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Beginner May 2018

Drama with friendship/bridesmaid- venting

Melissa, on February 9, 2018 at 8:34 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 41

Long post..sorry..just really scared and sad right now

This friend and I have been friends for 8 years. Half the time I feel like she doesn't even like me because of the things she says to my face (and behind my back), but I am quick to forgive and give benefit of the doubt because I am a non confrontational person and I really want to see the best in people.

FH and I got engaged over in Europe on vacation; we were gone for a lil more then 3 weeks. Arriving back I got to see a few friends, her being one of them. After a brief "hello" she doesn't say congrats, or how was it, she just asks, "Who is your MOH?" I said, we don't even know the date of the wedding, and laughed it off. A week later I still didn't ask anyone to stand up because there was literal no plans to be made yet for the wedding. She gets upset and almost every time we hangout she asks the same question. After a while of me avoiding the question she "volunteers" to be the MOH, "If you don't know who you want, I will be the MOH." I said I don't want to talk about the wedding because the date wasn't set yet.

Finally I get to go to visit a venue with FH, his parents, and my parents. I honestly had a wonderful time, and it was really fun. I hangout a few days later with this friend again. I finally in two weeks mention something remotely about my wedding, and say how much fun going to the venue was. Not two sentences in she snaps at me saying, "I don't care where you have it, as long as I get to be in the wedding party." Broke my heart, I didn't mention wedding plans with her for months besides asking her to be a bridesmaid. My FH said I was bullied into asking her, and sometimes I agree.. I honestly need to get a spine.

But I asked another BM to be with me when I asked her and the other girl because I was nervous since I was just asking her to be a BM, not MOH. A MINUTE after asking them both to be my BM's, and them being so happy. That girl then said, "Who is your MOH?" I looked at the ground and said another girls name, who is my best friend. The other friend who was there, said that girl's face turned so dark and so angry for a good ten seconds before she regained her cool. The good friend leaves a few minutes later and I am stuck with this one girl. She hounds me why I choose that one friend to be MOH. This was 7 months ago.

Since then she has gotten legit upset that my MOH is planning a Bachelorette party for me. By ignoring the MOH's message, and then going straight to me complaining and saying that she didn't think I wanted one anyway even though I never said that..

She has bashed all my other BM's and MOH besides my soon to by SIL. I never mention the wedding really to anyone cause my mom and I are doing majority together and I love that. But if I even remotely mention the wedding slightly this girl pulls out her phone and ignores me. One time she stopped me and said, "Can I take a shower?" (We were at my apartment). I gather a clean towel, and some stuff she can use to take off her make up. My back is turned to her and I hear my front door open. FH is home from work. I turn around and this girl is topless, no bra no nothing. FH doesn't know this, turns the corner and sees everything. I quickly get up and shut the door. Hand her the cleanser without another word and walk out. Other times she will come over to get away from her house to sleep over since my place is so quiet. She will always sleep on his side.. just weird. One time she said it smelt like him. Weird. I know she doesn't like him like that cause she has a bf who she loves. Plus she puts down FH and that is when I get defensive. I don't mind if she is mean to me. I mind if she is mean to the people who I love.

In between all these there are a lot of other comments, and things that just make me speechless. But what set me off was a week ago. She asks.. yet again.. Why I chose the other friend to be my MOH. I thought this was resolved and done with. I don't answer, she continues to talk. Just bashing my MOH and my relationship. And she says, "I know you didn't want to leave anyone out., but why did you choose her?" And she goes off in a round about way saying that she should have been chosen. The only thing I ask, "Do you feel left out?" And that's when I think she realized what she was saying and then apologizes.

I had just a breakdown the other day with my best guy friend. And he said she is emotionally and mentally abusive and this friendship needs to end. She does something awful then comes back saying she wouldn't know what she would do without me. Her own parents came to my place uninvited one time saying "Thank you for being a great friend to my daughter." Because she doesn't have a lot of friends..

And just yesterday she said, "You and (her bf and her best guy friend) are my top 3 best people in my life." I feel so trapped because I know she is toxic, but I still want her to be happy. I want to grab her hand and show her positivity because she is constantly sabotaging herself and being just a negative person. I am constantly having panic attacks when I think of her.

I decided after the wedding that our friendship cannot continue. If there was no wedding, it would end now. But I can't kick her out of the wedding party and my life so mean and harshly. That would be just mean and awful of me. I'm sorry, I just feel so sick to my stomach and wanted to vent because I know no matter what happens when this friendship eventually ends, it will be very ugly.


Latest activity by T P, on May 4, 2018 at 6:44 PM
  • Ashley
    VIP May 2018
    Ashley ·
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    She sleeps in the same bed as you and FH?
    he doesn’t mind...???? I would honestly end the friendship. She sounds like an awful friend and she’s only in it for the title of maid of honor which she didn’t get.

    I think its rude to kick people out of a wedding party but this is the exception in my opinion.
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  • muriel
    Champion June 2018
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    You are right. You do need to grow a spine. People can only take advantage of you to the extent that you let them.

    What is she bringing to your relationship and your life that is positive?

    You are right again when you say that you cannot end the friendship now.

    After the wedding tell her you do not feel that you can continue to invest in the friendship when she treats you like she does. Then cut her off, block her and ghost her.

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  • Erin
    Devoted October 2018
    Erin ·
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    This whole thing sound very toxic. I'm so sorry to hear that. I would kick her out of the party now, and not let you feel down about your Special day
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  • K
    Devoted April 2018
    Kelly ·
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    Sweetheart- your wedding is the best reason
    to make sure the people surrounding you on that day are the people who matter the most to you and who you matter the most to. She sounds toxic and selfish. You deserve to not have her BS going on ever, esp as you plan a wedding.
    i know you don’t want to hurt her; but what about your hurt? What about your self respect and what’s fair to you? What about how this affects your FH and the rest of your wedding party. This will most certainly bring a cloud on your wedding day. You can’t control how she feels, but if you are sure you’re ready to end things (and i applaud and back you up) then do it now. You owe yourself a wedding without drama.
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  • J
    Expert May 2018
    J ·
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    Sometimes friendships have to end. It’s a normal part of life. Don’t feel bad. In fact, this barely even sounds like a friendship, because she isn’t very nice to you. This girl obviously has some issues and it’s not your responsibility to take care of her!
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  • Melissa
    Expert June 2018
    Melissa ·
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    This sounds so much like one of my bridesmaids and my situation. I actually looked through your posts you make sure it's not her trolling for me to answer because I'm on here so often.

    I think if you already know you plan to end this relationship after the wedding, then you should do it now. You really don't need that toxicity at your wedding. And you have to know she'll be attention seeking and likely causing drama on the day.

    It's hard when you just want to see her be a better version of herself and be happy. But ultimately that's not your responsibility. It's hers. She chooses to be happy or to use and manipulate people. She's made her decisions and I think you need to do what's best for you.

    Good luck!
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  • J
    Just Said Yes October 2018
    Jessica ·
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    Holy hell cut this chick outttt!!! You will feel so much better I promise you not only is she toxic and abusive how dare she??? This is your special day F her honestly I would tell her to go take a long walk off a short pier. Jesus what if she pulls a stunt on your wedding day??? Cut her lose doll!!
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  • Katie
    Super June 2019
    Katie ·
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    Couldn't agree more with your guy friend. If you've been friends with her for 8 years I don't think any amount of positivity will help her. Standing up for yourself is hard when you're a people pleaser, but you have to learn to put yourself first. She sounds like she doesnt deserve your friendship, and it saddens me you have spent so much time on her. I hope you can learn to stick up for yourself and leave these types of toxic relationships in the dust. Good luck!
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  • Nicole
    Dedicated August 2018
    Nicole ·
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    If you’re going to cut her out after the wedding....why not just do it now? She clearly has no respect for you!
    Have respect for yourself and kick her to the curb!
    Also why is she sleeping in your bed? With your man.....that’s just odd!
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  • AbeFroman
    Devoted October 2018
    AbeFroman ·
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    It sounds like this girl adds nothing positive to your life. Cut her out before she drags you down with her.

    I haven't showered at a friends house or slept in a friends bed in years. Like since high school sleepovers. Why is she doing these things?

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  • RZ_ToBe
    Master July 2018
    RZ_ToBe ·
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    I had a bit more extreme, but similar friendship. That girl was a good friend for a while, but she decided the party life was for her and stuck with her abusive loser boyfriend so she could party and smoke weed all the time after I ended our friendship.

    Expect drama. But I promise you it's the best thing you'll do for your friendship. I missed my friend for a while, but remembered all the crap she said, did, and caused that made my life miserable. My anxiety is better, I was actually able to get my life back together (I was going through a rough time then), and I have zero regrets.
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  • Jessica
    Devoted May 2018
    Jessica ·
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    Girl if you have PANIC ATTACKS just thinking about her.... You need to end it now. She will sabotage your wedding because it isn't about her. That's not fair to anyone, especially your FH. I know it is hard and you don't want to be mean, but letting this girl trample all over your relationship and your personal physical health is not ok!!
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  • C
    Just Said Yes May 2019
    Clare ·
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    I kinda have the same situation. I picked 3 people to be in my party; my best friend from high school, my best friend that I have since I was 5, and my daughter (18). My guy friend's fiance, that I have known 4 years, was hurt she wasnt in the party. I am not that close with her and barely get together. I explained why I picked the girls I picked and that my fiance has to figure out a third person. She tried guilt tripping me; "I was going to make you one of my bridesmaids". I apologized and said we really want you two at the wedding. Then, she says "you can have as many as you want". I reinforced that FH doesn't have another person for his side. "Well, Jim can be on his side." Jim and I had a fling 20 some years ago.... Um, no. Now she's not talking to me.
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  • Ashley
    VIP May 2018
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    SAME. Unless I’m spending the night and even then, I stay in their guest rooms OR the couch. NEVER in their bed with their SO Home!!!
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  • Meg
    Expert September 2018
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    I am having a panic attack just reading this!! Why is she showering/ sleeping in your bed with FH? End the relationship. She is no friend. A friend is someone who mutually cares about you.. I don't know. I understand how hard it can be, but this is your wedding day. You should be surrounded by people who have your best interests..
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  • M
    Savvy November 2019
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    Honestly, end it now. I know she will be upset and it will be hard, but why would you want that toxicity present at your wedding? It will be uncomfortable but it will be better than stressing about how she acts at your wedding.
    Ending friendships is hard, I've been there, but it's honestly freeing after the initial couple days of discomfort.
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  • Melissa
    Beginner May 2018
    Melissa ·
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    I appreciate the comments. ***One thing I want to touch on is the sleeping in the bed thing. When we hangout or when she comes over it is for just a nap during the evening before she goes to work. My FH is NOT in the bed with her - omg he would flip and I would flip and that would never ever ever happen. Just want to clarify that when she naps, she will literally just say, "I'm tired, mind if I take a nap?" And I say no, go right ahead. And I get the couch ready for her, and turn around and she isn't there. I go into our bedroom and she is sleeping on his side of the bed. I tell her to sleep on my side. And she refuses. That's when she said, "Oh his side even smells like him." Just to say again- she takes naps alone in the bedroom. NEVER with us (yikes!) sorry for the confusion

    I really tried to end our friendship several times throughout this 8 year period. But something always happens in her life that is bad and I run to her to be a support because I can't stand letting people down. I feel so obligated to be in this friendship even though it only brings me drama, and negativity. I don't like who I am around her because I just shut down and become negative myself.

    She had two people last year who she considered best friends, completely cut her out of their lives. One very aggressively and one passive aggressively. These people didn't know each other so the incidents were not related. She will talk so poor of them every time we hangout. Then she will look at me and say, "I don't know what I would do if you cut me out of your life like that." Or some version of that..

    I feel like a wreck right now. I know it has been a long time coming, and I truly wish it ended sooner because I am so miserable in this. I am so scared what will happen after the wedding because I can't just ghost her, that would be rude. My guy friend said just to slowly distance myself more and more as time goes on. It will happen, and I have to get over being a passive person. I NEED to grow up and just finally do it. I asked my guy friend to hold me accountable during it, and if I waiver he has to be blunt and harsh (I asked him to be that way).

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  • Marcellab
    VIP June 2018
    Marcellab ·
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    The best thing I ever did for myself was cut a friendship very very similar to this out of my life. I can't even explain to you the giant weight it lifted off of me. And at the time I wasn't even wedding planning. You do not need this in your life. If you plan to cut her from your life you need to do it now. I don't really have a spine either. It's hard. You don't want to hurt the person. but you really need to do what is best for you. And frankly not having her in your life is what's best for you. Just thinking about her gives you panic attacks. That's extremely unhealthy and you deserve better.

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  • Frida
    Devoted July 2018
    Frida ·
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    Yikes. I've cut friendship because of their behavior and having no respect at all. You don't need that..if you don't cut her out, she might cause drama between you and your FH.
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  • Gipperkm
    Super September 2018
    Gipperkm ·
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    End the friendship now. It is such a toxic relationship and she is not your friend if she treats you that poorly and gives you panic attacks. Sure it's not going to be easy to kick her out of the wedding party, but she's going to make you miserable on your wedding day. Every chance she gets you alone she's going to bash on you and continue to put down your MOH decision. My guess is she'll get over it quick. She's not a true friend.
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