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Just Said Yes September 2024

My sister does not have a relationship with fiancé. How do i handle this situation?

BlueMan22, on June 24, 2024 at 10:28 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 9

I have been in a long distance relationship for nearly two years. My fiancé and I are getting married in September, and we are both excited about our lives together. However, one family issue in particular we are dealing with is my sister. She is my only sibling, who is 3 years older than me. She is not married, but was engaged four years ago. However, that relationship ended in a breakup. Fast forward to where we are now, my sister hasn't really taken the time to get to know my fiancé. While our relationship has been long distance since 2022, my fiancé has visited my family at least twice since we have been together. When she first came, she stayed at my parent's house for a week.

My sister didn't take the time to meet her during her first visit. My sister did experience a brief health challenge during her first visit, but toward the end of her stay she recovered and had an opportunity to at least meet my fiancé and her parents in person. She didn't meet her until the 2nd visit that my fiancé made a few months later. Throughout my relationship, my sister hasn't expressed much happiness or joy for me. When we became engaged last September, my sister never congratulated me with the exception of making a comment on my Facebook post.

My sister and I later had a conversation in front of my parents. We hashed it out, and I expressed that all I really wanted was her support or that she would show some sort of joy. To this day, my sister hasn't shown anything at least not verbally. The only time that my sister and fiancé had any sort of interaction was mostly via Facebook when they were exchanging comments on posts. This happened for a good month. We thought that she was finally coming around. However, after a month, it stopped, and that was because my sister found out from me that she would not be in our wedding party. My fiancé initially wanted to have my sister as a bridesmaid, but I wasn't so enthused. Eventually, my fiancé decided to go with someone else, because she didn't want my sister to be a part of our wedding if she wasn't supportive. My sister found out that she was not chosen and she became upset with me.

Eventually, she and I made amends over it, and I asked her if she wanted to be in our wedding party. She declined. So we left it at that. However, I recently had a conversation with my sister to ask her how she feels about having a sister-in-law. She said, she felt nothing. In fact, after I became engaged I asked my sister how she felt about it, and she said then, she felt neutral. My sister feels that she will get to know my fiancé only because she and I are getting married. But she also said, that she didn't feel a connection with her. Its made me and my fiancé feel saddened by it, but at the same time, we are resolving to put boundaries in place with my sister. What should we do in this situation? My fiancé feels like my sister doesn't like her. I feel that my sister has multiple issues concerning us. My fiancé has been nothing but cordial to her, but outside of the one month of communication, and meeting her in person, she has not shown a willingness to text, call, or maintain contact. Please share your thoughts.


Latest activity by needmorewine, on June 25, 2024 at 9:43 AM
  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    Honestly, I think you’re digging for problems where there aren’t any. Your sister and your spouse do not need to be the best of friends or really have much of a relationship in general. Is it nice? Sure. But is it necessary? No. It doesn’t sound like she has been outright rude or anything to your fiancé. And it also sounds like you opting not to have her be in the wedding party hurt her feelings, and you asking after made her likely feel like she was asked just to appease the situation.

    Are you particularly close to your sister? Like do you two have a close relationship in general, where you talk/hang out frequently outside of family gatherings?
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  • BlueMan22
    Just Said Yes September 2024
    BlueMan22 ·
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    Thank you for your response Hannah. So, I don't consider my sister and I to be that close, but we have a good relationship. We do talk weekly and hang out sometimes. I think there was an expectation on my part, that she would at least show some sort of support for me and my soon to be wife. After all, this is a major decision, and I don't think it is unfair to want your immediate family to participate in your joy. However, I do understand that not everyone will be on board. I do think it is common courtesy to at least be available to engage with one's significant other to some degree. Currently, that is no longer happening which is unfortunate. Thanks again for your sharing your thoughts.

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  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    From what you’ve shared, it sounds like she’s on board. She’s just not jumping over the moon. Which is also ok. But it doesn’t sound like she’s expressly done something to show she is not excited for you both or said anything hurtful. She just isn’t proactively reaching out to your fiancé. People can be in support of someone and their decisions in a variety of different ways. And to be honest, it sounds like she was warming up, but your decision to not include her in the wedding party, moved the needle on the wrong direction. As long as she is cordial and polite to your fiancé, I wouldn’t push it. Your sister-in-law does not have to be your best friend.
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  • Michael
    Rockstar October 2023
    Michael ·
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    If your sister has multiple concerns about you and your fiancé, it is probably decent of her just to be cordial until these concerns smooth out some. Then it is odd your sister is upset about not being a bridesmaid since she has been less than enthusiastic. Weddings can expose various side effect of family and friends so that you can only hope these work out over time.

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  • BlueMan22
    Just Said Yes September 2024
    BlueMan22 ·
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    Thank you Michael. To clarify, one of the multiple issues that I believe she has is related to not being chosen as a bridesmaid. My understanding is that traditionally, the bride picks her bridesmaids. Since that was not the case here, it is likely that my sister saw it as a slight from my fiancé. Hence why she stopped talking to her after she found out she wasn't chosen. The other issue I believe she has, is more so because there may be unresolved issues on my sister's part. Seeing a sibling move into an arena of life before them, could very well cause mixed feelings which is what I think is happening here. While it isn't a requirement that a sibling be a best friend to an in-law, I feel that it is best if the sibling at least shows forth a level of support instead of being absent or stand-offish. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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  • Andrea
    Rockstar January 2024
    Andrea ·
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    You can’t force feelings on someone. The harder you push it, the less likely she is to develop any sort of relationship with your fiancée. It doesn’t sound like she’s done anything wrong. Some people just don’t connect, and some just take time. If you really think that one of her problems is jealousy over your getting married before her, your harping on her to be verbally and expressly happy about it are extremely counterproductive. Just stop trying to force things and let your sister decide for herself how she feels about your wedding and your fiancée.
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  • R
    Rosebud ·
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    While a wedding is a happy occasion it can bring up some hard feeling s for people. Not everyone will be best friends but as long as your sister isn't being mean to your fiance I d let go. Give her some grace she may be dealing with things she can't tell you. Hopefully their relationship will blossom as they get to know each other better. But focus on the positive and enjoy this sweet time in your life 💙
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  • F
    Beginner April 2025
    finallyforever24 ·
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    I think you just need to come to peace with her feelings. It sucks. I have a sibling that is always unsupportive when I want to do something to advance my life. When I really thought about it I realized that the change scares her. It doesn’t excuse her behavior, but the explanation allows me to make peace with the way that she feels. She doesn’t have to be super close with your fiance. Make peace with that, let her go to the wedding as a guest, and maybe with time she will warm up to your fiance or maybe not. Sometimes people aren’t happy with the choices we make for our lives, but that’s okay. It’s your life not theirs.

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  • needmorewine
    Expert May 2016
    needmorewine ·
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    The only thing you can do is to stop trying to force a relationship between the two. I don't see anything in your posts to indicate your sister isn't supportive of your marriage. She isn't talking badly about your fiancée, or saying that you shouldn't marry her or you shouldn't get married in general. What, specifically, are you expecting her to do? Just because she isn't behaving in the way you want her to doesn't mean she isn't supportive. She simply isn't interested in having an instant BFF forced upon her, which is how this is coming across.

    You've had years to get to know your fiancée, your family has only had a small fraction of that time. Let their relationships happen organically. Some people take time to become comfortable with new people, and longer to form a close bond. Also be prepared that they may never become close, and that's ok. Sometimes people simply don't mesh.

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