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Beginner September 2022

Can i ban a particular +1?

Alexandra, on August 8, 2022 at 2:13 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 17

Our wedding is only about 20-24 guests- my close family, my fiancé's close family, and three of my fiancés friends (I moved from NY to NC so I only have family coming from NY). His friends are 1. engaged (met and love the girl!), 2. married (have not met wife, but excited to meet her!) and 3. single. I say this to emphasize how intimate this wedding is. It is so important to us that our wedding is intimate.

The single friend wants to bring his trashy EX. They dated maybe a year and broke up over a year ago. She cheated on him and then broke up with him so she can "have fun" being single. She is VERY promiscuous. My fiancé has always hated her and was transparent about this during and after their relationship. He has not seen her since before they broke up. I have never met her (my fiancé and I met after they broke up).

My fiancé wants to straight up tell him he cannot bring her but I think he should not.

It is party our fault. On our wedding website, we made the RSVP follow up question "Please write the name of any additional guests you will be bringing". We did this because my sisters have complicated relationships- one of my sister's boyfriends has commitment issues and the other my mother confided in me my sister is breaking up with soon. I didn't know how to handle the +1 situation for either of those (where to write the boyfriends' names, write +1, etc.). I didn't want to write +1 as if requesting to spend the money to fly their boyfriends to the wedding (we live very far). We thought it would be fine because there was no way he would bring that lunatic. He RSVPd and wrote her name. We were shocked and horrified.

This friend is also his coworker, so he knows he's been trying to get back with her but she will not have him. They are definitely not together and have only seen each other in February then May since breaking up.

My fiance says she is extremely attention-needy and inappropriate. She wore a crop top to their (my fiancé and his friend) law school graduation. She is one of those girls who is obsessed with social media and posts photos and videos of herself doing sexy things every day. I don't even have any social media but I found her. She is nasty. She even talks about stealing people's men, being promiscuous and having an onlyfans, obsessing over her own body, and other very graphic, vulgar sexual exploitation of herself. I REALLY don't want her at my wedding. I will actually cry if she acts this way at my wedding. The first moment I see her in person will be while I walk down the aisle. That is a VERY difficult pill to swallow. It is the most important day of my life, under God, with my soul mate, and I really feel that the devil is close to this woman and that thought horrifies me.

My fiancé will do anything including telling her no, but I am the one stopping him. What should we/he do? He said he is definitely at least telling him that she will be asked to leave immediately if she is dressed like a s**t.

Should we leave it at that? Should he ask him to skip the ceremony and only attend the reception? Should he politely say something like "this is an intimate event and it would be uncomfortable to have a stranger to (me) at our wedding".

Please note that my fiancé is an awesomely strange man. He keeps telling me he does not care if this ends a friendship as long as she is not there. I am the only one stopping him. He likes his friend, but he has never cared about friendship much, especially now that he has me. I know that sounds harsh, but we are just one of those couples that has to try really hard to care about friends and value relationships with other people (other than each other and some family) very little. That is just how we are. They have been friends for years and work together and he likes him on a surface level, but it doesn't feel right to have a huge negative feeling on the most important day of our lives just to make him happy.

How can we deal with this while balancing making our wedding how WE want and what makes US happy with treating other decently? Any sneaky tricks you can think of to get rid of her without having to end the friendship?


Latest activity by Michelle, on August 9, 2022 at 3:27 PM
  • Bailey
    Expert October 2023
    Bailey ·
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    So, I'm sympathetic but also a little confused. You said it's incredibly important that your ceremony is intimate, so why did you:

    made the RSVP follow up question "Please write the name of any additional guests you will be bringing".

    When you could've just put your sisters + 1? Or communicated to your sisters that their husband/boyfriend/spouse was permitted? Because you did that, this is a super grey area. You may not like her, but you gave her (boyfriend?) the loophole. It will be extremely rude to not invite her because you are permitting other spouses. That being said:

    You obviously have extremely strong feelings about this woman, so you may not care about coming off rude to her (which is neither here nor there). If your FH is okay with telling her she can't come, what's stopping you? I'm just not sure I see your hang-up!

    Edit: if your spouse doesn't really value his relationship much, then double I don't see the hang-up. If I was in your exact shoes, I would tell him that you're so happy he can attend but that she is not permitted simply due to the intimacy of the wedding and you apologize for the misleading wording on your site. If he gets upset, so be it!

  • Alexandra
    Beginner September 2022
    Alexandra ·
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    Yea I messed up with that, but it was because he was literally THE ONLY person we didn't want to tell "bring whoever you'd like!" We figured he would never want to bring her so we thought we were safe writing that so anyone else (family) can bring whoever. We trust every other guest to only bring decent people and we trusted him too because she is THAT awful. Also felt awkward giving my sisters a +1 because I wasn't supposed to know my little sister was breaking up with her boyfriend so it felt awkward and my older sister has been with her bf so much longer than I have known my fiancé so I think it is a sore subject that her bf might not travel with her after over a year of dating while mine proposed after a few months. I didn't want it to be like "your bf is coming with you right?" if he wasn't, on the other hand didn't want to not give her a +1 as if I don't want him there. Idk fiancé and I are awkward people lol.

    Thanks! It actually is really helpful that you see the rudeness and still think it makes sense to just let fiancé tell friend no lol. It seems logical even though it's rude. Your response is very helpful, thanks!

  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    A plus one is a plus one, given to truly single people. If these two aren't an established couple, then you don't need to extend an invite to her.

    Your FH feels the same it sounds like, so he can tell his friend that it won't be possible to accommodate that person as his +1 at your very small wedding. It would be honestly totally different if she was his girlfriend, luckily she's not.

  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    Unfortunately I think you are kind of stuck with her coming as you don't really get to pick someone's plus one. Also is it even guaranteed she will agree to come with him? He could have RSVP'd for her without even asking.
  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    I consider gossip of the devil. You know too much about her even though you've never met her. Getting married doesn't make you the authority on relationships. Let your FH handle it if he chooses, but as they're coworkers this disinvite can affect present and future work relationships. As they're not in a current relationship, maybe it won't be so incredibly offensive to this man's discretion and taste in friends/ lovers.
  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
    Cece ·
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    I don’t understand why you invited the friend in the first place. You said it is incredibly important for you to keep your wedding intimate, yet you invited someone that your fiancé only likes “on a surface level” and who you say he could care less if he ruins the friendship with. Then you then allowed him to choose a plus one… but now want to revoke it. Add to that the fact that this post is dripping with greater than thou judgment. Who cares if this girl dresses provocatively or if she is promiscuous- it has nothing to do with you. And it is also none of your business what happened in their relationship – if he is willing to forgive her and move on, then that’s all that matters. I am actually appalled that you or your fiancé would tell someone they were not invited if they dressed like a s**t!!!
    The only polite thing to do would be to respect his wishes and honor your invitation to him and whoever he chooses as a plus one- and to be gracious and inviting to whoever it may be. However, based on your post, I don’t know that either of you have the ability to be gracious and non-judgemental; so if that’s the case, I would revoke the invitation to the friend altogether and save him the humiliation of attending a wedding of someone who doesn’t care about his friendship and doesn’t respect his choices.
  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    💯👏 Cece. The coworker & friend would be better off skipping such a toxic, judgmental evening.

  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
    Sarah ·
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was completely appaled by this post. I also don't understand why this friend even made the guest list if they aren't really good friends.
  • Nicole
    Savvy October 2022
    Nicole ·
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    Yikes, this is harsh. I would rather someone tell me I wasn't welcomed than to show up and get side eye all night as if I'm not supposed to be there. For my wedding not everyone got a plus one but those who did I'm not questioning who they are bringing and why. I relinquished that control when I gave them the option of a +1.

    My advice is let your FH handle it, admit the mistake when allowing people to add in their plus ones and be apologetic because honestly the girl and his guy friend did nothing wrong in this situation. Best of luck!

  • E
    Devoted February 2023
    Elycia ·
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    You don't even know this woman and feel comfortable making an entire post talking about how horrible she is, calling her a sl**, and claiming the devil is in her because she likes social media and is confident in her sexuality. I truly cannot with the judgement, it is 2022, get over yourself. My best friend wore a crop top to her own law school graduation, why on Earth do you care what she wore as a guest? This is such weird and petty behavior.
    If you dont want her at the wedding just dont let her come, but I'd really re-evaluate why you find this girl so horrible when you and your fiance are the ones saying horrible things about someone you barely even know.

  • E
    Devoted February 2023
    Elycia ·
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    Thank you, I was disgusted at every new sentence. Like wow, I cant imagine being this judgemental.

  • Alexandra
    Beginner September 2022
    Alexandra ·
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    She has A LOT to say on social media. I have only hear my fiancé talk about her, nobody else. Not gossip.

  • Alexandra
    Beginner September 2022
    Alexandra ·
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    Update! My hero of a fiancé ignored me telling him not to say anything and straight up told his friend we don't want her there.

    What do any of you care that I don't want a particular type of person at my wedding? I don't want to surround myself with immoral people on my wedding day. That is my prerogative. You say I think I am better than thou, but don't you think you have that attitude toward me? I don't care what this girl does with her life (although I wish she would make better choices and follow Jesus), but I do care about people of low character being anywhere near me on my wedding day.

    Thank you Jacks for being the only one who understands that it is my wedding and my choice.

    By the way, I bet many of you are the same type of people who say people cannot invite children. So people should have to leave the most important thing to them (child) with another person in order to attend your wedding, but immoral people are fair game? I can't realistically write the type of people I don't want on invitations like people write "no children" so I have no say?

    At first I felt awful about this, but seeing how toxic people are supporting this sort of immoral behavior reminds me just how important it is to keep that disgusting vibe away from my wedding- so thank you for that.

  • Michael
    Rockstar October 2023
    Michael ·
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    I can understand some of your concern here, but it seems you are overheated on this issue even where people are just giving some of their ideas. You are then trying to find problem with everyone here instead of just advancing the discussion. Try to be conciliatory rather than judgmental. Even if your concern is valid at some level, it should be worked out cordially with your FH. But is it really cordial or is it because he wants a little quiet? Please tone down your reaction for the sake of everyone. I hope this is more useful than harsh.

  • Alexandra
    Beginner September 2022
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    I am not overheated at all. These people are not giving ideas, they are simply attacking my logic. I do not care on a personal level that anyone disagrees, but I hope that someone who might understand me might gain something from my beliefs. To say I am the one being judgmental in THAT comment you quoted is so silly. I only say that I am entitled to my beliefs and point out that there is a major contradiction in their logic if they also don't want children at their wedding. The fact that you describe me s being heated and not the people name calling at me for caring about the characters at my own wedding is so ironic.

    Working out cordially with my fiancé ended with me wondering if there was a way out of this without him telling his friend no (like a trick- pretend some part of planning changed, or something like that). The only disagreement we have had was him insisting he simply tell his friend no and me insisting he does not. He did anyway. So I'm not sure why you would question if that is cordial.

  • Michael
    Rockstar October 2023
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    If your husband just had second thoughts about the plus one, that is fine. If she were there, it does not seem to be the end of the world either -- even if a bit unsettling. You would hardly encounter her more than for a passing moment. Also, if your FH was already close to making this change of mind, you have written quite a lot beforehand. (Sure it can be useful to vent in a safe area) Just stay peaceful. That's all. Expect that some things might not be ideal but be happy that other things work out to make the wedding special.

  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Nope, no sanctimonious sermons on WW, so I flagged you. But in the same spirit, I will delete my comment because it was unkind to call someone toxic.

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