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Master February 2014

What was it that attracted you to your fiancee? or not

mrsrobinvalentine, on December 18, 2014 at 1:04 PM

Posted in Planning 82

Was it love at 1st sight? Was it simply physical? Did it take a while? Well for me, we met online & his profile was interesting. The physical attraction was there. However, when we met; we hit it off. But after a couple of conversations, I wasn't so sure. I felt that he wasn't "my type". So after...

Was it love at 1st sight? Was it simply physical? Did it take a while?

Well for me, we met online & his profile was interesting. The physical attraction was there. However, when we met; we hit it off. But after a couple of conversations, I wasn't so sure. I felt that he wasn't "my type". So after evaluating myself, I realized that "my type" wasn't working for me. So I took a leap of faith and gave the relationship a chance. I'm so happy & feel so blessed that I did. So what's your love story?


  • Kim8815
    Super August 2015
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    We were introduced 15 years ago by my cousin (who is married to FH sister). First impression was "ugh, he has a jeri curl!!!." Despite the hair, his personality and conversation were right. 15 years and 3 kids later, there's no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with.

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  • Mrs. V V
    Master June 2014
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    We worked together, he was one of the managers. We did NOT get along AT ALL. He was such a jerk. An aunt of mine was really sick and I kind of lost it at work, he showed me a whole different side and was really compassionate. We started talking and it all changed from there.

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  • Cheri
    VIP September 2015
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    What attracted me was his eyes and the way he looked at me. It was like I was on the only woman in the restaurant every time we were together. Plus he was such a gentlemen he would open the doors for me, kiss my hand, help me with my jacket. He was just my perfect match.

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  • MrsE
    VIP August 2014
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    He wasn't my typical type but I knew there was something different about him and I just couldn't resist. We met as freshmen in college, became FWB and then officially became a couple a few months later. For me it was love at first sight. He was the first guy I had to pursue, and let me tell you it was worth the risk because now we're happily married forever.

    In the first picture you can just see how awkward we were and how much I obviously liked him but he couldn't even put his arm around me. lol

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  • KarenM
    Master November 2014
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    Love at first sight. 1984 - he plopped his ass down while I was filling out a waitressing application at the restaurant where he worked. Two weeks later, he walked me home from work and kissed me good night. Two years later, after lots of fun, but also lots of heartbreak, I finally broke up with him and moved home. 26 years later, I found his brother on Link'din. It turns out DH was single and living across the country. I was single as well and we talked for the first time as though we had never missed a beat. I fell in love with him all over again in that very first phone call. We talked until dawn and there hasn't been a day since then that I haven't spoken to him. He moved to the east coast 10 months after our first call, and we were engaged 8 months after that. Finally married last month. Sometimes slow work takes time...but it was all worth it in the end.

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  • OGmelanie
    VIP July 2015
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    We met at work. It was definitely love at first sight, and I was even dating someone else at the time. A few weeks in he made this stupid joke about stuffing Chinese food in his pocket. I don't even remember the whole thing now or even why it was so funny, I just remember that no one had ever made me laugh like that before. Our first date was so awkward, so I don't really count it, but by the time we had our second date I knew I was going to marry him.


    @Karen- Your story is amazing. You literally brought a tear to my eye! So happy for you two. Smiley smile

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  • HeavenlyBride
    Super October 2015
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    He was just so charismatic and an alpha male. And he was very persistent Smiley smile

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  • Munkos
    VIP September 2014
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    Oh gosh. Hah.

    It was all physical, and fueled by alcohol. He was supposed to be a one night stand, my one and only. And like wise me for him. I though he was insanely cute and things just progressed all night. He was apparently flirting with me off the get go, but I was totally oblivious because he was very subtle.

    The next morning he asked for my phone #, I assumed to be nice. I gave it to him, thinking he'd never call. He called me the next day and we talked for hours. A day after that he invited me to hang out with him at his place (an hour away from where I lived.) I went and didn't go home for 4 days, and that was only for more clothes and supplies!

    At that point we were both at a fork in the road. He had put in his notice at his job, and was preparing to move across country. I was just 18 and my dad (and only parent) had just passed and I was mid moving, too. Neither of us were looking for anything and we both agreed we would just ride it out until it ran its course, or it came time for one of us to leave. We had no intentions of it ever turning serious. After spending literally 24/7 together for a month, he told me he wanted to stay and move in with me. So we did! I knew within the first week that I didn't want to let him go across the country, and I think he did too. It will be 10 years for us in March Smiley smile

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  • Chasity
    VIP June 2015
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    FH and I were "reunited" when we started working together (we went to school together 2-5 grade). We were just really good friends, we worked the same shifts together and we were constantly getting in 'trouble' for goofing off with a few other employees our age, but then no one actually cared because we were the best crew members at the time. We were both in and out of relationships and flings, and we were each others rant about so and so buddy.At first I didn't see him as more than a friend then slowly found myself getting irratable about random girls hanging on him or his on again off again gf breaking up with him for stupid reasons. I finally admitted that I liked him and told a friend/manager. Then we went on our first date after talking to eachother until 3am for days and that's all she wrote. Smiley smile

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  • Tania Lynn
    Super July 2015
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    In 2000, we were part of a group of friends that talked on a message board. Although he and I only superficially knew each other, I didn't even know his real name only his screen name, we never talked about our lives. But I thought he was very intelligent and had an incredible sense of humor and personality. I ended up dating someone else from the message board and FH had made plans to come to Chicago to hang out with us for the weekend. My ex had to work so I reluctantly agreed to pick FH up from the airport and babysit him until my ex got off work and could join up with us. I had no idea what to expect and since I didn't know what he looked like, who I was meeting. (Super solid planning on my part!) So as I'm frantically looking at every guy to see if it could be him, panicked that somehow I missed him, I suddenly hear my name and crazily whip around to come very closely face to face with FH. I will never ever ever forget that moment. I locked eyes with his ice blue ones (still my fav of his physical features) and it was like a RomCom cliche. My breath got knocked out of me, the rest of the world ceased to exist and I remember looking at his cocky grin thinking, "oh shit! This can't be happening!" Hanging out with him that night was the best time I ever had and we were like magnets the whole weekend, the attraction crazy obvious but we didn't act on it at all cause I was dating his friend. He went back to Colorado and I found out I was pregnant from my ex a couple weeks later.

    Fast forward a decade, FH and I had stayed in contact over the years as friends and were still insanely attracted to each other but never got our timing straight and neither one of us wanted the headache of a multi-state relationship. Out of the blue after three years of not a word spoken between us, he calls me, tells me he had a major health scare that made him think over his life and he realized his one major regret up til that point was that he didn't fight hard enough to be with me. As I'm floored, he tells me he loves me and no matter how we need to make it happen, we just have to be together. And now three years later, we live together, raise my kids, we are getting married and happier than we ever thought possible.

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  • Kemmie
    VIP May 2015
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    We met on facebook haha, no he wasn't my type personality wise (quieter than the usual) but I always thought he was cute and had his life together. What really attracted me to him was how incredibly sweet he was and how fast he took to me. I was seeing two guys casually when we first initiated contact and he was just 100x better than either of them so we just went for it. He bought a ticket to come see me after 3 weeks of talking. How can a girl turn down a guy willing to cross the Atlantic for you?

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  • KarenM
    Master November 2014
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    Aww. Melanie - thank you.

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  • mrsrobinvalentine
    Master February 2014
    mrsrobinvalentine ·
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    I just love reading all of these wonderful love stories here. Some are love at 1st sight, some are lost & found again and some are I will give him a shot but not my type. At the end of the day, we all found our true loves & that's amazing. thanx for sharing. congrats to you all!

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  • Kelly
    Expert March 2015
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    The start of our love story isnt a romantic story... lol I was young and trying to annoy a friend and I didn't even care for him lol... but here we are 13 years later... He annoyed me then (and he does now lol) but I couldn't imagine life without him

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  • Now I'm Mrs. L
    VIP April 2015
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    For me it took a couple of months. I met him in a gas station, and started talking to him because I thought he was someone else. I even called him by the wrong name. He was a friend of a friend and started coming to m house a lot with this mutual friend. One day he called me to hang out alone, and seven years later, here we are.

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  • FutureMrsPrada
    VIP April 2015
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    My FH actually approached me, not even knowing me! I had a broken foot and had a pretty crappy face on because of the pain/crutches/hunger lol, so FH approached me with the cutest smile I have EVER seen, and asked me "soooo what really happened to your foot??" I've never been so speechless talking to a guy. So the moment my eyes met his I had this crazy feeling like "omg! This is the guy I'm going to marry!!" Its the weirdest feeling I still can't explain til this day (same goes to him). We stayed til 5a in the morning just talking, and well fast forward to today, well IM MARRYING HIM. Lol

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  • AlmostMrsMcLain
    Devoted June 2015
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    @ShelbyH, that sounds like us!!! we met at work, and his confidence came out to me as arrogance and cockiness. He asked me for drinks after work one night (literally our first words to each other ) and I looked him up and down, said "uh, no." and walked away. Haha. LUCKILY, he didnt take that as a total diss!! We then connected through one of those flirty apps (Skout, if anyone has heard of it (also, OMG, this story is sooo cheesy and I'll have to tell it to our children some day, ahhh)) that pretty much our entire workgroup was on due to boredom, and talked for a month over text before going out together. All while working about 15 feet from each other! After that first night out, he came to my apartment and built a cat shelf for me, haha. And we were both hooked from there! We were together about 2.5 years before he proposed this past August, and bought our first home together this past May (with the cats). I'm so glad we met the way we did, even through that silly app. If we hadnt talked for so long, just us, then who knows where we'd be! I literally CAN'T WAIT to marry this man!

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  • Lisa
    Expert September 2015
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    For me it wasn't love at first sight. I actually knew him for about 9-10 years before we started dating. He is not what my type used to be. I moved away for school and when I moved back most of my friends had left the area for work (we live in an area where the employment rate is not great). We started talking and hanging out and I hadn't even really considered a relationship with him other than friendship. He asked me out on a date I figured why not give it a shot and we have been together even since. I am very happy he decided to ask me out! I got to see a different side of him that not too many people see and I was hooked.

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  • Jenn B
    Master September 2015
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    We also met online. After a year of going on bad dates from dating websites- I had almost given up on the whole thing. I had signed in to delete my account, when a message came through from him. Turns out - we had gone to the same college (rather small, so i'm surprised we didn't know one another) and lived only minutes from eachother. We met for drinks two nights later- and haven't looked back since. While I thought he was handsome in his pics- as soon as he smiled at me that night we met, I knew he was going to be different. Honestly? His manners were probably the most attractive thing. I had never met someone who was so thoughtful. Two years later, those same traits still blow me away.

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  • DeniseD
    Master May 2015
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    Met online but it's his hazel eyes that I'm gaga over...and he knows it.

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