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Dedicated May 2019

Future mil issues and planning

CountryBride, on May 24, 2018 at 10:33 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 11

Hi all, warning...long. Ok so little back FH and I have been together for 7 yrs until he finally proposed in Dec'18. All of his family was excited and have been waiting for this day for so long. I used to get along GREAT with his mother. We would hang out and talk on the phone but since we got engaged she has changed. She has become a very pushy and opinionated person. His parents are paying for the wedding...they offered to pay and said they saved to do so. I have no money saved and am living paycheck to paycheck working 2 jobs and paying off my $100,000 student loan. FH I think has no money saved either ( I say think bc we have not talked about his money or my money, we split the costs of the house and keep our stuff separate for now). My parents have no money. I am 1 of 5 children and the only girl. There was no money for college and no money for a wedding. My father also passed away over 10 yrs ago so its just my mom. My mom is in her 70s and on a very fixed income and health is not that great.

So now to the present with planning the wedding. I have felt guilty and ashamed that his parents are paying for the entire wedding, therefore I haven't been into planning so much. Well FH and his parents have been pushing me to get started. I had to have a conversation with FIL about my feelings and why I have not been into planning. I expressed my gratitude to them for this amazing gift but keep getting very concerned with the cost. I am a coupon user and saver. They said I was being ridiculous and they want to do this for us. So we started with looking at venues. I was trying to keep the costs down but him and his parents are not concerned with prices. We booked a venue that I thought was reasonable for the price but then they pick the most expensive package with tons of food (ie 25 passed appetizers, 5 stations (pasta/carving/etc) for cocktail hr, then most expensive dinner menu that included 2 entrees...FIL want to add 3rd entrée "have to have chicken, steak, and fish to choose from" they don't care about extra cost., then cake and dessert pedestal) SOOOOOO much food. I see the price and almost have a heart attack. FH and FIL don't even bat an eye.

Then comes entertainment and photography. Met with a guy I really liked and he does all the following:




-photo booth


So when we first met with him the quote for all that was $7,000. I thought was a lot but got a lot in the package and he gave us the basic photo booth for free. Well then we meet with him with the FIL and they like him but they added more stuff like extra photographer and highest photo booth package. Total then came to over $11,000. I am in sticker shock and the guilt of them paying is on overload. I talk to FH about it and he doesn't understand why I am upset. He has no problem with his parents paying. He feels they have the money and want to do it so be it. He also grew up in a very different childhood then me. His parents always took care of him financially and still do (hes 38) My family didn't have much at all so we took care of ourselves financially.

I have tried to be gracious and accept their gift but they also make it very hard....mostly FMIL. Anytime I make a suggestion about our wedding I feel I get shot down. I try to save them money on stuff and again get shot down. I feel they are making almost all the decisions for our wedding. I don't feel included. FMIL tries to get me to be a part of it but every time I make a suggestion she shoots it down so I feel diminished and don't want to feel like that so I keep my mouth shut. FH is not happy about that. Says I am being disrespectful and unappreciative of their gift when I just say "whatever you want , that's fine"

I feel like its FH and MIL wedding not FH and mine. Had a discussion with FH the other night about it and he doesn't understand why I am upset about this. Asked me to tell him something I wanted and didn't get. I told him its not what I wanted and didn't get its more like don't want or feel don't need and am getting. I am not a show boater and thought my FH was the same (apparently I was wrong. We are simple laid back people. Not flashy with cars or clothes. I feel this wedding has turned very expensive and showy. That discussion turned nasty and now FH is mad at me bc I am making such a big deal about the cost of things when we are not paying. He also brings up my mother and the fact that she has a year to save up something to contribute. I know my mother does not have the money and will not put her in that situation. I am paying to have her hair and makeup done and may even have to pay for her dress. And I am ok with that. I want my mother to look beautiful and be happy and comfortable.

The cost of his parents gift of the money for the wedding is causing me major anxiety and guilt. I feel subconsciously his parents are trying to make my mom look bad. They have said they don't even want to sit with her at the wedding (other reasons besides the money thing). Its really upsetting. If we could reject the money and have a small intimate wedding I would but FH is not in agreement with that plus FIL have already put deposits on the venue and entertainment package.

This has caused so much friction between me and FH that we are fighting. I'm stressed all the time. Don't want to spend any time with his parents.....all they talk about is the wedding. I said to FH during our discussion that his parents need to calm down with the wedding talk. We have the major stuff done ...venue, date, food, entertainment package. We could relax a little and don't need to talk about wedding stuff everytime we see each other...which is every Friday for dinner. He got upset that I said I wanted a break from his parents and talking about wedding stuff. Felt I was being ungrateful. I just really don't want to talk about wedding stuff for a little while. Its so stressful for me bc I feel I don't really get a choice or say in what to have and not have bc all my ideas are about saving money and him and his parents don't care how much stuff costs. I have been told by FH to get over it and accept the gift but he doesn't see the cost, he agrees 95% of the time with his parents. Told by FIL not to worry about the money and that they want to do this and saved for this. Told by MOH I need to stop worrying about the money too, but she agrees FMIL is being too pushy...she calls her MOMZILLA bc I am def not a bridezilla.

I just don't know how to get over it and accept the gift when I know all the underlying cost to they get the final say in mostly everything and the guilt for my mom. How do I handle the FIL and not have FH mad at me????? Have tried the discussions with both but just seems to get worse.



Latest activity by FutureMrsO, on May 27, 2018 at 7:28 PM
  • The Nuptials
    VIP July 2018
    The Nuptials ·
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    I hate to say it, but they pay, they say. They love you two and are doing their best to share in your day. Take a deep breath and keep pushing. You should have more conversations with your FI about this, but I can see where he is coming from too. You cannot control how they spend their money, it is what it is, and try not to take it as a slight to your mother as he is their son and this is their gift to you two. Try not to be resentful, I know thats easier said than done. Keeping going to those dinner, too!

    If you can, try to pick out a few special things that you can provide for the wedding. Maybe its some signs, or cake cutting set. I hear you in that they have taken over the planning but thats to be expected with the money they are spending.

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  • Kristina
    Master August 2018
    Kristina ·
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    I'd try hard to get past the guilt and anxiety, but still speak up if you want something done. If they don't mind paying the money, then they simply don't mind. Yes, that's a LOT, but if they don't even blink an eye, they obviously have enough saved for this so they can give you an ultimate dream wedding. If there's something you ABSOLUTELY want, I'd tell them "Hey, I'm really grateful for what you're doing, but this is something I'd really love to have, please."

    Try to sit down with FH and explain WHY you feel this way, but you're working on it, and you'd appreciate if he didn't argue with you every time you express your feelings. Remind him you two are a team, and you aren't trying to bring his family down, but just want your voice heard as well.

    Good luck! I know this is difficult to do when you grew up a different way, but sometimes you just need to accept the fact that this is their lifestyle and they are used to spending this kind of money. And your wedding will be INCREDIBLE.

    Keep us updated on everything! Smiley heart

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  • DC Wife 10.27.18
    Master October 2018
    DC Wife 10.27.18 ·
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    If they are paying you are going to have to accept the fact that they are going to do what they want. LOL I agree with PP. You should pick a few special things AND KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF that you want to include in your big day the execute them.

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  • Jaycie
    Expert March 2019
    Jaycie ·
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    I agree with this. It'd be a little different if they weren't giving in to what you wanted at all and only doing what they want as opposition, but it seems they want to do something elaborate for you and your FH cause they love you! I'm also not too comfortable with accepting what family wants to contribute but they all just want the best for my FH and me. If they find pricing to not be an issue then they are probably just so happy to give you and your FH the best they can for your wedding day.
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  • T
    Super December 2018
    T P ·
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    I would first like to say that whatever you are feeling, and however you process your understanding of the situation is valid. I would like to encourage you, however, to consider, very closely, the other perspectives that you have acknowledged. You have done nothing wrong. It is quite reasonable that you would wish to be as independent in the planning of the wedding you and your partner will share as you are able to be. You have already indicated that you are more inclined to shop for the best value, not necessarily the greatest cost. That is commendable! Fortunately, there are people who love and care about you and your partner enough to desire to provide you with one of the highest forms of tribute they can imagine by gifting a dream wedding to you. The concern you may wish to focus on is not the issue of expense, but thr issue of boundaries. It would be useful, and not unreasonable for you, your partner, and his parents to speak with each other directly about the intentions behind the selections of vendor packages and the expansive budget. If his family is well positioned financially, the encouragement you have recieved to contract the elaborate packages may simply extend from their desire to see you both receive the best they can afford without the desire to cast any negative impression upon you or your family. The expectations they hold of a wedding may also be different than yours. Many people consider weddings a once in a lifetime affair deserving of all the pomp and circumstance of a state dinner. In some cultures, a parent will save all their life to afford an elaborate wedding for their children. It may be worth discussing a budget threshold within which you can work and make decisions. If you discuss expectations that you each hold, it will be easier for you all to understand the thoughts behind the actions that are driving your wedding planning decisions. If you find you are still having difficulties, I encourage you to seek guidance from a personal or family counselor who may be able to offer better perspective and tools for more positive interaction. I am hopeful that you will be able to remain on good terms with your in laws. Weddings can be stressful times, but they bring people together for the most wonderful reasons. Best of luck!
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  • The Nuptials
    VIP July 2018
    The Nuptials ·
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    This is good stuff right here OP! Counseling is always a great idea, if you ask me.

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  • CountryBride
    Dedicated May 2019
    CountryBride ·
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    Thank you all for your comments. I do understand that they love us and want to give us the best. I just get so hung up on cost and have always been taught to save money however you can. Again different lifestyles for sure. I am a Walmart girl and proud of it. The dress I found for the wedding is $250 and I am proud of it. It looks just as good as one that would cost over $1,000. I am not a flashy girl and I can dress up a cheap Walmart outfit to look more expensive. His parents are the spend the money first, look at the price later. Also his mothers pushiness is getting really overwhelming. Why does it have to be non stop wedding talk? Our wedding is a year away and the major stuff is done. I am just not enjoying the planning AT ALL.

    In regards to counseling.....I have been in counseling myself for issues about fathers death and my stress management issues...FH and I have gone together as well for relationship issues. Now FH doesn't think counseling is necessary. Thinks we should be able to talk to each other and fix each other....but when I try to talk about my feelings and concerns he gets upset with me and thinks its ridiculous.

    Just want to be excited again and happy!!! don't know how to get there.

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  • Cindy
    Savvy September 2019
    Cindy ·
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    My advice the next time the wedding topic comes up at dinner would just to be laid back and be like yeah we can talk wedding planning but lets set a date aside for that and enjoy a family dinner to talk about how things are going in life. Then ask them how work is or something else that may be going on. Just have a conversation saying I am grateful for everything you are doing for the wedding but we can set up time just for wedding talk. Hope something like that will help to get rid of the stress and to being more happy

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  • Midwest May
    VIP May 2016
    Midwest May ·
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    Okay, I was in the same situation as your fmil. It took us (dil and I) a while to get on the same page. I thought she was picking cheap stuff (in the beginning,) only because she was worried about the money. Eventually she was able to realize that this was one (and only) time she wasn't going to have to cut corners. And I realized that just because she found a deal or chose something on the lower end of the cost spectrum didn't mean she did it only for cost reasons but that she actually LIKED what she was choosing. Her lack of willingness to engage in the planning process and VOICE her wants and tastes early on was frustrating because it wasn't that I wanted to take over but because I was so happy and excited for them and for our family. Once she got confident in making HER choices and I got confident that she wasn't "settling", we had a blast together with DIY projects and actually getting the wedding that was totally them.

    So please try to meet them half-way. You need to step up and actually CHOOSE some of the things and see how they react. Reassure them you are not "settling" for something that isn't you because of money. Understand that they have a certain amount of pride and that their priorities are somewhat different than yours because of the stage of life they are in vs yours. If they are financially more-than-comfortable, then it's just natural that an event like this is higher on their priority list for their discretionary money than a new car or a vacation etc. This is how they want to spend their money. And if they are like my husband and I, they want you to have the day of your dreams whatever those dreams are. But if you can't stand up and show them or make choices about it, they can't know they are spending their money on something that will be worth it. Because the only thing that makes it worth it is the look of joy on you and your fh's face.

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  • CountryBride
    Dedicated May 2019
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    Thank you for the FMIL prospective. I am trying to get on the same page with her and know a lot of my ideas are on the cheaper end, but I also liked them. I am a simple girl and don't need lavish expensive things. FIL are def on the more expensive end of the spectrum. They don't really know how to cut corners and dont look for the best deal. I have tried to voice my opinions but FMIL keeps shooting me down so I get discouraged from saying anything. I will take your advice and try to meet half way again. I just am not enjoying planning at all and want everything to be done. I wish the day was tomorrow instead of a yr away. I stress a lot over everything and my FH doesn't even stress a little. He is in almost perfect agreement with his parents and also has expensive tastes. Thank you again for the advice. I just want his parents to calm down a little. Like I said major stuff is done. Can we stop talking wedding stuff everytime we are together.

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  • F
    Super August 2018
    FutureMrsO ·
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    I was in a similar situation. My parents are similar to your FILS in that they will spend whatever they want on certain things, especially weddings, as in Jewish tradition weddings are huge formal events. However, I was told growing up that because my parents threw me a large party for my bat mitzvah, that they would not be paying for a wedding. When FH and I got engaged last summer, we planned for a 2019 wedding. When I told my mom this, she questioned me as to why we were waiting 2 years to which I replied we wanted to save up to pay for the wedding. She told me I was ridiculous and that of course her and my father would pay for it. Well, low and behold, we're back at the same venue that I had my bat mitzvah at, where they have even more food than you mentioned you're having at yours (the cocktail hours is 2 rooms with about 35+ passed apps, chaffing stations, fresh made sushi, vodka and caviar with an ice vodka luge, multiple fresh made pasta and carving stations...literally the works) and my father wants to add on their seafood package which puts even MORE food in the cocktail hour. Plus 3 entree options. My parents added the 4k lighting package, and the list goes on and on and on. I absolutely feel guilty about things they're spending their money on. But when I express this to my parents, they tell me that it is their money and they are adults and can choose how they want to spend it. And honestly, they're right. If they want the extra flowers for the ceremony, well they're paying so who am I to say anything? It would be one thing if they were picking colors/types of flowers I hated, but they're not. I get a say in everything and they always want me to pick what I want...I just need to speak up and say what it is that I want. If they choose to add on top of that then that is their choice. It is always hard to accept monetary gifts, but keep in mind that they are doing this because they love you. I'm sure that they're aware of your mother's financial issues and that you faced financial issues growing up. Perhaps knowing that, and knowing what they can afford, they just want to do everything in their power to make sure that you and FH have the most perfect, memorable day and they are happy to provide that for you. My best advice would be to just be thankful for everything they are doing and let them do it...but make sure that if you don't like something you say it, and make sure to give them your opinions rather than saying you don't care or whatever they want. I know when I say that to my parents, my father gets very upset because, as he says, if he didn't want me to have what I want, he wouldn't ask for my opinion. Embrace the gift and make it known what you want, your likes and dislikes. But at this point, embrace the fact that they love you enough to give you one hell of a party!

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