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Expert May 2017

How did he propose?

Kristin, on March 15, 2017 at 6:21 PM

Posted in Wedding Attire 135

How did your fh propose? Just curious to see how everyone's happened! Mine proposed while we were at the kc royals game. After the game was over I went to the bathroom. I come out grab our stuff and he starts talking and got down on one knee! It was so cute. His mom and daughter got a video of it....

How did your fh propose? Just curious to see how everyone's happened! Mine proposed while we were at the kc royals game. After the game was over I went to the bathroom. I come out grab our stuff and he starts talking and got down on one knee! It was so cute. His mom and daughter got a video of it. All of the other fans were yelling and screaming. It was great!


  • DC
    Super May 2018
    DC ·
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    He didn't lol We, and our families, have been talking marriage for a couple years. We were just having casual convo and said let's do it next year

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  • Riya
    Super November 2018
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    It just happened on Sunday!! I knew it was coming but he did a good job trying to make it sentimental. Basically he recreated our first date (blindfolded me so I wouldn't know where we were driving to). We went to a movie! Then he took me to a Chicago Pizza place called Pequod's. That's where we went for dinner after the movie on our first date. He called ahead of time and reserved the back room and had them make us a pizza with a heart on it. The pizza came to the table with the ring box on it, and the pizza was covered with foil. He took the foil off, and I saw the ring box and the heart of sausage. He got on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was so sweet and endearing, low key and sentimental.

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  • E.V.
    VIP November 2017
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    As for my engagement story, (the short version), he had me go on a bit of a scavenger hunt in our house, which led me outside to a scene set with lights, two engraved "mrs" and "mr" glasses, and an engraved bottle of bourbon that said "marry me?" He popped out from behind a tree, got down on his knee, and asked me to be his wife. His sisters came out from hiding on the side of our house and had recorded the whole thing. Here is the link to the more detailed version if you are interested.

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  • Linds
    Master March 2017
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    I worked a weekend shift (which I hate) and when I got home FH cleaned the whole house. He cooked dinner, and we drank (a lot). After dinner we drank a little more, and watched tv, and he called me into the kitchen and before we took shots he said we should have something to drink to - and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

    The kitchen was a mess, the dog was going crazy - it was not what I expected at all, and it was perfect.

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  • FutureFuji
    VIP September 2017
    FutureFuji ·
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    For my birthday weekend, he planned a trip to our college town 3.5 hours away (we are college sweethearts) and booked our favorite inn, a couples massage, bay cruise, fancy dinners for both nights, the works. He is not a planner at all so I knew it was coming.

    He ended up suggesting a hike so we went to a state park overlooking the ocean and waited for sunset (which never came) and he proposed there. It was gorgeous.

    We actually went back this month and got our engagement pictures taken at his proposal spot, and there was a sunset this time! I haven't gotten the digital copies but I attached the proof.

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  • CarrieLynn
    Expert December 2017
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    He recreated our first date: took me to the restaurant we ate at, walked all around the town (Gruene, Tx), listened to some good music. Then, at the end of the night, he asked me follow him. He took me to quiet area under some Christmas lights and dropped to one knee.

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  • Clairedenise
    Devoted June 2018
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    My FH proposed to me at my birthday dinner.. it was so cute because he was a nervous wreck lol

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  • Cy
    Super October 2017
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    My Fh proposed on the night of our first anniversary at a lantern festival in PA, along with the shoes Smiley smile i remember him texting me every minute when I would arrive, he was so nervous during the whole time and kept drinking water lol. I was wondering why!

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  • CoBoundAdv
    Expert October 2017
    CoBoundAdv ·
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    In the summer, we work several states apart. On my last weekend of work for the summer, I jumped in my car and drove all the way to where she was. I arrived about 12:30 at night and surprised her. We went to a hotel that night. She was so excited that she wanted to watch the sun rise the next morning at Reddish Knob in Virginia (she has told me about this for years)! We woke up super early and drove up the mountain to watch the sun rise and I popped the question there!

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  • M
    Beginner September 2018
    Melissa ·
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    It was on Christmas...... FH was all excited like the whole week before and he was saying how I was going to love Christmas this year and he got me some good presents. So that got me excited and I couldn't wait. So that morning we got up really early and we went out to the front room and I open the presents one after another after another and they were all heavy metal shirts!!!!! I was like you were all excited about shirts? Don't get me wrong I liked the shirts but I didn't think it was something to get that excited about. So then FH decided we was going to do laundry. He goes and gets the laundry basket and brings it down stairs and then comes back up with one of those big teddy bear that had a little tinker bell stocking hanging off the paw. So he told me to look in the stocking. So I did and there was the box. So I took it out and opened it and then he got down on his knee and asked me Smiley smile

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  • FME
    Master March 2018
    FME ·
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    I loveee all these great stories! FH and I talked about it before and I had mentioned to him I didn't want some big elaborate thing like sky writing or at a restaurant (I have social anxiety), so anyway.

    So a few weeks before Christmas there's small hints here and there( like his mom asking me for my ring size) so I'm like YASS he's gonna propose on Christmas. So Christmas comes I'm so confident he's going to propose but I'm trying to hide the excitement-I open up my gifts (perfume, socks, and a big box) The big box, a smaller box inside, then a smaller box (you see where I'm going) So finally I get to a ring box. I'm like THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE MOMENT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR and I open it and it's just a normal ring. A beautiful ring but just a regular ring. I was so disappointed but It really is a great ring, but duh that's why his mom asked me for my ring size-not because of an e-ring but because of this other ring. (A infinity ring to match my necklace). We go over to his sisters to watch the kids open presents, that comes and goes and I'm like still thinking of how dumb I was to be literally thinking for 4 weeks it was going to happen all over the question his mom asked. So we go back to our house later to let the dogs out and he's recapping the presents I got, and he's like I think you're forgetting one, it's not a big one but I think you forgot one. so I'm on my hands and knees under the Christmas tree...I'm like nothing is here, so he's looking and he's like..I can't find it let me keep looking. SO I'm like ok whatever, so I go outside-take my dogs out-I come back in and he's in front of the Christmas tree on one knee "I found it! it was in my pocket" but then he proposed and I ugly cried.

    Then the rest of the day he was bragging how he got me with the "decoy ring" Lol

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  • K
    Dedicated November 2017
    Kristen ·
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    Omg I love reading these engagement stories!

    Fall is my favorite time of year and we always try to plan a little mini trip to enjoy the season. We had big plans and reservations made far in advance to go to Montreal because we hadn't been there in over 3 years. I had a feeling he would propose there. We were coming up on our 5 year anniversary and Montreal was our first real trip together so I had a feeling it was going to happen. The only issue is FH passport expired and he waited until the last minute to mail everything in. Fast forward 2 weeks before our trip FH tells me he didn't get his new passport because he didn't fill out one section of the form right. I was so upset! We had to cancel our trip, but FH said he still wanted to go somewhere so he arranged a trip to Vermont last minute. I still had hope he would propose. Well the trip came and went and it was beautiful and perfect, but no proposal. I thought maybe he'd wait until the new year or Valentine's Day.

    So at the end of the month we were discussing going to Sleepy Hollow as we normally do around Halloween. We made some last minute overnight reservations and had dinner at a nice restaurant and that was it. The next day he told me he found a place he knew I'd love to explore and it was a surprise. A little background info I LOVE exploring abandoned places be it ruins, houses, and especially cemeteries. Not for any morbid reason I just find old cemeteries to be beautiful and creepy and interesting to explore. Every time we go on a trip he knows me well enough to research local old cemeteries for us to walk through. So he pulls up to the side of a road on what looks like the middle of nowhere. There was nothing but woods and shrubbery next to us. He told me to get out of the car and to follow him. I thought he was crazy but we climbed up a hill into the trees and I started seeing the formations of old dilapidated headstones. He somehow found a hidden overgrown forgotten cemetery that didn't even have a name! Sounds crazy but for ME that was like hitting the jackpot I was like a kid in a candy store lol. Mind you he's not quite as into cemetery exploring as I am but he knows how much I love it so he always finds something interesting to find.

    So before I got a chance to check things out he grabbed my hand and told me he loved me and asked if I loved him. I told him of course. Then he dropped to one knee and my stomach dropped and I instantly started crying. The moment his knee hit the floor the heavens opened up and it started down pouring in buckets on us. He told me he had a whole romantic speech planned but it went out the window because of nerves and because it was raining so damn much lol. He told me after he DID plsn on proposing in Montreal and or Vermont but he didn't get the ring ordered in time lol.

    Not everyone can say they got engaged in a cemetery the day before Halloween and I know it sounds creepy to some but it was absolutely perfect for me Smiley smile

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  • Elizabeth
    Expert April 2018
    Elizabeth ·
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    Work sent me to London (we live in Colorado) and we decided he didn't have enough vacation days to join me. I took Thursday/Friday off to site see and wasn't returning until Sunday. My friend booked me a tour of St. Paul's Cathedral as a thank you for throwing her a baby shower and instead my FH showed up (straight from the airport) and proposed and hired a photographer to capture it all. I had absolutely no clue. It was amazing. Actually he was a little late so he had to fetch me out of the cathedral and caused some trouble, but it all worked out. I'm so gullible I still thought there was a tour until he started talking.

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  • Kelsey
    Savvy October 2018
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    All romantic stories. We're not what you might call a traditional couple. We've been together for 7 years, since my senior year of high school, and have lived together for 3 1/2 years. We had talked about getting married a few times but the general response by him was always "eventually". A couple weeks ago we decided to start camping on the weekends. He picked this gorgeous place, but it was more for backpacking and we weren't that prepared hiked for an hour with our tent and everything before turning around and going back to the car. Once we got to the car we packed up and then sat down to rest before leaving and he said, "I was planning on proposing this trip. You've been my rock these past few months (went through a rough patch financially) and I'm ready to get married to you." No ring or anything, but we'll pick one out together that fits our budget. Just started planning and haven't told any friends or family yet. Waiting to make sure we dont have to push our date because of how expensive everything is so far.

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  • MrsBanks
    Expert April 2018
    MrsBanks ·
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    He asked for my parents permission, then he took me to my favorite place- a fountain that lights up that we always go to. He told me how much he loved me, and some other stuff and then got down on one knee in front of the fountain.

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  • Paige
    Dedicated August 2017
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    He proposed in our hotel room while we were in Puerto Rico.

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  • melanie
    Master August 2017
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    With a fortune cookie Smiley smile

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  • Devoted May 2020
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    FH proposed to me at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park on our first night together after I spent 4 months abroad! There was a sculpture of two thrones and we were going to take a picture in them but when I turned to sit down he grabbed my hand and said wait, I turned to face him and he was down on one knee. <3

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  • FinallyMrsJennings
    Devoted April 2017
    FinallyMrsJennings ·
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    We were in Mexico at the Mayan Ruins in Tulum. We were trying to find someone to take a picture of us, but I was getting antsy because I thought we were going to miss our bus. FH got pretty upset and I couldn't figure out why. We finally found someone to take our picture but FH was fiddling around trying to get something out of his backpack and I was like "OMG we're just wasting this lady's time!" Then I saw the box and immediately started crying. It was beautiful and we got a ton of photos of it because this lady was awesome! Forever grateful for her!

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  • Shops16
    Devoted October 2017
    Shops16 ·
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    On the beach in Myrtle Beach when we went to see the sunrise!

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