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Just Said Yes May 2019

No show guests really hurt my feelings

Susan, on May 20, 2019 at 6:18 PM

Posted in Married Life 62

I just got married Saturday and I know I should let it go because I had a wonderful wedding, but I am so upset, hurt and angry about all the people that were no shows. I had a total of 90 people rsvp and starting last Thursday it felt like they just started dropping like flies. A couple texted that...
I just got married Saturday and I know I should let it go because I had a wonderful wedding, but I am so upset, hurt and angry about all the people that were no shows. I had a total of 90 people rsvp and starting last Thursday it felt like they just started dropping like flies. A couple texted that her dad had a stroke and a guy I work with called and said his uncle passed away and the funeral was Saturday. Those I understand and they were nice enough to let me know. The rest I feel like are inexcusable. Two guys I work with and their wives didn’t show or call because they voluntarily took did some weekend work even though it was not their scheduled weekend to work. Another guy didn’t show. A dear friend and her husband didn’t show. A couple who ASKED us if they could cone to the wedding didn’t show. Another couple that texted my husband that morning to ask if he was nervous and said they’d be there didn’t show. All of these people had told us the previous week they were definitely coming and not a single one bothered to text or call either before or after. I’m pretty mad that I spent $90 a person - over $1000 on people that didn’t show up! But more importantly, we could have invited other people we had to leave off the guest list that would have come.
I waited until Sunday night to see if any of them contacted me but no one did. Then I saw several of them post things on facebook from the weekend so I know there weren’t in some kind of serious accident. So, I texted them and basically said, I was very hurt they didn’t show and if they didn’t want to come they should have told me, and it cost us a lot of money for them to not let us know. I got 2 responses. One said he was in the ER but I don’t believe him because he could have texted when he posted his lunch picture on Facebook Sunday and my “dear” friend who apparently was moving Saturday said she was so sorry to miss the wedding and she had already planned to attend alone (so plenty of time to tell me her husband wasn’t coming) but the movers were late so she couldn’t go and she didn’t want to bother me on my wedding day to tell me. Ok. Why couldn’t she be bothered to tell me Sunday???
It just hurts that people were so rude, and clearly don’t care about me nearly as much as I cared about them. I feel like a total loser that out of 90 people, 12 didn’t care enough to be bothered with showing up.
How wouid you feel if that many people didn’t show for your wedding? What wouid you say or do?


  • Tina
    Super August 2019
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    I understand. I just know from previous experience that the people in my family are so flakey its not even funny. No call no show for my kids high school graduations when I only had so many tickets. No shows to baby showers, kids birthdays, you name it. LOL. Unfortunately this is what I have come to expect. Your people seem way more reliable.

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  • CountryBride
    Dedicated May 2019
    CountryBride ·
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    I'm so sorry that happened to you. I also got married this past weekend (May 17th). I had some no shows too....not sure how many but I did see some empty seats. One I did notice was a friend of mine since I was 15. He was like a brother to me in my teen years (even though I had a crush on him), went to his first wedding, he got divorced and then had an interest in me. We never got together....and I'm glad we didn't. It was one of those friendship only relationship. Well he was a big support for me during the planning process. We would talk 1 -2 times a week (he is now married for the 2nd time, never met his wife but was looking forward to meeting) Well about a month and a half before the wedding he went dark. I would call him and text him with no response. He did not send back the RSVP but promised me he was coming. I was counting on him to make my mother and brothers feel comfortable. My mother loves him and always wanted me to marry him. My mother and I had some very rough moments leading up to the wedding. It was very tense and awkward. I seated him with them to be the life of the table (they were also the smallest table) He promised me he would make mom feel at ease and happy.

    Well I'm walking down the aisle and while being very nervous and scanning the audience I do not see him. Cocktail hour I specifically walk around to greet people and was looking for him ( I barely ate at cocktail hour bc of walking around) Asked mutual friends if they heard from him. I kept getting different stories from ...talked to him this week and he said he would be there to he got the days mixed up and thought it was on Sunday. I was hoping he would still show up but the reception started and my family was all alone at the table and looked very uncomfortable (not all my family gets along). So the only time I used my phone was to text him and ask him "WHERE ARE YOU?". He responded relatively quickly stating that he mixed up the days and that he was sorry. He also said he knew no amount "I'm sorrys would make up for it and I know you cant forgive me and rightfully so. I could try to make excuses but I'm just as a##$%^&." I was very hurt and upset that he didn't show up. I know a big part of the reason he didn't come was bc he couldn't watch me get married to someone else (HE IS MARRIED FOR 2nd TIME) I understand that to an extent, but you suck it up and you be there for your friend who is practically family you have know most of her life. I don't think he mixed up the days. I really think he couldn't handle it and was a little bit selfish especially since I really leaned on him for support and advise. I made the decision at that moment to not really count him as a friend. I unfriended him on FB and I don't know if I would respond to him if he called or texted. But weddings really do bring out the best and worst in people. Really got to know who your true friends and family are.

    Again sorry this happened to you and I wish you best in your married life with your husband. You are each others best friend.

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  • Madison
    Devoted May 2022
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    I’m so sorry that that happened! They sure kissed out on a special day. Try not to let that be the main thing you remember from your wedding though! I am sure you had an asking besides that.
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  • Chariece & Sterling
    VIP January 2026
    Chariece & Sterling ·
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    So sorry this happen to you also my biggest fear as well. When doing a guest list no matter what your budget is. It is impossible to invite everyone you would like. So the guest that do get invited you expect them to be there unless an emergency situation arrises. Some people could be so inconsiderate I would prefer and respect honest no (decline) when rsvping for my wedding.
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  • Shannon
    Dedicated July 2023
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    My sister in law keeps telling me that after your wedding you know who your true friends are. If they don’t bother to show up when they say they’re going to come, and they don’t bother saying anything to you, don’t consider them your friend anymore.
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  • Lola
    Devoted June 2019
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    What I have learned throughout this entire process is that people are selfish. It's hard for people to do anything that they don't want to do. A lot of people somehow make weddings more about them and how it will affect them. I am having an even smaller wedding and am experiencing this from my closest family and friends. I'm sorry this happened to you!

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  • Sylvia
    Beginner June 2021
    Sylvia ·
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    Are you happy?but on there hand you did your part by inviteing them they lost out on a great thing to see and maybe there not your friend in the first place if. It was me I let it go there going to need you for something.but it was your day and you 😊
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  • Ana
    Devoted September 2019
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    First I want to say Congratulations 🍾 I cant wait for your BAM.
    This is a fear of mine too. I’m sorry you had this experience. 😞
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  • Summer
    Dedicated June 2019
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    I am sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine how frustrating that has to be. It is frustrating to pay that kind of money for people to not show up. I am glad that your wedding was wonderful and full of fond memories that you will cherish forever.

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  • Alicia
    Dedicated October 2018
    Alicia ·
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    I had the same problem for my wedding! There was limited space, and there were people who were hurt that weren’t invited but wanted to come. Then people who were invited and RSVP’d and chose their meal didn’t show up. My grandma, who I love very much, didn’t show up. My husband’s cousin and family of 4 said they were so excited to come and didn’t show up. And my friend wrote down her husband and two kids were coming, and we still had to pay for all of them and they still took up the limited seating we had, and only she showed up. She said her husband and kids decided to wait in the car during the wedding! Out of my two friends who are sisters, only one showed up, the other I didn’t hear from to say she was cancelling, and I didn’t hear from her after the wedding either, despite the fact she said she was for sure coming and selected a meal choice. So I wasted a lot of money too on people who never showed up, and I think the venue seated slightly over 60, so we couldn’t invite that many people and when I saw the open seats at the wedding due to people not showing up and thought about the people who asked to be invited but we had no more room, it makes me upset. I know where you’re coming from!
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  • Clara
    Dedicated May 2019
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    I feel your pain. I am in a similar situation. My brother, his wife and their 3 teen aged to adult kids blew me off, my uncle also and a few of my husband's friends didn't show up. I'm not so upset about my uncle. I figured he wasn't going to show up because he was one of the people I had to call and message a few times about not receiving his RSVP. But I texted my brother and sister-in-law and they said they were coming with the family. Well they live out of state and they were supposed to be staying at my parents. Since they live out of state I decided to reach out to them again and the day before the wedding they said they couldn't come because one of their kids had finals. I was upset because a save the date was sent 5 months prior and they rsvp'd for a family of 5. I still haven't gotten a call from them congratulating me or anything and it's my own family. I've never had drama or anything with them so it is quite hurtful.

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  • Jenna
    Super October 2019
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    Unfortunately this may not solve the problem like the you think it will. We literally just went to Tahoe (coincidentally) for my cousin's wedding this weekend and last minute, she had 8 people cancel and they had to pay for them. They all just canceled their travel last minute. One of them was her first cousin who she is very close with and he canceled for no good reason.

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  • Mrs.
    Super May 2019
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    I ended up having 3 people not show up on my wedding. One was his cousin who RSVPed yes, and then a few days before the wedding, she texted my husband to let him know she wouldn't be able to make it and she meant to tell him sooner. We don't know why she couldn't make it, but I'm assuming it might have something to do with money? I'm trying not to be upset about it, but my husband made it to both her first and second wedding... I just feel like it was a little inconsiderate.

    One of the couples we invited came to help us set up. They made the venue GORGEOUS. Right before our reception, my husband told me that they weren't there because her grandmother died that day. I feel awful about it, but I'm so grateful she helped us set up. Of course I can't be mad that her grandmother died and she had to make the 2 hour trip back to our hometown.

    I was pretty worried more people wouldn't show. A lot of my family members were late because of unexpected traffic due to a bad car accident, but they made it to the reception, which is where all our money was spent. I'm so sorry that your guests were rude and inconsiderate and waited for you to reach out to them before giving you a reason (or excuse).

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  • CDickman
    VIP September 2019
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    Icky that stinks I know a stomach virus is going around but you would think they would at least call
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  • Madeline
    Dedicated October 2019
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    Oh man! I’m sorry that happened to you! I’m glad that you let them know though, so they know not to do that again. Weddings are expensive!, and I’m sure people are aware of that so for them not to let you know it’s not ok! But anyways, you married the love of your life and the right people were there to support and celebrate the both of you! Congratulations beautiful! Blessings your way! 💕
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  • Kiana
    Dedicated June 2019
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    My wedding is next week and I have so far already had 10 people “cancel” their rsvp. So I’m hoping that’s as high as we get but I’m sure we will hav more. Lots of wasted money! Makes me wish we did a destination w 20 people.
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  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    Oh no. I would be super upset as well.
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  • Sexypoodle
    Master October 2021
    Sexypoodle ·
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    In the end, you had a wonderful wedding. Unfortunately, no shows come with the territory of planning events. Of course it’s nice for people to tell us ahead of time, but it’s not always the case. So, there’s always some amount of money lost when it comes to hosting and luckily it was only $1k. Congrats and definitely move past it and positively focus that energy into your new marriage.
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  • Amy
    Dedicated November 2020
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    I’m so sorry. You’re not alone. We had a small ish wedding (40 people). Many of mine showed up...but over half left right after dinner. I was SO looking forward to the dancing, but most everyone was gone. It really hurt my feelings. Was my wedding not good enough or fun enough? It’s disappointing when people you really care for let you down. I struggle with expecting out of others what I, myself, would give. That sounds like you, too.
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  • M
    Dedicated August 2021
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    Hi! i totally understand the disappointment, but you also have to realize that this is kind of a weird time for people. Of course, that's not an excuse not to text you and say sorry that they can't make it after all, but you have to be understanding that people's lives are changing by the day.

    The number you referenced is actually quite normal. This year has been so odd for so many. Just because someone cannot make it to your wedding does not mean they do not care about you. It just means they have things in their own lives that need to take precedence at that time.

    Don't worry about it, and just be happy you had a beautiful day regardless. Smiley smile

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