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Crescent 1894
VIP March 2016

KWR- Any ex bf or ex gf drama surrounding your wedding/marriage?

Crescent 1894, on June 16, 2016 at 11:42 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 72

Does anyone have any ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend drama that is creating issues with your wedding planning or in your marriage? It's such an overplayed movie plot, but does it really happen often? An ex of mine called me last weekend to tell me he and his girlfriend broke up, that he was sorry for...

Does anyone have any ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend drama that is creating issues with your wedding planning or in your marriage? It's such an overplayed movie plot, but does it really happen often? An ex of mine called me last weekend to tell me he and his girlfriend broke up, that he was sorry for being such a shitty boyfriend (we were 19 when we started dating), that my husband is lucky because I love so fiercely, and that he hopes he gets the chance to make things right with me. My response: relationship karma. I told him he was an idiot. To put it in context, we're now 27 and broke up over four years ago. Do people actually do shit like this and think it's ok? It didn't cause drama in my marriage because DH just laughed and said he was desperate. Please share your juicy stories!


  • B
    Master July 2026
    Beatrice ·
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    @dianna I would have kept the money and put it towards a charity or something

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  • Kristen
    VIP April 2017
    Kristen ·
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    FH has am ex whom he has 2 children with and I am so thankful we have none of these problems.

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  • OG Dianna
    Master March 2017
    OG Dianna ·
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    @beatrice, looking back, I probably should have. I just didn't want him to hold it over my head in the future, if I did accept the money.

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  • FFW
    Master August 2016
    FFW ·
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    (last I check) FH's ex is in jail for a hit and run, but she could be out by now. The only semi interaction we've had was a week after we got engaged FH & I ran into his ex's best friend at a NYE party. We told her we were engaged and her mouth dropped a little and she gave us an ugly look when she asked "since when?" and at the same time we said "about a week ago!" She proceeded to storm off after that. (but to be fair FH wasn't a good bf to her friend, he admits he learned a lot from that rship, so to see someone be better to the next girl and end up marrying her can suck).

    My ex texted on my 25th birthday (last year) to "personally say happy birthday and personally congratulate you on your engagement" when I hadn't seen or heard from him outside of social media for over 3 years at the time, but otherwise he hasn't been a bother.

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  • JustPlainCat
    VIP September 2016
    JustPlainCat ·
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    Not drama but FH had an old (I mean 20+ years ago) gf put a pic of them on FB for throwback Thursday. They were all snuggly and cozy in the picture - barf. Admittedly it annoyed me a bit more than it should have. So, I just *happened* to come across the best picture of us ever and posted it with the hashtag #tradedup. Passive aggressive? Sure. Well deserved? Hells yeah.

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  • B
    Master July 2026
    Beatrice ·
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    @dianna true. Didn't consider that facet

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  • Rene
    Super January 2017
    Rene ·
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    Yes I broke up with this dude like 7 years ago. Still will send a random message on fb or email. It's like MOVE ON

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  • Sylvia751
    VIP November 2016
    Sylvia751 ·
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    Not yet, but I'm always on the lookout. FH has an ex that is beyond crazy. She has it in her mind that somehow he cheated on her with me. She seems to ignore the fact that he dated two other girls between her and I, she was knocked up by some other douche when he and I started dating, and our relationship was long distance so it's pretty hard to at least physically cheat on someone that way. It's a really long, dramatic, stupid story -- but in short I ended up reporting her to the FBI. Not that they did anything, but I wanted it on record that she was stalking me and harassing me and trying to get me fired from my job.

    It's been several years, I'm assuming with the amount of children and men/women she's been through that she's forgotten about me. But, she traumatized me for a bit, so I'll never forget her or put it past her to stir shit up again.

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  • Amberini22
    Expert September 2017
    Amberini22 ·
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    Oh my the drama, I'm relived I'm not the only one but sad that most of us have had to deal with the drama.

    I am no stranger to the ex drama. Fh was crazy for the first year of our relationship. She would like our Instgram photos and workout near us at the gym. She always seemed to need the same machines or weights as I. She never spoke to me, just gagged at me LOL I know. She is still FB friends with most of his family (HIs mom and step-mom) and sends them cards and emails on their birthdays. She did text and say happy birthday to FH but was Nov 2014, nothing since thank goodness. Now to my drama....

    My ex (Matt) is a police officer is an Iraq veteran, easy to see why I might have dated him based on exterior things. We were only together for 8 months and we did live together for 5 of those. We ended because he was controlling and blamed his PTSD for everything until he started being abusive. It started with him pushing, and then pulling my hair and things escalated. I won't go into detail because its still difficult for me to think about what I allowed myself to go through, I get disgusted the the thought. It did end with police officers escorting me to my car with my belonging, ensuring my safety. Now back to the reason why he's crazy now. I lived with him in Johnson City, I moved to Knoxville a month after the break-up and met FH there. Small-world but guess who were friends......FH and the Crazy ex. So we kept our togetherness a secret. FH kinda had a feeling he was abusive based on his friendship with Matt. When he heard my story he just cried and was so apologetic. Matt finally found out and call FH and said some crazy things. We ignored it, then Matt moved to Knoxville (originally his hometown) About 2 years later and after our LO was born FH and I were grocery shopping at Kroger and we SAW him. He waved at us and smiled so big, I was carrying the baby and I almost fainted at the sight of him. A couple of weeks later I got a FB notification showing the Matt has liked a few comments I left on his FB while we were dating. So Weird. Now we live in Nashville and all the ex's are gone.......I think.

    ETA: OH the Irony!!!! The EX just came up in FB notifications.

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  • The
    Devoted July 2016
    The ·
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    One of my BM is bestie with FHs ex. We were friends before I knew that tidbit. Weve always had an agreement that I don't talk about the ex, and she doesn't tell me about her. The closer it gets to the wedding, the more my BM is talking about the ex. We found out the ex is dating someone with a similar job/body shape/look and who lives in the same state that were moving to (7 states away from where we currently live). She's creepy, and stalker-ish. Im trying so hard not to kick this BM out, but I'm *THIS* close. (no one else in the WP likes her anyway)

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  • ENG
    Expert March 2017
    ENG ·
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    The only drama we've had was when we first started dating.. My recent ex who had cheated came back out of the woodwork to admit how badly he messed up and was constantly messaging me and calling me. I shut that down real quick. Since then, him and most other exes are married/having kids/no longer bothering me!

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  • LaBo-in-Training
    Super May 2017
    LaBo-in-Training ·
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    There's a heck of a lot more to this but, I have an ex that likes to contact me every now and then. He makes a new facebook account each time. My block list on facebook is pretty long for that reason. Fairly certain he has no clue about the engagement though, thank goodness.

    My FH has an ex that I have had a lot of really odd encounters with. I ended up having a class with her my last semester of college (we had no idea she had transferred) where she sat in the seat behind me.

    I spend a ton of time at Greenfield Village, so FH proposed there during Holiday Nights. We went in one of the houses (before the proposal) and she was a presenter there. You could tell she felt super awkward. I don't blame her, his entire family was with us. About a month ago I was there with a friend and she popped out of one of the houses she was presenting in to tell me she liked my ring. Memorial Day weekend FH, his sister, BIL, and I went and she crossed the street to avoid us.

    My exes are a cause for concern, his is just a funny encounter.

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  • Stacy
    Expert October 2016
    Stacy ·
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    FH's ex according to his family (who have all at one time or another told me they are glad she's gone and I'm here) was really mean and crazy. But there hasn't really been any drama. It just kind of looks like she turned competitive against him. After we first started dating she texted him teasing he found someone younger and prettier. And then after we got engaged she very quickly got engaged and married and moved to another country. So no drama, just... weird.

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  • Cassidy
    Expert October 2016
    Cassidy ·
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    My FH's ex commented on our engagement announcement post on Facebook and said "Finally!"


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  • Yasmina
    Master November 2015
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    I'm pretty lucky in the fact that I'm friends with all but 3 of my exes. Those three haven't tried to contact me at all in ages. They're all married, happily, and happy for me.

    DH has a few crazy exes. One of them is super close with me now.

    There's one that I hate with a passion (long story short, she got mad at me over some stupid shit and told me to "get AIDS and kill myself.")...she's been commenting all over his FB lately. He knows it bothers me, and has offered to block her. I told him to hold off, because I'm trying to work on forgiveness. He married me, its not like he's going to go back to her.

    There was one other instance right before the wedding...

    DH's best Woman is an ex. We're all super close. He and I were in her Bridal Party when she married her husband.

    She knows we're in an open relationship, and I think she has designs on sleeping with DH again at some point. (they did before we dated.)..She planned the bachelor party, and got a hotel room on Fremont street. When I told her that a handful of the guys had told me how grateful they were about that, so they wouldn't have to drive home drunk, she was visibly agitated. I think (though I can't confirm) that she had planned on it being just the two of them in the room, and that she wanted to sleep with him that night.

    Now...we are in an open marriage, so it wouldn't bother me (as long as they both talked to me first), except that she's married to a friend of ours, and they are NOT open. So.

    It hasn't been an issue since though.

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  • Mrs. CK
    VIP November 2015
    Mrs. CK ·
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    Mine's actually pretty damn funny and not dramatic (for me or my husband)

    But a few months after we got engaged, my ex from when I was 15 messaged me and apologized for all the fucked up shit he did to me (cheating, lying, stealing), and I was like "okay..."

    Not even 10 minutes later, his sister posts on FB RANTING about his (the ex) girlfriend and how they caught her selling her self on a fetish website and posting screenshots and shit. I was like "oh. that's why you messaged me, daaammmnn!"

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  • BoozyBaker
    Master January 2017
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    No drama from us really, but one of FH's ex is just a monster unrelated to him. Originally when we were going to have a reception FH's friend was invited. He's currently dating (well, now engaged) to an ex of FH's. This bitch is crazy. We actually got into an argument because I didn't want to invite her. (ww faux pas I know)

    She used to post passive aggressive things on facebook all the time like shit about FH finding work (he was out of work for a year, no need to make him feel like shit anymore than he already makes himself feel like shit for it) and shit about how her dog is a rescue, and we bought our dogs.

    Well, update, she either lied about knowing she was pregnant for 6 months so she could trap FH's friend or she's an idiot who really didn't know she was preggo. She deleted a bunch of pictures of them drinking in vegas once he found out to hide it before she announced they were expecting. FH's friend's immediate reaction to her being pregnant was "okay lets get an abortion", so I'm pretty sure she knew and just kept mum til it was too late.

    Also, that "perfect rescue" attacked her and had to be put down because she never bothered to discipline it. I don't blame the dog, a pitbull, because FH's pal had his own pitty who is a giant ball of mush. She just treated that dog like shit.

    ETA: Took all of my willpower to not make a passive aggressive post/tweet about how the fuck did you not know you were pregnant/

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  • Audrey
    Devoted October 2016
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    @Loren I seriously stared at your comment for 10 minutes and I just have to ask... Are you f*ing kidding??? Dying at a young age as a mother from something unexpected is HARDLEY karma for wanting an ex back. That is literally one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. That could be on buzzfeed for the trashiest post ever.

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  • NowPartyof2
    Super April 2017
    NowPartyof2 ·
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    FH has a cunt of an ex gf. He's from a tiny town so basically when we started dating she trashed him and me. Now most people in the town hate me unless they are his family. His family loves me. Before we got engaged she started to become more chill and acknowledged me at events and didn't just sit and talk shit the whole time and backhanded apologized lol. But Now that we're engaged, we were in town for his cousins party and she was loudly and drunkenly talking shit the entire time. So yea it still happens in real life. At the end of the day though he left her for a reason and all the false shit she's talking just makes her look worse.

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  • MathewsEverAfter
    Dedicated September 2016
    MathewsEverAfter ·
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    The only issue I've encountered isn't even an ex - she is a work friend to my FMIL and she is "obsessed" with FH. She would send random FB messages to FH asking if they could hang out and "have fun together". When she found out that I was pregnant, she messaged FH asking if he was ok with the pregnancy and asking if he was ready to be a father to my child ... When she found out that we got engaged, she messaged FH asking him if he really loved me or was just getting married because "it's the right thing to do since we have a child" and again asked if he would meet her somewhere so they can talk about this "issue" face-to-face. FH never responded to any of her messages. So she started to like and comment on every single post of his on FB and it started to bother me so FH blocked her. I just find it very disturbing that she feels the need to interfere in our relationship. What kind of woman tries to hook up with a co-workers son who is in a committed relationship?!? I warned FH that if I ever encounter her, I may punch her in the face. Crazy old hag.

    ETA: She is the same age as FMIL and has children the same age as FH and she has grandchildren!!

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