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Savvy July 2020

Taking Man’s Last Name?

Katie, on January 4, 2020 at 2:17 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 43

Hi all! I’m having mixed feelings about taking or not taking my fiancé’s last name. I’m someone who strongly believes traditions should be questioned, and I won’t do something just because it’s the way it is or the social norm. (Please send thought and prayers as I plan this wedding and navigate the...
Hi all! I’m having mixed feelings about taking or not taking my fiancé’s last name. I’m someone who strongly believes traditions should be questioned, and I won’t do something just because it’s the way it is or the social norm. (Please send thought and prayers as I plan this wedding and navigate the intense pressure from my severely traditional mother!) If the tradition makes sense and works for the parties involved, great. Keep it. If not, I think it should be tossed. I just don’t have a definitive urge or strong feelings to keep or scrap my last name, but we have both discussed and agreed that we are not hyphenating. We both have three syllables in our last names, don’t like the sound, not sure if we are having kids, but I personally believe it can be an issue later on in a kid’s life. What if they want to hyphenate when they get married, and their fiancé has a hyphenated name? Where does it end? (NOT a criticism. It’s great for some people! Just a thought). He’s not pushing me and doesn’t have strong feelings either way, but he does not want to take mine or create a new one, which I respect. Truthfully, I really don’t feel super strongly about either choice. I want to consciously make the choice though rather than out of the path of least resistance or social pressure. I just haven’t been the type of bride getting excited to be called “Mrs. [his last name].”

Here are some of my pro/cons to taking a last name. I’m interested to hear what others are doing or have done and the reasoning behind that choice.
Pros: I like the way his name sounds with my first name, it feels like a nice way to be a united front starting a new chapter in our lives, it’s closer to the beginning of the alphabet Smiley smile, IF we have kids, it’s easier, kind of a fresh start, it shuts up most people’s unsolicited criticisms since most expect me to anyway.
Cons: the tradition started as a way for men to claim and show ownership over a woman. That’s not the way we (and most people) roll, so why do it? Why does a child HAVE to take the father’s last name? I’m in my mid-thirties, established in my careers (college professor as well as personal trainer and fitness instructor), and I’m known by MY name in my community. Most, yes most, of my friends are gay, and so I’ve witnessed all sorts of hyphenating, keeping their own, and choosing one last name, but it feels more equal when there’s not the whole patriarchal history and expectations behind it. And then there’s the paperwork: social security, IDs, credit cards, shopping accounts, three different professional emails with my current last name and one personal, employer forms, etc.
What did you do/are you doing, and why?


  • Katie
    Savvy July 2020
    Katie ·
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    Congratulations! And I think your reasons make total sense! I wish that, as a heterosexual couple, we were on the same level playing field and could make a shared and personal choice, but unfortunately there’s always the expectation that I’m to take his without questions asked. Most of my same-sex married friends hyphenated, a few took one last name, and one kept both of theirs, but they came to the decision without it being assumed whose they’d take. Tiny miniscule silver lining in an otherwise despicable and nonsense history of denying marriage rights, I guess.
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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
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    I think I want to be best friends with you.
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    I kept mine, but I’m 40+, have books under my name, and we’re not having kids. My hubby was supportive.
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  • N
    VIP September 2020
    Neeva ·
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    I'm keeping my last name because I am a doctor and my last name is my identity at work. I would have to change my name with the medical board and on multiple licenses- state license, DEA license etc etc.

    Also his last name is a Hispanic last name and this will confuse patients in the Spanish speaking community I work in.

    I also am the last of my name since my dad has two daughters and my sister changed her last name.

    I don't think there will be many issues with us having kids and them taking his last name but if there are I'm okay with it. We are a mixed race couple too so hopefully they just end up looking like me and that's enough for people haha jk.

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  • M
    Dedicated October 2021
    Michelle ·
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    I’m not changing mine. I too am annoyed by the idea of the woman having to be the one to change their name. My fiancé and I joked about mixing ours together to come up with a completely new name (mine is Huffman and his is Gifford, so we joke about either doing Hufffford or Fgifffman - the first “f” is silent). I’m in my mid-30s and my name is my identity. I also have publications and other academic/career stuff that is very difficult to change over. Do what YOU think is best. I’m glad your fiancé is supportive 😊
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  • Lauren
    VIP February 2020
    Lauren ·
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    I’m taking FH’s last name! I couldn’t imagine keeping my own. Taking his last just seems like it makes us more of a unit, and I want to have the same last name as our future kids!
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  • Tanyia
    Expert February 2020
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    Do what you will do if you have kids. If you give them his last name - take it as well. You'll be explaining for the rest of your life. If you are good with that, don't take it.

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  • K
    Beginner June 2021
    Katy ·
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    I took an Arthurian Traditions course in college (yes, this was actually a class) and we spent an entire seminar once discussing the facade of patriarchal society and how family lineage should always follow the mother instead if the father because we always know who the mother is. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It has stuck with me forever and I am a super firm believer that couples should discuss all options and not fall into generic archaic traditions. Also, no matter who changes a name, I think both parties should have to go through the numbers office visits.

    Anyway, do whatever feels right to you! My guy and I are still in discussions about what we want to do. Congratulations!!
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  • Kelsey
    Savvy August 2019
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    I kept my last name, and I always knew that I would. It’s not because I have a career with that name or that I’m too old or that I don’t want to hassle with changing it. It’s because I don’t believe in the idea that you need the same singular last name to be a family. We use a hyphenated name to refer to our little family and will use that last name for our kids. I don’t feel any less married or like any less of a real family unit because we have different last names. I appreciate that we have our own identities and yet are still on the same team.
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  • Katie
    Savvy July 2020
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    That sounds like a fascinating class, and it echoes my thoughts exactly! I don’t care what anyone else does, but I think it should at least be questioned!
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  • Cassandra7
    Super August 2006
    Cassandra7 ·
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    Never occurred to me to change my last name. It is my name. It has always been my name. I would never signal that I had been shifted over to a new male owner. No problems with husband or anyone else.

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  • S
    Savvy September 2021
    S & W ·
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    I have been having the struggle in my mind a bit lately too. I work in the pharma industry and therefore have signed a lot of documents and undergone background checks. For as selfish as it sounds I really don't want to have to keep providing my marriage certificate or go through the official name change through work as well as the governmental change. Correcting business contacts with my new email etc. However I don't mind being called MRS and there's no way I'm keeping both last names it's long enough now adding 8 more letters makes my name 24 letters long.

    My SIL didn't change her last name and she stated her family name will die with her as her sister changed her last name. It did make for some awkward family trips as some thought they weren't married and a few times that I was my brother's wife. But my family didn't really say much about whether they disliked the idea.

    A friend of mine changed her last name but named one of her children with her last name as his first. She had one of the lucky last names that would work with and could have children so she certainly was lucky.

    My neighbor didn't change her name legally but she doesn't correct people when they call her by her husband's name. Online she uses both names.

    Neither my uncle or his husband changed their names when they got married.

    If you really want to shake things up you could always make a new last name for you both or have him take yours.

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  • Madison
    Beginner April 2021
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    Keep in mind that you can change your name at anytime. If you don’t feel a pull now you might later. I’ve always thought of last names to be a way to show a family unit. I would ask questions like 1. How does my fiancé feel about having a different last name then his wife and possible children? 2. Why does my fiancé have a stronger tie to his name? Though I would change my name when I was cool with it
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  • Laurie
    Savvy June 2021
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    Hmm, I have thought about this a little as well.

    I'm probably going to change my last name, mostly because between the two of us we have 7 syllables and hyphenating would be a pain in the ass. Besides, I lived a good long life with my last name- why not shake things up a bit? Make a new identity for myself. For me it's really not that big of a deal.

    Besides, it will be fun taking on a Filipino last name!

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  • K
    Dedicated 0000
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    I completely surprised myself. I never thought I'd take a man's last name. But I want to now because I like the feeling of being connected through it and feeling like a true family. I've decided to have two last names. No hyphen--did some research and it's actually easier not to hyphenate because then you can choose legally what you want to be in different situations (i.e. one last name, two last names, etc.) It's important to me that I keep my last name too, because my father is dead and he didn't have any sons. No one else to keep the name. Also, my family has a tradition of the middle name being a last name from the mother's family, so I'll use either my dad's middle name or my last name as the child's middle name to honor my dad.

    That being said, I will NOT be "Mrs." I really don't like the term--men don't have to change from "Mr." to something because they're married. I will be "Ms." like I always have been.

    Also, I'm picking and choosing wedding traditions. We will have a first dance. We will be having a family dance instead of "father and daughter" and "mother and son" dances. I am having my mother walk me down the aisle. We will not be doing a garter or bouquet toss. My FH and I will share a hotel room the night before (wedding is slightly outside of our city). I will be doing the something old, something new, etc.

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  • Kayla
    Beginner April 2021
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    WOW exact same situation here! To the T!

    I thought us both having two last names with no hyphen was cool but he didn't like it. He has no preference as to what my last name is and I asked him if he would be willing to change his name to mine and he said no. I don't blame him - men don't grow up thinking they'll change their name to their SO's when they get married.

    Because he isn't willing to change his, I kind of just said I'm not willing to change mine then, either, and we moved on with our planning. I like his last name a lot, so if we have kids and choose to go with his then no problem - I don't care too much.

    PLUS my last name is supposed to be Johnson but dad was born out of wedlock at a Catholic hospital and they refused to put Johnson on the birth certificate - they gave him mom's last name instead and I kind of like that empowering moment despite it being rooted in patriarchy...

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  • Laura
    Super September 2020
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    Just a word to the wise. I am divorced and getting remarried. I have 2 children from my first marriage and I took my maiden name back. The last thing that I wanted was for my ex to remarry and have my name and his new wife's be the same name. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Smith - would be creepy... Eeep! No one has questioned that my sons are mine. The name they call me is Mommy - well, now Moooooom. LoL! But anyone worried about kids and your name - they don't ever call you by your name. You're mom - forever and always. lol! So, please don't stress that.

    I just made a post - I'm trying to figure out how to be Ms. Me at work (I have publications too.) and Mrs. Him socially. Any ideas?

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  • S
    Beginner October 2020
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    I'm keeping my last name because it's an unfair burden on women to expect them to change their passports, ID, email addresses, legal documents, bank accounts, etc., not to mention giving up a piece of their identity. I think our parents are raising their eyebrows a little bit to that decision, but I've never really cared what people think, plus older generations are always shocked when the younger generations do things differently. My fiance doesn't care if I take his name or not, and frankly if he was the type of person to try to force me to change a piece of my identity against my will I wouldn't be marrying him to begin with. So there's my two cents!

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  • Alyssa
    Super December 2021
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    Same here. I can tell FH is upset that I won't be taking his name and is a bit upset about it but he has or will make his peace with it.

    I also don't love the fact that his ex wife kept his name, so I wouldn't love the fact that I would have the same name as her (she's a piece of work).

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  • B
    Dedicated August 2019
    Blag ·
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    Uh, well for me I didn’t want to take my husband last name when we were engaged because I hate his parents and felt like I wanted to be my own from them. I ended up dismissing that because I was marrying him and it is now our own and our own family of just us. It’s really up to you. If you guys are fine with keeping your last name then there really is nothing else that matters!! :-)
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