Hello all!
I’m not sure if this is the proper group for this discussion. However, I wanted to know if you ladies and/or gents wear your engagement rings all the time.
Recently, I was made to feel bad, perhaps unintentionally but perhaps not, about not wearing my engagement ring 24/7. My FHs family and I were talking about planning and my rings and such. When a member of his family said that an engagement ring should be worn at ALL times and never taken off, with quite the attitude. As if she judging me for taking it off. Mind you, I take it off right when I get home, and put it right back on when I go out anywhere. I don’t want to get it dirty, damaged, or lose its shine while I am doing my everyday tasks at home.
So tell me, what do you do? Do you wear it at all times, without taking it off? Or do you take it off for certain tasks?