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Dedicated November 2019

Proposal Stories!

Bree, on June 5, 2019 at 4:18 PM

Posted in Parties and Events 40

I wanna hear everyone's stories of how they got engaged? What made it special for you? Did you know before hand? Were you completely shocked?!
I wanna hear everyone's stories of how they got engaged? What made it special for you? Did you know before hand? Were you completely shocked?!


  • Nikki
    Dedicated November 2019
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    I was completely surprised and had no idea. He chose the ring himself and came up with the plan. It was very elaborate. There were a lot of lies but it was good lies to trick me. It happened on veteran’s day. He told me we were going to a fancy brunch at Downtown Disney, Club 33 would be hosting it. For those who don’t know Club 33 is a fancy eatery in Disneyland and it’s members/invite only. But that’s not important in the story. I had to be ready at 8:30am for the 9am brunch. We get to the metal detectors and I’m complaining because I’m in heels and a dress. He told me to bring an extra pair of comfy clothes. I thought we would be able to go into the park after so I’m super excited because who doesn’t love Disneyland?! He leads me to the gazebo in the back area and I’m checking my phone thinking we’re late and when we arrive to the spot where the supposed brunch is, no one is there. I’m confused but then it hit me that he was going to propose. Everything went groggy because I started crying and I couldn’t see him. I couldn’t believe it so I said “no” over and over but not to him but because I’m in disbelief. I then answered with a “hell yeah!” His friends were hidden in the bushes to take our pictures and record, my family was supposed to show up but my niece got sick. Little did I know, there was a surprise birthday party for me back at home. Everyone thought they were surprising me for my birthday but we surprised them with our engagement! The decorations were quickly changed. It was great. He really thought this out. I loved every movement of it. ❤️
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  • Nikki
    Dedicated November 2019
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    I meant moment not movement but yes, the movements were special as well. 😂😂
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  • Kristin
    Super November 2019
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    It was a complete surprise and I almost ruined it! My best friend got married in Costa Rica (I was MOH) last March and she had a local reception a week later at home. I flew down with her 4 days before the wedding but FH couldn't get the time off work so he was home with the pups. I got back and didn't see him much because my friend stayed in Costa Rica an extra week so I was taking care of all the last minute stuff for the local reception (she lives an hour or so away from me so it was alot of driving and late nights after work). He proposed on Wednesday. I had a rough day at work and had to stop at the store on my way home to get a couple extra bottles of wine to strip and use as centerpieces. HE JUST KEPT TEXTING ME. "When are you going to be home" "I miss you" "Hurry up, you've been gone all day" (which, he is not the overbearing type at all) and "how much longer are you going to be, I want to hug you"... all super sweet in hind sight but it was really irritating since he knew where I was and what I was doing. Anyway, I finally get home with 3 bags of wine on my arms and notice that neither of the dogs were at the door to great me, which was odd. All of the sudden, my 3 Y/O German shepherd/lab mix comes tearing around the corner, slips, and flies right into our table. He had a sign around his neck but between how hyper he was and the wine on my arms I couldn't read it. Then our 10 Y/O short hair pointer mix comes around the corner with another sign. I proceed to yell (since I still don't know where he is) "what did they do now that has you dog-shaming them?" He comes around the corner and asks if I had read the signs and I responded kind of snotty about having the wine and trying not to break the bottles. He took the bags from me, I read the signs, and he showed me the ring (no down on the knee proposal, we both have bad knees from years of ice hockey). I said "yes", followed immediately by "wait, are you serious?" He said he was and we started calling the parents who knew it was coming but didn't know when. We were going on a cruise the following week with his family so everyone just assumed it would be then but the ring came early and he was afraid one of the dogs would get to it and eat it lol. After all the calls were made, I noticed a big (like 8x10) UPS box on the table so I asked him what got delivered. He responded with "the ring" and I just blurt out "wait, that TINY ring came in that BIG A** box?" meaning rings in general are just small, but that is now his favorite story about how I told him straight to his face and in no uncertain terms that the diamond he chose was too small...its not, I am so not that person... but he gets a kick out of telling it that way.

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  • NextChapterReady
    Super October 2019
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    My FH proposed at an escape room. The final clue was actually a key and in the box was a key and my ring! Except i thought it was a prop. So I grabbed the key and he said, oh look, there's a ring. I said that's nice, but we've got the key now! It wasn't until he took a breath and I realized everyone was standing around us with their phones out that I got what was happening LOL

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  • Vale
    Dedicated October 2021
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    It was Christmas Eve Eve, December 23rd, 2018. We were up in New York for a little getaway, staying with my grandmother in Staten Island, where I was born. The day before, we went to Manhattan (his first time there), and on the 23rd, we went to see Aqua Man, then to the Staten Island mall just to walk around.

    We were both really hungry, but being that I'm a vegetarian AND gluten-free, finding a place where I could eat was really difficult, and he always insists we go somewhere I can eat. Finally, we found a Chipotle, and it was the worst Chipotle either of us had ever had. The food was awful, but we choked it down anyway. I started feeling really sad, like I was such a burden and a difficulty all the time because of my dietary restrictions. He could see it all over my face that I was on the verge of tears. We left the restaurant and walked to a beautiful courtyard with a huge Christmas tree. Mercifully, there were only about 4 or 5 people around.

    He asked me what was wrong, and I started crying and told him, apologizing for always being such a difficulty. He held me for a long time and told me NONE of that mattered to him, that my happiness was his top priority. Then he said "You'd better stop crying, because you're about to cry a lot more." That was when he got down on one knee and pulled out the ring, in front of that gorgeous Christmas tree. It was so surreal, so perfect. I just threw my arms around him and cried. He slipped the ring on, I said yes, and by miracle, some young couple saw it and had taken pictures and filmed a few seconds of the proposal. They came over to congratulate us, took my fiance's phone number, and immediately sent him the pictures and video clip.

    I swear, that was the most perfect proposal ever. He always knows EXACTLY the right moment for everything. ♡
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  • Vale
    Dedicated October 2021
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    That is SO cool. I get so mentally wrapped up in escape rooms that I probably would have totally missed the significance of the ring and started yelling at everyone "What are you standing around for?? WE HAVE TO FINISH!! TIME'S TICKING, WE HAVEN'T PUT....oh....well wait until we actually WIN to ask me!" LOL
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  • Christina
    Just Said Yes October 2019
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    My best friend and his best friend got married which is just about perfect! When she went to do the bouquet toss she turned around and handed it to me and then turned me around to him with a ring! I freaking bawled like a baby which is very much so NOT like me, could have been the pregnancy hormones. It was COMPLETELY shocked! He definitely did good 😁
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  • Heather
    Savvy May 2021
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    I came home on a Friday afternoon to my 2 pups, Bonnie & Clyde, with signs on their necks saying "will you marry dad?" and he was down on one knee with the ring.

    After 6 years of dating he asked me in Oct. what ring I wanted. I told him and totally thought it would happen around my birthday (Nov.), at Christmas or New Years... they all passed and I was like um.. okay. Well Jan. 4 he did it! Turns out he remembered me telling him 4 years earlier that I wanted him to ask my dad. So he asked my dad when we went up to see them in late December.

    Everything about it spoke to who he was and our relationship together. It was effortless and included our dogs. Smiley heart Smiley heart

    Clyde & Bonnie with their signs.Proposal Stories! 1

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  • NextChapterReady
    Super October 2019
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    LOL that was pretty much me HAHA

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    I have loved hearing everyone else's! Here's mine!

    Little Backstory: For our one year anniversary I had hinted I wanted a promise ring, as well at the time I was in the middle of buying my house. So I had spent the day before our anniversary at his grandma's house on the phone with my realtor while he ran around "showing everyone my anniversary gift". I'm usually pretty good a guessing gifts, but he's always been the one to stump me. But something about the way he was running around made me think it was a promise ring. Well the night before I was supposed to get the ring we were walking back home from a football game and I just casually asked if his grandmother cared that he got me a ring. He instantly said no...then thought about it and yelled "GD how did you do that?" I couldn't control my laughter and it's one of our favorite stories to tell.

    Fast forward two years and I had been dropping hints left and right that I wanted to marry him, I had even picked out a few rings and we had gone to look together. I knew it was coming just wasn't sure when. Well about five days before my birthday we are sitting in the drive through to our favorite fast food restaurant, just waiting, and I asked if I could snoop through his wallet to pass the time (my phone had died) He said okay and watched as I looked at random things in his wallet and we made conversation about it. Well he turned around to do something with the lady at the window and I pull out a receipt from one of the places I had picked a ring out at and I gasped and dropped everything! He whipped his head around and saw what I had looked at and looked me square in the face and laughed and said "You Mother F**ker" (no offense was taken, we like profanity!) he just kept repeating it while I laughed/cried. He told me I still had to wait and that he didn't know when he was going to propose just that he had the ring.

    Well that following weekend was my birthday weekend and we had a ton of I was on edge ALLLLL WEEKEND LONG. I knew it was going to happen that weekend because he insisted I "treat myself and get my nails done", and he went and got my promise ring cleaned and actually had input on what I wore each day. I made sure I looked my best all day every day and my stomach was in knots all weekend. Well come Sunday we have my family birthday party and nothing had happened yet. We are out at my dads and I wonder if it's gong to happen then. Well we get through dinner, cake, and presents and still nothing. So I start to relax thinking that at this point if he's going to do it it's going to be on my actual birthday (on Monday). While we are hanging out I start hearing these songs about marriage and engagement and I nudge him and give him a smile. Well I'm sitting chatting with my mom and he gets up and tells me he's going to get something out of his truck. I'm like "your a grown man do what you need to do you don't have to check in with me". As he walks away our song "Die a happy man" starts playing and I know instantly that it's happening. I start crying before he even turns back around and reaches me. He had been in co-hutes with my dad so they recorded it, my entire family was there, we had Champaign, there were toast! It was absolutely perfect. And even though I knew I still was 100% caught off guard in the moment.

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    Oh my gosh! I love this so so much! Your pups are precious!

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    That is so special! I'm sure your bond will last a lifetime with your friends, and you will always have something special to share with them now!

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    This story makes my heart so happy! He sounds like a real prince charming! Congrats!

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    This is awesome! And so creative! I would have done the same thing though and been like...okay so.. the ring is not the key to win this game! How cute and original!

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    I love when dogs are included! They are part of the family too! And the way you describe your dogs' entrance...hilarious!

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  • Bree
    Dedicated November 2019
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    OMG I love love your story! That is so hilarious! But special for you too! Totally something I would say or do! This is amazing!

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  • Helen
    Dedicated September 2020
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    My fiancé and I were on day 1 of a 9 day road trip through Utah and Colorado. We were at our first stop, Zion national park. We hiked about 8 miles! We finally reached the top and were taking pictures (even though I was terrified of heights and there was a sheer 1000 ft drop behind us!). We have a GoPro that we use to take footage with then grab still shots from it for some ‘action like’ pictures. So I didn’t think much of it when he asked a random guy to film us. We just finished taking ‘pictures’ when I go to grab my things and realize he stopped. He gets down on one knee and proposed in front of a ton of strangers, something I never saw coming considering FH is a very private person 😂
    despite the fact that I was terrified of the drop behind us, it was still the most magical moment of my life. I could not have asked for a better proposal. It was a dream! Telling the story still gives me butterflies.

    I truly had no idea this was happening! Considering we were flying from CT to Utah, I never thought he would travel with something so expensive (which he ensured me he had it insured) lol.

    Proposal Stories! 2
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  • Jennifer
    VIP August 2021
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    I had no idea! We just celebrated our fourth anniversary the December before, and that January he had told me that when he got his next raise at work in 2019, he would get the ring, so I thought I had a whole year! I was wrong! Smiley smile He bought the ring on my mom's birthday, 1/17/18, before her birthday dinner, so I was literally sitting next to my ring and I had no idea. The next week, he showed it to my parents!

    On 2/2/18, he told me were having a date night. I was running a little late because I wanted to surprise him with his favorite beer, since he was cooking dinner. I come into his apartment and he had the table all decorated with the dinner, wine, and he even hung up string lights! He made the dinner he had made me the night he asked me to be his girlfriend (steak, twice baked potatoes, veggies). I was a little suspicious through the whole dinner, but nothing happened. I had told myself I was being extra, as he told me it wouldn't be until next year.

    After dinner, he asked if I wanted to watch TV in the bedroom, so we headed that way. When I opened the door, I was greeted with 2,000 faux rose petals covering every surface, string lights, candles, and newly printed pictures of us hung up everywhere. I was so shocked at how romantic this was, I didn't even notice he wasn't next to anymore. I turned around and he was on one knee with the most beautiful ring and he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes immediately, but I was so shocked I then asked if he was kidding! He assured me he wasn't, and I began to cry and hug and kiss him for 10 minutes, until he finally asked me if I wanted to put my ring on! We then called our families, went out and got a drink to celebrate, and came home. It was perfect. Smiley smile

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  • Haley
    Expert October 2020
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    EngagementProposal Stories! 3

    I feel like I have one of those engagement stories that sounds kind of crazy when I type it out but in reality, it was perfect and very "us". We started dating in 2009 and have lived together since 2013. So needless to say, there have been times when I've wondered why he has been so sloooowwww in proposing but hey, that's just his way. So last year we're going to CMAfest in Nashville (this exact week, but last year) with our close group of friends. 6 of us including fh and me. About 4 days before we left, we were in the kitchen after having a few beers and fh asks me "so what are your expectations of this engagement ring?" and at first I was like "honestly I don't really have any. I just want you to put thought and effort into it" and then it registered that he hadn't bought a ring yet and I had just KNOWN he was going to propose on this trip. So I kind of freaked out and was like "uhhhhhh we leave in 3 days and you haven't bought a ring? this would have been the PERFECT time to propose you dumb dumb" and on and on. Huge fight. like "why do you procrastinate and leave everything to the last minute? don't you realize you can't just go in a ring store and buy a perfectly sized ring??" So then I'm like whatever, he will figure it out and we will be engaged sometimes in the next 20 years *eyeroll*. Anyway, we get to Nashville and fh and I both were telling our friends that they HAD to see this hotel we had stayed at back in 2016 because it was sooo beautiful (Union Station Hotel in downtown Nashville. It's gorgeous.) Day 2 of our trip (6/7/18) we walk to the hotel and we are going to get lunch at the bar when fh just comes up and he asks me "so how long have we been dating?" and I'm thinking LORD you don't know this by now? So I laugh and kind of roll my eyes and I say "uhh like 8 years" and then I basically blacked out bc he got down on one knee. In the video which one of friends took, you can hear fh say my full name and ask if I will marry him. in my brain, I just remember him being on one knee and then he stayed down there and I whispered "you're supposed to put the ring on my finger and stand up" and we both laughed and he was like "well i've never done this before, I don't know!". The ring was like 2 sizes too big because he bought it THE DAY BEFORE we left. But again, that's his way haha. After I said yes, we got a drink from the bar and went outside. My best friend informed me that fh had been planning this for 6 months and literally just procrastinated buying the actual ring until the week before because he didn't know you couldn't just buy all size rings at the store...So it all worked out, it was a surprise, and it was amazing. And we will be going back to Nashville for our honeymoon, though NOT for CMAfest because that is the opposite of a relaxing trip.

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  • Haley
    Expert October 2020
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    Omg i love this! after we had our ring argument, I was thinking "well gee now he really has to do it or he thinks i'll be pissed" but i was 1000% surprised in the moment and was NOT expecting it.

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