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Beginner October 2022

Expectations of the Wedding Party

Beatrice, on December 1, 2021 at 5:55 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 1 26

Hello Everyone,

I recently had a disagreement with my sister who was supposed to be my Matron of Honor because she wants to bring a date, which is not her husband. To start things off, when I initially told her that I was engaged and I wanted her to be one of the Matron of Honor's (my other sister is the other Matron) she informed me that she told herself that she wasn't going to be in anymore weddings because she was supposed to be in my cousin's wedding, but they cancelled the wedding, went ahead and eloped later on and now they are getting a divorce. I'm not sure what my cousin's wedding had anything to do with mine, but ok. I scheduled to do a surprise brunch for my bridal party to formally ask them to be part of my bridal party and she didn't come. At first she told me that my niece (her daughter) had a game on the day of my brunch and she wanted to go to all of her games. Then weeks later she asked me about the brunch, I thought she was going to my niece's game, but she told me that she didn't say that. So she was planning on coming. 2 days before the brunch, she calls and tells me that her husband has to work that Saturday so if she comes, she would have to bring my nephew (her 2 year old son). This was supposed to be a brunch for just the bridal party. She expressed that she really didn't want to be on the road with a 2 year old because he can get restless (my mom also said that her husband works for the government so how does he have to work on a Saturday). So she didn't come, but agreed to FaceTime to be part of the celebration. I called her the morning of the brunch to remind her and make sure she would pick up the call around a certain time. During the brunch, I FaceTime her and she didn't answer. I called again and she picked up. She immediately told me that she couldn't stay on FaceTime long because she was putting my nephew to sleep. Everyone said hello, including my other sister. I'm not sure if she didn't hear her, but she didn't say anything in response. My bridal party and I discussed a day and time to go shopping for the bridesmaid's dresses and I created a GroupMe so that we can all chat and share information among the bridal party. She was included in the group, but hadn't interacted with anyone else in the group. We all have been positive and conversing via GroupMe except for her. So I let my sister know about the dress shopping day and time and asked if she would be able to join. She told me that she was not going to be going up and down the road to get dress alterations (she lives 2.5hrs from me) and to just let her know the style dress and color I decide so she can purchase the dress closer to where she lives. We also discussed places where I would like to go for my bachelorette weekend getaway and she told me that she wasn't going to be able to participate because she is also planning a trip for my niece's 21st birthday, which is in the same month as my wedding (she didn't even know when we were going on the bachelorette trip). She then asked me if I even thought about the date of my wedding when I chose my date because it's on my niece's birthday weekend. Her birthday is on a Wednesday and my wedding is going to be on a Sunday, 3 days before her birthday so she can also go on a trip the weekend after. At this point I decided to give her an "out", I told her that if this is too much for her and she doesn't want to be in the wedding to let me know, I'm fine if she doesn't want to be in it, but she tells me that she does want to be in it, she is just making it clear to me what she can and can't do. Next, we got into a discussion about who she was bringing with her to the wedding. She is married, so I put her husband's name on the list. My fiance' and I discussed a certain amount of guest we would like to invite at our wedding (we don't want a big wedding) and so we are not doing plus one's, but we are taking into consideration those who are married. She proceeds to tell me that she isn't bringing her husband and that she is going to come with another date because she is going to divorce her husband. My initial thought was that if he isn't coming, then I'm going to fill his seat with someone else who I would like to invite (I have a back up list). She tells me that he is not coming and that she is GOING to bring someone else (she doesn't even know who she is going to bring, she is just adamant that she is bringing a date). She doesn't care about anything that I explained to her even though I didn't need to explain a thing. So then she tells me that she needs to evaluate everything since she can't bring a date. I told her to please let me know what she would like to do. She tells me that she doesn't want to be in my wedding and that she will just be a guest lol. I told her that I will just go ahead and remove her name off the list altogether just to make it easier on everybody. So she said that was fine and that I now have 4 seats open. My fiance' and I also discussed that we can't accommodate any kids at our wedding and I was bending for my sister because she would be bringing my 2 year old nephew. I don't even understand what her problem is, but I felt like she was trying to control and dictate what I'm doing for my wedding. She said that she isn't going to pay to be in my wedding and not be able to bring a date. What she doesn't realize is that we have to pay for each person. We are inviting family and friends who we want to share our special day with us. I have other people who I would like to invite if a spouse is not going to come. To be honest, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulder because I don't need any stress or negativity. I know that this is a long post, put just thought I would share this and get other people's thoughts about this.


Latest activity by Beatrice, on December 4, 2021 at 7:37 AM
  • mrswinteriscoming
    VIP December 2021
    mrswinteriscoming ·
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    There is a lot to digest here so I am going to break down my response into two parts.

    MOH duties – I don’t think your sister necessarily acted out of line in her capacity as matron of honor. There are a few things you’ve described which I will agree she could have perhaps been more transparent about, but she has her own life and children to worry about and that doesn’t get put on hold because of your wedding.

    Just the same, no bridal party members are obliged to actively partake in a group conversation about the wedding nor attend all the pre-wedding events, and it sounds to me like this is something that possibly contributed to the friction between the two of you because of expectations you held of her which she didn’t meet.

    Plus one – I agree that your sister was out of line for demanding to bring a date other than her husband (how she broached the subject), and even if she plans to divorce him, unless they are already separated and living apart, it would be a huge slap in the face to attend your wedding with someone else.

    With that said, it does sound to me like she was not emotionally prepared to attend such an event alone since she is separating from her husband (who I presume she has been with for some time) and perhaps wanted to bring someone for emotional support, after all, divorce is hard, let alone going through a separation at the same time as your sister is getting married. Though I will say, ordinarily in this situation I would nonetheless have anticipated that the husband would receive an invitation since it appears that he is still a part of the family and that a possible separation is in early days.

    I personally think it is a bit extreme to have uninvited her altogether and it very much sounds to me like she made that suggestion because she is emotionally in a really bad state and the moment and hasn’t expressed her feelings clearly or in a helpful manner.

    Ultimately, how things go from here will depend on you and your sister’s actions but it very much appears to me that there were numerous communication breakdowns and a falling out (or potential falling out) which is avoidable.

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Hello and thank you for your reply,

    To be honest my sister never supports me like I support her. I felt like from the beginning she really didn't want to be part of my wedding and was just going along with it and this was her out in her time. I actually anticipated for something like this to happen and had a back up plan because of it. Everyone saw it coming, even my mom. I have been told by soooo many people that she is jealous of me. I want people who are genuinely happy for us and want to be there. My sister and I have a history of a strained relationship, she blatantly disregards my feelings or my position with things and tries to exert her position through bullying and intimidation. I made the decision to just uninvite her to alleviate any headache or stress because I know she will try to force and bring a date with her even after I expressed otherwise. If the name isn't on our list, then they are not going to let that person through the gates. Plus, I know that her being there would just cause drama and conflict because she is drama and always initiates confrontations. Her and my mom had a fallen out earlier this year and didn't speak for months and she snapped on my brother recently because of differing opinions about a personal matter.

    Also, my other sister lives 2hrs south of me. She came to the brunch, she is coming to the dress shopping and has been supportive of me every step of the way. Completely opposite of my other sister. She has her family as well.

    My best friend lives not too far from my sister who lives 2.5hrs away, she came to the brunch, she is coming to the dress shopping and has been supportive of me as well. Everyone else in my bridal party has been there. Yes, I do expect for my bridal party to participate in bridal party festivities. It's not even a lot of things to go to lol. How does it look when everyone else is participating in things, except for my sister who is supposed to be the Matron of Honor? If she hasn't attended any of my bridal events or other things, how can I trust or expect for her to be there for the rehearsal or the wedding for that matter? Everyone has their lives and families, but are being there. I'm not asking or expecting them to drop everything and their families because they are in my wedding. I collectively ask about their availability first to make sure it works for everyone. I haven't had any issues with ANYONE but my sister. The GroupMe was a way for everyone to interact with one another and essentially bond together, in addition to collectively sharing details of bridal party information. All of her actions showed that she was not interested in being part of the group and that she didn't want to be in the wedding.

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  • L
    Savvy December 2023
    Lissett ·
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    Honestly I’m surprised that someone would have this perspective based on what the bride described. It really feels like you sided with the sister and empathizing with her too much for her own issues.
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  • mrswinteriscoming
    VIP December 2021
    mrswinteriscoming ·
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    I understand from OP’s response to my comment that there is likely much more at play here than what was noted in the original post, and that obviously would have quite the impact on things, albeit, we do not have the sister’s version of events.

    I don't see any issue with empathising with what the sister may be going through, and as you would have likely read in my comment, I do agree that there were some things that her sister did which were out of line.

    In any case, if you disagree so strongly with my thoughts on the matter, you are most welcome to give OP your own two cents.

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  • L
    Savvy December 2023
    Lissett ·
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    Hello Beatrice, I hope you the best for your matrimony and just focus on what you and your partner wants and you will have the best time! Smiley smile That’s my plan for setting up my Catholic ceremony for 2023. Trust in your decisions and definitely cut out the drama that you know well will happen. I used to ignore that small voice in my head that warned me that something is dangerous or will be chaotic. It’s like I got accustomed to it and of the problems the comes with people. Their own issues created an dangerous and toxic environment for me. When I cut them all out and plus the other people that wouldn’t acknowledge their issues; let me tell you, I’ve been the happiest in my whole life, achieved that peace that I have always wished for. That desire that things will get better. I was so lonely when I relied on them and they were close. Now I don’t feel like that anymore with them gone. I have my husband and he’s so good to me and all the support and love I need!
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  • L
    Savvy December 2023
    Lissett ·
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    Yea I don’t want you to feel bad about your first interpretation. By the way, I replied to you 1st before reading bride’s response to you. Hopefully her reply have that extra insight. I only chose to reply to you in that manner because I didn’t want the bride to feel guilty about her decision. There’s absolutely no fault in it. It’s a tough choice and takes courage and strength to separate your self from a family member. I believe Beatrice should not and will not regret it because she described the effort and chances she made with her sister. Sometimes all the effort and accommodations just will go to waste and your left feeling used and used only for convenience. I hope for every bride will strive for what will make her happy, comfortable and safe. I wish you the best on ur wedding planning or marriage.
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  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    She wants to bring a TBD date to your wedding when she hasn't even filed for divorce yet? Classy...

    She's being waffly and difficult, but the bridal party's only true obligation is to show up in the dress
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  • Ikiesha
    Just Said Yes February 2023
    Ikiesha ·
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    Your sister is extremely TOXIC so glad she is OUT you did the right thing.

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Thank you Lissett Smiley smile

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Hello Lissett,

    Thank you so much for your positivity. I absolutely feel like I made the right decision. I'm at peace with everything and I have no regrets. It's sad that it has come to this, but all I can do is stand firm in what I believe in and stand my ground. I was already accommodating her by bringing my 2 year old nephew even though my fiance' and I personally didn't want to have children there. I should have said something then, but I didn't. Please don't get me wrong, I love children and I'm a mother (we have separate children who are teenagers and will be in the wedding, the youngest child will be the flower girl who will be 7), but children take up seats that I can fill with other people who I'd like to invite and this is an adult event. So because I wouldn't bend even more to allow her to bring a random, that was her reason for not wanting to be in my wedding. I'm good on her and still love her. She is my older sister and I've always looked up to her when I was younger, some times I hold my tongue about things because anything I say she tries to overpower me with her opinion and go against anything I say. No, not this time! I put my foot down on this and I'm not backing down.

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  • Samantha
    Super May 2022
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    I agree in part with you, that the sister sounds like she is going through a lot in her own life, and the wedding and all its leading-up-to expectations is probably emotionally and financially taxing for someone about to be divorcing. I would have just said, "listen it seems like it might be best for everyone if you are a guest, I dont want to stress you out", then invited her and only her (no TBD plus ones lol). But again, we have no idea about what your past is with this person so its hard to give advice!

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Hello Willow, Exactly!!!! A TBD date and she is still married, no stroke of a pen or drying of a signature whatsoever. She just told me that she is going to file for a divorce, but hasn't even filed yet. She was the only one who was being difficult out of everyone else in my bridal party. I don't need the headache nor the stress.

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Hello Ikiesha,

    Girl, my fiancé said the same thing. He always felt like she was toxic and never felt good vibes from her. She is supposedly still coming down for the dress shopping and staying at my mom's house, but my mom doesn't even want her to come. She said there is no reason for her to come and she feels like my sister is going to try and start something with me. Thank you, I truly feel like I did the right thing.

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Good Morning Samantha,

    I did give her an "out" a couple of months ago. I told her that I may be asking and expecting a lot and if it is too much for her, I understand if she doesn't want to be in my wedding. She told me that she wanted to be in it. I understand that there maybe a lot weighing on her, as she is about to go through a divorce, but her behavior was happening months before she decided to divorce her husband. They celebrated their anniversary recently and even went to his family's house for Thanksgiving. She acts like she doesn't care about her marriage, but is bothered that her husband is ok with her being done. He is probably tired and drained. They have only been married for 3 years. I'm not being insensitive to what she is going through. I have been giving her words of encouragement, advice and continue to pray for her. I was there at her wedding and didn't bring a plus one who was my then boyfriend, now fiancé. She expressed that she told me from the beginning that she wasn't coming with her husband, but if she knew she wasn't coming with her husband, why did she put his name down when I sent everyone a link to provide their information (mailing address, email, etc.). I'm making it easier on everyone by just uninviting her altogether. I don't need any negativity or toxicity clouding over my day. I want friends and family there who are genuinely happy and supportive of us.

    Also, I recently graduated with my Doctorate, which was a BIG deal for me. I invited her to my graduation and she didn't come nor did she tell me that she wasn't coming. My mom had a celebration for me after my graduation ceremony and she didn't come to that either. My brother who lives over 4 hours away, drove to my celebration to be there. She was never really happy or supportive of my accomplishments. When she got engaged, I was happy for her and really excited. I was there when she graduated and go to events she has for my niece and nephew. My mom gets on me about it because she said that I am always going to my sister's events and being supportive of her, but she doesn't do the same in return for me. I don't get that same energy and support from her and everyone around me sees it for themselves. My mom even said that she doesn't know what my sister has against me, but it is blatantly obvious that it's something.

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  • Samantha
    Super May 2022
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    Kinda sounds a little like jealousy on her part honestly, as you sound quite happy and successful. I think you are on the right track to do what feels right in your heart and avoid any unnecessary drama. Don't want her making your day about her or anything else crazy!

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
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    That's what a lot of people tell me and I honestly didn't realize how much she was until now. I always felt like why is it that whenever I say something she goes against me. I had been so uneasy about her being in my wedding because I wasn't getting good positive vibes from her. I'm truly at peace with my decision and pray that whatever she is struggling with that she works through it and free herself from it.

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  • T
    Expert May 2010
    Theresa ·
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    So basically, your sister would like to use your wedding to "announce" to everyone that she's getting a divorce by showing up with a date who isn't her husband? And so, making your day all about her. Yeah, I don't think so. She sounds like a handful in more ways than one, and I think you made the right decision.

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
    Beatrice ·
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    Hello Theresa,

    My thoughts exactly. Our special day is not about that at all. I am so happy with my decision and standing solidly firm on it. I actually already replaced her with someone else in my wedding party because I anticipated something like this would happen with her. When I told her that I will just remove her name altogether from the list, she said it was fine and that I will have 4 seats available (her, my niece (who is an adult), my 2 nephews and her husband who wasn't coming/TBD wedding date lol).

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  • Heather
    Super November 2021
    Heather ·
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    I'm so sorry to hear about all of this! Smiley sad
    It does seem like your sister is toxic.. It was nice of you to consider her to be a MOH, but based on how she is acting I would say no. And I did read that you had already replaced her! So, good for you to making this decision.

    Now for her to want to bring someone else other than her husband?... What lol? That seems odd and makes even me feel uncomfortable lol. And you said you had decided to uninvite her! Another bold, but right decision for YOU!

    By doing all this you are protecting your PEACE. And for her to seem unbothered by you uninviting her.. Yeah she doesn't really care apparently :/

    Enjoy the rest of your wedding festivities and planning process!

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  • Beatrice
    Beginner October 2022
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    Hello Heather,

    It's actually very sad and disheartening. I absolutely am protecting me peace. Her blatant disregard of my request/position, selfishness, and lack of care and support says A LOT. Thank you for your response. I wish you all the best Smiley smile

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