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Master February 2014

What was it that attracted you to your fiancee? or not

mrsrobinvalentine, on December 18, 2014 at 1:04 PM

Posted in Planning 82

Was it love at 1st sight? Was it simply physical? Did it take a while? Well for me, we met online & his profile was interesting. The physical attraction was there. However, when we met; we hit it off. But after a couple of conversations, I wasn't so sure. I felt that he wasn't "my type". So after...

Was it love at 1st sight? Was it simply physical? Did it take a while?

Well for me, we met online & his profile was interesting. The physical attraction was there. However, when we met; we hit it off. But after a couple of conversations, I wasn't so sure. I felt that he wasn't "my type". So after evaluating myself, I realized that "my type" wasn't working for me. So I took a leap of faith and gave the relationship a chance. I'm so happy & feel so blessed that I did. So what's your love story?


  • kahlcara
    Master August 2013
    kahlcara ·
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    I'm not actually sure how I first met DH. We went to the same high school, and I was on costume crew for a musical that he was in and we were both in a bookclub together, so one of those activities.. When I first met him I had just broken up with my ex and he was just very easy to talk to and friendly. He used to come hang out in the costume room and fix his coat (I kind of think he ripped it on purpose) and we talked. Our first date was to a school dance about 2 months later. We're pretty geeky, but then again my ILs met in their high school math club.

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  • Ally
    VIP October 2014
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    I met my husband when i was in 9th grade...he was dating my best friend at the time lol. we hit it off as best friends & best friends romantic feelings. they broke up after a year and a half and we continued being bffs! still didn't date until we turned eighteen. something just clicked for both of us at the exact same could not have been any more perfect. we have always been so alike with the same weird sense of humor. i know he's my soul mate!

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  • Mrs. A & J
    Master December 2014
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    We first met at his apartment. I was friends with his brother, and they lived together.

    I liked him immediately because we talked a lot of smack to each other lol. I can be such a smartass! It helped that he is tall and good looking Smiley smile any guy that catches my eye with a Mohawk and wearing pj pants is worth considering!

    We first hung out by ourselves when he fixed something on my car. Soon, we were dating.

    Everyone said he was playing me, only interested in booty, etc. I didn't listen to a single one of them, and focused on how he treated me. I was (and still am!!!) attracted to his cute smile, physique, vast knowledge of everything, and his love of adventures Smiley smile within a few months, I thought "oh crap....I could marry this one". In the end, everyones negative opinions on us dating just pulled us closer. Suck it, naysayers!!

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  • Kristen
    VIP May 2015
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    FH hates this story haha for us it was totally physical at first. i met him at a party through mutual friends. he had just gotten a new puppy (rip zeus Smiley sad ) and i was toting that pup around all night haha i didnt get his number or anything but we talked the whole night and i went home with my friend lauren. he came up to the car before we left and was talking to lauren ab how we all needed to hang out the next weekend and maybe go to eat. i was gosh knows how much vodka in at this point so i was like yeah, whatever sounds great. (i was in no search of a boyfriend..or FH actually lol) so later that week after i had already agreed to go on a double date i text my friend and said "whos that guy im going on a date with!? i remember him being good looking but i need to make sure i didnt have beer goggles on!!" lol turns out she was at his house with her boyfriend and told him that too! lol so after facebook stalking him i text her back and went "nope. no beer goggles hes hot!" he had her ask if it was okay if she gave him my number and we began texting.. the rest is history (:

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  • OG Mrs.K (2.0)
    Master September 2014
    OG Mrs.K (2.0) ·
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    We met online. His smile attracted me instantly and set him apart. And he made me laugh right away, and I love a man that can make me laugh Smiley smile

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  • L + R
    Master September 2014
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    We met through a mutual friend. I was sitting in my truck at the time and signaled for him to come over and insisted our friend introduce us. He shook my hand. I thought I was cool by telling him who I was sort-of dating at the time (it was on the fritz and had 0 seriousness involved) and it turned out him and ex had beef. He scoffed in a joking way and walked away. I told him to come back, with a smirk on his face and those piercing blue eyes, he came back and we talked for a second and then he asked for my number. The next evening, he text me and we hit it off, talking until about 5AM. We were inseparable since then. I feel like it was love at first sight for me, but he says he didn't know he loved me until he started "missing" me when I was gone, after about a month of us getting to know each other.

    We had a strong physical attraction that neither of us could ignore. He was different than the previous guys I'd met....super intelligent, romantic, strong, reliable. He still can't believe I consider myself having "married-up", but I did Smiley winking

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  • BreeCheez
    VIP April 2015
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    I had just moved from Northern Oh to South Ga, landed a temp job. I saw him day one, and spent 3 days trying to read his name tag, cause he was a little cute. A few people suggested we talk, but nothing came of it. We exchanged #'s on a friendly basis (mainly b/c the people at work kept pushing) however, we texted rarely & I soon started dating someone else.

    About a month into my other relationship, one night he was parked next to me during our lunch break. I couldn't help but listen to the music he was playing, I had no idea who it was & had never heard it but loved the music. I asked him when he got out what he was listening to. He told me it was Jason Aldean's new CD & handed it to me to listen to.

    About 10 minutes after work that night, I got a a text message asking if I wanted to go fishing (he had overheard me talking about I hadn't been fishing since I moved to GA & I really wanted to go). & We spent the whole night playing the CD in his truck while we fished off the dock & then the battery died (& I got to meet his Step Dad that night when he came & jumped off his truck as the sun was coming up)

    Needless to say I split with my Bf like a day later after mulling it over.

    The CD went back in my truck & I still have it.

    It wasn't love at first sight, it was more like curiosity. & when I thought I loved him, I had no idea how watching him grow (he was 19 when we met) into the man he is & my FH, how much more I could love him.

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  • Jessica
    Master May 2016
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    Aww I love all of these stories!! I met my FH through mutual friends. I asked who he was & then I told them not to say anything to him because I found out he was 2 years younger than me. They told him any way & he approached me & we started talking. Later that night he asked for my number. I swear I knew right away that he was going to be somebody special in my life. I later found out that in addition to having a bunch of mutual friends, we grew up going to the same church & that he used to live in a 2 family house that a friend of mine also lived in & somehow we never saw eachother. After a few months of dating we stopped for a couple of months. I didn't sweat it because I always knew he was the one. I think after 4 months of us not talking he called me & we've been together ever since. There's no doubt in my mind that he's my soulmate & i'm so blessed to have found him.

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  • MrsPope
    Master September 2015
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    We meet at a bar. He said he first saw me when we were in high school but decided not to approach me. At first when he walked up to me I turned away and acted like i didn't want to be bothered. I am so glad I came to my senses lol. His eyes attracted me to him and he made me laugh! Still almost 8 years later he makes me crack up, tears in my eyes, falling over laugh lol

    @E & D what sorority are you apart of?

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  • Mrs. Hunnibear
    Master October 2015
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    Well we met online, and he sent a friend request and I honestly wasn't really interested at first. i accepted and he messaged me and Thank me for accepting. We talked here and there but I was seeing someone else and I made that very clear. He became super supportive and when me and the guy i was dating at the time was going through a rough patch. But that relationship ended we decided to just go back to being friends. Well FH still gave me time to process the break up but we would talk from the time we woke up to the time we went to bed. I then planned a trip to see him in Virginia and the first time i actually met him in person... OMG I got out of the car ran up to him about tackled him and kissed him... It was like I knew right then and there this was the man I was going to spend my life with. and well here we are lol

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  • KayDwitWill
    Master May 2015
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    His eyes and small head.

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  • MelissaC
    Master January 2015
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    For me it was love at first sight. That is what got me interested in him. I literally saw him and turned to my sister and said "I'm going to marry that guy." He matched all my looks criteria. Then I talked to him for about 10 minutes and checked off almost everything off my list of qualities that my perfect guy would have. The only ones I couldn't check off were ones that I'd have to learn with time: patience, kindness, understanding, and intelligence (he did seem very intelligent, though, but you can't really tell in 10 min). Then 7 months later when we re-met, he was still as hot as he was before, but this time I actually got to see his musical talent since we re-met at one of his shows. Our first date was the next weekend and I got to check off intelligence and kindness. He seemed patient and understanding enough. I was in love.

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  • Missy
    Master October 2017
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    It was an instant attraction. We met at work and as soon as we were introduced we started talking every day; it was one of those instant connections, like life long friends. There was intense physical and emotional chemistry. Things started to move really fast but that wasn't work well for J, since we were both very recently out of long term relationships and she felt like she needed some time to be alone. We "split up" for a few months... I was heartbroken (even though we had only been together for about a month), but I knew that she was different then any other person I had ever been with, because for the first time in my life, I TRULY cared more about someone else's happiness than my own (i.e at the time I felt like I would have stayed heartbroken forever if it meant she could find happiness). After those few months, she rang me up and asked me to give her a second chance. We have literally be inseparable ever since and we have never been happier.

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  • J + K
    Devoted June 2015
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    I saw his profile online ( and instantly noticed his dimples and amazing smile. Read more into his profile and realized he was exactly the type of guy I had been looking for. So, I took my time and wrote out the most well put together first message I've ever written. It worked. Our first date was a couple weeks later and we hit it off. A year and a half later he's still making my heart purr with every big dimple, beautiful smile.

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  • Annie & Javi
    Master October 2015
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    FH was my best friend for many, many years. Last year the day before Thanksgiving I was in a bad car accident and my then boyfriend showed up to the hospital eight hours later completely drunk, I made my father take him home and I didn't see or hear from him for five days, on that fifth day I received an edible arrangement with a note that said "Hope your feeling better. Miss you. Love you." and that was it. I ended that relationship ASAP. FH, on the other hand, freaked out when he found out about the accident (he found out approximately 10 hours after the accident), he yelled at my parents that neither one of them called him as soon as they found out, FH then showed up with not only my favorite frozen yogurt, but my brothers as well (showed me how well he knew not only me, but my family as well). FH also went out Black Friday shopping for me. We eventually started dating in February 2014 and he proposed in May. Everything happened quickly, but we feel it was just a 'sign'. Have to admit, I still get kind of weirded out thinking that I'm going to marry him considering we were best friends for so long, but I couldn't imagine being with anyone else!

    Basically, something clicked in my head that FH was simply amazing.

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  • Northern MN
    Master November 2014
    Northern MN ·
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    He was soooo pretty! But also a super gentleman that oozed care and thoughtfulness instantly. It was pretty much instant attraction.

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  • FutureMrsSmith
    Super April 2016
    FutureMrsSmith ·
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    We met online. I saw his profile and thought that he was way out of my league. He was gorgeous and had a great job and seemed like he really had his life together. I decided to take a chance and "wink" at him. He e-mailed me back and we started texting, two weeks later we had our first date. I knew about 10 minutes in that he was so different from any other man that I had ever been with. He's smart, funny, a total gentleman, caring, loving and just amazing to be around. We had so much in common and such similar interests, I knew that this was going to turn into something great. When we had our first kiss on our second date, I literally had to take a deep breath because it felt like he took the breath right out of me. I still get butterflies whenever I see him or just thinking about him or when I get those random sweet texts in the middle of the day. I know with 100% certainty that he is the man I am supposed to be with and he really is the man of my dreams Smiley smile

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  • Nancy Taussig
    Nancy Taussig ·
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    He has a weird sense of humor (like me). We were joking across a table in a restaurant at a mutual friend's b'day party. She finally asked him what he was looking for in a woman (there were several single women there). He said, "One who doesn't smoke and doesn't have kids." I raised my hand and said, "I qualify." He said, "OK, let's get married." I quickly snapped back, "OK!" Then we laughed and told the other people they'd get their invitations in the mail. We were just kidding. But, exactly one year later he took me back to the same restaurant to propose for real. In between, we saw each other almost daily (he figured if he kept me booked solid, I wouldn't have time for the other 3 guys I was dating). He squeezed them out of the running with the help of my roommate who stopped giving me messages from the other guys!

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  • Lori
    Master June 2015
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    He's super tall (6'6). I know it sounds superficial, but that's what made me notice him first. My friends had taken me out after a pretty rough breakup, and one of my friends asked me if I saw anyone I liked. I said "I'll take that one, please" and pointed at my (now) FH.

    45 minutes later we were making out in the middle of the bar.

    He was also a perfect gentleman--wouldn't let me come home with him that first night and asked for my phone number instead. And actually called the next day to ask me out on a real date. I was floored.

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  • FutureMrsChang
    VIP September 2015
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    We were both out on a Tuesday night at some bar. I was with my gfs and just kinda hanging out. His friend (now our best man!) started talking to my best friend (now a bm) and he just sat down and I pretended not to notice (yes I was a little snobby with guys because let's face it when you're out and they try hitting on you its annoying) he finally asked me if I liked baseball... Just out of nowhere! Lol. I looked at him and he smiled at me. I don't know why, but that smile made me feel like I was in grade school. We talked for a bit and then we started leaving and he walked me to my car and asked for my phone number- a week later we were at an Angel vs. Padre game and here we are!

    So, I guess it was his sense of humor that got my attention, but that smile and they way he carries himself I couldn't resist.

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