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Just Said Yes October 2022

Food options for wedding

Cheyenne, on May 31, 2022 at 2:20 PM Posted in Wedding Reception 1 23
Hello everyone! I will be getting married in October, and I need some advice on food options because I have no idea what I’m doingSmiley smile So my fiancé and I are paying for our entire wedding, and with that, we don’t have a huge budget. We have looked into catering and food trucks for the big day, but they’re all out of budget. Our ceremony will be at 6:30pm, so we’re planning on heavy Hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Would it be tacky to do sandwich, fruit and cheese trays or something like that from Publix or Kroger? I’m really trying to keep this wedding affordable but I don’t want to be super cheap. I’m not sure what my other options would be- if any. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated as well!


Latest activity by Lucy, on June 2, 2022 at 11:49 PM
  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
    Cece ·
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    Proper wedding etiquette says if you have your ceremony or reception during mealtime hours (approx 11am-1pm, or 5-8pm) then you need to serve your guests a full proper meal. A way to get around this would be to have your wedding during a non-mealtime; then you could definitely get by with serving just hors d’oeuvres or lighter fare. Another option would be to have a brunch wedding; Brunch foods tend to be much cheaper.
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  • R
    Rosebud ·
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    If your reception is at a dinner time most of your guests will probably be expecting a full meal. One option would be pizzas, salads, and mini hot hero's or some pasta trays . I don't think sandwiches are tacky I would just worry that's not enough food, especially if people are drinking. Good luck and happy planning!

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  • Nicole
    Dedicated October 2023
    Nicole ·
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    I’m so happy you asked this question. My fiancé and I are also paying for our wedding ourselves. And trying to budget out everything without being or seeming cheap to our guests is something we’re so worried about.
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  • L
    Devoted April 2023
    Lucy ·
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    Even though most people will expect a full, 'regular' meal, I really don't think that heavy d'oeuvres, sandwiches and desserts would be tacky/rude, as long as there's enough food, free drinks for everyone and as long as you consider allergies and dietary restrictions some guests may have. The etiquette doesn't state that you have to provide a full meal, it states that you have to feed them: it's NOT the same.

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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    I'm going to disagree with you. Scrimping on food to save money is a poor reflection on the host and families involved. Most couples pay for their own wedding nowadays and they find a way, even if it means a longer engagement to save $. A wedding is often an all-day affair which guests dedicate time and money, just like the couple. Really, if you don't take care of your guests, all your money is wasted when guests leave early because you did not ensure your beloved guests were not left hungry, hot, or bored.

    If the OP's ceremony is at 630pm, meal time after cocktail hour may end up being at 8pm. This will be later and guests will be starving. I doubt guests will eat earlier than 4pm as they account for getting ready and travel time. I would suggest saving money by reducing your guest list, opting for a weekday or day wedding. Good luck.
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  • Sarah
    Super September 2022
    Sarah ·
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    Local restaurants near your venue ? We live an hour from our venue but there is a restaurant near it and there food is AMAZING… the cost is much cheaper then quotes I got from actual catering companies and our main courses are prime rib and Stuffed chicken w/ 2 sides which are garlic smashed potatoes and brown sugar glazed carrots .. we also get 3 appetizers crab Mac and cheese, sweet and sour meatballs and a veggie display. Side salad, apple butter biscuits and soda, water, sweet tea and lemonade for 110 guests and our total was under 6k. This is buffet style and it also includes gratuity and 4 hours of service. I’m
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  • Sarah
    Super September 2022
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    Most places quoted me 8k so we were so very excited to discover this restaurant 😍
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  • Hanna
    VIP June 2019
    Hanna ·
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    For a 6:30 pm wedding, yes--this would be very tacky and in poor taste. You could do this plan if you host your wedding during a non-meal time, such as in the afternoon.

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  • Sylvana
    Devoted August 2021
    Sylvana ·
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    Full meal if your wedding is during "meal times". If you want to do heavy finger foods, that's totally ok and not tacky but then you'd need to move your wedding time to a non traditional time so maybe early afternoon or brunch. Also, please keep people with dietary restrictions in mind. The last few weddings I went to, we were not properly fed because we are vegetarian. We were left with one side dish of pasta and salad. I had to ask for more pasta since that's all we could eat and while everyone else was given full meals, we were given small portions of Mac and cheese. Remember everyone needs to eat enough to at least hold them over to the end of your reception. You don't want people leaving early so they can get fast food after they expected to be fed at your wedding. It's not fun. A reception is a thank you to your guests for taking the time to come and witness your wedding. You can scrimp elsewhere. We didn't get a videographer and cut favors to be able to host a full open bar and a full sit down meal for our guests.
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  • L
    Devoted April 2023
    Lucy ·
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    Food is food! As long as you have enough chairs, tables, space for, you don't leave them hungry and you meet & greet everyone, I'm not sure why serving appet.,HD, salad and dessert would be a big deal ... Is there a law that requires a full meal if the reception takes place during dinner timenowadaus? Did I miss some epiosodes? I don't understand the reasoning behind this.

    If you're the type of people who judges couples based on this or the level of formality, that's your choice but not everyone feels the same way.

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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    I didn't say a coursed out meal, I said enough food. Not feeding people during a regular meal time, when they dedicate 6-8 hours with you is rude and risky with traveling and if providing alcohol. You can be budget-conscious, but you can't be an inconsiderate host.

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  • needmorewine
    Expert May 2016
    needmorewine ·
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    Standard etiquette has always been that if you invite people to an event you're hosting then you must provide food appropriate for the time of day. In OP's case this means they need to provide dinner. No one has said it has to be fancy, and heavy appetizers are fine as long as you provide enough of them to make up a full meal. The problem with that, though, is it usually ends up costing at least as much and sometimes more than serving dinner, which defeats the purpose of saving money.

    Looking into local restaurants is a good idea, like a previous poster said, and you can always inquire with local catering companies to see if there are any who can work within your budget. If it just isn't affordable to provide a full meal then you should consider moving the wedding to an early afternoon or cutting back on the guest list and/or extras like decorations.

    Would you really want the only thing guests remember about your wedding to be that they went hungry due to lack of food?

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  • Kelly
    Super October 2023
    Kelly ·
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    Qdoba also does catering for a good price. It's a good way to go if you have allergies. I agree with others that you need to make sure you have plenty of food.

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  • E
    Devoted February 2023
    Elycia ·
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    Definitely check with local restaurants. Pasta is inexpensive and an easy crows pleaser. Catering in Olive Garden is easy and you can do about $10 a person or less if you purchase the correct options. Sandwiches and fruit and stuff would be more appropriate for a luncheon. if I were you I would do fewer hors d'oeuvres and funnel that money towards a more formal meal.

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  • E
    Devoted February 2023
    Elycia ·
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    As a guest I would be incredibly annoyed to go to a long wedding over a meal time without receiving a full meal. Its not about formality, they could cater in pizzas or olive garden or McDonalds for all I care as long as its enough food. Small sandwiches from Publix and fruit is not a full meal. That's something I expect to snack on at a graduation party or shower or something.

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  • Frederic
    Dedicated October 2024
    Frederic ·
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    This is YOUR day and staying within budget is very important!!
    Keeping the event classy, yet affordable will take you 2 being creative but TRUST me you are NKT alone on your quest!!!
    Use the folks near and close to you. The wedding isn't about filling's a snack with a show for all intent and purposes.....
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  • L
    Devoted April 2023
    Lucy ·
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    "I didn't say a coursed out meal, I said enough food": I got it, girl! I wrote this above. I read my previous posts: I'VE NERVER,EVER SAID that it was ok for the couple not to feed their folks. If I've, feel free to post a screenshot, outlining the said phrase?? You definitely misunderstood my replie.. Please read them, again and over again untill you realize I'VE NEVER SAID THIS.

    I said "as long as there's enough food and room for everyone etc"

    The fact the guests are investing time and money has nothing to do with it. I'm not sure why you're talking about that either, since, once again, I'm aware you have to feed your folks and you have to host them properly.

    Like Frederic said above: "The wedding isn't about filling's a snack with a show for all intent and purposes...." They are celebrating a marriage above all, don't forget that.

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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Frederic nor you have gotten married yet, so you can plan all the snacks you want, but I'm going to tell you it will be received poorly. So what is enough food for you? You don't believe in a full meal or a coursed meal (which incidentally is what you called salad, entree, and dessert). Everyone on this post is noting why a meal at meal time is suitable, but you're still not getting it. So I'm going to assume your push back is because you don't care what you feed your guests. Your guests care for you, they came out to spend hours of their time for you, but you don't care to feed them properly as thank you. So this will happen: you, your spouse, your families, your wedding, your marriage will be thought of as low-budget. Guests will leave early. Which I believe is how the OP doesn't want to look, hence her question. The other option is to be alternative in timing and options (mentioned above). Fyi, some venues have liability clauses and hosts must serve a certain amount of food if there is alcohol.

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  • M
    VIP August 2021
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    To add, if you're okay with being perceived as "low-budget", that is okay. No, I am not equating this with having an informal wedding. There are many nice, thoughtfully- planned weddings that are not formal.

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  • G
    Just Said Yes October 2023
    Geneva ·
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    We are in the same boat with paying for everything which is no issue as we decided how to save money the best way between the both of us.

    We actually are looking into a couple of "mom and pop" places that don't charge an arm and a leg for catering and have a substantial amount of catering experience. We are in North Carolina and it is hard to find anything that is not really expensive but my advice would be a simple meal with 2 entrees, 2 or 3 sides and dinner rolls. I researched a heavily hors d'oeuvres reception and it was going to cost us just as much a regularly catered meal.

    Hope this helps!!!

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