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Expert November 2021

Feeling insecure - long rant

Jade, on October 22, 2019 at 3:01 AM Posted in Planning 0 14
I was feeling very excited and sure of all of the wedding plans but people’s comments are starting to make me feel insecure about it.

1. For one, my one friend keeps asking me about how it’s going, being very supportive, and I know she’s expecting me to ask her to be a BM but I can’t and I know it’ll upset her. I also told her the date we chose and She commented “oh that’s a busy time for law students”. We’re both in law school and about 9 of my closest friends go to law school with me. I actually picked that day because I thought it would work best with a law school schedule but now I’m very anxious about it and I don’t want all of my friends to be upset about it.
2. One of my BMs is very very frugal so trying to find a cheap dress so that she won’t complain is giving me stress.
3. I have a friend at school who is sooo supportive of my wedding and asks me tons of questions because he knows how excited I am. He’ll ask my questions around other people, and they’ll always comment on how stupid they think it is to have a big wedding because why spend the money, and how they all are just going to do the smart thing and do a courthouse wedding. My wedding isn’t super big, 130 people, but they’re making me feel so guilty and like I’m dumb for wanting my dream wedding? They also comment on how stupid it is to get married young and how they don’t understand how anyone would want that. I’ll be 24, so pretty young, and I feel like they are directly insulting me. It’s making me feel like I need to extend my engagement until I’m older.
5. I’m just afraid everyone will be upset with stuff I have planned. They won’t like the drive time or the food or the music, etc. I know I shouldn’t worry about this but I do want everyone to enjoy themselves.
6. Were doing a catholic ceremony and I told my mom and dad we weren’t doing a gap so our reception would end anywhere from 9:30-11:00 pm based on which of the two churches we pick. All of the weddings we’ve been to have a huge gap because most of the guests are catholic and that’s what they’re used to so it’s No big deal to them. But a lot of our guest list is not catholic so I think it would be rude . They both got super vocal because everyone will hate having a reception end so early (mostly for 9:30) and how it has to end at midnight and so we’ll have to pay to extend the time. I said it’s our wedding and we’re okay with it ending at 10 and my dad said “well it’s a wedding and people want to have fun. They won’t have fun at an early wedding and everyone will be mad.” I’m such a people pleaser (ugh) so now I’m stressed about that. This is the first thing my family has been against so that is really concerning me.
7. FMIL is pressuring FH to invite his old babysitters daughters and husbands and all their kids because FH was invited to their weddings 5 years ago. FH originally said no because I reminded him this would cost us $1,000+, but his mom is making him feel guilty. He hasn’t seen them since we started dating. He doesn’t know anything about their lives or their husbands names of kids names or anything. It’s insane.
8. there is a LOT of drama with FMILs new boyfriend. He is not welcome at our wedding (and the whole family has made it clear that they feel the same for all events) and she told FHs aunt “what are they going to do if I bring him? Kick me out of my own sons wedding?”
9. I’m worried about inviting “now friends” and spending a ton of money on that and then in 5 years we don’t talk at all. I know that’s a weird concern? But my sister doesn’t talk to 2 of her BMs anymore and a lot of the people at her wedding she no longer will speak to. Most of this is because of how insensitive they were when she lost her daughter... but I’m still very worried now that this will happen and I’ll regret inviting all of these people.
10. I actually really really wanted to get married in Scotland. It was my dream and we were both excited about it and were planning on that. We both had a short list of people that if they knew they couldn’t travel when we started planning then we would not have it there. Everyone was on board except his grandparents, which i was totally fine with but their reasoning was that they don’t see the point in going to Scotland. I was understanding and actually able to find a venue that had the Scottish feel, but I’m now starting to get super sad about not having it there.

I absolutely LOVE wedding planning and I have always joked about how if law school doesn’t work out I’ll be an event planner. I’ve thrown a lot of events but never for myself so I guess the pressure Is just a lot. Sorry for such a long post lol.


Latest activity by Taylor, on October 22, 2019 at 2:54 PM
  • Jennifer
    Devoted September 2020
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    Hi Jo Smiley smile You sound like such a nice person and you don't deserve to feel the way that some of these people are making you feel. I'm so sorry that you feel pushed around especially when it comes to your dream wedding - no one deserves that.

    1. Are you locked into the date? If not, maybe put some good thought into whether the time is *actually* bad for your law school guests, and how you would feel if those specific people weren't able to make it (ie would it just not be the same without them?) But remember, you will not be able to please everyone 100%. It's nice to consider your guests, but in the end you and your FH need to make the right decision for yourselves.

    2. Azazie is a great website for nice dresses in a ton of different colors and styles! And most are under $100. Some are even under $80.

    3. Ugh. Your friend means well, but by openly discussing and asking you questions about your wedding in front of other people, he puts you in a very uncomfortable position. It opens up the floor for people's unwanted and unwelcome opinions. My advice is to, as hard as it is (because you're rightfully excited!), keep the details vague around anyone not directly involved in the planning. This limits what can feel like personal attacks. If the peanut gallery expresses opinions about how *they* would do it, just nod and smile. When they get married, they can do it their way! The comments about marrying young or spending money on anything more than a courthouse wedding are just so insensitive and honestly the people saying those things are quite rude and lack any shred of self-awareness. Shame on them.

    5. No one is going to be 100% happy with everything, because everyone has different tastes. Yes you should consider guest experience, but they are there to share the day with you and support you and your FH. Make a wedding that suits you and FH, they will (hopefully) be honored to share the day with you, and that should be enough. If they complain, they are so so wrong.

    6. If you don't want to do the gap, don't! If you're concerned about the reception ending too early, you could always have an after party at the hotel or a nearby bar! In order to make it understood that you and FH aren't hosting the after party, have your bridal party spread the word by mouth. People will get the hint that you're not footing the bill for that.

    7. What's that phrase again? "No pay, no say". If your/FH's parents aren't helping with the wedding financially, they don't really get a say in who is invited. If they are, unfortunately strings are usually unavoidable. Weddings are not reciprocal-invite events. You invite who you are close to at the time of the wedding. You are by no means obligated to invite people whose weddings you have attended many years ago. You probably have completely different circumstances than they did. You can always blame it on the venue having a capacity.

    8. This is something your FH should probably handle. The fact that your FMIL is willing to blatantly go against your/FH's wishes about the boyfriend is just horrible. If she doesn't drop it, and your FH wants to keep his relationship with his mother, you two have to decide if this is a "hill you want to die on". Make your wishes known continually all the way up to the wedding, and tell her that if the boyfriend shows up, he will be asked to leave. You can even hire plain-clothed security to take care of any drama that might ensue. It's not an ideal situation, but it could give you some peace of mind if FMIL doesn't relent.

    9. Invite people who matter to you, right now in this time of your life. We don't know what the future holds, friendships may drift apart but there is no way to predict those things, ya know?

    10. If after all this, your heart tells you to just eff it, elope to Scotland like you've dreamed of doing... do that! It sounds like it would be so meaningful to you and your FH. And you already had the thumbs up from most of your VIPs. If there were people left behind (like the grandparents), could you have a smaller reception back at home for those specific people? You need to decide for yourself what makes the most sense for you and your FH, and what would make you the happiest.

    Good luck Jo Smiley smile

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  • Lyndsey
    Dedicated April 2020
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    What is it about getting married in Scotland that appeals to you Jo? I am Scottish and getting married in Scotland so maybe I could help you with some ideas on how to add some authentic Scottish touches to your wedding that would make up a little of your disappointment at not having the wedding here 😊

    For example, one thing my FH and I are doing is drinking from a Quaich during the ceremony as a symbolic joining of our two families. I know you’re having a catholic ceremony but you could always do something like this during the toasts. There are lots of other things you could do too. Maybe hire a piper to pipe you into the reception, nothing invokes the Scottish spirit like the skirl of the pipes 😄
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  • Heather
    Expert August 2020
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    First of all, I understand it’s a busy time for law students, but it’s one day. It’s a happy event and a break from the craziness of law school. Your friends will be fine. Don’t let people make you feel insecure. This is about you and your future husband being happy, not anyone else. Put people on an information diet so they don’t have anything to criticize. One of my bridesmaids (she’s cheap about buying a dress too) keeps saying it’s stupid to spend all the money. I told her she doesn’t know my finances and we’re excited for it. If she thinks it’s stupid she doesn’t have to come. Unfortunately I see a lot of posts on social media saying women need to wait til they’re older to get married or all women need to do this before they settle down, blah blah. Newsflash: your life isn’t over when you get married. It’s just a new chapter. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad because you found your soulmate younger than they did. Everyone is going to be different. They should be supporting you instead of making you second guess u your life. You should actually say that to them, because it sounds like they’re not being very good friends to you right now.
    As for the cheap bridesmaid, I mean she knew she was going to have to buy a dress when she agreed to being a bridesmaid right? There are cheap dresses on Azazie, but she’s going to have to also suck it up a little bit. My bridesmaid ruined dress shopping for the girls for me. Now I’m just going with my MOH and we’re picking a dress and that’s it. If she doesn’t want to spend $100 on a dress, then I completely understand if she can’t be a bridesmaid, and that’s maybe the attitude you might need if she’s giving you a hard time.
    chin up!! You’re supposed to enjoy this. Enjoy it ❤️
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  • Taylor
    VIP October 2020
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    Don't stress! We've all been there. I suspect you're probably extra stressed because of law school and it's making everything else 100X worse. I GET THAT. This is my advice:

    1. People literally come out of the wood works when you get engaged. You haven't heard from them in ages and they want to be super supportive all of the sudden for the purpose of being in your wedding. Don't feel bad for not asking her. I guarantee she will disappear after it's all said and done. I had push back on multiple dates that we considered. "Friday is a dumb day for the wedding." "That's the weekend before Thanksgiving." It literally does not matter. FH and I decided if the guests really wanted to be there to support us, they would be.

    2. I ended up picking a place (DB), color (Biscotti), fabric (chiffon), and length (long) for my bridal party. There are over 50 options. They all get to choose their own. Some are under $100 if they're not wanting to spend a fortune.

    3. There is no cookie cutter time or way to get married. I know many people that got married super young and are still together 50 years later. I know older people who got married at 30 and divorced at 31. There's no life template to follow. We're all different. I'll be 23, almost 24, when I get married. We've been together since high school (people always have a LOT to say about those relationships). It's not their business. Regarding having a wedding, do not feel guilty about this. I work in the financial advising industry and I get this a lot too. People can't fathom spending money like this on one day. Those people are usually alone and unhappy. You don't owe anyone an explanation.

    5. It's YOUR wedding. Do what makes you happy. If they don't like it, they'll have the chance to plan one their way. Ignore all of the tacky comments.

    6. Weddings end at 11:00 all the time. We have to be cleaned up and out by 11:30 so our exit will be at 10:50. The first venue we looked at had an end and out time of 10:30. This is not out of the norm anymore. We're going to a nearby bar afterwards to hangout.

    7. This has also been an issue for us. I was originally expected to invite a family that I absolutely loathe. The mother of this family is best friends with my aunt that cheated on my uncle AND she has actively talked trash about me and my fiance to my MOH. I bit my tongue at first and then decided that I wasn't going to pay for a witch like her to come to my wedding. I had this conversation with my FMIL and she respectfully agreed with me.

    8. I'd make it very clear that that is EXACTLY what will happen if she brings him. The day is not about her. If she cant be respectful enough to honor y'alls wishes than she shouldn't attend.

    9. I think this happens to everyone honestly. I have multiple friends that no longer talk to their wedding party. You go through phases in life and lose touch with people. It happens and it's okay. I wouldn't stress about the what ifs. Enjoy the day with your closest friends and don't think about the rest.

    10. If they aren't wanting to go just because, that's very rude. I could understand if it were for health or financial reasons but just because? I'd do what YOU want. If they really want to see their grandson get married, they'll get over "not understanding".

    It will all work out like it should. At the end of the day, you only get married once so you need to do what makes YOU happySmiley smile

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  • Tara
    VIP November 2016
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    Girl first things first, take a deep breath and relax!! It's your big day and all about you and your FH! You do you, whatever that may be!

    In response to each of your points:

    1. You can’t have everyone be a bridesmaid, that’s just the nature of weddings. If you truly don’t want her as a BM, don’t worry about. Even if she is upset, she’ll understand and get over it. You can still include her in your shower plans and bachelorette party to make her feel part of the process.

    2. Your BM being frugal is not all your problem. I do think you should be mindful of the cost of things, but don’t completely rule out dresses strictly for cost. Look around and do your research. One option is Rent the Runway. I’ve known people who use them frequently and are very happy with what they’ve gotten! Check out Amazon, they literally have everything and lots of great bridesmaid options. I would definitely be mindful of your bridesmaid’s budget, don’t get a $400 dress or anything, but under $200 is very fair! David’s Bridal has plenty to choose from at very reasonable prices.

    3. Ask that friend of yours to only talk about it when you’re not around others. It’s none of anyone’s business when, where, how or any other detail relating to your wedding. It’s your life, your day and you should do what you want! That’s not an overly large wedding and even if it is, so what?! You’re not asking them to pay for it. We had 135 people at my wedding and it didn’t feel large at all. Also, 24 really isn’t that young to be getting married. I was 27, but I knew I was going to marry my now husband well before then! We started dating at 19 and I knew shortly after. We waited only because we knew what type of wedding we envisioned and wanted to give ourselves time to save for it. I was in a wedding of my very good friend’s and she got married while she was in law school at your same age. She’s very happily married 7 years later, did very well in law school and even passed her bar the first time. So you’re not too young and it’s not crazy to get married now if that’s what you want. Do not let anyone make you feel bad or make you feel like you should prolong your engagement. Do what’s best for you and your FH!

    4. Of course you want your guests to enjoy themselves, that’s totally natural. However, if someone doesn’t like the decisions you’ve made and what you’ve planned, too bad. They don’t have to go to your wedding. It’s your day!!! It’s about the start of your life with your FH. You guys need to do what you want and what suits you. Make decisions based on yourselves, because you’re the only ones that matter.

    5. It’s kind of funny to me that your parents think a wedding has to extend until midnight! That’s crazy! Honestly, I’ve never been to a wedding where the reception went that late, and I’ve attended several catholic weddings. My wedding ended around the same time actually. Anyone that wants to party later can have an after-party, that’s usually what people do anyway! From all my experience, most people won’t stay out that late anyway. Do what works best for you guys! Sit down with your FH and decide what you both want. If you don’t want the gap (which is super annoying for mostly everyone), then don’t have it. If you want your reception to end earlier, have it end earlier! Some people have morning weddings and serve brunch where their weddings end before dinnertime. It’s all about your preference and your desires!

    6. As far as inviting extra people, who’s paying for the wedding?! If it’s you and your FH, then I’d say no. You have to cap the guest list somewhere. Inviting kids of people you’ve never even met is just crazy to me! I would have the conversation with your FH that he needs to address this with his mother, you can’t invite everyone and if he doesn’t still have a connection or relationship with his former babysitters, don’t invite them.

    7. You can’t stress about what your guests may or may not do. If you don’t want your FMIL’s boyfriend there, make it clear to her and don’t invite him. The guests you have there who agree with that decision will make sure he doesn’t actually make it into the wedding, I’m sure of that.

    8. It is a very valid concern to worry about who you invite and whether you’ll be friends in a few years. Sit down with your FH and make a list. Start with immediate family and very close friends you know you absolutely must invite/definitely want there. Then work your way out. Who are you good friends with and would want to celebrate that day with you guys. You definitely do not have to invite everyone you know now, or knew years ago. Who do you want to share one of the most intimate, special moments of your life with?! IT’s a big day and a very important one. You can’t predict the future or what will happen with any friendships. I would recommend you invite whoever you know will make you happy and be happy to celebrate with you.

    9. If you and your FH really want to get married in Scotland, DO IT!!! You can have a small party or ceremony near home to celebrate with his grandparents and anyone else that can’t make it. It’s your day, your life together. Do what’s best for you!!! I will say, a destination wedding would probably be easier in the sense that you wouldn’t have to deal with as many people or opinions. Sometimes older people don’t see things the way we do. They may be set in their ways and not like to travel or something. Don’t stress about it!

    I totally agree, I love event planning! It’s so fun, but it can be stressful! Bottom line is do what’s best for you and your future husband! It’s you big day and the start of your lives as one. Make decisions for yourself, not everyone else! Good luck and have fun.

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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
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    Lyndsey thanks for the ideas! My grandparents came from Scotland and I have family over there. We went to the small village my grandad was from to spread my grandmothers ashes and it just felt like home, as cheesy as that sounds lol. I found a venue and everything and it was like a super old castle overlooking the sea and basically everything I’ve ever dreamed of. We are hiring a bagpiper for the end of the ceremony and also incorporating our tartan into attire, but it still just doesn’t feel the same.
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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
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    Thank you so so much for taking the time to write out such a thoughtful post. Usually I’m the “it’s my wedding so I don’t care if you hate it” but recently that’s changed obviously. We are stuck in our date because we’ve already booked vendors and everything. I honestly don’t think it’s that busy for law students. It’s the Saturday before thanksgiving so most professors cancel class on the Monday and Tuesday before and are very understanding if you are out of town, so it would be a very long weekend for most everyone. And then the weekend after we don’t have class.
    And with my friend that is supportive and asking the questions, he’s not even asking for details. Simple questions like did I pick a dress or date. I actually haven’t shared many details besides the date and general location so that people can kinda plan if they want. I usually just say “oh I don’t know yet” for everything else because I know everyone will have an opinion. Everyone’s opinions aren’t even about my wedding, they are just about weddings in general and it’s just so crazy they don’t realize how rude they’re being. And with FMILs boyfriend my FH has tried to handle it and has said it would ruin his day if he shows up. He is also a violent man who has many felony convictions and we do not want him around our guests or alcohol or anything like that for their safety. All of your other points are so true and I will have to keep all of it in mind. I know I need to stop worrying about what everyone wants but it is just soooo hard when so much time and money is being put into it.
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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
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    Thank you soo much for the reply! And yes I actually think my BM will be fine with the dress I pick because I have been looking at azazie but it is still always in the back of my head. I also have a BM that is Mormon so I am trying to find a dress that covers everyone’s shoulders. I would let everyone just pick their own but I have some OCD and things that are not uniform make me very fidgety and I would just have such an urge to fix it the entire day. I know that sounds crazy lol. I’m glad it’s just not be stressing about BM dresses!! And with sharing information, I actually haven’t really don’t that with friends. My family is paying for it so I do with them of course, but my friends basically just get the “oh ya I picked a dress, a date, etc” when they ask because I know people will have an issue with everything. No one knows how big my wedding will be or how much it’ll cost so the fact that people are just saying these things is insane. Thank you so much for the reply. Honestly it makes me feel a lot better.
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  • Heather
    Expert August 2020
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    I’m glad I made you feel a little better! I know that it gets difficult because we want to meet everyone’s expectations while being happy ourselves. That’s why it’s great to have a support group here. As for your bridesmaid who is Mormon, do you think you could maybe find a light wrap for all the girls? That way she would feel comfortable without having to find a dress everyone likes with long sleeves and such. The other girls could just take the wrap after after the ceremony.
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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
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    I actually wanted butterfly sleeves for BM dresses so that’s perfect for her. I looked at like 600 dresses and couldn’t find what I wanted but I actually just stumbled across a dress I love on a Facebook ad that is only $99 and just gorgeous!!
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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
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    Thank you so much Taylor! I am usually a very independent person and have always had the "itIt is my wedding so if other people don't like it oh well" attitude but I also guess I just did not realize how many people would have such strong opinions! A few of these things have actually worked out since I posted them last night lol. I was so anxious I couldn't sleep so I had to post to get it off my chest. My FH is amazing and was able to convince the catholic church to let us do a later ceremony so we don't have to do a gap and the wedding can end at 11pm as I prefer. I also randomly stumbled upon an ad for BM dresses and found something that totally matches my vision and is under $100! I know it is common now to let BMs pick their own dresses, but I have some OCD and I need uniformity or else I get anxious and irritated lol, so I'm happy that worked out! I just need to stop worrying about what other people think because so far this wedding is everything I have ever dreamed of, and my FH didn't have a vision, but he thinks mine is perfect lol. Oh and by the way, my wedding is the weekend before Thanksgiving so I got the same exact comments you got!

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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
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    Tara, thank you so much for such a thoughtful reply. Wedding Wire always seems to make things better! Some of these have already been solved since I posted, I just panicked early. The church originally told us we would have to do 1pm, but my FH called today and was able to get a later ceremony so we can end when we would like! I also found a BM dress that I love for under $100. I have been having such a hard time finding a dress I like, I have looked at at least 10 websites and sooo many dresses, but this one just popped up on an ad! Now that the reception is booked, and the church is handled I think I just need to take a break for a bit to refresh!

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  • Tara
    VIP November 2016
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    You're so welcome! Oh that's good news. So glad things are all starting to come together! That's proof that you can relax and it will all go as you hope.

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  • Taylor
    VIP October 2020
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    That's exactly how I am as well and I've also had my struggles. It's baffling how people that are generally super timid will have such strong opinions and tacky remarks. I'm SO GLAD it's all turning around for you. If you haven't gone dress shopping, I recommend doing that alone or with one person only. I had 7 and it was hell. I never had an issue with the weekend before Thanksgiving. We were rolling with it until we changed venues and they had 10/10 available (our preferred day). Your wedding will be gorgeous!!!

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