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Dedicated September 2018

In-law horror stories... & go!

love_andmarriage, on July 27, 2017 at 12:42 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 97

Share your in-law horror stories! What can't you stand/how did (or do) you deal with it?

Share your in-law horror stories! What can't you stand/how did (or do) you deal with it?


  • Gracie Lou Freebush
    VIP October 2017
    Gracie Lou Freebush ·
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    My IL's definitely have some habits or mannerisms that drive me NUTS, but in the end they treat me better than my own parents do. That is worth more than anything to me.

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  • Katherine
    Devoted July 2018
    Katherine ·
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    FH's parents were never married and have both married other people since having FH. I LOVE his mother! We are basically the same person and we get along amazingly! His father on the other hand, doesn't even acknowledge my existence. After we got engaged, we met his dad and step-mom for dinner to celebrate. His step-mom asked me about work and the wedding, just simple small talk stuff. His father, however, said hello when they walked in the door and didn't say another word to me. He talked to FH about work and beer. I didn't expect much, but some basic small talk isn't too much to ask. His dad makes me feel like the most invisible person and I hate it.

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  • RZ_ToBe
    Master July 2018
    RZ_ToBe ·
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    Holy hell I could write a book! My first time ever meeting FFIL he literally spent 2 hours insulting me, my friends, and my family that he never met. All because I peeped out that I liked to dye my hair, wanted a tattoo, and my "pot smoking hippies" parents used to take me out for quad riding. The very first thing said to me was, "you're a whore." What did I do that was screaming "whore?" I hugged my brother goodbye.

    FFIL is a complete asshole to everyone he meets and he's ultra racist. So much so that he refuses to go near anyone that isn't white unless he can find an excuse to "put a bullet in them." He flirts heavily with women despite being almost 400 pounds and sporting a pedo-sache. Oh, and insulting people is apparently his humor. Super embarrassing if I get dragged out to dinner and he insults the waiter. He thinks he's a chef because he watches Food Network, which makes restraunt visits even more humiliating because he "brags" to the managers how he "understands food science" and theyre skimpimg him on food by putting more fries than main course on his plate. Then proceeds to say he's not hungry, but build a mountain of food on his plate by taking from other people's plates to eat later. Going back to the chef part, it takes him apparently 3.5 hours to make scrambled eggs and frozen hashbrowns in the morning. I could hear him banging pots on our last (hopefully final) visit at 5 am. Overall, this guy needs a serious slap across the face and then some. I hate him the most.

    FMIL is hardcore "Christian." I put that in quotes because it's very questionable, almost cult-like. She would scream at her son's every Sunday that they're going to hell unless they go to church with her. Also, FH is going to hell because he was on the computer in the guest room while I was asleep (this was a visit about 2 years ago). Apparently that's adultery. Who knew? She's also so hardcore "poor me" if things don't go her way. She pulls this mopey attitude and gives you those whiney dodgey comments to try to make you feel like you're the bad guy.

    FBIL is 33 years old, lives at home, does nothing bit play video games and bitch about how everything is always someone else's fault. He only recently got a job to pay for his video game and fast food addictions. Both he and his father only shower once a week. So disgusting.

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  • Annie
    VIP October 2018
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    I'm very blessed about my future in laws. However my FMIL doesn't have a filter and has told me things that I would not want to know about her such as how many men she has slept with, past sexual experiences, etc. I just don't know why you would tell your children and their significant others that information.

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  • RZ_ToBe
    Master July 2018
    RZ_ToBe ·
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    To add a mother has been a real head spinner to my poor FH. She's one of those nice to your face, but shitty behind your back people. Every week, there's something new to dislike or whine about the wedding or my FH. She was super unimpressed when I called to tell her my engagement. She ignored me for a few weeks before she suddenly decided she was going to help me plan. She kept trying to shove all of her wedding stuff into ours, which is a nice thought, but I absolutely hate her 80s style lacey taste. She gets offended if I decline multiple times to take her stuff and rages when FH declines.

    Somehow, she's twisted my stories about the IL's to be about him. She thinks he's the hoitey toitey rich asshole snubbing her because she's poor. In reality, she's just mad that FH likes talking to my dad because there's a conversation to be had. My mom just gives 1-3 word answers and refuses to carry a conversation.

    But I think the biggest insult FH has had is what my mother told me about a month ago. I was over at their place (just me) joking that I was going to give them 50 granddogs. My mother told me, and I quote, "you guys don't need to procreate." As in, she doesn't want us to have children. She told me we'd make terrible parents and shouldn't bring children into this world. That really hurt me, as FH and I planned on children in the next few years. FH was livid when I told him this conversation.

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  • Anna
    Super November 2017
    Anna ·
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    The IL's have definitely made me feel like a second class citizen. They have called our wedding the "little wedding" because we can't afford to have everyone they wanted to invite (FH's cousin had everyone there). Despite being asked by FH to not wear her white dress, we thought she had changed her mind, but no...she's still going to because she already bought it, so we're going to look like twins. FMIL offered to pay for this, and that, and stupidly I trusted it, and budgeted accordingly. To this day, she has contributed nothing but unsolicited advice and criticism. The good things that have happened to us, like we were in a local magazine for top engagement pics, she takes credit for.. the bad stuff is like.. "well I told them, but they don't wanna listen." I can't keep typing. Gonna give myself a headache.

    Still, the girl who had her inlaws put exlax put in her food has had it much worse I think... I would flip some major sh*t if they did that to me. Pun not intended, though perfect.

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  • Courtnie
    Dedicated March 2018
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    FH is 23 right now and had lived with his mother, without any visits from his dad (by his dads choice, not any legal reasons) since he was about 14 until we moved in together. We have been together for over 5 years now and his dad finally came back into his life last October. The first night I met him he didn't say anything to me, nor even look in my direction. The next day I find out he only came back to town to turn himself in on a warrant (lovely) that was probably 10 years old. Next day he is released because apparently the jail is full and his crime (still don't know what it was) wasn't very serious I guess. So then he sleeps on our couch in our apartment for 3 weeks or so while he drinks and wanders around town all day. He refuses to get a job that is not a mechanic job (no one is going to hire him with his alcoholism and rap sheet) and just wanders the streets of our town all day basically finding enough money to buy booze. And while he doesn't stay on our couch anymore (he got the hint that I don't like my house stinking of alcohol and cigarettes) he just comes by whenever I'm gone to manipulate FH into taking his places, usually the hospital. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of the guy.

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  • Rachel
    Expert February 2018
    Rachel ·
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    FMIL and FFIL don't like me at all. They avoid me like a disease or something. They come to my house when they know I'm at work. They tell FH he's fat and he's not at all! They tell him they don't like me and he deserve better than me, but they have never give me a chance!

    At this point in time I'm not trying to make them like me i don't care what they think or what they say. Me and FH are super happy and have a great relationship!

    FILs are fake and pretend to like me to my face and my family, but my family is very opinionated and so am I. I know when to bite my tongue but it sucks that I know what they say to FH and do and act a different way towards me.

    It's childish and ridiculous!

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  • RaeGin
    Master September 2017
    RaeGin ·
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    I have way too much dirty laundry about my future in-laws, there's not enough time in the day...

    All my exes had amazing families, but the exes were a mess. Now I have the amazing guy with the crazy family.

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  • Beachy
    VIP November 2017
    Beachy ·
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    My future in laws are amazing. My former MIL was a psycho. She and her son made plans and told me that I was not allowed to finish school until he did. Once he got a degree he decided he was going back. They also decided I was going to work to put him through school. Plans made without me. I enrolled in school less than a month later and my dad bought me a new laptop to do it. Conveniently our marriage didn't last very long.

    Don't marry an only son of a woman who lost one baby and desperately tried to have more.

    She also tried to treat me as a surrogate for my own daughter. Like they acted like my daughter's parents without me even though I was full well in the picture.

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  • TwistedPrincess
    Super May 2018
    TwistedPrincess ·
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    FIL habe been divorced for decades and FH step mom passed away several years ago. I already knew his dad's side of the family before meeting him because his SIL is my best friend. Anyway FFIL gave me his deceased wife's wedding set when we were visiting him. I have only met FMIL once and will probably only see her one other time before the wedding.

    My ex husband's family and I are on great terms and I always joked that I had won the in law lottery.

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  • Futuremrsc
    VIP July 2019
    Futuremrsc ·
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    Love FMIL!! FFIL is a different story.. I think the biggest issues I've had with him lately is trying to tell us we need to invite everyone he knows practically and he told us when we have kids he won't be called grandpa or anything of the sort, he will be called "Mr. Last name" like lol that's if they even see him ever as he was never really apart of FHs life from the start.

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  • Jessica
    Devoted December 2017
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    2015 Christmas FMIL called FH and told him that I wasn't invited to their house because they're "keeping it family only this year and don't want strangers there." Literal quote. She also said to make sure he specifically told me that. 2016 Christmas she told me specifically that I had to drop FH off st her house (we spent the week visiting various family in the area) on a certain day so they can take family photos. We were engaged at this time. She's been really cold about the whole wedding like refusing to tour the venue with us on her day off, didn't care to see my ring, doesnt call but complains to FSFIL that we don't share details with her purposefully, and has done everything she can to get out spending any time at the wedding. She asked if the rehearsal dinner was necessary for her to attend and what's the latest she had to be at the venue the day of to get pictures. These aren't terrible but FFIL and my parents ask about everything and are so excited to spend time with us and even asked if they could come early with us to venue to get ready.

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  • DC
    Super May 2018
    DC ·
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    I love them but FMIL was mad because I don't want to change my name. She also wants this wedding to be hers. She fell back though because she knows I don't take shit from anybody.

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  • Mrs. B
    VIP March 2017
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    None. I love my in laws!

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  • na&na
    Super November 2017
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    FH's mom passed 3 years ago, but I always had a great relationship with her, she was the type of person who would go above and beyond for her loved ones (and I can happily say she always included me as one of them), she used to be in charge of the bakery FH and his siblings now run and this one time around Christmas she had so many events, she asked FH to stay to help her instead of him going to my house that day (we'd been dating for about a month and he used to go on fridays because of our classes), so she calls me personally to explain that she had asked him this and that she was sorry to do this but she had no-one else to help her, but that I was more than welcome to come and spend some time with them while they worked (of course I declined and told her I'd visit another time, no way I'd go there while they had to work). Anyways, this was FH's mom, and she always said he wanted us to get married. FFIL is pretty much the same, I love him too!... now... if you want to talk about FH's oldest sister and his younger brother?, THAT'S a different thing, let's just say they're both married, FSIL lives a few blocks away but is under the impression FH and FFIL have to help her pay all of their bills (even though she and her DH both have good jobs), and FBIL lives still in the house with her DW and in no way are contributing to the house, they live for free, yet they somehow never have any money (not even to buy TP), it's something that's always bothered me and a second FSIL is always complaining about. I have to clarify, FH is also living there, because it's convenient because the bakery is in the front of FFIL's house, so it's easier to work, but he built sort of a small apartment upstairs the bakery and separated everything from the main house, so he pays a different bill for this part. Anyways, we're looking to move out of there, not far though

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  • Victoria
    Savvy June 2018
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    I am having the exact opposite problem. My parents are the ones being super picky about things. I love both of them and both families are splitting the costs of the wedding. We are so lucky in that respect. I send FMIL more photos and more information because she's super nice and encouraging about things. My mom can't find anything nice to say, she called my flower choices "ugly and drab", but doesn't offer alternative suggestions. I am really excited to go dress shopping with her, but also nervous that we will not agree. It will be interesting!

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