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Beginner December 2025

Maid of Honor, Bridesmaid or Nothing?

Kristen, on August 26, 2019 at 11:38 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 20
My long time (16 year bestie) was always supposed to be my maid of honor. Well, now the day has come and she lives in NY (I am in Florida) and she is a struggling single mom/student still figuring life out... I of course was so excited and couldn't wait to ask her but another good friend of mine (for 5 years) has stepped up the plate and is my Matron of Honor. My long time bestie called crying after she started seeing my newly titled Matron of Honor taking the reigns and making plans. I told her she can still be my Maid of Honor but with her limitations it is best to have both and they can work together. Well now that things are rolling... she is not on board with plans (mainly money wise). I don't want to continue to hurt her feelings but I don't feel like I should have to foot her bill and stress about her being able to participate. What should I do? Just pay for her and deal with it? Downgrade her to a Bridesmaid? Or kick her out completely and replace her with someone who can contribute like everyone else?? My Matron of Honor is going above and beyond.. She arranged an engagement dinner and went shopping with me for party dresses.. we have joined the gym and have been going together 3 times a week... we are going dress shopping this weekend and shes been planning and scheduling everything for me.. We are visiting my venue and has been very helpful with planning especially since she got married about 1.5 years ago herself. feel so thankful to have her by my side but its making a very sticky situation between my long time friend. Help!!


Latest activity by Jaime, on August 27, 2019 at 9:17 AM
  • Amber
    Master February 2020
    Amber ·
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    I think I would ask her to be a bridesmaid. You live on completely opposite ends of the east coast, she should understand that you need your maid of honor to be someone that can be there to help you through this process. I'm sure she knows that if she lived closer, she would without a doubt be your maid of honor. If bridesmaid isn't enough for her, I don't think you should have her in the wedding party at all. You shouldn't have to front the bill for her if you're not doing it for the other girls.

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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
    Kristen ·
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    Thank you! I am more than likely going to name her a bridesmaid...
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  • 2d Bride
    Champion October 2009
    2d Bride ·
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    Members of your wedding party don't have "duties," other than to show up and wear the correct outfit. If she can't afford the dress, you can simply tell her you don't want to contribute to her financial stress and that she's welcome to just come as a guest if she prefers. However, downgrading her or kicking her out is a friendship-ending move. You just don't do that to someone who has been your bestie for 16 years.

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  • Kelly
    Champion October 2018
    Kelly ·
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    A maid of matron or honor is a person who is closest to you not who does the most for you. Can she just not afford a dress?
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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
    Kristen ·
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    She can't afford to do anything really. She won't be flying down for any events except the wedding so she can't dress shop with us. We are planning my bachelorette in NY so she doesn't have to fly anywhere for that but she can't afford to chip in for the suite or much of anything at that either... I don't want to kick her out I just feel like its not fair to my matron of honor to do all the work and the other still gets the title?? Like even though shes been my bestie for years we have grown apart so much I just still love her like shes my sister...
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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
    Kristen ·
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    I get that as well which is why Im so conflicted. I just dont find it fair to give her the title when my Matron of Honor is literally doing everything.
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I definitely would not kick her out. That's a friendship ending move right there

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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
    Kristen ·
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    I agree. My Matron of Honor and I will cover for her financially no problem.. but does she keep the title? I only have 3 people in my bridal party and I am just thinking of at the wedding also. My Matron of Honor has been by my side and I would want her by my side at the wedding.. then would have two bridesmaids. My other bridesmaid is also a really close friend of mine but she also owns a restaurant and is super busy so she is limited by time but will show up to everything... All 3 of them are like sisters to me but the one has financial restraint the other time and my Matron of Honor has none really..
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
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    I would keep her as MOH. Demoting is a really hurtful move

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  • Kelly
    Champion October 2018
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    As long as she can come to the wedding that’s all that matters and all she needs to do. All other events are optional. A MOH doesn’t mean who does the most or helps you plan, but who you are closest to.
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  • Erin
    VIP September 2023
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    The title is more of a sentimental thing than anything else. It’s meant to shine light on the most important person/people in your life. It sounds like she’s very important to you. My maid of honor and my bridesmaid (only reason she’s bridesmaid instead is because she’s working on her PhD and might not be able to attend the wedding) are my childhood friends. They also live halfway across the country. I bounce ideas off of my MoH, but don’t expect her to agree with me, fly out to look at anything, or go dress shopping with me in attendance. As someone who has been a single mom, knowing that my status as a struggling mother, working hard to make ends meet for my child with little left over for myself (a place I have been) was the reason i was stripped of the title I had earned over the decade and a half+ of friendship... that would be hurtful.

    I understand your frustration, but she’d be there if she could. Single-motherhood is really hard, especially in New York. You can try to incorporate her in the planning, maybe give her a project to work on for the big day, something she can DIY or find for you. She doesn’t have to shell out a bunch of money to be helpful. Maybe put her in charge of tracking down stragglers for RSVPs or something.
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  • needmorewine
    Expert May 2016
    needmorewine ·
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    This exactly.

    You choose your maid/matron of honor based on who is closest to you. None of the other things you are talking about are required. There really isn't any way to make any changes to her title in the bridal party without causing damage to your friendship. Kicking her out of the bridal party completely is a friendship ending move, as someone above has already mentioned, and taking away the maid of honor title is essentially telling her you care more about how much time and money she has to spend on party planning for you than your relationship. I just can't imagine making my best friend feel horrible just because she isn't able to afford extra parties and stuff. I'd never let something that inconsequential damage our friendship.

    It's great that your matron of honor is doing all of these things for you, but she should be doing them because she chooses to, not because she feels like she has to or because she expects extra recognition. If you really feel that you need to give her recognition, maybe give her an extra special gift in private to thank her for everything she's done for you.

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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
    Kristen ·
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    That's a great idea! I guess she just stresses me out and I get frustrated... every idea I have she shoots down and keeps trying to steer me away from what I really want... so I'll just ask her less and leave it at that...
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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
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    Believe me, I know the single mom struggle all too well. My son is 11 now and I raised him on my own until I met my fiance a year ago. I guess we are just more different than I thought. I always went out of my way for her when I was struggling and just expected her to at least try for my big day.... She keeps making it about her and her wants and needs and im just getting frustrated...
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  • Rachel
    Savvy November 2021
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    If you are feeling frustrated by her ideas/opinions I would definitely have a talk with her (if you can) about your feelings and hopefully she can understand where you are coming from! Planning a wedding is definitely stressful enough and it is hard when you are counting on people to be there for you only to have them add to your stress..

    As far as your initial question, I would keep her as the MOH. If she is your longest and best friend she will be happy to have the title and be there for you on your big day. But definitely talk with her about her expectations too Smiley smile

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  • Ivy ORP
    VIP October 2019
    Ivy ORP ·
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    Your MOH is your closest friend and does not have responsibilities or duties. If they can and want to throw some parties together, great, but is not a requirement. They are there to show up on the big day, wear the dress you pick, and support you on your big day. It sounds like you are ditching a friend of 16 years because she lives far away and is struggling in her life at the moment. That doesn't seem fair to her.

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  • H
    Savvy October 2019
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    Her job isn’t to pay up. Like you said you know her situation, and you love this girl. She’s your bestie. Do you want her out of your wedding because she can’t afford it. Or can you help her out with a few small things?
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  • Megan
    Super October 2020
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    It sounds like you have awesome support with your Matron on Honor, in all the ways. Do you need the Maid of Honor to do the tasks that the other MOH is doing too?

    And I think “kicking her out” is harsh, especially for a “16 year bestie.”

    My MOH is in grad school and works so I’m just not going to rely on her for traditional MOH responsibilities. It sounds like you already have someone helping you in that department. Why not keep your friend as maid of honor and just tone back what she has to do? Especially if you have the physical distance, that definitely makes things easier.
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  • K
    Beginner December 2025
    Kristen ·
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    I agree and we did. She supposedly had a trip planned to come down in October so I planned to go dress shopping with her while she was down. My MOH planned a brunch with dress shopping after with the bridesmaids. Then she said she isn't coming anymore and she can't afford a flight. I offered to book her flight and she told me not to because she might not even come... it just seems like everything is an excuse. We are also planning my bachelorette in NYC so she doesnt have to fly anywhere for that and we included her in the planning and asked her to find a hotel. I ended up finding one and she said she isn't staying there its too much money and she could stay with family close by. I again offered to pay and she just started getting really upset saying shes super embarrassed and doesnt want that either. I iust want her to be there... and I'm willing to pay for her but its frustrating she wont agree with anything.
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  • J
    Expert May 2021
    Jaime ·
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    It just seems that she is really financially strapped and quite ashamed of it, so she won't accept your help. My guess is that she also knows the Matron of Honor is really going all in for you and she may feel bad she cannot do the same. I think the best thing you can do is put your offers out there to help make it financially possible for her to participate while sharing how important it is to you to have her there, but then leave the ball in her court. Maybe she does need to just stay with family for the NYC trip while the rest of you stay in the hotel. She's making a decision about what would be best for her (and her pride) and it is probably best to just respect it. I wouldn't wildly change plans from what the majority of the group wants/is able to do, but include her where you can and let her make the choice on what she can and cannot pull off financially.

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