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Just Said Yes October 2021

Upset with my photographer

Emily, on November 29, 2020 at 4:57 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 1 16
Hi all - long time lurker but first time posting on this forum - I am a bit upset with my photographer and want other people to let me know if I’m being a bit harsh or it makes sense for me to be mad...

Basically, my FH & I had our engagement photos at the end of October. The photographer was great to work with and nice and my FH and I really enjoyed our day. In the middle of the shoot, she says she’ll have our photos back in 2 weeks. I thought, wow! That’s fast but assuming she’s been doing photography for 10+ years, I thought she knew her stuff with editing, etc.! Well, 2 weeks pass by and I messaged her to ask how the photos were looking and that we are super excited to see them. She said, will probably get them on Monday or Tuesday! I was like, heck yes! We were pumped to see them. Well... Wednesday rolled around and still nothing - said that she’s behind schedule and should have them Sunday night. Ok, I get it. I didn’t book her for a high turnaround rate- we liked her style and I know things happen. Well, Sunday, we never got them and I waited to message until Tuesday. I was always sorry for bothering her about the photos but I thought it was rude to just leave us hanging. She responds back on Tuesday saying look for something Friday. I get an email Friday morning with her apologizing about the delay and forgot about the holidays and to be on the lookout Saturday morning for the photos. Today is Sunday, and still nothing. I texted her this morning to see if the photos are on a specific website I need to go to to view ... I haven’t gotten a response (which it’s Sunday, I understand not responding to clients on weekends and such.)
But I am super annoyed at all of it. Like, I wouldn’t have been upset or anything if she didn’t say, “you’ll get the photos back in 2 weeks.” If she hadn’t said anything about that, I don’t think I’d be upset about it. However, it’s constant delays with no communication from her side. We have her booked already for the reception next year but am kind of bummed about how this played out. It feels unprofessional however she’s been doing this for years.
I guess I’m just looking to vent to other brides - my FH is so chill so he’s disappointed but definitely not as annoyed as I am. It’s a good balance we have, lol.
Take care and thanks for reading my long post - let me know what you think


Latest activity by Jennifer, on December 4, 2020 at 2:44 PM
  • Michelle
    Champion December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    That sounds very unprofessional. Most people here say they were given a 4-6 week window with no issues and is more realistic
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  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    I think you have legitimate reason to feel the way you do. I mean, if they’ve been doing this for 10 years, then they should know the very basic rule of customer service which is, be on time. The other very basic rule is communicating if an issue arises. The fact that they supposedly “forgot about the holiday” sort of sounds like They just threw out a random day without actually penciling you in on a calendar or actually assessing their workload before providing you a realistic a due date, which also gives the impression that they threw out a random day to sort of push off the issue for a few days until they could figure out another excuse. It seems like they had the intention of possibly delaying further. if they were more organized they would have looked at the calendar and planned it out to give an accurate due date. I’d be upset. Especially when they know Couples are typically using the photos for their save the dates. Especially the fact that they should know how excited couples get and that it is a real huge letdown when they can’t produce on a date that they say. It just keeps spoiling the excitementAnd replacing it with frustration
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  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    I agree with previous posters. Completely unprofessional
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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    I get your frustration and I would be frustrated as well. Don't say 2 weeks if that's unrealistic
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    I know a bunch of formerly very organized OT, PT Visiting Nurses, and Speech and Language Pathologists, who are running on empty after 8 months of having children and elders all home, and I am one of the few who gets substantial splitting of things to be done with my husband, and older family. My husband and I have 5 kids to school, and 3 family elders we moved from their separate house or inlaw apt. to our home. With hubby still full time engineering, me 1/2 time PT and running the farm. It took me a while to learn to say, I will have those 5 evaluations and their reports, and orthotics or wheelchair adaptations, done in 3 weeks. Not 4 days. Perhaps your photographer is schooling her kids or grandchildren or others. Or is picking up eldercare for one or more of the many thousand who lost their health aides a few times a week, so between photo gigs she shops for 2-3 households , or makes meals or does laundry for extra households. ... I understand how aggravating it is to repeatedly be put off. But anyone in business a long time who is suddenly seeming irresponsible, I would give a Covid Times Pass. She may have picked up 30-40 hours of new duties per week, and is making promises she cannot keep because as soon as she tries, something new is dumped on her. Just a thought.
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  • A
    Super September 2020
    Alli ·
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    That is quite unacceptable and unprofessional. Hopefully, you haven’t signed her for your wedding... I would not want that for my wedding 😩
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  • Michelle
    Master April 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Totally agree with everyone- completely unacceptable. Telling you a very unrealistic time to get your photos is not good, especially if you’ve been in the business 10+ years.
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  • M
    Dedicated October 2021
    Marie ·
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    Not have every right to be angry. I would be.
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  • Bethany
    Dedicated October 2021
    Bethany ·
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    I agree with this but it's also unprofessional to keep throwing out another date only to extend it over and over again. It would be much better had she a) never given a timeline for when to expect the photos and b) sent OP an apology after the first delay with a realistic timeframe, even if that meant saying she fell behind and needed two more weeks.

    OP - I would approach this as "hey photographer, I just wanted to reach out to you one more time. We are so excited to see our photos! We are hoping to order our save the dates by Christmas. Is it reasonable to expect that we will have our photos back in time to pick one out?" Wording it this way reminds her that you need your pics soon, but does it in a way that takes the pressure off for her to get them immediately to you and will hopefully prevent her from quoting you another deadline she can't meet.

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  • E
    Just Said Yes October 2021
    Emily ·
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    That's a great way to put it. Thanks for that - I may even use that word for word because that's a great way to put it. I have yet to hear back from her today (Monday) and I have seen her actively on social media so I feel like she has our money and doesn't care. It's really upsetting and the more I think about it - the more frustrated I am. It makes me feel better (and less like a bridezilla lol) that other's would be upset about it as well. It makes me want to not have her as our photographer for our reception but we've already paid and I doubt will get any type of deposit/money back.

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    I do think her telling you 2 weeks was a bit ridiculous. If she knew she could not get them done in 2 weeks, she shouldn't have told you that. However, I would have been hesitant to believe in a 2 week turnaround time anyway. That is quick for professional photo editing. Do you have a stated date they would be sent to you in your contract?

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  • E
    Just Said Yes October 2021
    Emily ·
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    That's why I was pretty shocked when she had said that - I thought it was fast but was also excited about it anyways.

    In the contract - it says "all edited files will be sent to the client within 30 days in an online gallery."... it's been exactly 30 days since the shoot.

    And it's been 2 days after she said she would send them & not responding to my message but she is on social media. I figured since I messaged her on a Sunday, she would get back to me on a weekday but it doesn't seem to look at way.

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    How frustrating. I would reach back out to her tomorrow or Wednesday. I would mention that her contract states your photos would be available within 30 days, and that 30 days has come and gone. I would make her give you an answer outside of “I’ve been busy”. She agreed to a 30 day turn around!
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  • M
    Master October 2021
    Mrs.a ·
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    This is poor business... she ought to be under promising and over delivering and she is doing the exact opposite.
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  • E
    Just Said Yes October 2021
    Emily ·
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    UPDATE - 5 days without any contact from her... I've messaged once again & still nothing back. Will keep yall posted if you're interested in this madness! lol

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  • Jennifer
    VIP August 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    Pay her for the engagement pictures and cut your losses and find another photographer for the wedding. Too often you’ll see stories on here that begin like yours but they kept them for the wedding and it’s months of the waiting game, or they never received them at all.
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