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Dedicated September 2019

Did anyone accidentally find out their FH was gonna propose?

Heather , on February 22, 2017 at 12:13 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 108

Share your stories! Here's mine: so my fh got a text message and he told me to reply not realizing who it was. Earlier that day he and his best friend were texting about him being ready to propose and how he was gonna do it and the ring price, etc. I instantly got warm and couldn't stop smiling. I...

Share your stories! Here's mine: so my fh got a text message and he told me to reply not realizing who it was. Earlier that day he and his best friend were texting about him being ready to propose and how he was gonna do it and the ring price, etc. I instantly got warm and couldn't stop smiling. I felt bad that I knew but once he proposed it still felt special lol


  • Kay
    Super March 2017
    Kay ·
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    I knew when FH bought the ring. The day of, I said something like "if your gonna propose can you please not wear that t-shirt?" And he went home to change! But then on the drive he 100% convinced me that the ring hadn't come in yet even though he really wished it had.... so I kinda knew... but was still very VERY surprised.

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  • Kirsten
    Devoted June 2017
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    I somehow didn't figure it out, but I should've!!! He dropped me off at a store while he went Christmas shopping for me (got the ring) then his family seemed SUPER interested in our Christmas gift competition suddenly after 6 years, his sister was super obvious, etc. And apparently I missed lots of "shut up" looks behind my back for a couple days!!!! Looking back I can't believe I didn't even think anything was up!!!!

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  • NikNak
    Master September 2018
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    FH and I have been together 12 years and planned to be officially engaged before my thirtieth birthday (last November), so I knew it was coming, I just didn't know where/when. He had asked me what my dream proposal was, and I told him as long as it was the two of us, I didn't care if it happened in our living room. He ended up proposing on our annual trip with friends - this particular trip we stayed in a rental at the base of Mount Washington, so our moment happened in the tower room with panoramic views.

    I didn't find out until after he had taken my parents out for dinner a few weeks prior to ask for their blessings.

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  • Colleen
    Super April 2018
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    We had been talking about it for a few months. And I figured he would around Christmas or New Years. He had been acting weird but I didn't think anything of it. I kept asking him everytime we did something if he was proposing.

    One night we decided to go ice skating. And I thought it might be it. Well, he got stuck at work late so I was trying to tell him it was ok to not go ice skating. And he kept telling me no it was okay.

    Well, we get there and I thought I saw his friend but didn't think anything of it. I've met her once.

    Well I finally realized it was her. She's a photographer. So I kinda knew. The music changes from Christmas music to "marry me" by train. Then they call us to the center of the ice. He gets down on one knee. It was amazing.

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  • Ang
    Expert May 2018
    Ang ·
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    A couple months before Christmas 2015 I thought he was acting strange, and he kept saying things that seemed like hints. He'd constantly say "you're going to love your present!". I brushed it off, but then I accidentally saw a Facebook message he had sent telling his friend he was proposing on Christmas. It was killing me until that day ... and then nothing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. He could tell something was up with me though so then we wound up talking about it, and I told him that by the way he was acting and things he was saying I *thought* maybe... But I didn't tell him about the message. Anyway he tells me he had planned on it but a couple of big financial hits had happened around that time so it just wasn't possible anymore. But it was coming soon, he says. Fast forward a WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR and he finally proposed on Christmas. It was an agonizing year lol.

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  • KCJV
    Super February 2018
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    Yeah, I accidentally dragged him into Zale's and designed my own ring! Hahaha

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  • spring 2017
    Devoted May 2017
    spring 2017 ·
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    FH asked my dad's permission while they were in town visiting us. My dad of course said yes and welcomed him to the family. My dad then sent me a text. Um, dad... he hasn't asked ME yet.

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  • KisstheKochs
    Super September 2017
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    I had a feeling it was going to happen! When I was gone one weekend, he drove to my hometown, 3 hours away, to talk to my dad. Fast forward 3 months, my FH planned a surprise trip to Europe! Everyone and their brother kept saying it was going to happen. I didn't want to get my hopes up because he knew I was suspicious as well and I could totally see him waiting until the very end of after we were home since he knew I figured it was coming! We were on the island of Santorini (our first night there) and I was 100% surprised when it happened/when it was happening! It was one of those pinch me I'm dreaming moments! He hired s photographer to have pictures of it and then we got to go around Oia and take pictures for an hour. It was truly a dream come true!

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  • Dani
    Super October 2017
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    FH wanted a date night so we went out to dinner at our casual "go to" restaurant, and had plans for a movie after. My sister called while we are at dinner crying saying that her car broke down at Crowne Point (really awesome historical building in the gorge with a killer view) and needed FH to come look at it (he's a mechanic). So I said ok, we'd be there in about an hour or so. FH said "Sorry we won't make the movie, but at least we get to go on a fun adventure" which the way he said it was just oddly not in character. So I jokingly said "that's ok....unless you planned this whole thing". He has a horrible lying/guilty face, so that instantly gave it away. And since he wanted it to be a surprise, I didn't get it that night. I actually managed to figure out another proposal idea (accidentally) so it was a while before I got it. He ended up pulling over on the freeway under an overpass and proposing then. Not the most romantic, but that's ok. Very much like our general relationship lol.

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  • Girlonamission
    Devoted October 2017
    Girlonamission ·
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    This thread is so fun!

    I had no clue my FH was going to propose, but looking back I should have! On thanksgiving day he said his brakes were going bad and wanted to have my dad look at them. He said this twice. He was asking my dad for his blessing. Also, I had told him prior that whenever we got engaged, to make sure my nails are done! A week earlier he had my best friend take me out for a manicure! (She told me she won a gift card at work and had money to blow lol)

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  • nolalishak
    Master June 2017
    nolalishak ·
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    Yes like an hour before but i didnt know if was that day. My phone was acting up so i borrowed my sisters phone for a minute and saw a text pop up I wasn't supposed to see.

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  • R
    Devoted September 2017
    Rejie ·
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    Me and FH are long distance. We had talked about marriage and even started shopping for rings. My mom had talk to us about passing her engagement ring down to me and making it a family heirloom. I told my mom it was up to FH to decide. One day I noticed my mother only had her wedding band on ( her rings were soldered together). I figured FH would propose when I visited him in Hawaii. We also were going to a military ball while I was visiting. The night of the ball everything was so hectic that I forgot about my suspicions. He runs on stage and salutes his commanders then they gave him the mic and he asked me to marry him. A friend that was sitting next to me was holding my mothers ring in her hand, she gave it to me Then the Company Commander escorted me to the stage where he got on one knee and placed the ring on my finger.

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  • laurenh2704
    Expert November 2017
    laurenh2704 ·
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    Oh yes. FH isn't the best at keeping secrets from me so one night he told me he was going shopping with his mom for his dads birthday. I thought something was up but I brushed it off and didn't think about it again. Turns out that was the night him and his parents went and picked out my ring and bought it. I knew for sure when I went into the closet to get the laundry, and I always check pockets in case he leaves a pen or something (he's done this before and ruined half of his work clothes) and there was the receipt for the ring. I thought he was going to do it the morning of our anniversary because he made sure both of us took off work. But he didn't, he made a love book instead. So I was a little bummed out but really excited for the dinner and baseball game we had planned that night. He had all our friends in on it and they were all at the game, which is how he got the ring in. One of our friends came and picked it up while I was in the shower getting ready. He made sure to have my best friend there too for afterwards. It was still special because it was at the place where we had our first date, and he knows how much I love our baseball team so he knew it would be the perfect place.

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  • FutureFuji
    VIP September 2017
    FutureFuji ·
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    I had so many giveaways for mine!

    First off, we agreed before he moved in that he had 1 year to propose once we did. He planned an elaborate birthday weekend trip for us to "our spot" two weeks before his deadline so I was pretty sure it was happening then.

    Prior to that he had me set up a Pinterest of my ring tastes and then I also found some jewelers business cards in the spare room.

    On the weekend of, we got a meal and when he pulled out his credit card, the card behind it was a jewelers credit card. We are both very credit conscious so I knew he would only open an acct for a LARGE purchase. So then I knew he had a ring. (And may have excitedly texted my friend about it when he went to the bathroom lol)

    He did catch me off guard with when in the weekend he proposed, until like 2 mins before when he had getting ring out of pocket issues. But all of these things just make our story more special Smiley smile

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  • FutureMrsGwinJr
    Dedicated May 2017
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    We were joking that afternoon about getting engaged to shut my ex husband up so he would stop torturing us lol after work that night he came over, I was sitting at the kitchen table and he said alright I'm gonna do this and he dropped to his knee and said I don't have the ring right now but I love you and I want you to be my wife so will you marry me I was completely shocked and said are you serious!? Omg yes! Lol we both started laughing because neither one of us were thinking that at all that point in our relationship. Our families freaked was too fast they said, they're ok now tho

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  • Orchids
    Master March 2018
    Orchids ·
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    I proposed. He knew it was coming, we had been ring shopping together and discussed it extensively, and I had asked if he would mind if I proposed.

    We were closing on our house, and I told him I was taking him out to dinner the night the house closed. He nearly ruined the surprise entirely because I had cut my timeline really close and the ring came in THAT of course he's a sweetheart and decides to take the day off to hang out with me. I made up a stupid excuse for an errand so I could pick up the ring, and I was so nervous and jittery that my excuse was extra transparent. Between that and the fact that I took him to a $150+/plate steakhouse, he suspected u had an ulterior motive. Still, the day was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing.

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  • L.R.
    Devoted October 2017
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    I asked him actually to marry me. To think of it I made all the first moves Smiley smile

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  • Hopeless Romantic
    Expert April 2017
    Hopeless Romantic ·
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    I found an envelope in his pocket while I was doing laundry that said, "GLOBAL DIAMONDS" lol

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  • Kristen
    Dedicated May 2017
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    I live in Phoenix and my parents live in NC and last January they came for a visit. My FH took them outside to talk to them supposedly about me not over spending in Vegas when I went with them for a few days. I knew he was asking permission to marry me when he took them outside. I was super excited! We went to Vegas and we were suppose to meet my FH in Williams, AZ which is 45 mins from the Grand Canyon. So being that I'm am the slowest person ever getting ready we were super late getting there! My FH was so upset because we were suppose to head up to the Grand Canyon that day. I wasn't thinking and got super upset with him because I thought he was acting ridiculous! I didn't really think about why he was so determined to go that day instead of the next day. So when we got to our hotel room that night he had brought champagne and wine. I again wasn't thinking about why he brought them! So the next day we went to the Grand Canyon where he proposed to me. My momma said we need to pose for a picture and then he asked me. I tried to act surprised but as soon as he started the proposal I already knew. To this day my family and FH do not know that I wasn't really surprised. A friend of the family said that I didn't seemed surprised in the video. I would never tell my FH because it would probably hurt his feelings that I wasn't surprised. I actually almost found the ring when I was packing for the trip he hid it in my gloves that I was going to take with me but he told me not to take them lol. It was still special and for 3 days I was super excited! My momma honestly didn't help much the day he proposed because she kept saying your hands are dry you need to lotion them! She also asked how I was wearing my makeup. I was so rushed that morning I just braided my hair and just normal everyday makeup. Plus, it was cold that day I wore 3 layers.

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  • EndofaDarrah
    Devoted August 2017
    EndofaDarrah ·
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    I love this post!

    I knew but I also didn't. FH and I had talked extensively about a general timeline in the summer of 2016 shortly after we graduated and gotten our first jobs/place and we settled on getting engaged by February or March of 2017 and married by summer/fall 2018

    Well he ordered a ring in September! Then October first, my niece was born so I was several hours from home to be with her that weekend. My FH was so sweet and ended up joining me for the visit thenext day because he wanted to "meet the baby" but actually he was trying to talk to my dad about his plans for our future!

    Well he's terrible at keeping secrets so the next day he told me he asked my dad!!!

    The ring came a week later and as he was driving home with it he decided he couldn't wait for the plans he was making and asked me within an hour of getting home in our kitchen! I was expecting him to make plans and ask in November or December so I was incredibly surprised on a random Wednesday night in my pj's

    He was so sweet and we were both so nervous even though there was no doubt in either of our minds that we will be together forever

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