Oh, you mean the ones who wouldn't let me come to their wedding even after you bought me a plane ticket?" LOL that would be crazy. Smiley xd

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  • Erica
    Dedicated March 2020
    Erica ·
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    You make a very valid point. We’re totally fine with her coming, we are just going to try and hope he understands our request to seat her at another table. In the scheme of things we want him to have a good time and understand that for now that means including her. So I think the happy compromise is that we eat the extra expense and she be seated at another table and he just doesn’t sit with her during the main pictures and dinner. With the rest of the night free to do whatever.

    Thank you for your input lovely!!!
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  • Cherry
    Expert February 2020
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    That sounds pretty reasonable! I think it's great you're still allowing her to come. Now if only he will compromise with you!! Good luck girl!

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  • Sherry
    Master September 2019
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    Regardless of how you feel about it, I would still give him a plus 1, whoever it may be at the time. Anyone in a relationship should get a plus 1, new or old but just make sure that he understands that although she is welcome at the wedding, she will not be included in the main table seating or formal photos or included in any wedding activities that are for the bridal party only. If he pushes back on that, I would inform him that it is not his wedding nor is the issue up for further discussion. If he wants to step down as best man, you understand and welcome him and his plus 1 as a guest.

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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    Right I feel he should have at least asked but not assume and now for him to push back is not cool. I mean I do get that he is allowed a plus one and I am not even mad that she is a new girlfriend but considering that the old one was going to come I would have asked. I am not sure how I feel about her being included at the main table but considering it is a destination wedding I would have asked before purchasing a ticket. I would suggest having let him know in advance that his plus 1 has been given a way but truth be told I would not have thought to have said that lol.

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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    This is kind of my thoughts. Not too bothered about the plus one rather that he expects her to sit at the main table with you all and you do not know her. She could be nice but I like your idea of eating the expenses but maybe they both sit separate from the main table. I would not want to be alone but if he pushes back about the main table I think your FH needs to put him in his place and let him know that even though he assumed that he still had the plus 1 open they purchased the tickets without asking if that would be ok she sit there or any of that. I can see the confusion about the plus one but I felt he is wrong to assume she will sit with the rest of you all and not have checked but that is just me.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP August 2021
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    I do agree that it was rude of him to just invite her without asking (since you guys invited girlfriend 1 by name, not the new girl). But good for you for being cool about it and inviting her still! Smiley smile

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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
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    You guys should have reached out to the best man when he broke up with his previous girlfriend and let him know you were giving her spot to a family member. He wasn't entirely wrong to assume he had a date to the wedding still (although he probably could have asked you to double check when things went south with his ex, especially if she was specifically named on the invite). At least him proactively getting a flight for his new girl shows he's planning ahead. There was definitely a missed communication at some point though.

    If he is unable to cancel her flight for a refund or full credit, I would find a way to include her because I feel the communication misstep is as much on you as it is him, and it sounds like you are willing to do that, which is awesome. I do think it's reasonable to not want a person you have never met before at your head table. Would you consider doing a sweetheart table and sitting your entire bridal party separately or intermixed with your other guests? Or is it really important that your best man is at the head table? Sitting her by herself isn't a great option if she won't know any other guests.

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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
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    I mean, generally you should invite people’s SOs, however you guys didn’t even know she existed until after you finished your guest list and sent out invitations, so that’s really his fault not yours. Why would he buy plane tickets to your wedding for a girl that he hasn’t even told you about yet?

    I think it would be very nice of you to include her IF it’s possible for you, space-wise. But if you’re at your venue’s capacity then either oh well for him, or you can add her once someone declines.
    Also, regarding having her at your table...... I totally get where you’re coming from, and I’d be annoyed too, but I really don’t know if there’s a way to leave her out of the table without reeeeally hurting your FH’s friendship with this guy which, I assume he doesn’t want to do. Honestly, you will be so full of love and happiness and surrounded by people you love that you probably won’t even notice her being there or at least won’t care. Trust me, things like this are A LOT bigger of a deal when you think about them in theory...... once you get there on your wedding day, nothing is as big a deal as you think it will be.
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  • Julie
    Dedicated February 2020
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    You gave him a plus one to begin with, and it sounds like you revoked it without even telling him. If he's flying to a destination wedding, and in the wedding, he should definitely get to bring a date. Additionally, relationships should be accommodated for. I'm not sure if you knew about her before the invitations had been sent out, but if so, it's incredibly rude not to invite her.

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  • Jennifer
    Master September 2018
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    Girl... I hear you about the serial dater, H's best friend is one of them and he is 45 we never know who he is going to bring where. But... we did give him a plus one to our wedding because he ALWAYS has a girl … having said that it's really your decision not his. I get that he made the mistake and bought the plane ticket but that is not your issue. It would be nice of you to keep the original plan and give him the plus one, since he is a best friend.

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  • Erica
    Dedicated March 2020
    Erica ·
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    I totally agree that it is a communication misstep for sure. My groom went on the assumption that he wasn’t dating anyone as he did not hear about this new girl until only a few days ago when all of this came up. We have no problem with her attending and just sitting somewhere other than the main table. However I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request. I also do not wish to change our wedding party table seating and information which we already turned in and determined especially since the best man did not pass along the information he was planning to bring someone and only just asked my groom “hey do I still have a plus one”? To which my groom replied “I think we gave the seat to a waiting family member, let me get back to you” and the best man apparently booked everything in the 4 days waiting for confirmation.
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