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Devoted June 2010

place cards and table cards

HappilyTogether, on March 12, 2009 at 8:22 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 16

Do you HAVE to have both a place card and table card? We will have several different groups (5 different family sides, friends of family, and younger friends of the bride and groom and a bunch of kids. So, I think it will make people more comfortable if we direct people to a specific table, but I don't want the hassel or the confinement of seating people around the table as well. Plus, we will have dinner, but it will only be buffet. The ceremony and dinner is at night time, which makes it a bit more formal, but I'm hoping to keep is somewhat casual and fun too....


Latest activity by Ladyvet, on April 2, 2009 at 4:41 PM
  • steeler74386
    Expert April 2009
    steeler74386 ·
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    Hmm.....ok dumb question but what are place cards???? the weddings i have ever been to they just had table cards with there name and table number like either beside it or underneath. (been to bout eh idk eight weddings) i think that is just what we are doing just the table name cards. its up to u guys u can just have table cards. whatever u guys want and feel comfortable with.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2010
    shell26 ·
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    Wow sounds like your having a lot of guest. What I was thinking of doing is having a table with everyones place cards on it. On the place card I was going to have their name(of course) and the table name. That way they know which table they are sitting at and they can pick whatever seat at that table. I was going to make up some name cards for each table. I really don't want to spend half the night telling people where they are sitting. I hope that helped you...

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  • HappilyTogether
    Devoted June 2010
    HappilyTogether ·
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    By table and place cards I meant a group of cards at the reception entrance that directs the gusts to their table (table cards) and a name card at each person's place at their seat/table (place cards). I may have mixed up the titles..sorry!

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  • Melissa
    Super September 2009
    Melissa ·
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    I am doing what the other posters have suggested. Using escort cards with just the guests' name and table number on them nd then just having the numbers visible on the tables so each person can find their table... once they are there they can figure out amongst themselves exactly which seat they would like to sit at...

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  • Sidne Fox
    Sidne Fox ·
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    Congratulations first of all.

    There are many options. One is simply a listing of tables and assignments, poster or picutre size, with the table number or name and then the guests assigned to that table. This method is common and correct if you are not serving a selection menu or in your case a buffet. It reduces your costs and energy.

    You can also simply do the individual cards with table assingment and not seat assignments. You would normally only do seat assingments for an extremely formal event or a small and intimate one. Best wishes

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  • Pete Wuebker
    Pete Wuebker ·
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    Sorry, but this sounds nuts to me.

    Let people make there own arrangements for sitting when they arrive. You have better things to do. Who knows, they make make a new friend.

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  • Sumer Schmitt
    Sumer Schmitt ·
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    You do not have to have both cards. You would choose either card option. Here are your choices:

    Seating Cards (or "escort cards") – Displayed on a table/creative display near entrance and escorts guests to their table. Each guest is assigned a specific table, but not seat.

    Place Cards – Set at each place setting on all tables. Each guest is assigned a specific seat. Table numbers are not included on this card.

    Hope that helps! Smiley smile Best of luck in the rest of your planning!

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  • Rei
    Dedicated August 2009
    Rei ·
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    Let people sit where they want! You never know, maybe someone you sat at the same table had some falling out and hate each other! Smiley smile

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  • Private User
    Just Said Yes September 2013
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    I don't know if I understood correctly, but if you're having a few tables for each category, like 2 tables for your family, 2 table for his family, 3 tables for you friends, etc., you could try this. Instead of table numbers, have cards on the table that say "Bride's Family", "Groom's Family", "Bride's Co-workers" or whatever. Then instead of assigning people a designated seat and table number, just designate categories, like cards that say "Jane Smith, Bride's Family". That way they have more than one table to choose from, but would be grouped with people they know. Hope that helped!

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  • Not-A-Bridezilla
    Master May 2010
    Not-A-Bridezilla ·
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    I would say it depends on what you are doing at your reception. For example, I am having a seated dinner and will be taking orders from people along with their RSVPs. Each person will be directed to their table, and have their own place card with stickers or something of the like on them to coordinate with their menu choice (its going to be crazy to plan but hopefully a bit more of my OCD will kick in). If you are having something like a buffet or going less formal, I would say just go with the table cards. However, if you have alot of family drama you might want to do both. Even though you obviously wouldn't seat ppl with dram at the same table, if two people who don't get along are at tables near each other and end up sitting across from each other b/c there are no seats left that could end badly. Luckily, I don't have any problems like this at my wedding but its best to plan for the worst. Good luck!

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  • Terri
    Terri ·
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    I'm going to shamelessly plug myself and ask if you have considered a seating chart. They are used as an alternative to place cards and would list all the guest's names with their table numbers on one chart. The specific seat is not assigned - just the table number. Plus they are decorative. Please visit my website at to see samples.

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  • Cheryl
    Dedicated April 2009
    Cheryl ·
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    Maybe I am wrong but, I think the only time you need to do the Place cards (assigned seating) is if you were having a sit-down dinner. I am having the buffet style and using Escort/table cards and letting the guest pick there own seat.

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  • Karen
    Devoted May 2010
    Karen ·
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    If you want to keep it casual, use only escort cards. It keeps things from being too chaotic because it pins each person to a specific table, but still allows the freedom of picking your own seat.

    Place cards are incredibly formal, and I don't recall ever attending a wedding where they were used (seriously, I'm like 27 Dresses, only with a man...I've been in and to a LOT of weddings).

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  • Ladyvet
    Devoted June 2009
    Ladyvet ·
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    Well our theme dictated what we are doing and the fact that it is a sit down wedding where people will be served.

    We will have a seating chart at the front door like the one here...scroll down to see the wine cork covered seating chart.

    Then we will have place cards with people's name. Wedding wire has a very easy way to seat people...and people can move there cards to wherever they want to sit but it won't be hard to assign seating. We will use wine corks to hold the name place cards like this

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  • Ladyvet
    Devoted June 2009
    Ladyvet ·
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    Oops forgot the 1st link...

    Well our theme dictated what we are doing and the fact that it is a sit down wedding where people will be served.

    We will have a seating chart at the front door like the one here...scroll down to see the wine cork covered seating chart.

    Then we will have place cards with people's name. Wedding wire has a very easy way to seat people...and people can move there cards to wherever they want to sit but it won't be hard to assign seating. We will use wine corks to hold the name place cards like this

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