Considering purchasing mismatched china for place settings.
I am wondering what I absolutely need to include in the setting if we are having a casual, family style meal. Can I get away with just a dinner plate, fork, knife, and water goblet? Do I really need a salad plate, bread plate, different forks, wine glasses, etc??? Guests can grab wine from the bar. Dessert/coffee will be self serve with plain dinnerware from a dessert/coffee bar.
We will probably have 250-300 guests. I understand this will take time to source, but I actually enjoy thrift store hunting. I plan to spend $.50-1/plate, which I have seen at my local thrift stores, etc. and will fit in my budget if I only need to purchase the dinner plate. If I need to purchase the other plates, then I'd have to skip it. I'll also research renting.
I could sell the plates after to recoup some $.
Thanks for your kind and helpful advice!