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Devoted April 2015

Tell us your proposal story! :)

BenNikkiM<3, on February 16, 2014 at 7:08 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 31

We're here because he popped the question....but how did he do it? And did it go perfectly? Is it something you'll always remember?

FH took me to a local restaurant (that may be our caterer now) and we had amazing pasta; mine was lobster mac and cheese with melted smoked gouda (total yum!) and his a grilled chicken fetuccini alfredo. When we finished, he brought out from this box a GIANT chocolate covered fortune cookie. I cracked it open and pulled out the slip... "One day someone will hug you so tight, all the broken pieces will fit back together.... I want that someone to be me." I grinned and "awwwwwed", and he looked at me expectantly, then asked, "Well...???" "Well what?" He grabbed the fortune, and slumped. "They forgot the last line!" I didn't understand. "The last line?" "Yes! The 'Will you marry me' part!" We laughed so hard, and then I said yes. Poor guy thought I was reconsidering!! Smiley tongue (Someone is getting a very wordy complaint letter,!)


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  • britt morgan
    VIP September 2014
    britt morgan ·
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    Copy/pasted from my wedding website:

    It was our 5th anniversary together and it was also Kevin's god daughters first birthday. So the plan was to go to her birthday party then go out to dinner. We stood all day at the birthday party then at around 9PM, we go out to dinner. We go to one of our favorite spots in Park Slope. I order my food and Kevin orders his. When the food comes out he barely eats anything. So I repeatedly ask him "are you okay??" and of course he keeps telling me hes fine. So after dinner I asked if we could go to get some ice cream and as we were driving there, Kevin made a wrong turn and then asked if I wanted to go to the old school ice cream place down by the Brooklyn Bridge. Sure why not?! So we find parking and walk down to the Brooklyn Bridge and it looks absolutely beautiful. So we go into the ice cream place and Kevin told me he didn't want anything, soooo, I got a milkshake. We leave and walk onto the pier and we start talking and thinking back to when we came there for the first time 5 years earlier for my birthday. it was a really cute moment. I'm totally into my milkshake and just yapping away and staring at the NYC skyline. So it got quiet and Kev turned to me and told me how much he loved me and BAM, he pulled out a shiny rock and popped the question. I was so stunned the only thing I said, better yet, asked, was for him to go down on one knee and ask me, hahaha. So he did and I jumped up and laughed and hugged and said yes. This was a totally unplanned, spontaneous place for Kevin to propose. It just made it so much more special.

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  • JoBu
    Master September 2015
    JoBu ·
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    Aww, poor guy. I bet your fiancé was on pins and needles until you responded! That company definitely deserves a strongly worded letter! Smiley smile

    My FH and I live in Georgia while my whole family is back in Illinois. He knows that my family is super important to me, and it's hard living so far from them (I just moved here about a year and a half ago.) Anyway, we went to Illinois this past Christmas to celebrate with my family. On Christmas morning Patrick had an enormous present for me. My mom, sister and brother were all standing with cameras so I should have known something was up Smiley smile anyway, I opened the first box, and there was a second wrapped box. I opened the second and inside was a third wrapped box. I opened that box and there was a piece of paper. The paper was a beautiful letter that Patrick had written. Side note, I had just gotten LASIK 2 days before and my eyes were still a bit fuzzy, so it took me a bit longer to read the letter. Anyway, after finally finishing the letter, I looked up and Patrick got down on one knee. I was so completely shocked, and burst into tears. I left him hanging probably longer than I should have, as I was trying to calm down and compose myself Smiley smile of course I said yes, and here we are. It meant the world to me to have my family there! So excited to marry my best friend!

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  • Lady V
    Super September 2014
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    Our story isn't so fancy or anything :p

    We had gone ring shopping earlier in the week, and my fiance bought it, but hadn't actually proposed yet. We were in the living room being silly about something while he was getting ready for work, and he suddenly pulled out the ring box, opened it, and just said "Marry me." I laughed and said "Okay!"

    Most romantic proposal ever...

    It suits us perfectly, though Smiley laugh

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  • Caylin C.
    Master August 2015
    Caylin C. ·
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    I totally almost ruined mine. FH is always doing cute, romantic things so one day he suggested we make lists of the top ten moments in our relationship. I argued a little saying that I thought it was kind of a cheesy idea, but he insisted so I agreed. We made our lists and he asked me to read mine first. In true fashion of ruining the proposal, I again argued and said that he should read his (I was nervous that mine was super lame), but again he insisted so again I agreed and went first. I read mine and he proceeded to read his. It had things on it like the first time we kissed and going to prom together. Well, the last thing on the list was "The time I asked you to marry me and you said..." and next thing I knew there was a big ol' diamond in my face.

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  • Holly
    Expert September 2014
    Holly ·
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    We get tickets every year and go to one Indianapolis Colts game. This year we decided to go to the very first game of the season, which happened to be my birthday. We invited my mom to go, because that is my hometown and now I live 3.5 hours away and it would be nice for us to see her too. Apparently he told my mom he was planning to propose at the game and would love it if she would take pics of him proposing at the game. 5 minutes before the game started he asked if my mom would take a birthday pic for us. While she was taking pics he bent down and asked.... right there in front of everyone. I just remember him bending down, then I saw the ring and everything went quiet. I just said yes over and over again.

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  • Theresa Beale
    Master November 2014
    Theresa Beale ·
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    My proposal requires a little bit of a back story. FH and I moved quickly when we first started dating. We were living together within 3 months of dating (longer story and not really important right now). FH says "No changes until January" (which makes me think in January either he will propose OR talk to me about any doubts or questions he may have). January comes and goes without any mention. February comes and goes without any mention (on his part, I had asked him if he had any questions or thoughts about marriage. Also, one of his friends tells one of my friends to tell me to stop mentioning marriage to him. That didn't sit well with me, I felt like his friend needs to stay out of our relationship). March comes and goes, I am still the only one talking about marriage. In April (because he isn't "Facebook" savvy, FH is having a "conversation" with a married friend but instead of a private message, it was on his wall). When I saw the conversation it really bother me. It was like you can talk to your parents about our relationship, your friend about the relationship and pretty much everyone because it is on your Facebook wall but you can't talk to me about it. That night we have a serious 4 hour heart to heart and set a date. FH asked that I wait to tell anyone until he got me a ring because he felt it would make him look bad to have us engaged but me not having a ring. After 2 weeks I told him I wanted to start thinking about wedding planning and honestly I want to tell people we are getting married. We decided to go ring shopping that weekend.

    Well on Thursday, FH picked me up from the train late (he picks me up from the train every day) saying there was a lot of traffic and mentioning he wanted to go to the local park and look at the dogwoods which were just beginning to blossom. While we were there, we took a short walk, FH pointed at something, while I was looking away, he got on one knee and proposed. I was surprised by the timing but so happy (plus I really didn't want to pick out my own ring so it was really exciting to me for my ring to be a surprise)

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  • Lacey
    Master May 2014
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    Zach proposed with a puppy. Smiley smile I'll put some pictures and attach a link to the proposal if you'd like to watch it! It took me by complete surprise, even though I picked out my ring! Also, if you watch the video, please forgive my mother's sobbing.

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  • FutureMrsPrada
    VIP April 2015
    FutureMrsPrada ·
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    FH planned a vacation trip to disney which is a very sentimental place for us. Once we got there Disney crew member gave me a letter with a clue. It was a scavenger hunt all through Disney of our favorite spots! The last clue was next to Cinderella castle in the rose garden! Where the worker told us to get our prize we had to be blindfolded! Obviously i was the only one who did it! When i took it off he was on one knee proposing with all my friends around us! The best day of my life! I wish i could go back and do it again!

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  • ItsGoodToBeKing
    Master February 2014
    ItsGoodToBeKing ·
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  • Watermill Girl
    Super May 2015
    Watermill Girl ·
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    It was thanksgiving and both our families were going to be together (which has never happened before but since my family wasn't doing anything else with extended family like usual this year and we've been dating for almost 5 years at this point and living together for 4 it didn't seem weird) he mentioned on our way to his sisters house that he wanted to say grace. I said oh that sounds so nice!, but wait, do you guys normally do that..? He's like um no but idk I'm feeling it this year and I wanna do it. I thought aww how sweet. Well when he started grace he started naming things he's greatful for and mentioned me and that he loves me so much and can't wait to spend his life with me (this is the point where all I could think was "no one wants to hear this mushy stuff, this isn't a speech on how much you love me!" Hahaa) and then his brother in law appeared behind him with the ring box and I sat there stunned and totally not expecting it even though we knew we wanted to marry each other, he really surprised me with the timing

    Best part is my ring has my moms stone from her first engagement ring from my step father (that I helped pick out when I was 4, but that was later replaced on her 10th anniversary) as the main stone-set in a setting that feels so me and perfect, best of both worlds Smiley smile

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  • Brittnee
    Beginner November 2014
    Brittnee ·
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    Ours isn't anything special. We went and picked out a ring. He bought it while baby and I roamed the mall. A month later, he put it in one of our cloth diapers we have for our daughter and told me to change her diaper since we were leaving... I grabbed it just thinking it was a diaper and It flew out and hit the wall haha. He was down on both knees nervously saying "are we gonna do this or what?" thompson square song lyric.

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  • P
    Just Said Yes July 2014
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    We had planned a day trip to the beach to celebrate our one year anniversary. Well a couple days before our trip, my FH tells me that his brother and friend were coming along too. It kinda threw me off, seeing how the trip was to celebrate our anniversary, but I didn't say anything and went along with it. The trip was going along great and we were all enjoying the day, until we had lunch and our waiter literally chased us down in the restaurant to complain about us not tipping him(which we did on purpose because his attitude and service sucked!). After, we went walking along the pier and finally found a spot on the beach to relax. Since I was about two months pregnant at the time, I was extremely hormonal and tired (which actually almost ruined the whole moment lol!). And during one of my hormonal rages, my FH friend suggested taking pictures of us by the water and kept insisting I put my blanket down. After a few minutes of me refusing to do so, I gave in and as we were taking pictures and keeping an eye on the waves, my FH got down on one knee and proposed! I soon realized the reason why his friend kept insisting I put my blanket down was so that it wasn't in the pictures and that he had his brother and friend come along to help him calm his nerves and to have someone take pictures of our special moment!

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  • Donna
    Master June 2014
    Donna ·
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    Copied from my website:

    On New Years Eve last year John took my parents out to lunch and told them that he wanted to marry me, but he wanted his actual proposal to me to be a special surprise. We had designed the engagement ring together, but I had no idea as to when I was going to receive it. John had planned a trip to New Orleans with Michael and Andrea McCurry ( John 's brother and his wife) in the middle of January, and he decided that the proposal would take place sometime during that trip. This is the way it happened. The four of us were walking on Bourbon Street and people were throwing beads off of the balconies to the tourists below. Andrea and Michael decided to go on one of the balconies above "The Swamp" to get their picture taken. All of a sudden John asked them for beads and they threw some down to him. Before I knew it, John was down on one knee with the ring attached to "bride & groom" beads and he asked me to marry him in the middle of Bourbon Street! He then whisked me away in a horse and carriage ride through the French Quarter and the trip ended at a restaurant where the jazz band announced our engagement. He had planned the whole thing and I never had a clue... Oh and of course I said, "Yes!"

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  • LineWife
    Super June 2014
    LineWife ·
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    Off & on we had talked about getting married as a "down the road" deal for us. The week I had my wisdom teeth out I took the rest of my vacation to recoup. On Wednesday night I showed him the toasting glasses that I liked with a few other small things. He immediately hands me a blank sheet of paper & when I looked at him he says guest list! OK, so we start making out our guest list & I decide Thursday i'll get a wedding planner to keep things all together. When he gets home that night I show him where I put everything. He asks me to meet him at kays on his way home from work the next night. Friday night we get to kays & look at wedding bands as well as get sized. After we pick out our bands he turns to me & tells me to pick out my engagement ring. When I went to the blue diamond section I was disappointed the ring I wanted from their site wasn't there. The associate helping us asked me to describe the ring, when I do he says oh that one is gorgeous I've seen it once another couple ordered it. At that point another associate speaks up they never picked up that ring. I lucked out & got the ring I wanted. When we walked out of the store he looks at me & tells me you cant have the ring now, I have to talk to your dad first. The next day my dad was over visiting & I went to get something I had for him from my car. I walked back in & my FH is grinning & says honey you can go get your ring now. So of course I asked well can I wear it, YUP. lol not a old fashioned proposal but well its very us. Any man that is willing to take me ring shopping when 1/2 my face was black & blue and it was swollen to the point I looked like I had a baseball in my cheek without picking on me about it must be a keeper.

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  • We'llAlwaysHaveParis
    Master November 2013
    We'llAlwaysHaveParis ·
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    DH proposed in the middle of a wedding dress exhibit at a historical society. I thought we were there to see a sports exhibit and were just passing through the wedding dresses. He and I had never really even discussed getting married and certainly never looked at rings together. His proposal was heartfelt and sweet, and the absolute best part of it was when he said the significance of the 3-stone ring was that he is making a commitment to me AND my two daughters.

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  • Renata
    Super March 2014
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    I went ice skating with my sister and niece as usual but I begged my FH to come, he didn't want to but then caved in. My dad told me he wants to come cause he always wanted to try ice skating so my mom said she'll tag along cause she wants to see my niece on ice. After we skated and we had to get off the ice for it to be cleaned, my dad was taking pics of my sister and i (totally normal for our family), i heard my name, turned around and saw the rose petal path onto the ice with my FH standing there with a mic calling me. I went out there, he got down on one knee and...

    Him "will you marry me"

    Me "yes!"

    Him "are you sure?"

    Me "Yes!"

    Him "are you really sure?"

    Me "im positive"

    Then we both laughed, kissed, cried.

    When we got off the ice, his parents were there, my sister's husband, my parents. It was really sweet, they got me flowers.

    Pic on my profile.

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  • Lacey
    Master May 2014
    Lacey ·
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    @Paris - That is really sweet. I don't remember ever hearing your proposal story but I really love it!

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  • LJ411
    Master April 2015
    LJ411 ·
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    On New Years Day FH came to my house to pick me up for lunch, and handed me a small box that was wrapped in Christmas Paper. He told me that "Santa forgot something." I am a huge fan of Gone with the Wind, and inside was a Christmas ornament of the scene where Rhett proposes to Scarlett. When I opened it and saw what it was, I looked at him and he got down on one knee and proposed. It was a very sweet moment.

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  • *
    Master September 2014
    *Rigby* ·
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    My FH is lead singer/guitar player in a band. He stopped mid song, walked over to the table where I was sitting and dropped to his knee. He didn't tell his band members so everyone was so confused! lol After I said yes, he walked back to the stage and continued the song, exactly where he left off! He did happen to tell the bar tender what was going to happen so we ended up with a few pictures of the moment. Smiley smile

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  • Danielle
    Super June 2014
    Danielle ·
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    We went out for my birthday dinner at our favorite fancy restaurant, and went out for coffee afterwards in our town's fountain square, where he parked farther than necessary... So we get coffee, walk through the square, and right in front of the fountain he gets down on one knee! I knew it was coming to an extent, because we had discussed what type of rings I like and what my size was... But it was still a very sweet moment and he couldn't have done it any better!

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