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Super February 2021

So much stress...

Kerin, on August 27, 2020 at 10:08 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 19

Hello everyone. I'm sorry, I've not been on in quite a while! The stress from Covid, now the stress of our littles going back to school full time in person, on top of reaching the end of the line on the wedding planning (less than 6 months to go now - just have to pay for everything), followed by the transmission going out on our vehicle (we just bought out the lease in May Smiley ups )...I'm mentally exhausted.

My girls are 7 and 10 and ADORE FH. They chose to call him Dad. They refer to their father as Daddy (he passed away almost 5 years ago). The girls asked us about what happens when we get married. They know my last name will change, and they want their last names to change, too. My 10 year old believes that her last name doesn't define who she is or where she comes from, and likes to point out that it will change again someday, but while they're still going to have to finish growing up in our household, they want the same last name. FH wants to adopt them legally and they want that, too. I've told all of them to think on that for a while, we don't need to make a decision today, but they are all set that they want it to happen.

I'm grateful they all love each other and want it to be "official". My cousin lost her husband to a brain tumor and then lost her (his) kids and their home very shortly after because she had no legal right to continue raising them and he had not re-written his will before he passed, so his parents were given legal guardianship and instructed to sell the house to provide funds for the kids' futures. I would hope and pray I would be allowed to raise my girls and hold my grandchildren, even great grandchildren, some day, but if something happened to me before the girls were both grown, I can't stomach the idea of them being taken away from another parent and losing their home after already losing their daddy and (for any of this to happen) having lost me.

It's important to note my late husband's mother, father, and oldest sister are coming to our wedding and will be keeping the girls while we're on our honeymoon for a week. They have been my family since I was 19 - so almost 18 years! They are more family to me than my own father. Mom called me night before last upset because the girls told their grandpa about the adoption conversation - not upset because it could happen, but because I didn't discuss it with her. I explained that I wasn't discussing it with anyone because I don't want the girls to feel pressure in any direction on it, and I want them to have time to be sure of how they feel. That they were so happy telling their grandpa all about it and that they are so comfortable in this household and family warmed their grandparents' hearts, but their grandma said she was caught off guard and she said some hurtful things to me which she later took back and apologized for.

So anyway, it's been really stressful over here...hope you're all doing well. Smiley heart As far as the wedding goes, FH was measured for his tux and all the women in the wedding have ordered their dresses Smiley smile now if I could just sleep so I'm not a zombie all day...



Latest activity by Molly, on August 28, 2020 at 10:59 PM
  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    She probably was in her feelings about her son passing away, I wouldn’t stress over that. It’s really nice that your kids have an amazing relationship with your fiancé so there really won’t be anything to adapt to as far as their relationship. That’s awesome!
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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    I've had 3 step mothers, and I was terrified of my daughters having similar experiences to mine, so I waited a while to introduce FH to the kids. We were together a year when we moved in together, and making time to have fun as a family was a top priority. He's a truck driver so only home a day and a half every week. About 6 months ago he was put on a dedicated route for the trucking company, so we started a Sunday tradition of the girls and I following him out to where he has to be. We go hiking, fishing, bowling, museums, movies, whatever we all feel like doing, but whatever it is, it's family time and everyone gets to have fun. The girls really took to that. He had that "dad voice" thing though LOL they don't appreciate that part 😂

    I really do understand Mom's feelings. It's just incredibly important to me that none of us unload our emotional burden on the girls. They should not have to bear the weight of their adults' pain. These little ones have plenty of their own. It's definitely a hard situation, and I'm a worrier, so I haven't slept much the last couple of nights...can't shut my brain off. There's nothing I can do to make her feel better. There is nothing that takes away the pain of losing a child. Understanding that is one of the biggest motivators for always making sure they are part of the girls' lives. He lives on in our kids. ❤
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  • Kimberly
    Super March 2021
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    Oh girl. That is a lot to deal with! I am sorry it’s been so stressful for you. That is really great that your girls feel so strongly about you FH adopting them. That really says a lot for their relationship. And you are absolutely handling it the right way by having each of them think about what it would mean and if that’s what each of them truly want without any pressure from you. Great job mama!
    My daughter adores my FH too. She just turned 9 in July and FH and I have been together for 3-1/2 years. She calls him by his name, but when she did her “about me” project for school a couple weeks ago she said “my mom is Kimberly and my dad is Chris and I have a brother named Joe and a sister named Izzy”. I almost cried! Chris is my FH and Joe and Izzy are his 17 year old twins who my girl also adores. I was surprised that she wrote it the way she did, but it was all her.
    As for last names I think I am going to add FH’s name to mine with a hyphen. I don’t want to have a different last name than my daughter because it’s always just been her and I. Her birth father has never been in her life. She for the first 6 years of her life it was just her and I against the world and it means so much to her that we are so much alike. Including our last name. My FH has brought up adopting her but that was before we were even engaged and I told him that is a much deeper discussion we’d need to have and a lot of thought would need to happen on his part. Also TN makes it kind of difficult to adopt even a step child. Still something we will discuss though. I’m glad you’ve gotten some things checked off your wedding to do list too! Hang in there and try to get some rest!
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  • Kimberly
    Super March 2021
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    I had the exact same thought about my FH being a step parent. I have only one step mother but she’s been my step mother for 40 years. And she was horrible, I mean horrible, to me. We have mended things and moved past the way she treated me as a child, but I made it very clear that I would never allow anyone to treat my child the way my father allowed his wife to treat me. It has not been an issue with FH and my girl at all. Nor has it been an issue with his twins and her or me and the twins. We also make a point to have family time weekly and the twins are surprisingly acceptable of family time even going into their senior year of high school. We moved in with FH and the twins in May of this year because we knew the kids would be going off to college next year and it was important to me that they knew we were a complete family of 5. I did not want them to feel like we just moved in and replaced them when they left for college. This year is really important to me to make sure they know we are all in this together even when they do go out on their own.
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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    Thank you, Kimberly, and congrats to you, those moments of acceptance from our littles can really make our hearts swell, right?! That is awesome. Im so happy for you and your family 💕
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  • Kimberly
    Super March 2021
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    Thank you! 🥰
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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
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    I definitely get it, from a personal point of view. My stepson is now 6 and I have been the mother figure in his life since he was 2 when his dad and I got together. His mother isn’t in his life at all. I didn’t force the relationship in fact I told him not to call me mom because at first I wanted to respect his mother thinking that she would come back in his life but that still hasn’t happened. About a year ago he asked if he could call me mom because my fiancé and I have a 2 year old and obviously he hears him calling me mom and felt left out. So we decided that we would allow him to switch and call me mom and his face immediately lit up. It’s the little things but definitely shout out to your husband as well for stepping up and raising them as his own. It’s definitely something to get used to if you Don’t already have kids!
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  • M
    Master October 2021
    Mrs.a ·
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    Hi Lady, sending you lots of hugs!


    It’s been a little rough here with things constantly in flux and changing due to Covid and FMIL’s health. We have so much weighing on our hearts and souls at the moment accepting her passing, and the unknown of moving forward with plans for getting married in October.

    We’re excited too for the wedding and plans. FH suggested that he would like an open seat for her at our October Wedding if she can’t be with us. I think that’s lovely and a really beautiful idea, but it’s going to be so hard for him and his family.

    We’re just to thankful we were able to have our commitment ceremony with her and to honor her while she is with us, and also to have her blessings.

    Aside from that we just have an unruly puppy with a lot of anxiety and some aggression lately that we are trying to deal with and curb his behavior. We took him to the vet yesterday and they couldn’t even get him to relax while medicated as he started to hyperventilate which was causing him to lose oxygen 😢 So they sent us home with more medication to help him relax with really no further direction on what to do. He’s due for his yearly vaccines and checkup in a month and I don’t know what to do. He’s genuinely so sweet and his aggression comes out when he gets scared or nervous. We need to consult with a trainer but right now with Covid it’s just that much more difficult. The medications they prescribed for his anxiety do help to calm him but it also seems to put him in a daze.

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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    My heart goes out to you all in dealing with your FMiL's health ❤ the open seat really is a beautiful idea.

    Oh my, poor pupper 😢 have you ever heard of the Dog Whisperer? It was a TV show but it followed this guy in real life who did rehabilitation for dogs. I know it isn't a trainer, but maybe Google him and look at episodes. Might help find a way to aid your fur baby until you can find a professional to be hands on.
    Good luck, hun, and hugs right back to you 🤗
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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    That is so sweet, Yasmine, and kuddos to you for trying to keep a space for your oldest's mom should she want it. That had to be so hard for him to understand. It's wonderful when they accept new people, because kids don't usually fake those things. It means they really do trust you.

    My FH has 2 children, but they're grown (I get to be a grandma in my 30s! 😁). There's a 19 year age gap between the oldest and youngest, so the balance is a little different but everyone seems to be putting in a real effort. Oldest daughter was working at a jewelry store last year at Christmas and bought 10 year old a necklace. She told her it was a sisters gem and gave it this big story with special meaning. 10 year old cried and hugged her so hard. The grown ones still have their mom, and they are good people who are making room in their lives for us, too. It's wonderful.
    Have a terrific day!! And thank you for sharing your positivity 💕💕💕
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  • M
    Master October 2021
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    Thank you so much! Smiley heart Smiley smile

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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
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    That’s great! You have a wonderful day also and I wish the best for you and your family!
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  • Margaret
    Master October 2020
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    If you go through with the Adoption, would there be an option to give them a hyphenated last name to allow them to keep their "original" and now new? Or even two middle names; I'm sure while you're thrilled of an adoption and ensuring your children's future you don't want to forget what you or they lost and it could also help mom with accepting the the new family life.

    IDK, just a thought. BTW, we've missed you.

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  • Brittany
    Super October 2020
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    Oh goodness, Kerin so it has been a roller coaster for you right now. You know you are so strong and awesome for hanging in there and keeping that love and support you have for others!! I am sorry you are stressed and that things with your late husband's mother were/are a little rocky. I think that's really wonderful that your FH wants to adopt them and that the girls want the same. Your late mother in law may just have been taken back by it is all and doesn't want the girls nor you to forget about her son I think. I hope that the whole family will be mixed with not only grandparents from your later husband but also your parents and FH parents too. That the girls are able to have so much love and support from all of them for the rest of their lives. You keep breathing lady and it'll be okay!! We missed you btw but understand though!!

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  • Molly
    VIP September 2020
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    That is so sweet about your girls Smiley heart I'm sorry you have been having some issues. Car trouble is never fun or cheap! That must have been so horrible for your cousin. I hope her late husbands family at least let them see and visit her. I think the adoption would be a great thing. My best guy friend did this with his wife's son and her son was so happy! (The sons father left as soon as she told him she was pregnant and never once has tried to meet his child)

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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    Honestly, it's whatever the girls want. We discussed the option of both last names, staying with their current, and changing to FHs last. In the end, it isn't about what I want, or what anyone else wants, it's about what they want and what will make them most comfortable. I don't want them to make a decision on it now, i want them to weigh their own feelings without outside pressure. I've promised them in every conversation that I will be fine whatever they choose to do because absolutely nothing can change that they're my daughters and their happiness is paramount❤

    I missed being on here! Hope you're doing well!! ::hugs::
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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    Thank you Brittany ::hugs:: hope you're doing well!
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  • Kerin
    Super February 2021
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    Thanks, Molly! Hope you're doing well!!
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  • Molly
    VIP September 2020
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    You’re welcome! I am thanks 😊
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