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Crescent 1894
VIP March 2016

KWR- Any ex bf or ex gf drama surrounding your wedding/marriage?

Crescent 1894, on June 16, 2016 at 11:42 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 72

Does anyone have any ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend drama that is creating issues with your wedding planning or in your marriage? It's such an overplayed movie plot, but does it really happen often? An ex of mine called me last weekend to tell me he and his girlfriend broke up, that he was sorry for...

Does anyone have any ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend drama that is creating issues with your wedding planning or in your marriage? It's such an overplayed movie plot, but does it really happen often? An ex of mine called me last weekend to tell me he and his girlfriend broke up, that he was sorry for being such a shitty boyfriend (we were 19 when we started dating), that my husband is lucky because I love so fiercely, and that he hopes he gets the chance to make things right with me. My response: relationship karma. I told him he was an idiot. To put it in context, we're now 27 and broke up over four years ago. Do people actually do shit like this and think it's ok? It didn't cause drama in my marriage because DH just laughed and said he was desperate. Please share your juicy stories!


  • Kristina
    VIP August 2017
    Kristina ·
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    I had one ex crawl out of the woodwork right after FH and I got engaged. He called me drunk one night telling me he was sorry and he was dumb for letting me get away and his kids were asking for me (I died a little at that one, because I loved his kids).. then he proceed to tell me how my FH was ugly and all sorts. I ended the call.. the next day he called to apologize for the drunk call... I told him I was engaged... he asked if we could have sex one more time before I tied the knot.. I told him to go to hell and a few of our mutual friends stepoed in and threatened bodily harm to him if he ever contacted me again. Told FH l, but he wasn't worried, cuz he knows i am not leaving.

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  • patches
    Super June 2016
    patches ·
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    Only one to start drama was FH ex. She would text him and apologize for cheating and treating him lile crap and ask him to come back. When he ignored her or told her no she wpild start talking shit about me. Went completely crazy when she found out we were engaged. Had the nerve to say I had to be pregnant for him to want to marry me, messaged me on FB saying she deserves another chance with him. They had be broke up for 3 years only dated for a year. We had her blocked on FB after repeatedly telling her to stop contacting either of us didn't work. I told him she could talk shit all she wanted, but if she crossed the line and mentioned my daughter we will have a "conversation" in person. She was smart enough not to. Haven't heard from her since.

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  • Fall bride 17 - 2.0
    VIP October 2017
    Fall bride 17 - 2.0 ·
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    I was married for many yrs to an alcoholic abusive narcissistic. He just saw my ring the other day, I avoid him usually, but this was kid related business. The next day he begins texting me vicious things, I told him to leave me alone or in will get another restraining order.

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  • LoveInDC
    Master November 2016
    LoveInDC ·
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    FH and I are both surprised we haven't heard from his ex. When we first got together, she went psycho. She texted him every day asking for him back. She showed up at his apartment in the middle of the night sobbing and trying to kiss him. She tried to convince him he could date us both. That finally settled down until we bought a house in their hometown. Suddenly it was "their town" and I wasn't allowed to live there and he wasn't "allowed" to talk to any mutual friends. That finally stopped. A few months later we got engaged and just silence...

    I hadn't heard from my ex since we broke up 2 years ago. But he texted me last month saying he "saw the pics on facebook" (we're not friends so he'd have to go to my page to see them) and said I looked great. Weird intro after 2 years. I didn't bother responding.

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  • BeachBride
    VIP June 2017
    BeachBride ·
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    I had one that I would always "backslide" with. After every break up I would always end up hooking with him. One night be called wasted and left a vm asking if he was a terrible person and how he missed me and if I ever got bored again he would be there. I wanted to say bro, the days of getting bored are over. I'm getting married. I didn't even bother calling him back and FH never even knew about it. ETA: as far as FH ex goes.... When we were about 4 months into dating, literally a week before we moved in together we went to a concert and drank WAY too much. When we were going to bed a very, very drunk FH said "I love you Samantha" HIS EXS NAME. That took a LONG time to get over and he felt terrible he actually was reduced to tears over it because of how bad I felt. Anyways this Samantha (married now I think) kept liking his stuff on FB and Instagram and so I was the super mature one who asked him to block her on both. He did happily. I got burned by boyfriends cheating on me with their exs in the past so I wanted the chick gone. Now 3 years later I find it hilarious.

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  • Becoming a Mrs
    Master July 2016
    Becoming a Mrs ·
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    The last time my ex contacted was me was after I had a baby with FH. He was nice about it and asked how she was. FH has a really big problem with him so I sent it to FH and he has a talk with him and asked him not to contact me anymore. I then blocked him on Facebook. He turned into a drug addict while we were dating and was in an out of jail. I assumed he was out of jail when he texted me. Who knows where he is now. Thank god.

    FH didn't have any ex's that bothered him but after milestones: baby, the proposal, he had some girls contact him and profess their love to him, that was weird lol. He had 1 ex of his that contacted me to let me know he was a cheater and has cheated on every girl he had ever been with. I was aware of his past and things that had gone on. It was tempted to respond but I didn't.

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  • Sam
    Super October 2016
    Sam ·
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    When I broke up with my crazy ex, he proceeded to stalk me for years and send me messages about how awful I am and that I should die. He brought his MOM with him to stalk me sometimes, how pathetic! Luckily I haven't heard from him in a year, hopefully he's finally over it.

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  • B
    Expert November 2017
    Brandieb123 ·
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    None of them interfered with our wedding so far but they did almost interfere with our relationship in the beginning.

    Probably a week after we started dating I got friend requests on facebook from 4 of his exes.

    A was wanting a timeline of when we started dating so she could figure out if he cheated on her (he didnt). B wished us well. C Said I would soon see the real him (Almost 5 years together and I havent seen anything I dont like yet. Maybe she meant that in a nice way lol) D was the worst. She pretended like she wanted to be my friend so she could semi stalk us. Everytime she broke up with someone she would call or text him, asking for him back. This went on for a couple of years. It only ended because we changed our numbers and blocked her on fb.

    The one that takes the cake was DF's best friend. I have no problems with people being friends with the opposite sex. DF's best friend was a woman when we met. No problem. I never got to meet her because she moved a week after we started dating.

    They didnt see each other for about a year. They would text every now and then. After we were engaged she started confessing her love to him. You want to talk about cheesy movie cliche? lol I was basically Cameron Diaz in My Best Friend's Wedding lol.

    DF told her what he thought about it. She went a little crazy and started texting me. She called me every trashy name in the book and I just kept my cool. She was making herself look bad. I didnt need to add insult to injury. Anyway, needless to say, they arent friends anymore. I am sad that DF lost a friend.

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  • Jay Farrell
    Jay Farrell ·
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    It's one thing to man up and apologize for any wrongdoing in a past relationship and wish you congratulations.....but to try to get a second chance in that situation, instant dick move.

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  • JillR
    VIP September 2016
    JillR ·
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    FH and I had been dating about 2 months, and when his exW found out about me, she called him crying and begging for him to come back to her. Even though she was the one that left him!! When he refused, she went out and got all drunk and started calling my phone at 4am. (Their son was on FHs cell phone plan and she had access to the bill, so got my phone # ... Wish he would have realized that sooner, lol!)

    She called like 15 times and left horrible voicemails - calling me a home wrecker and a whore.

    I honestly almost broke it off with him. I didn't talk to him for like 2 weeks. No one had ever said such awful things to me, and I was worried for my safety and the safety of my kids! She finally sent me a message on FB and apologized. And then she met a new guy and finally left him alone about it. Now we get along petty well... She still apologizes occasionally - after 4 years!

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  • LauraM
    VIP February 2017
    LauraM ·
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    Nothing too crazy, but I have a semi-ex and by that, I mean we "dated" for a couple months in high school, but we've hooked up a few times over the years. Right after FH and I started dating, he would text me asking to hook up. Told him I really liked FH and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the new relationship. He then told me he'd wait because "he knows me" and it wouldn't be long before I got bored and ended it. Been over 2 years and I still get the occasional text text asking if I'm single yet. I usually just ignore it.

    Recently FH ex wife congratulated him on his engagement through fb. She didn't say anything bad but it rubbed me the wrong way, as they haven't spoken in years.

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  • MrsToBe-BecameMrs
    VIP September 2016
    MrsToBe-BecameMrs ·
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    I had one ex message me with an "apology" but never once took the blame for anything (and since he cheated I think there's some blame he needs to accept) and then tell me that XX didn't work out (the girl he cheated on me with) and that hes not one to ask for second chances (or 4th in his case but hey, who's counting) but he "knows that's what I wanted before" so he was just letting me know that he is in fact signal and ready for something real... Um, I wanted that years ago when I was so down on myself I thought a cheater was actually a step up for me. I know I deserve better now and I have better. Bye Felicia

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  • Jacqui76
    Master May 2016
    Jacqui76 ·
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    My ex-husband didn't cause any drama, but he did say that his girlfriend's aunt has a condo overlooking the golf course where I was getting married, and he was going to sit on the balcony and cheer for our daughters when they walked in the processional.

    I am 98% sure he was kidding, but since it poured that day and we had to do the ceremony inside, we didn't have to find out for sure.

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  • Mrs. Sasswood
    Master October 2016
    Mrs. Sasswood ·
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    I had a "fun buddy" that suddenly realized he had feelings for me when he found out I was engaged. We'd known each other for about 12, had been "hanging out" for 2 years, then I broke it off when I started to talk to FH. He would text every so often, "still seeing that guy?" and flipped when I said "you mean that guy I'm marrying? yeah, I think we're pretty much a thing" He finally stopped after I took him off Facebook and then denied three friend requests.

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  • OGSue
    Master August 2016
    OGSue ·
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    No drama since the engagement but definitely throughout our relationship. I dated this guy for maybe a couple of months seven years ago and he ended up leaving me abruptly for his ex-GF, I was surprised and a bit hurt but it's not like we were overly serious or anything it was still in the starting phases. Anyways - either months later I met Robin and we've been together since.

    About two years into our relationship he broke up with his ex-GF again and then started email me saying how it was a mistake to have left me, and that he was apparently in love with me and only left me because his ex guilted him into leaving me and going back to her. This went on for months, I basically told him that he had his chance and he made his choice.

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    VIP August 2016 ·
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    When FH and I started talking he was really shut off. He finally told me all the awful things his ex did to him. Long story short he pretty much paid for that girl to live. Her parents kicked her out, and he paid for her car, her school, and anything she wanted. He repairs gins, and their busy season is from about September-February. He can get called out at any time...we can be watching a movie and if he gets a call he has to go. He was sooo apprehensive on being in a relationship because of what she did to him. He would get called out and she would get ready to go out. She started cheating on him and is still with the guy she cheated with. When we started dating she texted him saying

    "your new gf is beautiful, but I'd really like another chance"


    Fast forward, we move to our new house last May and out of allll the damn neighborhoods in Lubbock she lives on the next block. haha. We got engaged and she messaged me saying congrats. I didn't reply. I want her to see what she missed out on. FH is a damn good guy and he treated her damn well. I don't wanna say I don't like her, but I really do dislike how she treated FH because I know he has a heart of gold. And now I get to marry that man.

    ETA: one day while FH was out of town for work, I went out drinking with friends and my FSIL. We got way tipsy and she was there with her bf. FSIL told me they never liked eachother, so as the ex was leaving she said hi to my FSIL. Ok I was really tipsy and I said "Why the fuck is she saying bye if she didn't like you" The ex gf then messaged my FH on FB saying I tried to fight her lol. It was very funny

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  • B
    Master July 2026
    Beatrice ·
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    I was DH's first girlfriend and he my second boyfriend. Surprisingly we've had no issues really. The only time was a guy I used to talk to years ago online when AIM

    was a thing texted me and asked if we could have phone sex.

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  • Deb
    VIP January 2017
    Deb ·
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    I have no drama and neither does FH. His ex wife is great and there has never been any issues with them.

    I have one ex coming to the wedding. We dated for a month, almost 20 years ago. He's also gay and bringing his husband. I still spend weekends at his house when I visit home, without FH.

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  • ELK
    Master March 2018
    ELK ·
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    Oh man.

    He hasn't had any issues, but I feel like every man I came in contact with went bonkers the minute we got engaged, including one of FH's best friends. He got drunk and cried one night about how he had feelings for me. So bizarre. Then there was a guy I was casually acquainted with in college (I'm talking we barely spoke, just ran in the same circle of people) who started messaging me on Facebook and telling people he "missed" me. Again, weird.

    I usually attribute it to people wanting what I have, as opposed to actually wanting me.

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  • OG Dianna
    Master March 2017
    OG Dianna ·
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    A couple years ago, on Christmas, my ex-bf actually showed up at my family's house.

    We dated for about 4 years, throughout high school and some of college, so no surprise he knew the address - but still. My dad happened to open the door and once I heard his voice, I froze.

    He dropped off a gift and left; I didn't care to see him so I stayed where I was in the living room.

    He gifted my siblings $200 and a note about how he's sorry for giving them coals that one Christmas (like way back in 2009). It was such a WTF moment. I don't know what his intentions were - he was dating this girl at the time who is still his girlfriend now. She probably had no idea he did this. I ended up contacting him to come back to my parents' house the next day so they could return the money to him. I made no other contact with him and wasn't even at the house when he returned.

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