I ask because a small miracle happened to my DH when we said our vows that day....
Our entire engagement, hubby prepped me that he would not wear a ring. I was so disappointed because I am old school and appreciate the symbolism. He just isn't a jewelry guy and is not comfortable having something on his finger. Plus, he is a fire alarm technician and works with tools and could potentially hurt his finger wearing it. All of those reasons he told me over 18 months convinced me he wouldn't wear it except on weekends. Well, he hasn't taken it off since I put it on his finger 2 months ago! I'm really secretly thrilled that he likes it and wears it.
Any of you ladies have this struggle leading up? Does he wear it post nuptials? If not, does it bother you or are you fine with it? Do you expect him to wear one even if you don't wear your rings?