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Dedicated June 2013

How to politely ask ur guests to not post ur wedding pictures?

Buffy, on July 24, 2012 at 10:15 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 33

I'm a very private person. I use social media only to keep in touch with very long distance friends and family. I don't share every one of my pictures online. My wedding is special to me and I'd like to keep it private from the "world", at least until I get my wedding pictures from my photographer. Other people that didn't get invited to the wedding but were expecting an invitation would be upset/hurt if they see they pictures on facebook/twitter.

Is there a way to gently ask your guests to not post pictures of the wedding as it is going on?


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  • Labake
    Master June 2012
    Labake ·
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    Buffy how many people are coming to your wedding?

    None of our guests put photos on FB, etc until we decided which photos we wanted to share. We only had 50 people and we spread the word.

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  • Kimber
    VIP September 2012
    Kimber ·
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    Could you create a password protected photo sharing site and put that information in your programs? That way, your guests could share photos with you, but they wouldn't be plastered all over Facebook.

    I will be following this thread, as I feel the same way.

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  • Esposafisher
    Super September 2012
    Esposafisher ·
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    This is a great question.
    I am concerned about guests who bring their cameras.
    I don't mind taking pictures with my friends and family. I just don't want them posting them on FB

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  • Katie
    Super October 2012
    Katie ·
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    My photographer suggested putting it politely in our programs. She even suggested requesting that the guests refrain from using their cameras so that they can truely take in the meaning of the cermony.

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  • Stephanie
    VIP October 2012
    Stephanie ·
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    For my daughter we put a framed sign next to the guest book as people arrived. It was a little poem asking the guests to refrain from posting on any social media site. Her uncle was the only one who didn't read the sign and her other uncles gave him heck about it. lol Anyway if I find the poem I will post it.

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  • Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants
    Master November 2011
    Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants ·
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    Easy fix, go unplugged. Nobody will even be able to take pics to post that way. That's what we did so the only photos posted of our wedding were ones I posted myself.

    Let your guests know that when you get your photos back you will be more than happy to share but eliminating the root will nip it in the bud.

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  • Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants
    Master November 2011
    Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants ·
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    I posted a pic of our sign. We had an unplugged wedding for MANY reasons but doing that stopped the posting on media sites.

    I also wrote a blog about it for my photographer and she has it on her site for all her future brides...

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  • Esposafisher
    Super September 2012
    Esposafisher ·
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    @mrs. Clark.

    I think i will use that!


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  • Buffy
    Dedicated June 2013
    Buffy ·
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    I have approximately 150-160 guests, so it's not easy to do world of mouth. Some of the guests are "camera whore". It will be hard to try to keep those camera phones away.

    Thank you ladies for your ideas and advices. I will start a password protected website and will indicate in the program that our wedding will be an oasis Unplugged Wedding. That's a great idea, it's a part of a theme for the wedding without offending our guests.

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  • MrsO
    Master May 2012
    MrsO ·
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    I cringe when I know a friend on facebook is getting married that day and people are posting photos on facebook of the wedding as the wedding is currently happening. It's like really? It can't wait?

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  • Carole M (a.k.a "old tart")
    Master October 2011
    Carole M (a.k.a "old tart") ·
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    Mrs. Clark, I love the sign. I will be borrowing it. Thank you. While the programs are finished, I will put this in the vestibule of the church.

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  • Brandie
    VIP September 2011
    Brandie ·
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    Good idea ladies! I find it so rude to take pictures during a ceremony and even more so to post them on facebook. I didn't realize anyone was doing it during our ceremony until I got our video and I'm watching someone doing everything they can to get around the photographer so they can get a picture. I even recevied a facebook message during the ceremony from a guest congratulating me who was there!! I was appalled. Like they couldn't have waited 20 minutes until it was over. Nope, they were facebooking during the ceremony.

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  • Shelley
    Super December 2012
    Shelley ·
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    We are also having an unplugged wedding and we printed a separate card that is going in the invitation envelope informing guest. We also listed it on our wedding website, and we will ask the officiant to announce prior to the wedding to ensure that everyone gets the message. I "secretly" dislike FB; I don't understand why people can't just enjoy the moment. Seems as though FB is "brag central" !

    This is what we said

    We want you to be able to really enjoy our wedding day, feeling truly present and in the moment with us. We've hired an amazing professional photographer who will be capturing each special moment - and we're inviting each of you to sit back, relax, and just enjoy how the wedding feels.

    We're respectfully asking that everyone leave all cameras and cell phones off for the duration of the ceremony.

    Not only can the flashes from cameras and smartphones wash out our photographer's pictures, we want pictures of all your smiling faces rather than the backs of your phones!

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  • Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants
    Master November 2011
    Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants ·
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    Carole, (and others) I think I still have the PDF I used for it if you want. I had Kinkos blow it up and I put it on a flat canvas board. If not, Im sure you can create one. But FYI, kinkos told me it needs to be in PDF format to work..

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  • Now mrs. K
    VIP June 2013
    Now mrs. K ·
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    Unfotunately in our "plugged in" age this sort of thing could happen even if you do all you can to prevent it. Those who truly listen will do as you wish, but there will most likely be pictures.

    Brandie T-wow, trying to get around the photographer? That is messed up. Let the person do their job and then get your photos at the reception. Jeez.

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  • Spicydeene
    VIP October 2012
    Spicydeene ·
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    Mrs. Clark aka Mrs Awesomepants (that's great):

    I didn't really think of this and I can see how ppl with their cameras can really ruin the feel of our ceremony. Our ceremony is in a limited space and we have an awesome photographer!

    I would love to use this pdf if you still have it! My e-mail is *********@*****.***.

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  • Just Reenski
    Master December 2012
    Just Reenski ·
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    @Shelley, I like the invitation insert idea, I'll have to do some work on VP to see if I can add that. I also don't like FB all that much, but it is what it is. I will be deactivating my profile (and hopefully getting FH to do so as well) for the couple of days around the wedding so I can't be messaged, wall posted, tagged, or anything like that.

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  • Shelley
    Super December 2012
    Shelley ·
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    Reenski if you need me to I can PM you what I printed on the cards.

    I will also be "stealing" your FB idea and deactivating it around the time of our wedding and our honeymoon. We really want to enjoy this moment; I knew someone that was on FB during their honeymoon posting pictures. I was surprised, can't you enjoy some alone time as newly-weds? I have heard of some people that have to change their last name and status on FB directly after the ceremony lol ; people amuse me to say the least. I need to re-activate my FB ( sorry if you (Reenski) and Mrs Clark may have gotten deleted when i deactivated)

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  • K
    Master October 2012
    Kat ·
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    Regarding pictures being posted on Facebook - I don't think there is much we can do to keep people from posting their own pictures. But what I don't like is when people tag me in pictures I don't want all over MY facebook. I definitely don't want to be tagged in pictures of my own wedding while it's still taking place - I want to be the one to post my wedding pictures!

    Anyway, I'm not sure if many people know this but FB actually has a setting where you have to approve anything someone tags you in. This includes pictures and check-ins. If someone tags you in a picture or at a location, it won't show up on your wall until you physically go in and approve it. You also have the option to decline being tagged. I've had my account set up that way for a while but I know it will help eliminate having my wall fill up with pictures of our wedding before it's even over!

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  • Colleen
    Dedicated July 2013
    Colleen ·
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    I too am a private person however many of my guests would be offended by stuffing a card, spending their day, buying hotel and transportation and then being told to not post photos from what will likely be a lovely event. What you can do without offending many is ask for them to not TAG you so it won't show up in your own Facebook feed. This might be a nice way to strike a balance without seeming bridezilla-ish (I don't feel you are - but prying family members addicted to social media may utter that word!)

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