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Kate V.
Beginner December 2018

On the topic of funny stories..

Kate V., on May 3, 2018 at 12:04 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 26

Love the idea of funny stories, sometimes we need a laugh to get through the madness Smiley laugh Assuming almost everyone has been to some weddings, any good memorable stories? Here's a few to get the juices flowing:
Funny Reddit wedding stories


Latest activity by LIZ, on May 4, 2018 at 12:50 PM
  • HJKvr
    Expert September 2018
    HJKvr ·
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    I've been to a lot of weddings... lots of craziness over the years. But my cousin's probably takes the cake.

    First, the shuttle she arranged was super late and it was during rush hour on a Friday. So we showed up as the ceremony was starting (she was literally walking in when we arrived). At the time we were reconciling from a falling out that, had we not experienced, would have had me as the MOH. I literally showed up in a dress that matched the bridal party (unbeknownst to me). Then I was so upset about not being in her wedding, and of the past two years of friendship missed, that I got way too drunk and sobbed all night long. Sobbed... and danced. I was a hot mess. I guess I was working through my emotions. Meanwhile, my uncle and my FH got into a bit of a tussle when my uncle declared he loved me more than FH which didn't go over well, so they brawled a bit. Not in a mean way really, but... definitely noticeable, and on the ground... even if there was underlying affection there (RIP Uncle - one of my funniest memories...). Also meanwhile, another cousin wrecked his car in the parking lot and had to have the cops come. When we finally got back to the hotel I had to go straight to bed while the after-party continued below. I woke up naked in bed with FH on one side and another cousin (male) on another - who said he had to leave his own bed because he and another cousin (Yes, lots of cousins) were sharing a king room when they were supposed to get doubles, and this other cousin pissed the bed (not long after coming back from after-party wearing one black sock and his boxers).... He of course had no idea I didn't have clothes on and fortunately we are close enough that it wasn't too weird and there were pillows in between us anyway. Or I would have been mortified and just a little creeped out.

    Good times.

    God I hope my wedding is a little more tame. LOL!

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  • Kate V.
    Beginner December 2018
    Kate V. ·
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    Uhhhhhh that's a hell of a story! I dont know what to say, other than I doubt anyone's going to top this Smiley xd

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  • WooPigSooie
    Devoted June 2020
    WooPigSooie ·
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    I worked at a popular inn & wedding venue for years and could write crazy wedding stories for days!!!

    I think the most memorable one for me was the day we lost power. All of the suites have key card electronic access w/ battery backup but the backup can only last so long. Some car had smashed into a power box/poll something and took out power to a whole section of town. Members of the brides huge bridal party kept going in and out of the suite every few minutes. I informed the bride we were running on auxiliary power and asked her to please leave her door propped open just in case the power wasn't restored quickly. Myself and her bridal party were the only people at the inn other than myself but she insisted on keeping it locked and using the key every time. A couple hours go by and we're still on the generator and it is time for her to change into her dress for the ceremony. That time when she tried to get into her suite the battery was dead so the door could only be opened by the lock company which would not be able to get there soon enough. I immediately came up with a plan and carried a ladder up the stairs (generator doesn't power elevator) and placed in on the balcony of the suite below hers. Went up the ladder and climbed over her balcony railing and broke in through the french doors so I could open her door from the inside. She was able to get changed and make it to her ceremony in time! I felt like I saved the day and expected a thank you but she was actually really hateful to me. It still bothers me how I was treated that day so I'm glad I got to share that story. Weddings are stressful and I hope this story makes brides remember that sometimes things are beyond a persons control and there is only so much that employees can really do. Just try to keep calm because nobody likes bridezilla.

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  • T
    Super December 2018
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    Yo! That is a crazy story! Weddings are crazy times for sure!
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  • Adrianna
    Expert June 2018
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  • A
    Super February 2019
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    Umm you would have been my hero!!!

    But also, I would have listened and propped the door. Smiley xd
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  • DC Wife 10.27.18
    Master October 2018
    DC Wife 10.27.18 ·
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    That's crazy!! You should have gotten major kudos! People can be so stubborn.

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  • Future Louie
    Super August 2019
    Future Louie ·
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    Literally though! Like you, I totally would've propped the door but if I hadn't and one of my bridesmaids went to all that trouble, I'd probably buy her drinks for the rest of her life, or something to that magnitude.

    I'm totally following this thread for the rest of the day.

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  • Kristina
    Master August 2018
    Kristina ·
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    The only story I have isn't overly memorable, but it happened last year so it's fresh in my mind.

    I was a BM in my MOH's wedding last June. She had an outdoor ceremony and an indoor reception in a really pretty barn. During the week, I was trying to calm the bride down (I'll call her A) because there was a good chance of rain in the forecast. I told her to quit worrying about it and quit checking the weather app!

    So the day comes, we wake up to a gorgeous, bright blue sky with minimal cloud coverage. I'm like "Oh, this will be perfect!" But then I notice rain is due to start around 4. Her ceremony began at 4:30.

    I decided to keep this info to myself.

    We got ready, finished the last deco touches before the groom got there, and got into our dresses.

    A cries because our pastor asked where the unity cross was so he could place it on the table. She realizes she left it at home. But we were able to calm her down and tell her they could do a private ceremony with our pastor later on.

    We line up, and off in the distance are some seriously dark clouds. I look at the MOH and we shrug. The ceremony is about to begin, it'll be over in a half hour, it'll be fine.

    So the ceremony starts, Pastor is talking, and the wind picks up. And then there's a rumble of thunder that sounds...close. Lo and behold, the clouds have crossed the distance and are now only a mile or two away from the venue.

    The ceremony finishes, luckily, without a single drop of rain. We start taking pictures, and the temp drops a good 10 degrees, signaling rain is coming. Now.

    So all the guests head into the barn, but we're still outside since the entrance to the ceremony space is the barn entrance and we're standing on the stairs outside.

    It starts raining, and the DJ can't figure out what he's doing, so he takes another 10 minutes before we get introduced, and we're kinda wet.

    LUCKILY it didn't start pouring until we all sat down for dinner.

    The other awkward thing was the cake cutting. They forgot to get a cutting utensil and the entire song she had picked out for the moment played before someone was able to get them something to cut the cake (which had also melted in the summer heat.)

    Other than those things, the day went great. If little things like that are all that happens during my wedding, I'll be just fine!

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  • G
    Dedicated May 2019
    Grace ·
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    So my older brother got married in April. We live in KS so the weather can be a bit unpredictable. It was nice all week the week before but the day of the wedding it was freezing cold. The judge or whoever was supposed to marry them called the night before and said they wouldn't make it to the rehearsal. So the next day we were all sitting outside in the cold waiting for the judge and after about 20 minutes they started calling him and there was no answer. So then a guest who was a friend of my stepmom called their pastor who was at home painting or something who was able to marry them. So it took about 45 minutes to get there since he had to shower and everything so the ceremony started over an hour late. They had a chocolate fountain that didn't work, it just burnt up, and their cake was leaning to one side.
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  • ISaidHallYes
    VIP November 2018
    ISaidHallYes ·
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    My parent's wedding!

    Wedding on our farm 35 years ago: Dad was hungover from the Bachelor party the night before, threw up on his horse, cows got out, mom's horse reared while bringing her down for the ceremony, giant storm clouds, hot air balloon landed in the back yard to escape the storm, mom wanted the long ceremony anyways, as they walked down the aisle it started pouring and someone yelled out it was the revenge of _____ (my dad's ex wife).

    They had a great time and laugh about everything to this day. Everyone got crazy drunk, the band stayed until the morning, and my parent's left on their honeymoon while half the party left on a charter bus (dad's friend ran a company) back to new England!

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  • Bianca
    Super August 2019
    Bianca ·
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    This isn't the wildest story but this happened to my FH, Justin, several years ago at my cousins wedding.

    The year is 2012 and I had been dating Justin for just over 2 years, and this was his first time attending a wedding that was not family (for him). During a very long and very hot cocktail hour, we all are enjoying the open bar, but Justin apparently was enjoying it a little too much and I lost track of him while talking with a cousin of mine.

    I'm sitting on a patio chatting with my cousin when my other cousin, Mary-Anne, comes walking up, laughing, asking if any of us has seen a drunk guy in the bushes that some other guests had spotted. It was at this moment that I realized that I hadn't seen Justin for quite some time and I went to investigate. Low and behold, there is Justin passed out in the bushes. To this day we don't know exactly how he decided on the bushes to be the appropriate place to take a nap at this very nice and very expensive wedding, but it is what it is.

    Six years later and no one in my family (immediate or extended) is every going to let him forget it.

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  • HJKvr
    Expert September 2018
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    Smiley xd Hilarious! I can totally picture all of those things!

    These are great. About the power outage though... what a tool! First of all not to listen, then second of all to not be grateful when you went out of your way to make her wedding happen on time! People.

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  • RZ_ToBe
    Master July 2018
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    A lot of my wedding mishaps I've seen are mainly due to lack of ettiqutte, but my parents wedding was kinda a bummer.

    My half sister was 6 and I was 6 months old at the time. My parents decided to have a very small wedding with a few friends and family members. My overdramatic grandmother demanded a church wedding, despite my dad not being religious. He just agreed to it, so it was whatever.

    But the night before the wedding, my dramatic grandmother found out her ex husband, my mom's dad, was going to be at the wedding (uh... duh?). She flipped her lid and told my mom she refused to attend or bring the punch(that she was in charge of) to the reception. This was at 10 pm. My mom was crushed and panicked. She called a family friend for support. The friend calmed her down and had my mom grab some punch supplies and bring them over. She did just that and managed to get some rest before the big day.

    Thanks to the family friend really stepping up, my parents had a decent ceremony and a great cake and punch reception. My grandmother never did show up, but my mom said she still had a good time.

    The dramatic grandmother was in charge of my sister and I while my parents took a week long honeymoon. Surprisingly, she still took us, but refused to say a word to my parents. Apparently, my grandmother decided to fees me only once a day and got snappy with my sister if she tried to take over. She pretty much locked my sister into a room the entire week and I was starving.

    It took 6 months before my grandmother would speak to my mom. I can't believe they even have a relationship after that crap! I never liked that grandmother for unrelated reasons, but boy, that was something else.
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  • Deirdre
    Super March 2018
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    I was a BM in a wedding and the bride’s SIL (her brother’s wife) drank a bunch before and was hammered by dinner. Sitting at the table with the bride’s family, she flashed her boobs at everyone. She told one of the guests that she essentially swings both ways and would lick her p***y (that was the exact word). She then went outside the venue and puked right outside the door. Her husband had to take her back to the hotel at that point and missed the majority of his sister’s reception.
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  • WooPigSooie
    Devoted June 2020
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    All of these stories are cracking me up but I still think yours is the funniest!

    I think though that the most LOL funny thing I remember from a wedding is when my mom and her step mom showed up to my cousins wedding wearing the EXACT SAME OUTFIT. All the way down to having bought the same jewelry that the cashier recommended while checking out. They really hate each other so they were both really upset by it, which made it that much funnier to the rest of us. There was some arguing at picture time but it's been more than 13 yrs and my mom still can't laugh about it.

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  • L
    Expert May 2018
    LIZ ·
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    I will never forget the wedding I attended where the bride and groom ended up in a fist fight during the reception.
    After dinner and families were getting way too drunk, harsh words were flying back and forth since neither family cared for the other family. It was amusing at first, but got way out of hand. Well, one wrong word and the hot tempered bride got pissed at her new hubby (he took sides with his family and she did not like that) next thing you know she whollups him upside the head. That lead to them fist fighting, as well as other family members. Next thing everyone sees is the (non denominational) pastor ripping up the marriage document. I kid you not, he declared the marriage did not take place right there.
    The couple split, thank goodness. But what a hoot all the guests had.
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  • L
    Expert May 2018
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    I also remember a farm barn wedding where a cow got out of the pen while everyone was at church and he at the cake.
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  • The Nuptials
    VIP July 2018
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    Oh wow! SIL really showed out. How have things been since?

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  • Gaby
    Savvy November 2018
    Gaby ·
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    These stories are all too funny. Lol!!
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