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June 2020

Too young to be in wedding

Ally, on July 24, 2020 at 9:27 AM Posted in Planning 0 22
Hi, so my SIL is getting married and to say the least I have a horrible relationship with her & my MIL. Anyways, so she’s been engaged for 2 years with no planning done whatsoever and last month she called my husband and gave him the date & told him the kids & I (and obviously himself) would be in it. She had never so much as mentioned anything to either of us prior. And honestly I’m pretty irate she never bothered to ask me if it were ok for the kids to be in it before she’s already made plans around their involvement. She has a history of not asking before deciding things about my kids though. Anyways, we live about 600 miles away from her & my husbands family & we see them at max twice a year due to finances, leave, and the fact that his mother & sister have a conniption and demand my husband leave me every time I tell one of them no or set a boundary. (Note: We’ve been going to therapy for 2 years now because of those two, they have an enmeshed, sick relationship with my husband and he has finally snapped out of it and cut the apron strings. However, because he’s put his foot down at their treatment of us and our marriage and children {whom they act as if I am just a surrogate for them to have}, things are more tense and explosive than ever.) anyways, so bomb dropped: she wants me as a bridesmaid, my will-be 3 year old son with aspergers as a ring bearer (even though she already has 3 others) and my will be 1 year old daughter as a flower girl. I flattened her on the bridesmaid offer, since my husband will be in the wedding too, and there is no one there we trust to so much as touch our kids, I can’t be a bridesmaid while corralling two babies who do not sit still, be quiet, or walk straight lines. Not to mention, I’m due with our third in January & that child will only be 5 months old at this time. We will already be spending over a grand between travel expenses like fuel & hotel, wedding gifts, tux rental, bachelor party, food, etc. I’m not blowing the budget further with a 200 dollar dress that makes me look like a swollen celery stick too. I offered to dress in coordinating colors in case she wanted me in any photos (which I’m sure she doesn’t-and is probably glad I turned down the bridesmaid offer because she didn’t seem tore up over it at all when I called her. Now she can pose with my kids and my husband and pretend they’re her little family 🤢) Anyways, all animosities aside, I’m genuinely concerned for my son, daughter & myself. Autism is still very misunderstood, so if we do have him walk and there’s a meltdown (which will inevitably happen; there’s only like 10,000 triggers waiting on him at this wedding.) We will be framed further as awful coddling parents. But even if he were to make it through that, I would have to walk the kids immediately out of the venue to keep them from disrupting the actual quiet ceremony part. With 3 under 3 and one with aspies, someone is always crying. If I walk them out, I’m rude. If I keep them in and they’re disruptive (which they will be) then I’m the awful mom my sil & mil paint me to be on display, helpless while my husband is stuck on the altar as best man. I genuinely mean it when I say that we can’t trust anyone to help me keep the kids there, everyone on his mothers side (which is the only side sil speaks to and will likely be there) all hate me because of what mil & sil have said. And quite a few of the men & the way they’ve behaved around my kids in the past give me serious creepy vibes. And even aside from that, an aspies kid needs to be handled by someone familiar, which would be, but I’m not going to distractedly hand over my infant daughter and brand new baby to someone else just because they’re “family” when we hardly know or spend time with them for good reason. I’m not sure how to handle all of this honestly, I think she needs to choose between my husband and the kids as being in the wedding. If the kids were going to be about 3 years older that’s a different story, but at the ages they’ll be it’s going to be too difficult to singlehandedly (which is the only way it could be done-they aren’t safe otherwise) dress them, get them down the aisle, manage their volumes through the ceremony, and then keep up with them through the chaos of pictures (which they already hate) & the reception (at that point I’ll have an exhausted 5 month old who will have been kept awake and not eating for far too long, keeping a 1 year old baby girl safe in the rush of a party with creepsters waiting to sweep her up and touch her, and 3 year old with aspergers on a sensory overload). My thoughts the easiest way for us to still be there are my husband can remain the best man & the kids I can be there as guests & wear coordinating colors, remain outside for the ceremony If it’s indoors or several yards away if it’s outside, do whatever pictures she wants, and then make an appearance at the reception and leave. That’s asking A LOT from our kids (think they’ve already traveled 600 miles & been away from home for 7 days, they had to go through the chaos of getting dressed in fancy {uncomfortable for sensitive skin clothing}, and not snacking while they wait to be in pictures, the heat and irritation during those pictures, then the chaos of a reception and waiting on all the intros to grab a bite to eat. Not to mention rehearsal dinner the night before, daddy being gone the night of the bachelor party... etc. and then after managing all of that I have to drive us home the next day because my husband will be hungover Sunday and he has to be at work Monday.) Anyone have thoughts on what we should do? Also, the family doesn’t know of our sons diagnosis because even before he was diagnosed they expressed that they don’t believe autism is a real disorder, they strongly stand by the belief that it’s “just bad parenting.” So even if we did come forward and explain it won’t work especially due to autism, then we’d just be chastised further on our parenting.


Latest activity by Danielle, on July 26, 2020 at 8:08 AM
  • Margaret
    Master October 2020
    Margaret ·
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    You're in a tough situation for which I'm sorry. If I were in your shoes, I would respectfully remove the children from the service, I would probably even go as far as no attend and stay at home with the kiddos. A child with Autism requires a tremendous amount of time and care and with three requiring basically full care your hands are definitely full. The other option would be to bring someone with you that you trust who can help you with the children.

    I personally wouldn't care how the family felt, but I would definitely stay back (that's just me).

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  • Chrysta
    Master November 2022
    Chrysta ·
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    Oh wow. I am so sorry! This all sounds just horrible for you and the kids. Honestly, if it were ME in that situation, I would just let my husband go be the best man and I would stay home with the children. Sure they are going to villainize you for doing so, but it sounds like no matter what you do they are going to villainize you, so why not do what’s best for you and your children?
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  • Mindy
    Super November 2020
    Mindy ·
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    That’s rough, and I’m sorry that the adults on that side of the family are that way.
    I agree with the others. I wouldn’t go and would keep the kids home. It’s not her decision of whether your kids are in the wedding, it’s yours. You and your hubby should have been asked not informed.
    As a teacher, I’ve worked with many kids who are on the spectrum and based on experiences in school assemblies, I can see a wedding being a difficult environment for your son to be in.
    Whatever you decide, you and your husband need to have a united front with it. Based on what you said, it sounds like no matter what you do it will be scrutinized and manipulated for their own nasty pessimistic satisfaction.
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  • Marcia
    Expert March 2021
    Marcia ·
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    I agree with PP that it sounds like you can do no right in their eyes, so you should just do what works for you and your family. Having very young kids in a wedding is always difficult, and it sounds like it would just be too much for you to coordinate having your kids participate in the ceremony. It seems like you and your husband have come to terms with the fact that his family has unhealthy tendencies and behaviors, so I think you have to just not make their possible reaction part of your decision. If I were you, I would sit in back in the ceremony with my kids and maybe my husband too, and make sure I have an easy out if the kids start fussing. But I also think it's fine to just send your husband.

    As someone who has family members with similar unhealthy behaviors, I have learned that you have to just do the right thing and ignore their (over)reaction and remind yourself that they are acting irrationally, it's not a reflection on you, and there is nothing you can do about their behavior. And, if you're religious, pray for them--this has helped me a lot in dealing with the insane treatment I have received from several family members. Unfortunately, I don't think they are capable of better behavior, and I do feel bad that they live with all of this anger and resentment and insecurity.
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  • Jessica
    Master September 2020
    Jessica ·
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    I’m so sorry! I agree with the PPs, I would stay home with the children. If you feel like you absolutely have to go, do you have a family member or friend who could go along and help you? The family would probably complain, but it sounds like nothing you do is going to be right anyways.
    I learned recently that family does not mean you have to let someone treat you poorly, being family is no excuse. I’m glad you snd your husband are going to therapy to work through the issues his family causes, but it sounds like this is going to be a never ending thing unless something changes. In my case, that change was making it absolutely clear that the behavior that had gone on since I was a child will absolutely not be tolerated ever again and if they could not abide by that they would have zero part in mine and my family’s life. My mom was hurt saying I was cutting people out, but I had a long discussion with her that my mental health is FAR more important than maintaining a negative and hurtful relationship just so that my children knows these family members. So far, a year after the blow up, things are still tentative, but they seem to have gotten the message.
    You have to do what’s best for you and your family. Sounds like SIL and MIL will never understand the challenges your son faces and is it really healthy for him to be around people like that? Is it healthy for all of your children- who are EXTREMELY perceptive, far more than we give them credit for- to see you (and your husband) treated so poorly by family? All three of your kids will pick up on your stress and it will impact their behavior. I’m sure you know this better than most, we have to be careful what environments we subject our kids to, but also ourselves- your mental health is important too! Family stuff is definitely difficult, I really feel for you trying to navigate all this. Take care of you and your family.
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  • Molly
    VIP September 2020
    Molly ·
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    Oh my goodness, that's rough! I would try and stay home. If this wedding was for someone who you care a lot about I understand going through all the trouble, but for someone who can't seem to be a decent person I would absolutely send your husband and stay home. Autism is extremely real! People don't understand it until they experience it sometimes. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this! Congratulations on your soon to be new born!

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  • Caitlin
    Expert January 2021
    Caitlin ·
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    I agree with all of the PP, but if you staying home isn't something your interested in, I think your husband needs to back down out of the party in order to redirect his focus on helping you rather than engaging in activities (drinking/being hungover; not smart when doing so will leave your wife to drive home and care for three littles on her own). I think you should all go, but if you and the kiddos can't engage in activities because it will condone animosity, your husband shouldn't either. You guys are family and it takes a village because littles can be such handfuls. If that were my family, I would've lost my cool by now and went crazy on the in-laws. You're a darn good momma! So sorry you are having to go through this. Hang in there! Good luck!!! ❤️
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  • T
    Super April 2021
    Tiger Bride ·
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    I don't know, I've read a ton of these stories on JNMIL/DWIL and I feel like we are only getting one side of the story. Something about the way you're describing these people, especially your SIL, makes me feel like the disintegration of this relationship was a two-way street. Nothing your SIL has done *here* is egregious at all - she has tried to involve her brother, his wife, and his kids in her wedding. You say she asked you to be a bridesmaid and you "flattened" her on that - I can't see how that is positively contributing to the situation. And you're acting like she's horrible for asking/wanting your kids to be in the wedding...I feel like a better way to handle this would be to say something like "That's so sweet of you, but I think they're a little too unruly for that. Thank you for thinking of them, though." You don't even want your kids to be in their aunt's wedding pictures. I know there is a LOT we're not seeing about her behavior, but this is still your husband's family and I think your outright hatred of them, which is very visible in this post, isn't helping things.

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  • Angel
    Expert August 2020
    Angel ·
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    I also agree with everyone else. I am so sorry you have to go through this! Smiley sad It's not fun to love someone and not love their family. You have every right to stay home with your kids, and you're very kind to think about her in the sense that crying children could ruin her ceremony. In the end, it's about your kids and she's rude as hell for not asking first - you can't just assume you can use someone's kids in your wedding, whether they're your niece/nephew or not. If your husband agrees with your choice to stay home and keep your kids out of it, do it! For someone who already doesn't treat you well, you have no reason to appease her.

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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Thank y’all all so much for being so supportive, I really wasn’t expecting to have this many people be so understanding of what we’re going through and I genuinely appreciate it. For y’all who’ve been through similar experiences & relationships with extended families I know y’all know how important it is to get that feedback telling you you deserve to put your children and yourself first. Thank you.

    To tiger bride, you’re correct that you have no idea the depth our poor relationship comes from. The way you worded declining the bridesmaid offer is actually almost verbatim how I put it to her. If I sound irritated, it’s because after nearly 4 years of emotional and psychological abuse, I am absolutely fed up, and I no longer have the time or energy to gracefully describe what they’ve put us through. No where did I say my children couldn’t be in the pictures, I described all of the ways I would need to jump through hoops to get them in the pictures, but that I’m willing to do it nonetheless. It’s fine if you choose to still be skeptical of my character for opening up about what we’re going through. I don’t let others defending our abusers mess with my head anymore, that’s why we go to therapy, to ensure our feelings and boundaries are justified & to help us cope with the hurt. I came here and sought the advice of brides/wedding goers for a separate reason. While I already knew there’s no way we can go & all be a significant part of the wedding, gauging the reaction of a stranger online to our thoughts & situation only prepares us ahead of time for the probable reactions of SIL & MIL.
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Thank you so much. ❤️ I truly appreciate you taking the time to reply & being so understanding & supportive!
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Thank you so so much, your words mean the world to me. ❤️ It is heartbreaking the relationship we have with them, I so desperately wanted a new family. (I lost my parents and older brother at 16) You make a great point about hubs not getting wasted. Lol. I’m not sure how avoidable it is, he’s a true lightweight because he NEVER drinks at home, and his old buddies always manage to get him hammered when we’re there. Two beers and he’s buzzin hard, three and he’s not getting up until noon. 🤣
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  • Caitlin
    Expert January 2021
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    Always! ❤️ I know it can be nice to hear some reassurance, especially when things are crazy! That's terrible to hear... I'm so sorry. Hopefully (maybe) you guys will be able to get to that point. Him not getting wasted might help you a little, but I also understand that he deserves to let loose sometimes too, lol. I would politely ask him to take it easy since you'll have your hands full and mind need help. Funny how the high school buddies always hype the husbands up and get them wasted 🤣 That's too funny. Sounds exactly like my husband. You will totally get through this. Good luck 💞💞
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Thank you so much! He is a total surprise!! Lol I’m definitely considering just sending him, the trouble is one of his best friends who’s fiancé I really hit it off with (we’ve even done vacay’s and Christmas Eve breakfasts together with) is having a wedding the Saturday before my SIL in the same town 😅. Hubs is a groomsman in that one as well (however we were given 2 years notice on their wedding). And because hubs, the kids and I are so close with them & their daughter we don’t want to miss their wedding. This is definitely a rock & a hard place decision. Oh and I would love to use her to help with our kids at SIL’s wedding but she’ll be honeymooning.
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    💞 thank you so much again! Best of luck in your journeys too!!
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Omg it’s like our brains run on the same wavelengths and we’ve been through all the same gaslighting & awful relationships! I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with it too. You make all of the points that I think of when it comes to their involvement with the kids too! You are so right, kids pick up all the little things, and they remember them! Thank you so much for affirming that we deserve to take care of our kids & our own mental health first! Praying for your healing & hopefully changes in your mom’s heart!
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Thank you so much for your reply, you hit everything spot on on so many levels. We will probably sit in the back like you’ve described, it’s just going to be dropping the bomb on my SIL that’s going to make the next 11 mos hell. But you’re right, we can’t make a decision based on their possible reaction. I’m so sorry you’re going through a similar relationship, I will be praying for y’all! And again thank you so so much!
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  • A
    June 2020
    Ally ·
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    Thank you so much for responding, you’re right! It doesn’t matter what we do, it’ll always be portrayed in an ugly light. Thank you for helping give us the courage and support we need to make the best decision for our kids! And THANK YOU for all you do as an educator!
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  • Jessica
    Master September 2020
    Jessica ·
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    Thank you. I’m in a much better place than I was a year ago. Relationships and trust are slow to heal, but as long as they try I’ll try. I hope you will be able to say the same thing about your in-laws in time too.
    I’m just glad I could offer some support, sometimes we all need to hear that taking care of ourselves is not only a good thing but a mandatory thing. Your kids are lucky to have you, don’t let other people questioning your parenting make you second guess yourselves- there’s a big difference between advice and criticism. Take care of those amazing little people and yourselves!
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  • A
    Super October 2021
    Ashley ·
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    You definitely have to do what’s best for your family. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. They’re going to say things regardless. I personally wouldn’t go or bring the kids, especially if certain people creep you out that much and his family is that toxic. I know you’re going to be in town regardless, but I still wouldn’t risk it or the emotional stress it’ll cause your child who is on the spectrum. If you truly feel obligated to attend, I completely agree with pulling them from the ceremony and having them with you the entire time and no one else since it doesn’t sound like you or your husband walking with them is an option.
    It definitely sounds like it’s a good thing you live far enough away from these people that you have to fly to visit them!
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