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Super August 2019

fh inviting his ex crush to our wedding

Michelle, on June 6, 2019 at 8:49 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 31
So I really need to vent and I apologise now that it's so long. I'm pretty upset by the fact that my FH is inviting his ex crush to our wedding. I have never met her before as she lives a few states away but I feel like they are a lot closer than just friends and it's bothering me.

Quick background. The two of them went to high school together and ended up having feelings for each other. They never actually dated but that doesn't mean they couldn't still have feelings for one another. Eventually she moved a few states away but they stayed in touch through social media and phone calls and whatnot. Then 3 years ago, he and I met. A little while into the relationship he was telling me about her and I found out she literally called him about everything under the sun. There were times that she would call while we were together and always needed something. That's where my dislike for her started. All I could think was why does she feel the need to constantly contact him and why does he constantly answer? I even expressed my concerns to him and all I got was "you have nothing to be jealous about" which angered me.

Fast forward to now. After much discussion and arguments, he is still inviting her. I finally decided to come to terms with the fact that she's coming. What I now have a problem with is that he's doing everything in his power to get her to and from the wedding and even asked if she wanted to book a room at the small Inn we are staying in. He asked one of his friends to pick her up from the airport and bring her to the wedding on the morning of the wedding and back the next evening. This friend is not spending the night at our venue which is about 45 minutes from where he lives so if she spends the night he would have to drive all the way back to get her which I feel is unfair to him. My FH's solution? Why doesn't she ride back with us? I was speechless! All I could do was stare at him and then he got mad at me for it. Ugh!

I just feel like he doesn't care at all about my feelings about it all because he can't understand why I feel the way I do. And I'm stressing out about it a lot!


Latest activity by MrsJohansson, on June 11, 2019 at 3:50 PM
  • CourtneyBrittain
    Master August 2019
    CourtneyBrittain ·
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    Wow, that’s awful! I so sorry, that would anger me too. I wish I had advice for you but it sounds like you’ve tried talking to him about how you fell. Have you reached out to the woman?
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  • Danielle
    Master June 2019
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    This is definitely an issue that needs immediate attention. Although men & women can be friends, their is a line. I wouldn't be comfortable with any of that either, and your feelings are justified. Your FH is not respecting you in this situation. I strongly suggest couples counseling. A third person would be extremely beneficial in helping your FH see your side, you see his side, and help y'all communicate and work through this. I would not let this simmer, because if you do, it will blow up in a really bad way later on. Good luck, sorry you are having to deal with this.

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  • Madison
    Devoted August 2019
    Madison ·
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    I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Inviting a person from his past is one thing, but in my opinion, it seems like more is going on here. I’m shocked he would think she could ride back with the two of you after the wedding! I would have a serious conversation with him about this and find out what else is going on. He seems to be giving her extra attention in regards to this wedding (making sure she has a place to stay, rides, etc.), and unless he’s doing this for the majority of his friends and family, something is off.
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  • Sarah
    Devoted October 2018
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    I agree with everything mentioned above! Even if this was one of his male guests, the amount of effort he is putting forth is very odd. I'm really not sure what advice I have, but your feelings are definitely justified. Have you talked with anyone else about this? It just seems like he doesn't care at all about your feelings which is not right, even if there isn't anything going on with them.

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  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
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    Nothing about this is ok. I’m all for men and women being friends and I can even get behind inviting someone you once had feelings for to the wedding- FH had feelings for one of the GM’s girlfriend before they started dating and one of my best friends wound up marrying a guy I date in high school so obviously they’re both invited. This sounds like your FH either still has feelings for her or has a huge issue with boundaries that isn’t going to get any better after you get married. It’s also not ok that he just brushes you off as jealous when you express concern over their friendship. I highly suggest couples counseling so you can try and figure this out.
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  • Iva
    Super September 2019
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    Sorry you’re dealing with this. As I was reading, I first thought this is not a big deal, because they never actually dated & it sounded like they are just really good friends. I have a really close guy friend that I’ve known for over 10 years, we talk about many things in life & we also helped each other out many times over the years. He and his girlfriend, who both FH & I know very well too, are invited to our wedding & there are no issues. So yes men & women can be close friends without hidden agendas.

    Where I see a problem is the amount of unusual effort your FH is putting in to take care of his friend (finding her transportation & accommodation for ex. is unnecessary, she is a grown woman & I’m sure can take care of herself). Where it really crosses the line for me is that he wants her to ride with you. That’s just strange. Second problem I see is that he is not paying attention to how you feel & that he is getting angry with you instead. This is something that definitely needs to be worked on & talked through. If something is making your future spouse that uncomfortable & hurt, you have to take it into account & find a compromise at least. Otherwise how will you go through life together? I would make sure that I express very clearly how I feel about this & why & demand that you work through this together until you find a solution that both of you feel comfortable with. Good luck!
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  • FutureMrsKC
    Master January 2019
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    I would definitely try to find a 3rd person to help you both see each others points of view to work through it. A professional would be best. The effort he is putting forth to invite her is unusual and uncalled for. He should have taken your feelings into consideration from the very begining but his lack of respect for how you feel is a HUGE red flag.

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    Savvy November 2019
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    Part of getting married is about forsaking all others... if he doesn't understand this, that is a problem. I was very close friends with my ex (we dated for years, but broke up because the feelings weren't romantic). I felt that having him there would be great for me, but that my FH might be bothered by it. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel uncomfortable on our first step into a life as a family... so I just called him and told him that and it was respected. This day is about you both. She shouldn't even be a factor in my opinion. If he isn't listening to your feelings, then it may be something you need to talk directly with her about. Your feelings should come before hers... and it sounds to me like he is putting her feelings above yours.

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  • Michelle
    Super August 2019
    Michelle ·
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    Exactly how I feel about it. He's not making sure all of the other guests are accommodated like that so I don't understand why he's going through so much trouble for her.
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  • Michelle
    Super August 2019
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    I have talked to my best friend about it and she agrees with me. When I bring it up to him he just acts like I'm in the wrong for feeling the way I do and asks why I feel that way since I don't even know her. It's not about knowing her at this point, it's about how he's acting about it.
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  • Furture Mrs. G
    Expert September 2019
    Furture Mrs. G ·
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    This is a hard and uncomfortable situation. As a PP said there is no issues with guy/girl friendships IF its ONLY that. I personally would think it's weird if my FH spent a lot of his time on the phone with his ex crush. Maybe it's the jealous side of me. But, NONE of this is okay. NONE. And it isn't justified. You need to put your foot down. You are his FW, YOU are his spouse, YOU are the love of his life and he needs to put your feelings first and foremost.

    He should not be getting mad because you don't want your husbands (then) ex crush in the same car as you guys AFTER you have gotten married and shared vows together. Ask him how he would feel if you put him in that situation and went out of your way to put this mans feelings he doesn't know above his.

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  • Sarah
    Devoted October 2018
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    I think his approach to talking to you about it is manipulative. It's like he's making you feel crazy for being "jealous." It's on her to find transportation, and if she cannot figure it out, she shouldn't attend. For whatever reason, she seems to have him wrapped around her finger. That would bother me.

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  • Bride2020
    Devoted May 2020
    Bride2020 ·
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    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this surrounding your wedding! Every woman you talk to will have a story about her man and some other girl whos name puts a bit of a pit in her stomach. I think it's fine she is coming to the wedding, he doesn't want to sever the friendship entirely, but he definitely needs to be hands off with this. No way she should be heading back with you guys, super weird he's having a friend pick her up, he needs to tell her he can't be the guy she calls about everything. You know this, I know this, and girl you talk to will know this, any guy married more than 5 years will know some pre marital counseling. Be confident and know this: as much as your FH is confused, YOU are in the right in this situation. Don't gossip with friends about it and bring them in as third parties (you'll make it worse, and then you're putting yourself in the wrong. Flip the tables and imagine there was some guy he thought you were too close with, and he told you all his friends felt the it doesn't matter if you agree with him, you're mad he was gossiping), go to someone professional (or a pastor for premarital if you're in that crowd) as an unbiased third party who can sit and listen to you both and say "listen buddy, I know it seems like this is fine and you think she's over reacting, but she's realllly not." There are two sides to every story, if there are some details from FHs perspective being left out, a third party will be able to handle that with you as well. But from the sound of it, they'll probably chew him out a bit and know what to say.
    If you feel like this is a red flag and it goes along with a ton of other issues, there's more to it than this. But this is a common issue that doesn't usually mean red flag, it usually just means it's going to take more than you laying out the facts to make him realize what he's doing is wrong, someone else might have to tell him how things look from the outside.
    Best of luck! This is the only think me and FH have ever really argued over in our 5 years together, and when it finally clicked with him and the stars aligned and I said it in a way that got through to him, he was really sad. It was like, "oh shoot I get it now, and I love you, and I can't believe you've been feeling like this and it's my fault. You've been sort of mentioning this for a long time now and I never focused on it enough." Some of it was on me for wanting to come across as a "cool" girlfriend and not be "jealous" so I never was stern enough about it and it all bubbled up at once. Communication is important and I wasn't communicating how I felt, I was coming across more relaxed about the situation than I really was for too long and did need to apologize to him for that.

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  • Hillary
    Expert October 2021
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    Honestly, this is a huge red flag. I was once in a relationship where he made me believe that my feelings, no matter what they were about, were wrong. And that is not a healthy kind of relationship. That is toxic. Does he dismiss your feelings about other things too? In terms of the ex crush situation, something is clearly going on if he wants her to ride with you after the wedding. That just blows my mind! I am so sorry you are going through this.

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  • B
    Super July 2018
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    Honestly, this isn't okay. It wouldn't even be okay if your fiance was putting a GUY friend before you. This is your WEDDING. It's the one day where you guys should be putting each other above everyone - parents, siblings, family, friends, literally everyone, and everyone that truly cares about you both would totally understanding of that. Please put your foot down and tell him that it isn't right to have someone else tag along after you get MARRIED and your feelings should come first END OF STORY. If he still insists on going above and beyond to accommodate for his friend I'd really think hard about this wedding and consider couple's counseling.

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  • M
    Legend June 2019
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    Ugh god, i've so much personal experience with this.

    i am so ok with opposite sex and exes being friends. my problem is moreso when there doesn't seem to be a boundary and that's what this one is.

    it also seems like he doesn't really get how uncomfortable you are by it all. maybe if you try to explain it to him that you are ok with them being friends but not the way they're being friends.

    you can't change the fact that you're uncomfortable by the situation but they can change the way they interact to make you more comfortable and it would be appreciated.

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  • Michelle
    Super August 2019
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    I can say that I also had a friend from high school that I shared feelings with and we did not end up in a relationship either so I get how it is. However, I barely speak to this guy now and I definitely did not invite him to my wedding feeling it might be uncomfortable for my FH. I know he'd say he wouldn't be "jealous" and didn't care but that's him. I feel differently about his friendship.
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  • Michelle
    Super August 2019
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    This is really the only thing he doesn't listen to me about. In his eyes, it's just his friend and I have nothing to worry about. Honestly, I'm not worried that something is going to happen between them but knowing their past I feel uncomfortable having her there because you never know what might stir up. I understand he was just trying to find her a way back from the venue but to suggest she ride with us after knowing how I feel about her was just rude and completely inconsiderate.
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
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    This. So much. I’m angry & sad on your behalf. Big hugs.
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  • Pattie
    Expert June 2020
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    I agree! This is not something you want to just push down and not deal with. It could lead to resentment and more issues later on. I agree that the couples counseling could be helpful in helping to communicate and resolve this issue. I am sorry you are in such a tough situation. I wouldn't let this slide, personally. Premarital counseling could be a good solution too, many officiants already offer this, and could be a good way to seamlessly go into having the discussion because its part of the "process".

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