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VIP August 2015


Nay0801, on March 26, 2015 at 7:24 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 171

One of my 'friends' recently got engaged. She sent me a text with a picture and said.."this happened I love it! I'm so excited" Fast Forward to today she calls me heartbroken. She said while cleaning she found a receipt from Walmart...and on the receipt she seen the purchase for her ring. I waited for the rest but that was it...Honestly, I didn't see the issue. So I said, "What's the issue?" she very loudly said 'HE GOT MY RING FROM WALMART!..How would you feel if your engagement ring came from Walmart?!?!...I told I don't think I would mind. She said that I am only saying that because I got my ring from the jewelry store but no one wants a ring from Walmart.I suddenly had an 'emergency' because I couldn't take it anymore...But I really don't think I would care...After all it is the thought that counts..right? Would you care if your engagement ring came from Walmart? If so, why?


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  • future mrs hall
    VIP May 2015
    future mrs hall ·
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    Before I knew that FH had inherited the diamond that is now in my e ring, I was looking at affordable rings at Shane Co & Target for ideas. I would have had no problem with it at all. I want the marriage, not the sparkly ring. (though I do love my ring)

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  • Silan
    Master April 2015
    Silan ·
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    I wouldn't care. I didn't want a big expensive ring cause I'm practical and cheap, so it wouldn't bother me where it was from as long as it wasn't pre-owned (makes me feel icky).

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  • K8 D
    Devoted May 2017
    K8 D ·
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    I would have been okay with whatever he chose.

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  • future mrs hall
    VIP May 2015
    future mrs hall ·
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    I'm with @Silan on the pre-owned thing though. Unless it was like grandmas ring and she passed away after being happily married for 50 years, it most likely going to be someone's ring where the marriage didn't work out and that gives me bad vibes. My diamond was actually hidden inside a hideous man ring that FH inherited. :]

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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2015
    Stephanie ·
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    Of course not. And anyone who would care is probably not ready to get married.

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  • Nay0801
    VIP August 2015
    Nay0801 ·
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    • Hide content its not just me :-) I get called Frugal Fran all of the time so I thought maybe I was being extra cheap..but some women wait 100 years for their guys to propose so wtf is the issue?

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  • Annie & Javi
    Master October 2015
    Annie & Javi ·
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    I wouldn't care less. I actually had a minor panic attack when I found out FH paid over $5k for mine! I'm the type of woman who wouldn't care if the ring came from a bubble gum machine. Plus your friend loved her ring before she knew where it was from, she is being a superficial biotch.

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  • Nay0801
    VIP August 2015
    Nay0801 ·
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    @Silan &@ Future pre -owned like from a pawn shop?

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  • KM
    Master March 2015
    KM ·
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    I'm going to be the asshole that sounds superficial...but I don't care. I would have an issue with it. There are SO MANY PLACES you can find a quality ring for a good price (like ShaneCo). Walmart isn't the place I go if I want something of quality...ever. It doesn't have to be a specialty piece from Tiffany, but come on... I would hope that the guy who proposes to me puts thought into buying me something that will last forever (no matter the price), and I don't associate anything that comes from Walmart to being "forever lasting". That's just not Walmart's business plan. Plus, when I take my ring to get cleaned/fixed/looked at, I always get superb customer service from the jewelry store he went to...something else that I don't associate with Walmart...ever. It's important.

    Edit: THE PRICE ISN'T IMPORTANT. That's not the point of anything I just said...if anyone was wondering.

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  • future mrs hall
    VIP May 2015
    future mrs hall ·
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    Just any ring that I didn't know the story of, basically. I wouldn't want someone's ring that just got divorced. I know it doesn't REALLY matter, but it still seems like bad juju.

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  • Mrs. Kassy
    Master June 2015
    Mrs. Kassy ·
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    I'm torn. The idea of Walmart for an engagement ring seems weird, but I don't think I'd be mad about it. They do have really nice rings there. As long as she likes her ring, it shouldn't matter where it's from.

    So I don't think it should matter. But Walmart? How much classier can you get?

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  • MrsBest2B
    Master June 2016
    MrsBest2B ·
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    I'm in agreement with KM. That said, if it's literally ALL he could afford, but wanted to make things happen, so be it. My FH said to me not that long ago, "It's not about the ring, it's about the meaning behind the ring," and that's stuck with me since he said it.

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  • Adoretamm
    Master May 2016
    Adoretamm ·
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    Honestly, I wouldn't care. Yeah FH got my ring from zales but I still tell him he could've spent less money on me. It's the fact that he got her a ring! Not everyone can afford $2,000 or more rings. Love don't cost a thing. Your friend shouldn't be mad. I would love my ring if it came from Walmart. And honestly I don't observe everyone's ring that I see and think "oh that must be from Walmart" like whatever! It's a ring. He can always upgrade

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  • future mrs hall
    VIP May 2015
    future mrs hall ·
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    That's a good point @KM. I didn't think of that at all. We did get my ring set at Shane Co and they have amazing customer service and lifetime cleaning, dipping, & warranty. I came in with my stone and had it set, but, if for some reason, I lose the stone, they replace it. they also clean it twice a year for free and redip to to make the white gold extra shiny & white. That does make it much more worth it to spend the little extra and go to an awesome jeweler. But that's also something that I know now, and if FH had hit up Target or Walmart and proposed, I wouldn't have thought about it.

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  • Amanda Blue
    Amanda Blue ·
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    In my opinion if you loves him enough it shouldn't matter where the ring came from. Maybe in a few years when he starts getting successful he can upgrade your ring.

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  • Nay0801
    VIP August 2015
    Nay0801 ·
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    EXACTLY @A&J....I didn't want to go there with her because I couldn't deal with how materialistic she was being. But my initial thought was A week ago you said you LOVED it! was actually quite disturbing.

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  • KM
    Master March 2015
    KM ·
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    I also just hate Walmart...period. SO maybe I biased.

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  • S&R
    Super September 2015
    S&R ·
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    It wouldn't bother me. My first ring came from Kohl's and cost him like $200. I was pregnant and we were saying every extra dime he had from paychecks for the baby. All that mattered was he wanted to marry me. When he got a better job and we had everything for our daughter he started to save and this past October he upgraded my ring to an emerald to symbolize our daughter and because green is my favorite color. Which he didn't have to do but felt it would be special.

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  • NewMrsWesely
    Master September 2016
    NewMrsWesely ·
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    The only reason I went with an actual jewelry stores is for the fact I know they warranty them. Also we got mine for less than$500 on sale. We could is still gotten a nice ring for less.

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  • Nay0801
    VIP August 2015
    Nay0801 ·
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    @KM you don't sound like an asshole to me...I personally loathe walmart and do my best to stay away from there. When I say it wouldn't matter to me if it was walmart that was all encompassing. Walmart, Target, Amazon any nontraditional place to get a ring from kmart they weren't on the endangered species list........and I love that you own your feelings!

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