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Super June 2015

Wedding horror stories?

Colleen, on April 21, 2015 at 4:50 PM

Posted in Married Life 55

So, obviously its inevitable that something will go wrong. Outside of family drama, bridesmaids dresses and upside down envelopes i figure other's have to have some pretty good horror stories. At my best friend's wedding it ended with the groom's brother's GF's attacking the groom, drawing blood,...

So, obviously its inevitable that something will go wrong. Outside of family drama, bridesmaids dresses and upside down envelopes i figure other's have to have some pretty good horror stories. At my best friend's wedding it ended with the groom's brother's GF's attacking the groom, drawing blood, and then go running down the highway which we had to call the cops to go after her. I figure hopefully mine could never be that bad, but i would love to hear your other horror stories Smiley smile


  • NewMrsWesely
    Master September 2016
    NewMrsWesely ·
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    @T I think that wedding horror story wins the gold.

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  • Genny
    Master May 2015
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    So the genocide thing was because the groom is getting his PhD in History and the MOH said that she didn't think she would like him at first because he studied American History but now they can talk about things like genocide. It was soooo awkward and talked about it later to our other friends that are in the history graduate program.

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  • Mrs. B
    Master October 2015
    Mrs. B ·
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    At my cousin's wedding the BM got so drunk prior to the speeches that during the speech he kept pointing out how he didn't really know the bride that well but was she ever so lucky to be married to his best friend (my cousin.) It was so awkward because he must have said it like 5 times.

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  • Finally mrs.jkr
    Master June 2025
    Finally mrs.jkr ·
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    At my FCIL wedding everything had gone wrong beforehand and still ended up with a lovely wedding. Seamstress nearly ruined her dress, rental place called and said they were 50 chairs short of her order and wouldn't replace them because it wasn't their fault they were broken (luckily after some yelling they rented them the difference in garden chairs at a discounted price) music wasn't done until the day before, baker angrily left before the cake cutting because someone said something she didn't like so FAuntIL and I ended up cutting and serving the cake. Etc etc etc. was still an incredibly gorgeous and fun wedding. I only know all this because I helped with the wedding, so I was a behind the scenes kind of person

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  • ******
    Master February 2016
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    I wouldn't call it a horror story because it was hilarious, but it sure was awkward for many of the guests. My FFIL, at FH's cousin's wedding, decided to give a speech. Which ended up being a terrible standup routine that had nothing to do with the couple, let alone marriage. He talked about how his French fiance has a temper and compared her to his GPS getting angry at him for missing a turn. It definitely got a little non-PC. Every event in his family since, he's been asked to give a speech to rival it, though.

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  • FutureMrsH
    Expert May 2016
    FutureMrsH ·
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    I went to one probably 5 years ago and I felt horrible for the couple. It was on a beach and the first thing that happened was that the wedding pergola wouldn't stay in the sand BC of the wind. The wedding was almost an hour late starting because they couldn't get it to stay! Then the 2nd (and by far worst) thing that happened was that the officiant called the groom by the wrong name! His name is Brent and was called "Bret" instead....yes, during the ceremony! Next, there wasn't enough food at dinner so everyone had to get tiny portions. Then there was the cake. The wedding coordinator had the cake set up fine in a shady spot before the ceremony started, but once the sun moved a little, the cake was right in the sun....and of course melted. Yep, it was half melted and lopsided. To make it worse, their cake was not fondant (buttercream I guess) and was covered in gnats! The bugs got stuck in the icing and died. We literally had to scrape the icing off our pieces of cake BC there were so many! The poor bride....she cried her eyes out at the reception. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up!

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  • Kris E
    VIP May 2015
    Kris E ·
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    This isn't exactly wedding drama. But I moved one of BW into my house after she lost her job and couldn't pay rent from into my house. Paid for the moving truck. Me and FH load her stuff into said truck in the rain while she went to a concert that she had tickets for with her boyfriend. After letting her stay rent free for 4 months. Over christmas she brought a new boyfriend home and let him and his 5 year old son move into my house without asking. The week before they moved in her boyfriend (now FH) was served papers to my house from his wife for a divorce, quickly followed by papers from his high school girlfriend for a custody hearing over his oldest (5 year old son).

    FH kicked them out of the house that Thursday. They secretly moved all of their stuff in the middle of Sunday night while I was sleeping.

    ETA: hit enter to quick.

    To say the least, she isn't going to be in the bridal party anymore. Thankfully she hadn't bought her dress with the other girls because she had no money and I hadn't made her/bought it for her yet.

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  • Amanda
    VIP September 2015
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    I sadly have had a few wedding disasters I've been front and centre for. One, my moms cousin J was having a back yard wedding. Her ex showed up and the grooms family started swinging! A huge back yard brawl broke out! I got punched in the face trying to pull a couple of dudes apart! Quite a few years later, J's sister got married. J showed up in the tiniest outfit imaginable. She got tanked and tried hard to fight w her sister the whole time. Her sister ignored her drama and attempted to have a great time. When J wasn't getting her desired amount if attention, she faked a heart attack and left in an ambulance!!! Oye, that was quite the exit! A couple of weeks ago my mom tried hard (and forcefully) to get J added to my guest list. It was not hard to be a bitch about that one! No way in hell J will be at MY wedding!!!

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  • Colleen
    Super June 2015
    Colleen ·
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    Wow, truly couldn't even decide between the last few for the win. How crazy horrible.

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  • KitandKaboodle
    Master November 2016
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    I was a bridesmaid in my second cousin's wedding when I was 20. It was a messy relationship (he was dating someone else when my cousin claimed to be pregnant by him) They announced their engagement and were married in less than 2 months. During the ceremony, the preacher asked if there was anyone who objected to the marriage. EVERYONE thought someone was going to say something, but no one did. So the ceremony continued. When the preacher asked if the groom took this woman to be his lawfully wedded wife, before he could say I do, the bride's sister screamed "I'm pregnant!" There was this huge gasp. The bride turned around and punched her sister in the face and they started fighting. Right there in the Sanctuary. I had a front row seat to the fight. I was away at college, and my mother doesn't really socialize with this cousin, so we did not know any of this. The bride and her sister were literally in a street brawl while others sat in shock. Once that wore off, several people pulled them apart. Seriously no lie, the pastor threw his hands up and just walked off and refused to continue. We later learned that neither of them were pregnant and he went back to the woman he was initially dating.

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  • KitandKaboodle
    Master November 2016
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    The other one, was an ex's sister's wedding. The bride had her bachelorette party the night before the wedding. She was so drunk, right before she walked down the aisle, she threw up all over her dress. Her MOH had to hold her up, because she couldn't stand by herself. The ceremony continued, but when the pastor said you may now kiss your wife, the groom refused to kiss her. The pastor said, okay give her a hug. He refused due to the vomit all over the front and back (I'm still trying to figure that out) of her dress. The groom opted for a high five. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last very long.

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  • KM
    Master March 2015
    KM ·
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    Hahaha Kit....please keep them coming. Those stories are great.

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  • KitandKaboodle
    Master November 2016
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    KM, ghetto weddings. I texted my mother. She loves to gossip so remembers stuff like this.

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  • KitandKaboodle
    Master November 2016
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    Had to do a search, but I found another post about this. Here are my comments on that one:


    The ceremony was in Palm Springs in August. It was suppose to start at 10A. Didn't start until just before 1P. The couple did not pay for air conditioning, and it was 103° outside so you know it was 10° higher indoors. No explanation or apology was given by the couple or the families


    I was a bridesmaid in a destination wedding in Jamaica in the early 90's. At the rehearsal dinner, the groom and groomsmen got so drunk, the groom was admitted into the hospital the following morning for alcohol poisoning. There were 3 ceremonies the next day, so the couple could not reschedule for the next day and lost all of their money. They ended up going to the JOP in LA when they returned from their "honeymoon"


    The MOGs got into a knockdown fight right before the ceremony and were arrested. Both missed the wedding, pictures and reception. They still can't stand each other to this day


    The couple failed to pay the final payment on their reception venue. The owner refused to allow the vendors to set up until they received payment ($3,000) The groom came to the bridal party and asked us for money. The bridal party refused, so he went to the parents who also refused. Apparently, the parents gave them the money to pay for the ceremony and reception, but they spent the money elsewhere. The church allowed them to have their reception in their fellowship hall. Only to find the couple didn't have enough food for all of the guests. Also, the baker was unable to put the cake in the refrigerator, so it melted.

    And 5 (my all time favorite)

    The couple requested (on their invitation) for cash gifts. During the reception, I saw the bride and her mother take the card box to the back. I didn't think anything of it as it was later in the reception. About 30 minutes later, the bride came out crying and left the reception. The MOB was walking from table to table telling the guests her disappointment in their card and would then give it back with the check and tell them they need to try again. When she gave us our card back (me and my boyfriend at the time were full-time students working 2 part-time jobs) and told us our $100 gift wasn't enough, I put it in my purse and we left

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  • Tess
    Super September 2015
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    I work in catering and events, and have seen a lot. The most memorable by far was a speech by the brother of a groom. The wedding party only consisted of the bride, groom, and the brother, and they sat at a head table together. During the speech, the brother talked about how he had met the bride online and dated her first, and then she met the brother later on through the same online dating site (not knowing the two guys were related). He basically told everyone that he slept with her first. It was quite an awkward silence at the end of the speech.

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  • mrsrobinvalentine
    Master February 2014
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    I can't remember what year it was but it was in the late 90; at my bestie wedding; as the groom walked down the aisle he was crying. I mean crying with the running nose & all. By the time the bride walked down the aisle, he was sniffling and out of breath from all that crying. When the bride made it down the aisle, she asked him "WTF" is going on? They both started arguing right in from of the pastor. It was a shock to witness. They got married and during the marriage, they argued all the damn time. Every place they went they would argue, at parties, at funerals, it didn't matter where they were. After 15yrs. they finally got divorce and that was ugly too.

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  • E&J
    VIP October 2015
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    At my FH's uncle's wedding last summer, the groom's sister (FH's aunt) somehow managed to lose a tooth (or maybe a crown) on the dance floor. She wanted the groom to have the band stop playing and everyone to clear the dance floor so she could look for it. He said no, and she was mad at him for the rest of the night.

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  • purplekitten
    Master October 2015
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    @Trisha - That's something that scares me for so many brides! When a company goes out of business, there's a essentially a "legal stack rank" regarding their creditors and who they have to pay. In this instance, a customer - that is, someone who made a deposit - is a creditor. Unfortunately, they're pretty low on the stack rank, so from a legal perspective, they're NOT SUPPOSED TO RETURN YOUR MONEY because they are required to give what assets they have left to their "higher-ranked" creditors.

    I learned about this when Montgomery Ward went out of business. A ton of people had ordered an paid for appliances that had not yet been delivered, and they were told that they weren't going to get the appliance nor were they going to get their money back. Then it turned out that because of the business going belly-up, MW was *not legally allowed* to give them the appliance or a refund.

    That is what is so scary about putting down deposits month or years in advance!

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  • BringOnMay!
    Super May 2015
    BringOnMay! ·
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    I watched the Groom and FOB get in a fist fight...

    ETA: Bride and Groom and divorced now. lol

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  • Katy
    Master September 2015
    Katy ·
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    Edit: I can't tell this entire story here. One day....

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