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September 2021

The bachelorette party from hell....advice?!

Elizabeth, on August 4, 2019 at 10:49 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 21
Hi! My “best” friend and roommate from undergrad is getting married October 2019. Her sis planned a destination bachelorette party (6 hour drive) which was this past weekend. She booked it and we paid in September 2018, almost a year before the trip. Soon after booking, I realized I would be taking the bar exam the week of the bachelorette and that it would be a (very) stressful week. Because I was committed to go and I couldn’t change either event, I still planned to do my best and attend the bachelorette. The bar exam is an extremely difficult exam and requires 3 days, 6 hours each day of testing in my jurisdiction and I studied 60 hours per week this summer. I let MOH know three weeks out that I was extremely stressed and was worried I would have to cancel. She flips out “this is a once in a lifetime event and this will CRUSH ‘bride’”....this is obviously nothing I didn’t already know and I was still trying my best to be there I just thought a heads up was appropriate. MOH just added unneeded pressure to my already bar exam stressed self. A couple of days later I talked to Bride, hoping to smooth things over. Bride said “it’s okay if you have a freak out from stress while we’re on the trip, I will do anything in my power to have you there and I will be very upset if you don’t come.” Exactly what I was trying to avoid is having a panic attack on the trip, I’d prefer to have it in the comfort of my own home haha. Since she gave me no other choice, I said ok I’ll go.

As soon as I finish the bar exam the day before the departure, my parents call me and tell me that my grandma has been hospitalized and it’s not looking good and they didn’t think I should go. I call the bride and tell her exactly this. All bride says in a “screw you” tone is “I wish you the best.” Nothing about my situation..... So I don’t go. My grandmother dies Saturday morning and it’s been a stressful weekend so obviously I made the right decision.

I posted an Instagram story going to a concert with my boyfriend that night he took me to try to cheer me up bc at this point I’m upset over brides reaction, the bar exam, and my grandma’s passing. The girls at the party (that I don’t even know) start trolling me. The bride responds to my story “wait what????” Sorry I didn’t ask her approval before I went to a concert that’s walking distance from my apt. As the day went on bride sent me several rude messages and also posted an Instagram captioned “thanks to my above average friends who attended!” Keep in mind, I still paid for her part and my part of this trip and never asked for a penny back!!!!! I do not want to be in the upcoming wedding anymore as I feel like bride and her other friends have mistreated me and I don’t want to engage with this type of behavior. Really sucks because we’ve been friends for almost 10 years, and obviously dropping out of someone’s wedding is dramatic. Thoughts?????


Latest activity by Elizabeth, on August 5, 2019 at 7:09 PM
  • D
    Super September 2019
    Dana ·
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    I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. Its a sticky situation because naturally the bride wants all of her friends there. I took a national exam to in medicine so I get the stress of tests. I think that the test shouldnt be a reason to hold you back. If you were studying 60 hours a week you were prepared. But i do think that family comes first and your friend should be understanding. My grandfather passed away and my boyfriend took me out to dinner to distract me as well so i get it. I hope it all works out and i completely understand if you dont want to be involved if the wedding anymore
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  • Elizabeth
    September 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    Thanks. I just feel broken hearted about the entire situation. Re the rest: I have bad test anxiety and slept very little (like 1 hour per night) all of last week, which I expected. I just didn’t want to crash and be a party pooper bc I wasn’t feeling being out til 2am, etc bc I genuinely wanted her to have a good time.
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  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    I am so sorry about your grandmother's passing. In all honesty, it sounds like your friend is a selfish jerk. The bar exam is a big deal. Family is a big deal. An optional night out drinking is not so much. Your "friend" sounds like she isn't much of a friend. I understand her wanting her nearest and dearest to celebrate with her, but she also should have the basic empathy and wherewithal to understand the world doesn't revolve around her and her wedding.
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  • D
    Super September 2019
    Dana ·
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    No I completely understand. Given you have been friends for 10 years maybe you two should sit down like adults and discuss the whole situation in person. Social media can be awful at times
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  • Elizabeth
    September 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    Thank for your comment. It was an awful summer all around largely bc of the bar exam and now this.
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I agree with Hannah. What you're going through is more important than a bachelorette party! I'm sorry for your loss Smiley heart

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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I'm sorry for your loss, first off. And your friend sounds selfish. My co MOH was telling me how she's doing really bad and is stressed right now during pharmacy school but she was going to try to make it to part of my bachelorette festivities. I told her .. you know what, it's ok you skip out because it sounds like you need the time to study and stuff. And she appreciated it and didn't go and told me she would make it up to me some other way. I obviously was kind of bummed she couldn't come but at the same time it's not a big deal to me because people have things in their lives that they need to get done ya know? And a bachelorette is just another party or hangout at the end of the day so it's not like it's the most important thing, either.
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  • Elizabeth
    September 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    Thanks for your perspective as the bride! She really has made me feel like the scum of the earth. Bc I really wanted to be there and at the wedding too. I just feel like there’s no way at this point I can continue with the friendship or the wedding. She’s put me in between a rock and a hard place.
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  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank goodness you stayed home.

    If you had lied to the bride, inconvenienced everyone with your absence (withdrawn the money you had pitched in, deprived someone of a travel partner, etc), AND gone to the concert in lieu of the bachelorette party, then I would understand the bride's rancor.

    I don't understand how people think the world revolves around them just because they are getting married. The bride was clearly going to be mad no matter what reason you missed her party.

    Before you drop out of the wedding, I would let her know that you went to a concert within walking distance because you were stressed over the bar exam, the MOH's reaction to your not going to the party, and your gma's passing. She MIGHT be under the impression that you lied about your gma!

    Either way, these are toxic people, it sounds like you'd be better moving on.

    Best to you.
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  • Kelly
    VIP October 2020
    Kelly ·
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    Holy 💩! Your grandmother DIED and you took the BAR exam and she's thinking about herself!? She's not your friend. Drop out of the wedding and RUN from this selfish and vile woman!
    I am so sorry about your grandmother, and I hope you get to pass the bar exam. You clearly have your priorities straight so I wish you the best.
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  • Jennifer
    Beginner April 2020
    Jennifer ·
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    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I lost mine last year right before my 'best friends' wedding & it was heartbreaking. I hope your family are getting on ok. Smiley heart

    Second of all, weddings bring out the worst in people...people (brides!) become entitled and rude. You always need to put yourself first. Your career and family are more important than one day (not even a whole day) for your friend.

    Perhaps an honest chat about how you were left feeling would help, then you could decide what to do. If she can't see your point and/or doesn't understand then that's an easy decision to make.

    I haven't told my friend the way I was left to feel during her wedding celebrations last year, I still hold a huge grudge & we barely talk! In hindsight, I should've spoken to her and cleared the air...which is why I'm giving you this advice. Don't do what I did & bottle it all up.

    I hope you get the exam results you are hoping for! Smiley heart

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  • Nikita
    VIP April 2019
    Nikita ·
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. Also, congratulations on getting through the exam in one piece. I wish you the best on your results!

    If I were you, I'd ask to sit down and talk to her in person. Social media really has a way of escalating things, and depending on how you missing the party was framed (mixed with bride's own whirlwind), the drama probably turned into a bonfire. This could simply be a matter of clearing the air. I can understand why she's hurt, but you are mourning and going through the most stressful time in your life. Hopefully she'll be able to see through the fog and your friendship is tighter for it. If she's unable to do so, I would back out of the bridal party - maybe even the wedding. But still send a gift and congratulations.

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  • Elizabeth
    September 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    Thanks! I agree with the social media stuff. Still totally outrageous to me because she was acting this way before social media was involved in the slightest. I’m just truly in shock of this reaction and before I even have a serious conversation with her about it I think I’ve made up my mind 100% that I’m out of both the bridal party and the wedding. Friends don’t do this. I 1000% wouldn’t if the situation were reversed.
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  • Nikita
    VIP April 2019
    Nikita ·
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    *nods* I agree with you completely. Take care of yourself right now. I know you have a lot on your plate.

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    First off, sorry for your loss! Secondly, congrats on getting through the bar exam. One of my best friends just took the California bar last week also. He is already licensed in FL so I've seen him stressed multiple times for the bar!

    Now... being a bride who just had her bachelorette party this past weekend also, this is tricky. Obviously, your grandmother being sick and passing away is a completely legit reason for you not to go on the trip. However, I can see how she would get a little upset seeing you at a concert that same night. If one of my family members died, I would not be going to a concert. That, however, does not give her, or the other BM's a reason to be rude or mean to you! I would try to have a sit down conversation with her about it. She was probably caught up in the weekend and maybe had some bad influences around her. Try to work through this before ending your 10 year friendship. Her feelings were hurt and you've been stressed to the max. I really think (& hope) you guys can work through this.

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  • B
    Super July 2018
    Brittany ·
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    First off, I'm truly sorry about your Grandma.

    This is the bad thing about social media... it can make innocent things look really bad. The fact that you posted a picture of the concert makes it seem like it was always your intention to skip the bachelorette for the concert. It's really hurtful to people when their friends cancel on plans that were important them to do something else and you made it appear like that's what you did. So in that case it does make sense that the bride feels hurt because it no longer seems that you skipped her bachelorette because of your Grandma or because of the Bar exam. If you drop out of the wedding, it will likely end the friendship. So just make sure you sit down and think about the good things about this friendship and whether or not those things still exist or are past memories and decide if the bad outweighs the good. You guys might just be too different now, and that's okay. But if you truly still feel like this is a good friendship, I recommend trying to talk it out.

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  • Elizabeth
    September 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    Yeah I have thought about that too. The thing that gets me is at that point she had known what I was going through for 48 hours and not said anything but “I wish you the best” in a very “f u” tone. For me personally, I think I already realized she’s an awful friend before the concert even started ha. Honestly, it’s a fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me kinda situation. She acted outrageous when we were living together in college at times but I gave her the benefit of the doubt immediately. After thinking about it today, I have no intention of ever speaking with her again. She also has the $140 I paid her for a concert ticket that we were supposed to attend together in September. She also has both tickets. She can keep it as my farewell gift on top of the party I contributed to lol
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  • Nemo
    Master August 2018
    Nemo ·
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    Bride sounds awful, I'm so sorry. If it were me, I would probably drop out. The petty posts are so immature. I hope you crushed the Bar exam!

    My best friend got married during my last month of grad school so I was finishing up my classes, studying for my gradation exam, studying for my license exam, and finishing up my clinical internship. The day of her wedding, she told me that if I needed to leave early so that I would be well-rested the next day to study, she would totally understand. I stayed until the end, but it was comforting to know that she was supportive of me. She also told me that she understood if I needed to skip the rehearsal dinner and bridal shower to study, and I went to both events but it was comforting to know that she supported me. That is how a friend should act.

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  • Elizabeth
    September 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    Exactly! If the response 3 weeks out had been “do what you need to do, I’ll be disappointed but we will miss you” I most likely would have gone. It’s the unnecessary added pressure that got to my head. And then the situation with my grandma on top. It’s just totally out of line, way before the Instagram drama. Honestly, I have seen her lose 3 other close friends in college due to her selfishness so I guess I shouldn’t be so shocked, but I am.
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  • Naikesha
    Super September 2020
    Naikesha ·
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    So sorry for your loss! Losing a grandma after just taking the bar has to be stressful! Sorry that you have to go through losing a friendship as well. I would reach out through phone or messenger and wish her well on her upcoming nuptials and life. I would simply say rhanks for being there for me as I mourn the loss of my grandmother and not making me feel like a bad friend. I would also say my boyfriend who cares about me wanted me to feel better so he got the concert tickets but no need to explain that you and your friends already played judge, jury and executioner so I’m done have a happy life!
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