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Super September 2012

What's the worst wedding YOU'VE ever been to?

Sara, on May 4, 2012 at 11:24 AM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 72

I am jut curious, as anyone ever been to a wedding that was just terrible? What made it so bad? What are the details that matter? I've been to one supremley, amazingly awful wedding. From start to finish, they brige & groom made every wrong decision. From having it out of town "on the fly" when they...

I am jut curious, as anyone ever been to a wedding that was just terrible? What made it so bad? What are the details that matter? I've been to one supremley, amazingly awful wedding. From start to finish, they brige & groom made every wrong decision. From having it out of town "on the fly" when they couldn't afford it, to not providing seats for their guests during the ceremony to not even purchasing a soda/coffee/tea package during their reception- making a cash bar for even a soda, to having it at possibly the nastiest hotel/banquet reception I've ever been in with inedible food to boot... like I said, it was terrible from top to bottom. Yikes! And the worst thing is that the bride and groom seemed to 1st not care about their guests experience at all and 2nd not even realize that it was the only wedding they would ever get~ their impatience to "just get married" ruined their wedding day. They should have either eloped or waited and saved $ up to have a proper wedding.


  • Mrs. S™
    Master October 2011
    Mrs. S™ ·
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    The one that had an outdoor ceremony in a 110 degree weather. It was about 30 minutes late. We always get to the wedding about 30 minutes early. That left us sitting outside for an hour, with DH in a suit. It was beyond awful.

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  • Aubrey
    Dedicated September 2012
    Aubrey ·
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    My friends wedding now looking back at it was terrible.

    *We were 150 people crammed into a small space with long tables and chairs. You couldn't even get into your chair without pushing the table behind you back at least 3 inches.

    * The DJ was amazing, but sad part was that he was also the groom. the dance floor was a 20x20 small portion in front of this tiny room.

    * We were not aware that this was a cash bar, she made us believe it was an open bad. The bar was attached to a real operating fully packed bar. Clearly it was a cash bar because the patrons going to get their drink on would have taken advantage of the wedding's open bar.

    *Since the venue wasn't a closed event you had people thinking this was a fish fry and going in and eating the greasy stale food that was provided. I was only able to get a small chicken wing, and half a spoon full of baked beans.

    *They did a money dance and did not let anyone know they planned on doing this.

    *There was no AC and it was in July.

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  • Sara
    Super September 2012
    Sara ·
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    Yikes to all.... there should be a list all potential brides get like-"Avoid these at all costs, the brides manual to host a fun/good/enjoyable wedding" Smiley smile

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  • Kathleen
    Master August 2012
    Kathleen ·
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    I've never been to a truly horrible wedding, but I have been to one that I want to make sure mine will NOT be like. The ceremony was fine, but the reception was utterly boring. There was no alcohol, no dancing, no music (not even background music), not enough food for everyone, the food wasn't good, and we had to wait in line while 300 people tried to go through the buffet. Now you don't necessarily need alcohol or dancing, but there wasn't anything to replace it with like a photobooth, games, etc. The bride and groom didn't even go around and talk to anyone. People literally started leaving after 15 minutes.

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  • B
    Expert July 2013
    BethBlue1115 ·
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    The worst - at an indoor tennis court, in August, the day after a major storm, where the power only came back on 30 minutes before the wedding started. They only had two little fans in the corner, no a/c. Food was cold-cuts and other finger foods, which in itself would not have been an issue, but all the food including the sandwich fixings (like mayo) had been sitting in small coolers for almost an entire day with very little ice due to the lack of power, and then when the food was brought out, it sat in the heat for hours (with no ice) as people kept picking at it. I'm surprised everyone at the wedding did not get sick. There were very little decorations and the music was horrible. The worst part might have been the other guests - a large number were in SWEAT PANTS (one person was in pajama pants)!! The entire bridal party was dressed VERY formally; this was not a casual wedding. And even if it was a casual wedding, I do not think sweat pants are EVER appropriate at a wedding!

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  • vngb
    Super October 2010
    vngb ·
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    These experiences don't come just from one wedding, but over the years here's my list of bad things to do.

    1) I was a BM, and the bride finally told us what dressed to get just 1 month before the wedding. No time for alterations. I was also the only one (including the bride) to get their hair done. Everyone else put on wigs, extensions, and other such things.

    2) During the ceremony the officiant started talking to the groom saying "...and remember to be careful with those handcuffs!..." This was followed by loud whispers of "He's a police officer! He's a POLICE OFFICER!!!!!"

    3) The officiant says, in the style of Blues Clues, "Now...there's one thing left to do in the ceremony. What could that be? Do you have any ideas?? Yes, that's right, the kiss! He needs to kiss the bride! You may now kiss the bride."

    4) The cocktail hour lasted 3 hours before the bridal party even arrived at the reception, at which point we had the dances and toasts and blessings...(cont'd)

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  • vngb
    Super October 2010
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    (cont'd) finally ate around 9pm. Cake wasn't served until 1am.

    5) The bouquet toss hand to be re-done because the photographer was too busy chatting with someone to take a picture.

    6) The DJ was the groom's cousin, who was "trying to get experience"...

    7) The DJ spent more time dancing than DJing.

    8) The venue staff started cleaning up before the reception was even over so they could get a head start on setting up for the next wedding.

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  • vngb
    Super October 2010
    vngb ·
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    Oh, also forgot:

    9) Half the guests showed up in ratty jeans/tshirts and sneakers!!

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  • That one chick who's married to that one dude
    Master April 2012
    That one chick who's married to that one dude ·
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    Mines was my cousin's wedding that I had to be a hostess in. She originally kicked me out of the wedding because she declined the attire I had for it. Basically my breast was showing a little and sadly, unless it's a t-shirt type dress, my boobs will always show and I offered to wear a jacket or shawl and she declined and kicked me out. She called 3 weeks before her wedding begging me to be a hostess because everyone else dropped out. Needless to say, I had to run and find a matching shawl or jacket in 3 weeks which at the time, my money was tight. She ended added 2 other girls who refused to their job so I was the only one managing the door and telling them which side to sit on (which is what she told me to do). The church was a small church (holds about maybe 50-75 people comfortably) and it was packed from back to front (about 100 people showed up). (cont)

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  • HoundMama
    VIP May 2013
    HoundMama ·
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    I've been to several horror stories but this one takes the cake:

    1. Got married in a field nobody bothers to trim (or pick up cow poop).

    2. Lawn chairs propped up the tree that was behind the officiant in a tent shape like it was supposed to be an archway or something.

    3. Seating was lawn chairs and coolers.

    4.Bridesmaids wore white t-shirts and black tight miniskirts (they looked like waitresses).

    5. There was no music except pre-recorded and it was on TAPE and they couldn't find the song before the wedding party walked down, so you could here, "click - SQUEEEEEEE - click - *blurb of the song* - click - SQUEEEEEEE"

    ON TOP OF THAT the part of the song wasn't long enough so they had to stop the TAPE rewind (click - SQUUEEEEEE - click) and play part of the song again while the bride was walking down the aisle.

    6. Hearing the guests popping open cans of beer during the exchange of vows.


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  • That one chick who's married to that one dude
    Master April 2012
    That one chick who's married to that one dude ·
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    She didn't coordinate anyone to manage the doors during the ceremony so people were finding seats and walking down the aisle with the wedding party. The hall was in the back and the tables and chairs were so close together, that you couldn't even sit down without bumping into the person behind you. There wasn't a real DJ managing anything so there were periods of time there was just no music. The food ran out very quickly. There was barely enough to go around for everyone. A lot of people got tired of trying to sit so they stood up in the back to avoid being crammed. Needless to say, I left early.

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  • Kimi K
    Master February 2012
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    I've been to a fair share of terribly planned weddings but this one is by far the worst I've ever attended.

    The bride HAD to have a winter wedding even though they lived in the mountains which got snow from late fall - early spring & 80% of their wedding guests came from out of town.

    The bride demanded that the groomsmen’s girlfriends/wives go to the reception hall and help decorate while they had their rehearsal at the church. She was caught saying “Don’t think you’re eating for free without helping!” I had just worked a 16 hour shift, drove for 10 hours to get there. There was no way in hell I was doing someone’s decorating. Oh, and I had never met her before in my life. They invited all guests to the rehearsal (which was very nice) and the Bride made a huge production over the bridal party gifts. While the bridesmaids were opening their small bags they slowly pulled out thongs and the bride then told them she wanted to be sure they had as much fun as she would have on her wedding night & she openly admitted to setting her maids up with the groomsmen so they could be each other's dates for the night. (all the groomsmen were either married, engaged, or had serious girlfriends)

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  • Kimi K
    Master February 2012
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    THE WEDDING DAY: There was a huge snow storm. Accidents everywhere & we literally risked our lives to make it to the ceremony. The hotel was advising everyone that the local police station (small town) didn’t want anyone leaving their house unless it was an emergency. The church was an hour away from the hotel and the reception was 2 hours away further into the mountains. A few guests got into terrible wrecks. The power went out at the reception hall so it was freezing. When the bridal party arrived the Bride stormed into the hall in tears because “it was the worst day ever” and all her guests didn’t show up like they said they would. The entire bridal party sat together at a table & I was getting the evil eye from a bridesmaid for the entire night. This same lovely bridesmaid shoved me into a wall in the restroom. I later found out the bride told this girl “her” groomsmen (my now DH) was single (lie). When my DH informed her to back off – she made my night hell. The food was terrible; there was 0 alcohol except for the 20 bottles reserved for the bridal party. Guests had an option of drinking water, tea or pepsi. The DJ played awful music so there was 0 dancing & the bride bitched and complained the entire night to everyone. But wait! It gets better! Instead of thanking everyone for making it out she took the time to count the gifts and try to figure out what each one had inside.

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  • Amanda
    Master July 2012
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    The bad wedding I went could have been much worse, but it was still pretty bad. First off, there wasn't any more room in the church, so my guest and I had to stand in the hallway to listen. We couldn't see or hear anything. Then the reception was at a dark, musty, and smoky VFW hall. I am not saying there is anything wrong with a VFW, but this place was plain out gross. There was nothing I could eat (I eat vegan the majority of the time, but will eat just vegetarian if I have to) because everything had meat in it. The green beans, the baked beans, everything. Even the salad had bacon in it. They ran out of cake, so only half the guests got a slice. They didn't have a DJ, just a CD player. The whole room was so cramped that you couldn't even get out of your chair. We ended up leaving right after dinner.

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  • Kimi K
    Master February 2012
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    Second worse runner up: The ceremony was late because the bride and her friends were taking pictures to post on FB. There was 0 parking for guests. The church was in a tiny neighborhood who had put up make-shift NO PARKING signs. Over 300 guests were attending so people either went back to the hotel or walked up to a mile just to get to the church. The cocktail hour was 2 hours long. 2 Cheese & Cracker plates, and a fruit tray lasted no longer than 30 minutes. Everyone was starving. When we were finally allowed into the ballroom we all found out seats and then listened to 3 hours worth of toasts, speeches & "dedication" songs. Still no dinner. Everyone had attacked the candy buffet because of how little food there was so the photographer never got pictures of it. Dinner was finally served a little after 10:30pm. After 3 "first dances" from the bride and groom the dance floor was open for guests for the last hour of the night. It was a LONG night and most guests ended up leaving early.

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  • justine
    Super July 2013
    justine ·
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    O jeez! I wish I could talk about the one wedding I’ve been to that I liked

    It as bad as some of the weddings you guys explained…but for what she paid for her wedding I can tell you I could have planned a wedding for a queen. I also want to say I love this girl with all my heart! His sister is such an amazing girl. But here is my list

    1. It started with the jack/jill stag… I no some girls like them. I don’t… my personal opinion is, go out with your girlfriends have fun dance. Doing it together is a head ache, you don’t want to see your FH talking to the bartending with fake DD boobs whether he is flirty or not, a girl gets jealous and it leads to THE WORST NIGHT EVER!

    2. There weren’t any ceremony decorations, not a flower, chair sash, aisle decorations…plastic chairs. What ever it was fine

    3. The officiate made jokes from wearing big glasses to the vows being “I promise to give you control of the remote” – I get it fit there personalities, but I just thought it was inappropriate

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  • justine
    Super July 2013
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    5. There wasn’t a cocktail hour… I mean I went back to our hotel room with some other guests and drank for THREE hours while they got pictures. So I had not eaten at all that day, did not no ANY of the other guests ( his family where with the picture), so me and the 6 pack of cooler I had to purchase myself became close friends – I mean I just paid 300 in gas to get here, bought you a 300 gift and im spending 750 on a hotel for two nights and you couldn’t do a fricken cocktail hour and give me some food?

    6. The wedding was in an extremely over priced hotel in the middle of no where Saskatchewan, the rooms where extremely expensive and we were told we had to be there for 3 nights (because my FH was in the wedding party) and it was the only place to stay…sooo ok

    that is all.

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  • Carole M (a.k.a "old tart")
    Master October 2011
    Carole M (a.k.a "old tart") ·
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    I have had two bad wedding experiences and both required me to go OOT for it. My family/friends judge weddings based on what we throw for a first wedding, which is a typical northeast Big Fat(insert your heritage here) Wedding, with tons of booze, food, desserts and music/dancing.

    Wedding one was my male cousins wedding. They live in VA Beach. They were married on the chapel at Norfolk's Naval Base. It was a lovely ceremony. My cousin's wife's dress was, at that point(1985), the most elaborate I had ever seen. We drove an hour to another base, which wasn't a big deal because we are accustomed to drives. However, when we arrived, they only served limited appies, iced tea and squirt your own keg of beer. Seriously, when the finger food trays emptied, it took a while before catering refilled them. They did have a DJ, but he sucked. We left starved and hit the local bar/restaurant.

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  • Tyra
    Expert December 2012
    Tyra ·
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    I was in a wedding where the month before the bride sent out an email and that said: "FH and I decided we wanted to take a month long honeymoon. So now the reception is at Olive Garden. We will NOT be paying for anyone's dinner."

    Her gift to the bridal party was $10 OG gift cards. With a not that said we wanted to pay for you and your guest's meals. (WTH?)

    Also, the groom's grandfather got a phone call during the ceremony and preceded to answer the call and have a conversation.

    The ceremony started an hour late.

    And she only sent invites to half the people and asked us to add other people on our invite so she could get more gifts.

    Never got a thank you for anything. (wedding gift, shower gift, or helping)

    Thy didn't have a reservation at OG for the 50 guest that came.

    She tossed the bouquet in the parking lot of the OG.

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  • Mrs. Kucharski
    Savvy May 2011
    Mrs. Kucharski ·
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    This wedding was horrible

    - First the rehearsal for the wedding was 15 mins before the ceremony the guest were coming in to be seated.

    -The space for the ceremony was to small for the size of the bridal party.

    -Pictures took forever and a lifetime outside and it was freezing cold out on April 1st.

    -Then you came inside and nobody knew where to seat.

    -The food was horrible

    -The bride and groom took about an hour to two hour meeting and greeting with no type of entertainment for the guess.

    -The did the cutting of the cake with their backs to the guest.

    -They had no organization for the wedding stuff first dance Ect.

    -Most of the guess left shortly after dinner

    This is a wedding I wished I had missed.

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