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Just Said Yes October 2022

Uninviting a Bridesmaid

SG, on October 14, 2020 at 3:46 PM Posted in Planning 0 19

Hi there everyone! First of all I just want to preface this by saying that I feel like a truly horrible person for doing this but I feel in my heart that it might be the right thing for me to do, personally. That being said, I would love some advice.

My bf proposed to me while we were away on vacation this summer. It was a beautiful and blissful day and as many of you know, the next thought after all is said and done is, “Who do we need to announce to? Which parents, relatives, etc?” Beyond that, there are just so many emotions that everything is just sort of a blur. We called all of our parents and grandparents, my siblings, and my bf and I called our friend (who is also our roommate) to ask him to be the best man. Then a day later we made a FB announcement to our friends and that was that.

Fast forward a week later, and we arrive home from our vacation. We have two roommates who are a couple, and as you know, we asked our friend (let’s call him A) to be our best man. I have decided at this point that I am not going to invite anyone to be my bridesmaid for a year or so. When we get home, my girl roommate (let’s call her K) will not speak to us. She had not texted, called, or even so much as “liked” our fb announcement post, and now she is giving us the cold shoulder. This is a little strange considering we are friendly with each other and have lived together for 3 years, and this is generally something you would congratulate a friend for.
When I ask her what is wrong, she cries to us and says that she is happy for us, but was upset that we didn’t tell her when we told A. It was a slew of “I’m happy for you, but...” statements. Meanwhile, I was upset that she was managing to make me feel guilty for one of the happiest moments in my life, and I felt that it was selfish that she was making this special moment about her. But I set aside these emotions for the time being, and assured her that it was 100% not intentional that we didn't reach out to her personally. We simply thought that A would tell her, and we really didn't announce to anyone other than our families.

Long story short, I tell her that she can be a bridesmaid (in my mind, to keep the peace). After all, I’d considered her more or less a friend for the last 3 years we had lived together. But with another 10 months on the lease (and the knowledge that she can be very manipulative, narcissistic, and passive aggressive when she wants to be and could easily make my life a living hell for the next 10 months if I didn’t), I felt backed into a corner. Besides, I felt sorry for her, because she was convincing me that somehow I had done something horrible to her.

Once again, we are generally civil, and even friends at times, but as time has gone on she has been more and more cruel to me. Belittling me, passive aggressive, ACTUALLY aggressive, and so on. I feel emotionally drained and manipulated by her because she can be just so nice and cool at times, which is the only reason I’ve stuck around with her as a roomie for as long as I have. I am also very close with her bf.

Anyway, this has left me in a predicament. I can’t in good conscience let her be a bridesmaid at my wedding when she has been a periodic bully to me for the better part of 2 years. I don’t even think I’ll make an effort to stay in touch with her once this lease is over. And considering the way she handled my engagement announcement, I know she will find a way to make my wedding about her, or at the very least, make me feel less happy just by bringing along her bad vibes/juju. It's not that she can't come to the wedding though, it's that I don't want her to be IN it with all of this history.

I am not getting married for another 2 years, so I have time to approach this situation, but I figure sooner is better than later. Can anyone give me some advice on how to approach this? Or should I just suck it up and keep her as a bridesmaid? Once again, I feel horrible about this decision either way but I think I need to do what’s best for myself here.


Latest activity by Katie, on October 17, 2020 at 8:07 AM
  • M
    Super October 2022
    Michele ·
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    Don't have someone as a bridesmaid unless they are nearest and dearest to you, supportive, communicate regularly and can't imagine the day without them. It isn't a pick everyone you know role.
    Tell her that you had to alter your plans and leave it at that.
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  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    Definitely do not have this girl in your wedding. Definitely cut off all ties with her once your lease is up. Lie to her for now and keep her thinking she will be a bridesmaid and deal with her nonsense for now. You live with her so unfortunately you have to put up with her crap. But the second that you move out once your lease is over, you are going to find that it is so much easier to cut off ties with her. This is your wedding in your day! Once you cut off ties with her give it a few months, and then explain to her that you’re downsizing in your bridal party. when she pulls a hissy fit use that as the excuse to and the friendship. The one day that you will remember for the rest of your life should not be shared with a person like her.

    Good luck
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  • A
    Expert September 2022
    Allie ·
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    Yikes I have no idea how to go about doing it, but I agree it sounds like not having her in the bridal party is the right choice, given the state of the friendship.
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  • S
    Just Said Yes October 2022
    SG ·
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    Thank you Michele! I really appreciate your input Smiley heart It sounds like maybe I just have to be honest but keep my reason simple in order to avoid making it worse than it already is. I don't want to hurt anyone but unfortunately there will be no way of getting around that when I do this.

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  • H
    Devoted August 2023
    Hhh ·
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    You are friends and roommates with another couple and only reached out to share the good news with one of them?! Could she not have been included on that call? Or a quick text? The fact that you spent an extensive amount of time explaining this and trying to justify yourself makes it seem like you also realize this was inconsiderate...
    As to the bridesmaid, there is no easy way to uninvite her, but clearly you don’t think of her as a friend and so it would be wrong to ask her for the time and money to be in the wedding. Understand that this will likely also harm your relationship with her bf.
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  • S
    Just Said Yes October 2022
    SG ·
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    Wow, thank you so much DJ. I think I really needed to hear this. You are exactly right, I think this sounds like the best route to go with (my mom actually gave me advise very similar to this haha)! Thank you again for reminding me what really matters here Smiley smile

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  • T
    Super April 2021
    Tiger Bride ·
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    Yes, I thought this as well.

    Are these two in a serious relationship or just casually dating? Because if you demote her, and her long-term/serious partner is the best man, that's not going to go well.

    Just reread your post...have you *all* lived together for 3 years? Have they been together all of that time? If I lived with someone for 3 years and they told my SO they got engaged and couldn't be bothered to tell me as well...yeah I'd be hurt.

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  • Katie
    Expert January 2021
    Katie ·
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    It really doesn't make sense that you asked her in the first place, you got guilted into it and now you're in a jam. I'd end it now before it goes on any longer. Your roomates for 10 more months and won't speak again after that. She's going to make those 10 months unpleasant either way, this way, you don't have to have her in your wedding.

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  • T
    Super April 2021
    Tiger Bride ·
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    If what really matters, or matters at all, is your relationship with A, I would reconsider this.

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  • Jasmine
    Devoted May 2021
    Jasmine ·
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    Be honest and set boundaries. I think that if you had done that from jump, this would have been a different story. Not everyone who is in your life right now is permanent and sometimes the reason is just for a season. She’s a roommate.
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  • S
    Just Said Yes October 2022
    SG ·
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    You make some great points here Kristen! That is actually a whole other can of worms when it comes to my friendship with her bf. I have been on the receiving end of hours and hours of his complaints about the relationship, saying that he doesn't want to be with her, etc. It eventually got to a point where I had to tell him that I don't want to be involved in their relationship while living with them (talking about it in depth), in order to preserve my sanity because of its toxicity.

    We reached out to A because we wanted him to be the best man, and we called my sister to be the maid of honor. We asked him on the phone if he had a moment to talk, and then proceeded to tell him the news and ask him. He was actually at dinner with K's family when we called and stepped out to take the call. He didn't tell us he was with her. Very messy indeed.

    Yes, I am aware that this wasn't an ideal situation. There were things that I could have done better. It was just a lot of emotions, and an honest mistake. Our relationship with her is not a strong one, but it truly did not come from a bad place. I genuinely apologized for making her feel like her were excluding her in any way.

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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    Unfortunately, it sounds like you and your fiancé made the classic mistake a lot of newly engaged people make which is asking people to be in your wedding way too soon. I agree with Kristen that they are a couple you are friends with and live with so why didn't you just tell them as a couple? You could've very easily have sent a group text to them announcing your engagement or asked to speak to both of them then she wouldn't have felt left out. However, it wasn't fair of her to make you for guilty for not telling her. I just think you could've handled telling them better and she could've handled her reaction better. I would say she shouldn't be in the wedding because she sounds like a very difficult person and not really someone that you'd care to have with you on your wedding day or through the wedding planning process. The only catch is that her boyfriend is supposed to be your fiancé's best man. If you remove her from the wedding, it will likely end your friendship with her (which honestly she doesn't sound like much of a friend), but it would also likely end your your fiancé's friendship with her boyfriend. My suggestion is to give it some time since you still have plenty of time. See if you aren't living with them anymore if your fiancé still even remains close with her boyfriend. Your relationships with them could very easily change and neither could end up being in the wedding. In the meantime, I would highly encourage you not to ask anyone else to be in the wedding until 12-9 months prior. I had numerous issues with my bridal party including someone I thought was my best friend over ten years so I can assure you friendships can and do change over time.

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  • S
    Just Said Yes October 2022
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    They have been together, and VERY rocky, for 7 years. I remember the first day I met A, he was telling me she isn't right for him and that he wanted to end things. When we entered into our lease with him, we were under the impression that it would be just him. Then she sort of tagged on, and here we are 3 years later.

    I've consoled him while he's sobbed about not wanting to be with her anymore. That she was toxic for him... this was as recent as the summer. Shortly after (and he decided to stay with her) I told him that there needs to be some boundaries. I want to be there for him, but I can't be too involved in their personal lives while living with them. It's too much toxicity, and I have a hard time seeing one one my best friends make a bad decision over and over and over.

    It hasn't been all bad. Not even close. But when it is, it's rough. I think she had every right to have been upset, and it was definitely a moment of weakness for me.

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  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    Glad I could help! And just remember, once you do cut off ties with her, even if she does try to reach out, do not give in♥️ Lol take care
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  • mrswinteriscoming
    VIP December 2021
    mrswinteriscoming ·
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    From what you have said, there is absolutely no reason this woman should be in your bridal party and I can appreciate that you are having ‘bridal remorse’ for asking her in the first place.

    Asking her to not be in the bridal party is going to cause tension in the household and with the best man; unfortunately from how you have described her, I am sure she will make it out to be a massive travesty far greater than it is. Notwithstanding this, I think you have to grin and bear it and express your feelings to her.

    Good luck!

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  • Katie
    VIP August 2021
    Katie ·
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    This sounds kind of like the situation I was in, however me and this girl were bffs in high school and so close but once we became adults we no longer were close. She became a horrible friend, always putting me down, using me, ditching me and always trying to dictate my life, like for instance telling me I can't get engaged and married before her because her and her boyfriend been together longer than me and mine. So when I got engaged I definitely didn't want her to be my MOH because we weren't close anymore and she isn't a great friend she is just like your friend trying to make my whole wedding about her, plus I already planned on having my mom be the MOH since we became so close since me becoming an adult. The day I got engaged I go through the list of friends and family we wanted to let know before we announced it on fb. When I sent her a picture of the ring saying I was engaged she only text with "cool" I didn't say anything about it but I was expecting a little more. Then my fiance told me the ring was his grandmothers ring and she wanted me to have it. So of course I told all my friends and family about it and her and she texted me with "I knew it, I told my mom the ring looked like a used hammy down" that pissed off my fiance and I. And that was when I started to question her being in the wedding. Then she texted me about who was going to be my MOH and I told her my mom, so she took to fb to complain about how I ruined her bucket list and how horrible I was because that was her spot and how my mom must have forced me to have her as my MOH. So I just came out and told her that she didn't even have a spot in the wedding, that obviously lead to us not being friends anymore which I'm more than happy with because to be honest that was a friendship that should have ended a long time ago.

    Sorry for the long comment. I don't think you should suck it up and have her as your bridesmaid. I think she will just add unnecessary stress and try to ruin your moment. It's never easy to tell someone who you already asked to be in the wedding that you no longer want them in it. It will always create sore feelings. But I think you need to tell her, you should sit down and talk to her about how you jumped the gun on asking people to be in the wedding and that she isn't going to be able to be in the wedding. But be prepared for her to try and make you out to be a villain. And be prepared for their to be tension in the house. But I think you really should go ahead and tell her and just deal with the problems that come. Maybe talk with your fiance first so he has a heads up and knows whats coming so he can be prepared to help you out. Good luck I hope it goes better than you expect.

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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    Honestly if you say she's been acting that way towards you for over 2 years then I wouldn't have asked her to be a bridesmaid in the first place no matter how sorry she made you feel. Once you uninvite her, it's just gonna cause more drama than it already is. Goodluck!

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  • Shelly
    Devoted January 2022
    Shelly ·
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    Do what you think is best, and follow your gut feeling. I know TOO many brides that kept people in their wedding party because they wanted to avoid hurt feelings. They all say they regret not following their instincts.

    When you look back on memories and your pictures, do you really want someone standing beside you that you didn't want there? It's your day, not hers and if feelings get hurt, then oh well. You don't want to feel like you have to 'suck it up' and keep her just for the sake of your friendship. That's not fair to you!

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  • Katie
    VIP August 2021
    Katie ·
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    I couldn't agree more. Plus it sounds like she doesn't care if they stay friends or not after the lease is up on their apartment. I say it's your wedding and do what you want regardless of how people feel. Yes you have time before your wedding day and your lease will be up way sooner than the wedding, so I'd wait till the lease is up like the one person suggested so it's not awkward and tense and then when you are moving out I'd tell her you don't want her in the wedding and that you jumped the gun on asking her to be in it. If I was you id probably get rid of her all together as a friend. I tell people all the time it may seem a little bridezillaish but do not walk on eggshells when it comes to your wedding, do not people please your way through your big day. If people's feelings get hurt oh well 🤷‍♀️. It's your day have it exactly how you want with the people you want there. Other people who have wedding or are having wedding wouldn't care about the feelings of their guests so why should you. Think of it this way if she was the one getting married would she care if she stomped all over your feelings, more than likely not and she would probably play the victim if you were to say something. I've noticed since planning my own wedding that a lot of people are hypocrites. They stomped all over my feelings for their wedding with out a single care in the world but when it comes to my wedding they expect me to walk on eggshells. I'm not walking on eggshells or people pleasing my way through my wedding, yes I'm not going to purposely stomp on people's feelings but if someone's hurt by what I'm doing for my wedding or how I'm doing my wedding then oh well.
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