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Just Said Yes October 2016

Venue that allows outside catering

Elizabeth, on September 3, 2015 at 4:01 PM Posted in Planning 0 11

My finance's family owns a catering company and offered to cater our wedding. This is great! Except I am finding it near impossible to find a venue that will allow us to use our own. I had really wanted to location to be by the ocean since we met and got engaged on the beach but I am open to anything at this point. I would love something on the South Shore but am also open to North Shore and the Cape. We have about 165 people. Does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to compromise too much and get an ugly venue.


Latest activity by klimberkat, on September 3, 2015 at 5:22 PM
  • Emmy
    Master January 2015
    Emmy ·
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    Don't have family work at your wedding. They should enjoy it.

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  • Jacqui76
    Master May 2016
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    I agree with Emmy. But if you still want to have them cater it, can't you ask them places that they are usually allowed to cater at? Around here, the venues that have outside caterers have specific ones that you have to choose from.

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  • Lynnie
    WeddingWire Administrator October 2016
    Lynnie ·
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    What @Jacqui76 said! The catering company should have a list of preferred venues they work with, and should be very knowledgeable about this!

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  • AlexisM082
    Master February 2016
    AlexisM082 ·
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    Yea.... If they're an established catering company, they should know what venues will allow am outside caterer, but I'm also with the other ladies who said family/friends shouldn't have to work your wedding. One of my really good friends offered to be our photographer for free, but we didn't want him having to work the wedding. We wanted him to be able to enjoy the time with us and our friends. We ended up paying almost $3,000 for a photographer. That's how strongly I feel about this subject. They're your guests. Treat them as such.

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  • E
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Elizabeth ·
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    Thanks for the responses. I agree, but they are second cousins once removed or something, so not really close. They are Portuguese so the family is huge and all over the place. And they have a staff that does most of the work. But they also usually don't do weddings, they do mostly corporate events so they aren't on any preferred catering lists. Its a tough situation. But my fiancé has always LOVED their food his whole life and really wants to have it.

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  • VWCat
    Master October 2015
    VWCat ·
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    There are venues that allow outside catering, but you'll have to look for them (obviously). I've had 3 venues now (long story as to why), but all 3 allowed for outside caterers. One venue was a barn, one was a georgian mansion (I found on vbro... I actually wouldn't recommend unless they do lots of events because I got screwed with this one), and our current venue is a vineyard.

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  • E
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Elizabeth ·
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    Thanks Elizabeth! I have found two options but they are not exactly what I wanted so I was trying to continue my search. I have been searching everywhere and every site!

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  • Theresa
    Dedicated August 2015
    Theresa ·
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    We used a venue that allowed outside caterers, and I have to tell you, finding it was kind of tough. Any country club we liked was out because they usually force you to use their catering. Even some venues that say they allow outside catering mean that you can only choose from their preferred vendors list. One venue we looked at wanted to charge us $1000 fee just to have an outside caterer (not a deposit, a fee!). The venue we ended up with was really great, and we only had to pay a $250 deposit for the caterer. The caterer signed a contract with the venue, and it all worked out, but it was definitely a pain.

    If having the outside catering is important to you (it was EXTREMELY important to my parents, so I totally understand your situation). I think when you search on wedding wire for venues, it shows whether or not they allow outside vendors, but I would still suggest just calling the venues before you visit them so that you don't fall in love with a venue you can't have. Also look for places that aren't usually used for weddings because they have less strict rules about that kind of stuff, although the caveat to that is that you generally will have to rent chairs, tables, etc yourself.

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  • Promike
    Master September 2015
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    We used a venue that allowed outside catering and it took a lot of work. They are there but you have to put in the leg work on this. We wanted southern bbq food and there are really no preferred vendors that cook that kind of food. We found a ballroom that allowed it, so it is possible. Have you looked into non-profit?

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  • Celia Milton
    Celia Milton ·
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    If they are an established catering company, then of course they're going to cater it. This is a totally different situation than asking your family to make Thanksgiving dinner for 200......

    Look at museums, women's clubs, theaters, community centers, art galleries.

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  • klimberkat
    VIP August 2016
    klimberkat ·
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    Check their website, or the website of other caterers in the area. Most will have a list of places they've worked, many even include links. I did this as I was creating my back up list in case FH didn't like the camp I wanted, because I really wanted to use a specific caterer. Pretty much any place with their own on site catering, will not allow outside around here (New England). It's a health code law issue. I had a venue tell me they weren't sure my boss could bring a Kosher meal with him to an event because if they got caught with outside food, it could cost their lisence. Check caterer websites, and contact those places first. Good luck!

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