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Danielle G
Expert May 2015

Married ladies....How many of your DHs wear their wedding bands?

Danielle G, on July 18, 2015 at 6:56 PM Posted in Wedding Attire 0 41

I ask because a small miracle happened to my DH when we said our vows that day....

Our entire engagement, hubby prepped me that he would not wear a ring. I was so disappointed because I am old school and appreciate the symbolism. He just isn't a jewelry guy and is not comfortable having something on his finger. Plus, he is a fire alarm technician and works with tools and could potentially hurt his finger wearing it. All of those reasons he told me over 18 months convinced me he wouldn't wear it except on weekends. Well, he hasn't taken it off since I put it on his finger 2 months ago! I'm really secretly thrilled that he likes it and wears it.

Any of you ladies have this struggle leading up? Does he wear it post nuptials? If not, does it bother you or are you fine with it? Do you expect him to wear one even if you don't wear your rings?


Latest activity by Mrs.F!!!, on July 20, 2015 at 1:51 PM
  • Pinky Winter Promise
    Master February 2016
    Pinky Winter Promise ·
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    I have not gotten married yet. However, I found this white 10k band in my jewelry (it was big enough to go over my thumb - I have smaller fingers) and FH decided to wear it. He wears it all the time - though it's on his right hand because it's a little big for his left. I never thought he would wear an "engagement ring" too. I was also secretly thrilled and then I told him about it, and he just laughed (in a loving way) at my excitement.

    When he forgets to wear it, he says it now feel weird without it! :-)

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  • annakay511
    Master July 2015
    annakay511 ·
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    I told FH that I want/expect him to wear his ring. He picked one that he likes, and that is Tungsten so will stand up to working on the car and going to the gym daily. However, my father never wears his wedding band -- although my parents are happily married 31 years!

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  • OMW
    Master August 2013
    OMW ·
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    No struggle, but he lost it several months ago and still hasn't bought a replacement. :-/ I tease him that we're not really married anymore.

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  • Breanna
    VIP June 2015
    Breanna ·
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    Neither one of us expected him to wear it, he's also not a jewelry person. He wears it constantly (other than doing certain things at work, he's a chef) and says he feels naked when he takes it off (:

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  • Z
    Master May 2012
    Zoe ·
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    DH wears his-- he used to fiddle with it a lot (flip it up in the air like a coin, spin it on the table...). One day he mentioned a co-worker had picked up the spinning-on-the-table habit and HIS wife had not been impressed. Shortly after that DH started keeping it on his finger more. Smiley sexy

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  • kahlcara
    Master August 2013
    kahlcara ·
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    Ugh, I hate the finger-spinning! DH twiddles it in the car and has dropped it under the seat a few times. He also lost it one day when he took it off to cook. He put up a hook in the kitchen for it after that!

    ETA: We joke that we're not married when one of us isn't wearing their ring.

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  • Reggie
    Master September 2015
    Reggie ·
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    FH said he wanted to wear a ring every day, and is even saying he wants to start wearing it now rather than waiting for the wedding! (I shot that down.) I told him that I appreciated that he wanted to wear a ring because I would not be very comfortable being married to a man who didn't wear a ring. To each their own, but it's just something that means a lot to me. And he really doesn't like when I don't wear my ring either. I'm planning to get a simple band to wear when I don't want to wear my diamond (like riding my bike or in the park, etc) but I haven't yet so sometimes I go without it for stuff like that. He doesn't exactly mind, but I know he likes seeing me in my ring.

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  • Erin
    Expert May 2016
    Erin ·
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    My FH has vowed that he will wear his ring. He dislikes it when men don't. He will have two though, one to workout in (he's a professional athlete and trainer) and one that will be in platinum at school and work (he is in med school).

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  • tucker052315
    VIP May 2015
    tucker052315 ·
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    Most of the men into family don't wear rings and DH doesn't either. I bought a $3 ring off tanga for the ceremony. DH says he is gonna get a tattoo but I'm not a big fan of tattoos. It's not a big deal to us. I rarely wear my rings either because of my job.

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  • NewMrsWesely
    Master September 2016
    NewMrsWesely ·
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    My fh does not like jewelery arty all but agreed to get one for the wedding ceremony. I found a couple of amazing ones on amazon and hope that fh will wear it all the time. We'll besides his work where he can't wear it.

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  • D
    Dedicated June 2015
    Deborah ·
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    It has only been 3 weeks, but so far my hubby is wearing his. I do notice him playing with it a lot. He has never worn jewelry before.

    @E-Tex my father lost his ring 6 months after getting married. He didn't buy a replacement until his 30th wedding anniversary. They are now at 42 years and he is still wearing the replacement ring.

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  • Brittany
    Super September 2015
    Brittany ·
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    FH wanted an engagement ring for himself and can't wait to get to wear his after we're married. My dad doesn't wear his though and my parents have been married 34 years.

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  • Finally Mrs Gee
    Master April 2015
    Finally Mrs Gee ·
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    My dh hated wearing any jewelry before the wedding. He is an electrician and we checked and his good ring was fine. Since the wedding 3 months ago, he has not taken it off as well as it can't come off! He's like his dad, they've broken so many knuckles at work, their rings won't fit over the knuckles to come off! He proudly wears it and so far every month he's said "look honey I'm wearing it". He also gets bummed when I take mine off. I have to though because I am a swim instructor on the side and don't want my rings in chlorine!

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  • kLo
    VIP August 2014
    kLo ·
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    My husband's Dad never wore his ring due to his work, and once he retired he didn't see the point in suddenly starting to wear it. I initially wasn't sure what my husband would do, but he feels strongly about wearing his. He takes it off at the gym, at the lake, and if needed at work (firefighter). Apart from those times the ring is on 24/7.

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  • FutureMrsB
    Expert June 2015
    FutureMrsB ·
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    DH is in law enforcement and he initially said he probably wouldn't wear it - 1) for safety reasons, if it were to get caught on something, 2) he didn't want to advertise to "bad guys" that he had a wife/family at home. He hasn't taken it off since we got married, in fact it cracked (Tungstun) when he fell on our honeymoon and we had to get another one ordered when we got home. He asked if he could wear the cracked one until it came in. Also - in order for them to honor the warranty you are supposed to send the original one back in. He really wanted to keep it - because it was THE one that we said our vows with. We paid $120 to keep a cracked ring. He is so happy to wear his.

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  • Jessie
    Dedicated October 2015
    Jessie ·
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    He was convinced he would not want to a ring and it was a waste of money. Then he went from picking out the thinnest smallest band possible to this giant blue sapphire ring that looks like he won a football championship or something I sometimes catch him trying it on.

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  • Rachel
    VIP May 2016
    Rachel ·
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    If FH doesn't wear his ring, imma be maaaaad.

    He's a fourth year med student applying for anesthesiology residencies, so there's really no reason he can't wear his. His dad wears a ring 24/7 and so does mine, and he's very excited to have one of his own. We went out for dinner last night and I after a discussion about my ring (he still doesn't believe I actually like the diamond he chose), I caught him studying his ring finger. I'm looking forward to seeing that ring there.

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  • ourlovestory
    Expert January 2016
    ourlovestory ·
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    We wear our wedding rings now. My fh takes his off for work, but asked me if I was OK with him leaving it at home. I laughed, we aren't even married yet.....he's as close to perfect as they get.

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  • MrsJohnston
    Super October 2014
    MrsJohnston ·
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    My husband hasn't taken his off since we got married 9 months ago.

    He was always so excited to wear it and I love to see it on him

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  • Maltese
    Master June 2015
    Maltese ·
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    DH still isn't used to wearing least once a week, I come home to find it in the soap dish in the bathroom because he forgot to put it back on, it doesn't both me much but I like to give him a hard time about it...he's actually considering just tattooing a ring on his finger

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