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Devoted May 2021
Aida, on June 18, 2020 at 7:58 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 59

Can I just rant for a second? Feel free to ignore this, I just want to express myself a little. We we supposed to get married this last May, but because of COVID-19, we rescheduled for August and I started moving on from the grief of the initial wedding date and started looking forward to August....

Can I just rant for a second? Feel free to ignore this, I just want to express myself a little. We we supposed to get married this last May, but because of COVID-19, we rescheduled for August and I started moving on from the grief of the initial wedding date and started looking forward to August. Things were starting to look optimistic again. But now cases of the virus have started spiking again in my state because people seem to think that because we're reopened, things are normal and COVID isn't around anymore and are more comfortable ignoring social distancing, having parties and not wearing masks. So frustrating. So today my FH started asking me about coming up with a plan C. Rescheduling the reschedule. I don't think I can do it again. I invested so much time, money and energy to the initial date that to do it again would just put me over the edge. Why? Why is this happening to me? To us? Why are we the abnormal ones? We already had to cancel our honeymoon indefinitely. So I'm not getting an honeymoon this year, am I not getting a wedding this year either? I've been planning this wedding since 2018. So yeah, I'm sad. I'm not saying the world revolve around me and my wedding and that's all that matters, no. But I cant help but to look back on my friends' past weddings or look to future ones where the virus didn't exist or will no longer exist and think, why wasn't mine this easy.


  • S
    Dedicated September 2021
    Sarah ·
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    My FH and I are in the same boat. It is a really crappy boat, and I'm sorry that we're all in it. It's been difficult, but I'm trying to focus on the GOOD things right now. So you may not be able to have all the people that you would want there - and that sucks. But maybe try to find smaller special details between you and your FS. For example: my FH and I are getting ourselves REALLY unique cake cutting utensils. Small details that will contribute to the meaningfulness of the day. It doesn't have to be all grand gestures. That said: THIS IS A CRAPPY CRAPPY BOAT AND I GET IT. I hope you're able to have the wedding you want to the best of your ability. Smiley star

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  • Taylor
    Dedicated October 2020
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    I totally agree with you. Everything is so iffy. If a vaccine is ready by the end of this year. What does that mean? Ready to be distributed? Ready to be tested? Generally, even with push, it can take 18 mo. I don't foresee how anything would be normal for the spring of 2021 without a vaccine. It is crazy because many of my close friends have had it already with zero symptoms! My friend is getting married Oct. 2021 and another July of 2021. So it will be interesting to see how things play out. I would have postponed but I have a sick family member that most likely will not be here in 2021 and I will not get married without her there. So I am going forward. My tasting is today so it will be interesting to see what the venue has to say about all of this. She said we will discuss it in detail.

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  • Megan
    Just Said Yes May 2020
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    What are you going to do? We are in the EXACT same boat. May wedding was rescheduled and now our August one looks like it may not happen. Between a mask requirement and people not feeling safe it just does not seem like the best idea. If we postpone I'm personally not coming up with a plan C the way things are going I don't see how any future dates would be safe at all. We will wait until things are normal again and then reschedule. I just can't live in the perpetual state of people asking about our wedding again.

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  • Lizzie
    Just Said Yes May 2020
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    Ah I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I am in the same boat too. Original May 30th date postponed to August 31. Bachelorette canceled, shower canceled, June honeymoon canceled and honestly not sure when we would reschedule! The majority of our guests would be traveling to our August wedding and we’ve heard from many already that they don’t feel comfortable coming. And I totally understand. We also don’t feel comfortable risking the health of those that do plan on coming, like my 88 year old great aunt! 🤦🏻‍♀️ We now want to have a small ceremony in August with our immediate family and bridal party only, and reschedule the reception to sometime next year (thought it’s hard to even know when would be safe to do it and I DO NOT want to reschedule a third time!) but my parents are having a hard time agreeing to it. Even though it’s our decision, they are laying on a lot of guilt about all the people who were planning on coming being very disappointed. Like, HELLO, WE ARE ALSO VERY DISAPPOINTED AND ISN’T THIS OUR WEDDING?! (Does writing in all caps make anyone else feel better lol) It’s really hard to know what to do and I think what makes it harder is that there is no 100% correct answer as well as the fact that no one in modern day has had to deal with this type of thing. I think you gotta do what feels right for you guys too. Sending hugs!
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  • Kelly
    Dedicated September 2020
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    I totally feel you. We were supposed to get married on May 15 but have moved to 9/4. My shower is now on it's 3rd date and I am so over it. Our honeymoon is supposed to be in Aruba. we have changed airlines and dates so many times that I am now afraid to be excited about anything. I am hoping it will all happen ,but will say once I can get my marriage license I am getting it and we are getting married come hell, high water or pandemic. This year has been such a cluster. I cannot tell you how many nights I have cried over all of this. God Bless and I hope you date holds for you.

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  • Lauren
    Dedicated September 2020
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    Your feelings are 100% valid and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. My honeymoon, too, is postponed indefinitely and we are on the fence to even postpone our October wedding. At this point we say maybe this means we should be focusing on our marriage itself rather than putting so much weight and pressure on one day. It personally has put me at so much ease and now a good chunk of me wants to do a small intimate thing soon and a big celebration with a cliff notes ceremony later next year and do the honeymoon after that. I feel like during this season a small intimate wedding with a bigger thing next year is the way to go at this time, but you do what your gut says. Trust your gut! I wish you luck and let me know if you ever need to talk. I am open to vent seshes haha.

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  • Abi
    Dedicated October 2020
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    Kudos to all the brides that have rescheduled, once, even multiple times! In my opinion, 2021 is not going to be some magical year where COVID just magically goes away. Our country has not and is not handling this in anyway it should, and it's not getting any better. I am 10/10 and still going forward even if it's me, FH, and the officiant. It is just too many what ifs for me to continue on and do all of this worrying for another year. I know some people don't have a choice, but I would consider keeping your date. Since you've been planning this for long.

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  • Queen Cone
    Devoted September 2020
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    Took the words right out of my mouth!
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  • Taylor
    Dedicated October 2020
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    This is so perfectly stated!

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  • S
    Savvy July 2021
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    Sending hugs!

    Susie x

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  • Kayse
    Expert December 2020
    Kayse ·
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    I feel ya girl. I'm always like, why couldn't I have done this last year?????? Hugs.

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  • V
    Dedicated October 2020
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    Your feelings are COMPLETELY valid, do not minimize them. This is a horrible situation for anybody to be in- especially to possibly have to reschedule a second time. I am so sorry that you are going through this.

    I am also having similar feelings- and my wedding is in Oct so I don't even know if I'll have to reschedule yet. And, you know what, these feelings are okay! This is a day, and event, that is supposed to revolve around you! Even if the "whole world" doesn't, this day DOES! And it absolutely sucks that you may not get the same experience as friends past and future. I want you to know that it is okay to feel that way, and it's okay to not be okay during all of this.

    I'm sending all the hugs and love and positive thoughts out to you during this. Whenever your wedding takes place, whether this year or next, it is going to be amazing and you are going to be a beautiful bride!!

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  • Tonya
    Beginner August 2021
    Tonya ·
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    Hugs to you

    I can totally relate. Our original date was June 20th, but we moved it till Aug 22. Now there is issues with the venue. They are saying we can only have 50 people and there can't be any dancing. How do you uninvite people and what is a reception without dancing? ugg Smiley sad

    I already told FH that I am not interesting in rescheduling. I don't want to deal with a plan C

    It has caused too much stress and it is no longer fun.

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  • Molly
    Devoted October 2020
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    I can 100% sympathize with you! Our original date was 3/28/20 and then we moved it to 10/31/20 and then we changed it to an elopement (we were told we'd probably have to cut our guest list and we wouldn't be allowed to dance) and our larger reception will be 10/15/21. It sucks but it gives me an excuse to wear my wedding dress twice hah! Go with whatever will make you happy and I hope that you can have the honeymoon of your dreams at some point!!

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  • Courtney
    Master December 2019
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    I know it's not much, but I am so sorry. Smiley heart My heart goes out to all 2020 brides.... my best friend included.

    She's kept her date but had to make drastic changes. She's had to cut her guest list from 100 to 50, find a new venue, and ultimately plan for an elopement style wedding. She's having a small ceremony and luncheon afterwards. Next summer she and her husband plan on having a larger party. One of her saving graces is that she was able to return/resell most of her decor as she doesn't need it anymore.

    But even us 2019 brides are coping with COVID. Our honeymoon has had to be rescheduled twice to a now undetermined date in 2021.

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  • Holly
    Dedicated October 2020
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    I'm right there with you!! My church is now closed and my reception hall is now closed. I'm tired being defeated also. I should be happily married. So. Matron of honor says look at outdoor venue which will hold MORE than you invite. She actually found one and we are looking at it this Friday to get another "view" of our wedding without walking down the aisle of the church I grew up in. Sorry I ranted too. But you are not ALONE ❌⭕❌⭕❤💕
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  • Samantha
    VIP October 2020
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    I'm so sorry. You have every right to be upset and it doesn't at all sound like you think your wedding is the ONLY important thing this year, just that it's AN important thing for both the year and the rest of your life. I know that we're all in the same boat. We had our honeymoon fully booked and that's cancelled and we're holding on hope that our October wedding will be a go, even though I know it won't be exactly how I pictured it.

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  • Ashlie
    Savvy December 2021
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    Ughh I so feel you. I have been trying my best not to complain too much to anyone because I feel terrible caring about something like this when there is so much terrible stuff happening in the world right now. My FH and I have been together 14 years and engaged for 5 because there was always something coming up. We first were thinking about this past March but moved it thankfully to December 2020 (Or so I thought) but we just recently decided to throw in the towel and move it to December 2021. I am one of those people who takes forever to decide anything and procrastinates like hell and I was so proud of myself for getting things done and being ahead on schedule for planning until everything shut down. I have been joking that the universe sensed that it was too easy for me and that I was freaking out enough about planning so it sent me a curve ball Smiley xd . We also had to cancel our shower and I have no idea when we will be able to reschedule which is extra weird because a few people had sent gifts ahead of time for it. I feel lucky that we were able to get our same weekend next year and that all of our vendors were able to move but I know there's no guarantee that 2021 won't be more of the same. I keep thinking, "Can we just have a do-over for 2020?" Smiley xd For now at least I'm trying to find comfort in the fact that I can not think about it at least for a little while. My heart goes out to you and everyone in here and I hope we are all able to find a way to get married the way we want eventually. Smiley heart

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  • Suzanne
    Dedicated July 2021
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    I understand your pain a bit. My wedding was suppose to take place tomorrow- destination wedding in Florida! Ha! In my mind I know it was the right move to postpone, but my heart still aches. We postponed for next year, but I dread what sort of apocalyptic dystopia we'll have by then. Things definitely aren't getting better, only worse...

    I don't know if it's just general stress from his job, my unemployment, the pandemic, a Covid-19 positive grandparent on oxygen in the hospital, protests/riots down the street from us (I live in Portland, OR), or just general relationship challenges, but I've started to question if we should even get married at all- maybe all of this is a signal that we're not right for each other? I still can't imagine my life without him, but if all of this isn't a sign not to get married, what is? I don't know if your thoughts have led you there, but I hope you're able to navigate through these turbulent waters and thoughts and follow the right path for you and your partner.

    Best of luck to you, whatever you decide. Follow your broken, aching heart. While battered from this emotional rollercoaster, your heart still knows the best path to follow.

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