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November 2022

Sister-in-law quit as a bridesmaid??

Beth114, on April 22, 2022 at 8:48 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 18
I’m really hurt and don’t know what to do/ how to feel right now. Over the last couple years my fiancés step sister and I have gotten very close. I decided to include her in my wedding party to celebrate officially becoming sisters and because I truly value her support and friendship. She lives a couple states away but that didn’t matter to me as the friendship outweighed that. I was okay with her just being able to show up for the wedding and being up there with me on the most important day. Yesterday I made a fb group chat with all the bridesmaids so I could do some polls easily to help me with planning things for the bachelorette, jack and jill, and anything else I might want some opinions on as I can be very indecisive sometimes. I did not expect the reaction she had to that. She instantly shot off a paragraph message pretty much insulting me and the fact that I made another group chat. Even when I expressed to her why I made the chat she was still unsupportive and rude. We have a text chat that is the main form of communication for all of the important final decisions etc so it’s all in one place. In the text chat another bridesmaid had replied to the bridesmaid dress choice asking what kind of shoes and jewelry. I responded that they would only need to worry about earrings if they wear them because i was taking care of the necklace. I guess my future sister was offended by the idea that for one day she would wear something that I gifted to her instead of what she wanted. So i expressed that if she had something already that she wanted to wear she could and that i just request it be silver and simple. Personally I don’t even really think jewelry matters? Like does it show in pictures if some wear gold and others wear silver?? I was even fine with if she really wanted to wear a gold necklace. She then texted me separately asking if we could FaceTime later that day. We FaceTimed and she quit stating being a bridesmaid is just not for her. Obviously i was shocked as she’s been a bridesmaid before… and leading up to that day was fully supportive and excited to be included. She told me that being a bridesmaid for the other person worked because there werent group chats and it was just buy the dress, shop up for the wedding, and the Bach. I was very confused because that’s what i expected of her minus the bachelorette??? To me it seemed she was trying to beef up her reasonings for why it’s not for her without hurting my feelings but she did that anyway. She continuously stated that she’s just too busy because of working full time and going to school (she finishes her school program almost 6 months before the wedding). I’m a very understanding person but I just can’t understand how a sister can act like that? She began to act like we put a bunch of expectations on her when all i asked was that she show up to the wedding that she was already planning on coming to? All of my other bridesmaids and MOH messaged me separately asking why she was acting like that in our group chats and apologizing for her behavior and reminding me how much they support me. A few also expressed that she seemed super excited until the fb group was made and until i said simple silver jewelry if you have it. The fb group and Snapchat group I made were solely for polls and so that I could include them all in my dress finding experience so that pics of the dress I said yes to couldn’t be shared and would be gone unless screenshotted (which wasn’t a concern because they all agreed it was a good idea to protect the surprise for my future husband). I just wish she would’ve tried to express her concerns with me before just quitting. The other part to her quitting is she was very stone cold about it and didn’t have any emotions. Meanwhile I was on the other end shaking and crying. She left the ball in our court essentially and said that if it’s okay with me and future husband that she just shows up on the wedding day in the dress and is up there and does pics then she’ll continue as a bridesmaid …. But that’s what was already expected so idk what to do and I feel like I don’t want someone up there who doesn’t want to be up there. My fiancé thinks we should give her a few days and hopefully she’ll come around but idk I’m just so hurt that she did that. No matter how many times I’m told it’s not my fault and I did nothing wrong, I still can’t help but feel like I did and like I’m not accepted. For years she has been bugging her brother about proposing to me, he finally does, she’s super excited, gets asked to be in our bridal party, is even more excited, and then quits because of a group chat and jewelry? I’m just so lost. Even when I asked her to be a bridesmaid I expressed that I knew it would be hard for her to make it to all the events leading up to the wedding and it was OK if she couldn’t and that I understand and would still include her in chats and ask for her advice when I needed help but didn’t expect her to come here every single time we did something and all she had to do was come to the wedding and stand up there with us. I’m sorry if I was a bit repetitive, this just happened yesterday and I’m really struggling. I’m heartbroken and feel like the friendship I thought we had was one sided.


Latest activity by Leslie, on April 24, 2022 at 1:42 AM
  • Stacey
    Super May 2021
    Stacey ·
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    It sounds like she really overreacted and didn't handle her frustration very well at all. That being said, personally I find group chats to be absolutely the worst. They are impersonal, annoying, and onerous. It could be that this just isn't her communication style - which again, she overracted to rather than rationally share her feelings. Also, am I to understand you have a group text chat, a group FB chat, and a group Snapchat? Wow, that is really overkill and as a bridesmaid I would be super annoyed - that's a lot. I think your fiance is right to give things some more time, and let feelings settle down before trying to revisit. If she still doesn't want to be a bridesmaid that's ok! Salvaging the relationship in the long term is the most important part. Good luck Smiley heart

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  • Beth114
    November 2022
    Beth114 ·
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    I did state in my op that the snap was just for when I was looking for my dress… everyone else had no problem with the chats and I clearly stated what the purpose was for each ahead of time. As a sister, she could’ve just come to me and asked to be removed from all but the one or suggested just doing the one chat then. It’s the easiest way to include all of them. She even expressed to me at one point about appreciating being in the chats?? For a sister to quit because of something so small and act like it’s because of other things, is what really bothers me. She couldn’t hide it well while “quitting” and mentioned the chats multiple times to which she also stated it made sense to have those chats and I did nothing wrong? Just all makes 0 sense.
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  • Paige
    VIP October 2022
    Paige ·
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    Definitely seems like an overreaction. Is she maybe going through something with school or her personal life that she projected onto the group chat/ jewelry thing? It sounds like she's about to finish her program, so maybe finals, finding a job, lifestyle changes, etc. are stressing her out, and the jewelry thing or notifications from the group chat were the straw that broke the camel's back. I'd take your fiancé's advice and just give her some time to cool off. It sounds like she still wants to be in the wedding and that she still cares about supporting you.

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  • Beth114
    November 2022
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    I was thinking the same thing. I know I felt the same way a year ago when I was working a job I hated and when I got multiple messages from someone during the day it really bothered me and stressed me out more. I did talk to those people tho and let them know how I was feeling and that I just really couldn’t handle that during my work day and would reply after work. I’m really hoping she realizes that it was an overreaction but I do also fear that she doesn’t care and will stand by what she did. I’m just worried I can’t shake how she just quit without talking to me first about her concerns. I’m so reasonable and willing to work with them on anything… I just don’t understand how she just thought it was ok and I wouldn’t mind..
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  • G
    Dedicated September 2023
    Grace ·
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    It definitely sounds like she's not dealing with stress well right now. The fact that she pulled a full switch seems unusual, so I'd guess she's just stressed and maybe the group chats were overwhelming. I'm not ardently against group chats, but they can become a lot. So maybe she was feeling stressed and it was just the tipping point. Definitely agree that you should give her a few days, and she may come around. Also, maybe you don't have her in the group chats until she's done with her school. And during that time, you can just text her separately. It sounds like she really values your relationship (from the stories from before this situation), and you clearly value her. I'd give it some time and it'll probably smooth out. Best of luck! That is a really frustrating experience.

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  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
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    I have to agree with the PP, three different chats is definitely overkill. Tbh, I would be super annoyed to have three different chats dedicated to someone’s wedding. Like your FSIL said, it’s not that you did anything “wrong” per se, and I am sure you could validate the reasons for having three different chats, but the bottom line is most brides manage to effectively speak with their bridesmaids without any dedicated chats, let alone multiple. It sounds like when you initially approached FSIL about being in the wedding, it was laid out as a very low-key, non-obtrusive situation… basically, I will let you know what dress to buy and then you just show up the day of the wedding. And that is what she agreed to. But then she was added into not one, not two, but three different chats about your wedding. She was included in conversations about minute details, planning extra pre-wedding parties that you said she wouldn’t need to attend, financial conversations about those parties (that again, wouldn’t even pertain to her), wedding dress pictures, polls, and requests for opinions on wedding planning (which, to be honest, should only include you and your fiancé). This is a lot more than most brides interact with their bridesmaids. And then add to that the fact that you presented it as a very low-key, minimally involved position. From the sounds of it, it is just too much for her, and not what she thought she was signing up for. If your other bridesmaids are OK with that level of involvement, that’s great! However, FSIL is obviously not. I would let her know that you understand what was being presented was too much, and that you would be happy to have her just purchase the dress and show up the day of the wedding, as initially was planned. Most likely, she is feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and guilty when she sees all of these interactions and knows she will not be as involved as the other bridesmaids. If you still want her in your wedding, take that pressure off of her and remove her from those chats.
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  • Beth114
    November 2022
    Beth114 ·
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    I guess I should’ve included that she was offering help and asked to be included in all of that. And the decisions I was seeking help with were stuff that were for me and the bridal party/ things that I couldn’t give away to my future husband without spoiling my dress. It’s not like we’re super active in those chats anyway, its the most low key chats you could imagine tbh. I do understand it can be a lot if she’s stressed about something or stressing because she can’t be as involved as she would like but at the same time she did ask to be included like that and could’ve just come to me about it before just quitting and hurting my future husband and myself.
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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    You're taking this too personally. She lives out of state, finishing her thesis, transitioning to a life in the workforce, and is on 3 chats that don't involve her day to day. Your clearly in your feelings, let her be in hers. And she'll German back to
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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Oops, sorry about the disconnect.
    *she'll get back to you on her time, not yours.
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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    BTW, I don't think she is rejecting you as a member of the family. BM is a role in a wedding, not a lifetime. You attacked how unfeeling she was when she talked to you. But, when people lay down boundaries for themselves, they are more effective when clear and direct.
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  • Beth114
    November 2022
    Beth114 ·
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    Y’all totally missed the point. I’m just gonna deal with this stuff internally instead of looking for support from a group I thought could maybe lift someone up when their down and agree that jewelry wasn’t a big issue and they don’t have to be the same or something?? Any kind of help honestly. Most of you it seems didn’t even read my whole post. I know it’s long but don’t just reply without fully reading. You all made me feel much worse. So congrats.
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  • L
    Devoted April 2023
    Lucy ·
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    While I agree that you saying "silver jewelry" shouldn't be a big deal , some people don't want to be told what to wear, including when it comes to little stuff like this or shoes color

    It's obvious that she didn't drop out because of that only She's not totally honest about the reasons why she made this decision. Jewelry and having 1000 group chats are not the reasons. In case she's single: is she jealous?

    That being said: just forget her and anyone who doesn't support you and your groom and move on with the other girls since they trully support you and will help you if needed. Sure, she and you will be family... but guess what: you don't have to be close with all family members, blood, in-law or "step in-laws".

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  • M
    VIP January 2019
    Maggie ·
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    This is a great update. I completely agree with you handling this directly with your future step-sister-in-law rather than trying to bring a whole bunch of other people and things into it. You two were close before, so you can be close again as long as you approach this with humility and openness and a desire to accept your share of what went down. Your relationship with her will be (hopefully!) long and your wedding is just one day. Prioritize the long term and let the small things go. You can do this!

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  • S
    Dedicated September 2022
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    I'm so sorry you haven't found the support you need from this thread - to be honest, I've felt similarly on this forum in the past and feel like some times people are pretty harsh or blunt in their wording :/ I empathize with you in feeling unsupported based on some responses - sometimes I even feel....attacked for coming on here with something I'm struggling with? lol

    My take is that it honestly sounds like there's something else going on with your FSIL, like a previous poster mentioned (such as jealousy) that might be causing her to project it onto you. I agree that the jewelry thing and group chats are not enough to warrant a complete withdrawal from your bridal party, no matter how stressed she might be with school and work. Heck, I worked full time and was in grad school part-time as a bridesmaid and it was doable (albeit stressful, but don't just unleash all that at your friend). I mean, it COULD have been a culmination of stress of everything going on in her personal life, but I still feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing?? Maybe she is.....tired of talking about your wedding? I don't say that in a negative way toward you at all or that you did something to make her sick of it, but I mean it more from like....because of her own feelings? (maybe she's single, or maybe she isn't at the point in her life yet to appreciate the hype of getting married/planning a wedding, or maybe she is realizing it's not within her capacity for whatever reason to be your hype woman... idk haha) Like unless in your post you've totally downplayed the extent of these group messages/how frequently you talk about your wedding or solicit their advice (which I don't think is the case here) or you haven't mentioned something else that maybe you've completely not even considered because in your head it wasn't a thing, then I feel like she's projecting something from her own life/emotions onto this situation.

    Anyway, I agree with others that it could be a good thing to give her a few days to let her feel her feelings, let the emotions settle on all fronts, and then re-approach things with her. Your hurt and frustration is valid, and I'm sorry that her actions have made you question the authenticity of your friendship. I understand wanting to feel close with your new siblings, and I hope that the two of you are able to talk things out together and come up with a solution that works for you both.

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    What's a Jack and Jill? In some circles it means the wedding party has to raise funds for the the wedding expenses.

    She's asking to get the dress and show up on the day of the wedding. How is that not OK? She doesn't need to go to the bachelorette.

    Your fiancé's sister isn't going anywhere, and you'll be dealing with her at every family event. I'd work on fixing that relationship.

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  • L
    Devoted April 2023
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    Not correct: Jack and Jills, unlike showers and bachelor(ette)s, are not the wedding party's reponsibility to deal with. They are planned and thrown by the couple. They are pretty common in english-speaking countries other than the US, especially in Canada and G. Britain.

    Also: the WP crew might offer to help and that's kind of them if they do but... because this is a fundraiser, the couple alone should deal with it, unless others volunteer .It would be weird to ask people help you pay for your wedding while the WP members or anyone else would pay for this fundraiser to happen. , wouldn't it? 😀

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    I'm from Canada, lived in 4 provinces. I've never seen a Jack and Jill.

    I'm not sure I'd help with that type of thing, and I have heard from being on here, that in some cases the wedding party that to donate prizes etc.

    Yes, to me it's odd to ask others to help pay for your wedding, even in the form of a Jack and Jill, but I know it's done in some social groups.

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  • Leslie
    Devoted December 2022
    Leslie ·
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    Hmm that’s so weird and frustrating!🙃 definitely keep in mind that it’s not personal. People only give what they have & she must definitely be going through some things in her personal life because I know normally people wouldn’t react that way. However, she definitely overreacted. Group chats can be annoying but only with constant messaging from everyone but even then the simplest solution would just be to silence the group chat. There’s no need to make a big fuss about it. As for the jewelry, that’s dramatic to be upset about that as well. It’s YOUR wedding, and a true friend would just go for what you wish that day it’s really not a big deal 🤷🏽‍♀️ True colors sometimes come out when we least expect it and well although you should be open to mending your relationship with her I would also just be aware of what to expect from her in the future and know at what distance to keep the relationship from now on. Hopefully y’all work things out though!Smiley smile
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