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Expert July 2012

Who Had The Lamest Engagement!?

Alyssa, on September 12, 2011 at 3:47 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 80

So here it is! I love my FH to death but let be honest... our engagement was not a sweep me off my feet blockbuster movie engagement! lol I know I am not the only one who had a low key engagement! lets hear your stories ladies! My FH and I were camping when he proposed, and although he has always...

So here it is! I love my FH to death but let be honest... our engagement was not a sweep me off my feet blockbuster movie engagement! lol I know I am not the only one who had a low key engagement! lets hear your stories ladies!

My FH and I were camping when he proposed, and although he has always been a hopeless romantic..(leaving rose peddles on the bed for our 3 years dating anniversary) I was expecting some sort of hot sexy romantic engagement... boy was I wrong! he grabbed a piece of the carpet from the ratty old carpet falling apart outside our RV and tied the ring to the A/C vent... I walked by it twice before I even noticed it... I was caught of gaurd alright!


  • keira
    Super January 2012
    keira ·
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    Ok so FH proposed to me on our 4th year anniversary. That all sounds really nice! I had organized a weekend away for our anniversary and as soon as we got to our room he started complaining! I had full blown flu but was trying to put a brave face on it all! I felt like Poo! Bright red, fever, sweating, running nose, running eyes you name it. We finally got ready to out for dinner and he kept saying "pick somewhere you like – we’ll eat what you want" but FH is a fussy buggar so I picked what I knew he would like and I couldn’t taste anything so it didn’t make a difference. So we are eating and FH is silent. I actually said – if you don’t sort out your mood I’m driving home tonight! He looked hurt then got down on one knee with my ring in the restaurant! I was shocked! Turned out his mood was because he was nervous and building himself up! I have a photo take just after the proposal but can’t show anyone as I look soo bad! Not the best but funny! I wont forget it in a hurry!

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  • Melissa
    Expert May 2012
    Melissa ·
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    I am seriously rolling laughing over here! Y'alls stories are hilarious yet adorable!

    I had a guy propose after only going out on 2 dates! I said you can not be serious, he said he was. That we wasnt getting any younger, I was 26!!!! Of course he got a big NO and never saw him again lol

    FH's proposal was so sweet Smiley winking

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  • Brittany
    Expert May 2017
    Brittany ·
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    Mine is simi sweet.. bless his heart he didnt know what to do. he was so nervous he had my dad help. it was a week after my 17th birthday. and i was sick i had been sick for 2 weeks at that point in time. my dad asked me if i was up to going out and i said Oh my GOD YES and i chose where we went... a run downgreasy burger place called the Becon. When we got home my mom"forgot" milk and sent us out and my dad was "fixing" the dvd player. when we came back as soon as we walked throught the door our song came on. i started to get hot so i stood up to take my hoodie i was taking m hoodie off i happend to look down with it still on my head. and their he is crying with a ring box in his hand. and i got on the floor with him let him put it on cried and looked over and my momma and daddy are crying!

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  • keira
    Super January 2012
    keira ·
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    Haha I just remembered i snatched the ring away from FH and just put it on! he still gets anoid he didnt get to do it properly and put it on my finger himself! Just when we were walking home he said i needed to ring my Dad - who lives in Cypres while we live in Austraila and let him know my answer! FH had actually asked my dad for his permission! bless him! I used a payphone on the way back to the hotel and said thank you to my dad for giving his permission, dad asked if i said yes when my money ran out!! I had no reception on my phone so dad had to wait antoher 3 days before i could tell him i had said yes! Smiley smile

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  • LeeLeeNoelle
    Beginner June 2012
    LeeLeeNoelle ·
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    Hi!! I have been "lurking" for awhile and this si the perfect time to finally post.

    My FH and I had been talking about marriage for awhile, but he had fears because of the marriages he had seen fail in the past. We kept talking about June 2012 but I gave up thinking he would never "officially" ask me. One night I was laying in bed when he got out of the shower laid down on the bed next to me and said "Baby do you want to marry me in June of next year" I think I started laughing thinking it was a joke. he said no it was not a joke. So we went and picked out my ring that weekend and started telling our families. A week later on a Monday he picked up my ring from the store and decided to cook me dinner and make giving me my ring special. I got home from work told him I really was not in the mood for chicken. He got SOOOOO upset that I did not want to eat dinner, I thought he had lost his mind. Well come to find out my ring was in his pocket. So i ruined his attempt at it being special.

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  • VIP August 2020
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    Hahaha- Lamest??? How bout not even remembered?!?!?! It ORIGINALLY happened on April 24th, 2010. It was a few days after my FH's 21st birthday and I threw him a HUGE birthday party. It was awesome- and then of course we were heading to Atlantic City for the night- because around here- no one turns 21 and doesn't go to AC. Well since it was FH's birthday- i had told him that he could drink at his party and I would stay sober till be got to the hotel. Unfortunately for him- his sister bought blueberry vodka- and shared- with me- so needless to say- by about half way through the party- i was TRASHED!! Beyond trashed...... I don't handle vodka well because I can drink it all day and not feel a thing till i stop. I stopped- thinking I had to drive- and that just made it worse. THEN- at some point in the evening- FH proposed- and i don't remember it at all- not even a little bit. I obviously said yes- but all i remember is walking outside to the bar- and seeing something sparkly CON

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  • VIP August 2020
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    On my hand and going "Oh shit! Is that my left hand?! AHHHHHH I'm engaged!!!!!" I was clearly excited because according to everyone that's all I kept saying- all night- for the rest of the party. Needless to say- FH drove to AC- as to the fact that he was totally and completely sober- poor thing- haha and then I didn't have the heart to tell him that I had no recollection of the "special moment" for a few months. But when I did tell him- instead of getting all bent out of shape and angry- he offered to take my ring to get it cleaned and then "re-proposed" that's why i love him.. he thinks of things like that.

    So that's our story- now that I sound like a raging alcoholic..... lol

    That is most def. better than the "proposal" i got from my ex husband. That went more like "Shit. You're pregnant- guess we should get married, huh?" "Yup- i guess" Now that's lame....

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  • kscha925
    Super May 2014
    kscha925 ·
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    @keira g....I think I did that too! I think I snatched my ring out of the box, and just put it on. I'm not sure if it's more sad that I snatched the ring, or can't remember if I did it or not..haha ugh.

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  • Tylar
    Devoted October 2011
    Tylar ·
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    @ Carol that is funny. Fh and I laughed out loud at that one.

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  • MrsD2011
    Master October 2011
    MrsD2011 ·
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    Funny stories! I broke up with a guy right before Thanksgiving break ... we had been dating for about 1.5 years I guess a couple years later I found out he had been looking at engagement rings and I honestly had no desire to say yes to him to begin with ... here I was ready to break up with him and he was looking to propose, obviously we broke up and I definitly do NOT regret it one bit ... I love FS and his proposal was absolutely perfect Smiley smile

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  • Jennifer
    Super November 2012
    Jennifer ·
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    I didn't get much of a proposal. I had woken up from a weird dream and was telling him about it. In my dream we had decided to get married for tax purposes lol. Now, FH had a really really bad first marriage and has been gun shy ever since, so getting married was the furthest thing from his mind forever. So, as I am telling him my dream and we are both laughing I say to him, "So, do you at least wanna get married for a tax break? " He said " Yeah, we could prolly do that."

    I immediately stopped laughing and said thats not funny. You can't joke about a yes! He said I'm not joking and yes I'm awake and know what we are talking about. It took me a couple of days to and him reassuring me that yes, we were in fact finally engaged. He took me to buy a ring then asked my dad for permission. Then he started telling EVERYONE!! So...dreams do come true lol

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  • Stephanie ♥
    VIP September 2012
    Stephanie ♥ ·
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    My FH & I were in Vegas for some "Mark&Stephanie" time, just us, nobody else. The first night he told me to dress up because he wanted to take me out to nice dinner. So, we're both ready & just as we're about to leave, he's like, "Wait, I need to do something." In the hotel room still, he pulls the ring out of his pocket, gets on one knee, & asks me to marry him. I cry, I say yes, all that good stuff. It turns out, he wanted to propose at dinner, but got nervous. I still love him & that little side note at the end makes the story even cuter ;]

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  • Rebecca
    VIP December 2011
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    Some of these stories are great! I was wondering who else this happened to!!! I gave him a gift for our anniversary last year (a Nook) , and he asked me to marry him right after. We laughed because it was basically like "hey, thanks for the gift, I didn't get anything for you, but will you marry me??"

    He did take me out to dinner that night to celebrate which was really nice, and we did take the day off to be together. Looking back, it was a great day....I even talked to my Mom about it and she said in his defense that he's given me so much love and devotion and is an amazing person. He's just not that romantic...I accept that and adore him. He may not have that many tricks in his bag....but the man fills up my gas tank, cleans the ice and snow from my car, holds me when I'm sad among many other things.....I think we have a great thing goingSmiley smile

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  • Andrea
    VIP May 2012
    Andrea ·
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    I love reading these stories! They make me laugh & smile and feel a bit better about my own story! lol

    So I kinda ruined the proposal. I mean it wasn't bad, but it could have been romantic (like I would never had expected from FH so I guess it's better how it turned out cuz it's more him lol). We were on vacation in New Orleans and the second day we were there he kept taking me out to eat and suggesting we do things like take a horse drawn carriage ride (mind you I literally gave up on him ever proposing to me the day before so I thought he was just being sweet) and I was all "no, no, that's too expensive." Well we got back to our B&B for the night and hopped in the hot tub and he poured me a glass of wine and out of nowhere he pulled out a ring box! He likes to tell people I freaked him out because I didn't answer right away lol I was shocked!! But he told me he was going to do it while we were out to eat but I kept getting things to eat like muffalettas and...

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  • Andrea
    VIP May 2012
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    ...he didn't want to propose to me while eating a big greasy sandwich Smiley winking lol I found out he had the ring for a week!! I'm very suprised he didn't propose sooner because he is very bad at waiting for anything lol

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  • Jennifer
    Super November 2011
    Jennifer ·
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    We were out to lunch with my 8 yr old son (FH is the only dad my son has ever known and has helped raise him) and my FH looked at me while I was eating some bread from the bread basket and said "You know we are going to get married someday." And I said "Yeah, probably, if you ever propose." And he said "I don't need to propose, you will say yes, so lets just get it over with." He said this with a gorgeous smile on his face. Such a romantic, haha, not! I laughed my ass off, and said "Well, then NO." And kept eating. And then after eating, he pulled the ring out and said "Marry me......(long pause) please." All while wearing that breathtaking smile of his. I was SHOCKED! But quickly said yes. And my son high fived FH, and I put my ring on. When we got outside the restaurant, FH tried to kiss me, but my son yelled "Family HUG" and jumped on us, haha! It was perfect... for us. Smiley laugh

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  • Cyndi K
    Master August 2012
    Cyndi K ·
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    I don't think mine was "lame" it was just an "oops". I knew he had the ring in the safe but I promised I'd leave it alone because he wanted to do something special. After a little over a month I walked into our bedroom one morning while he was getting the ring out and ruined the surprise proposal by running up to him and saying "really today is the day???" He gave in and slipped it on my finger. I wouldn't have it any other way, it's not about how the proposal goes it's about the love you have for eachother.

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  • MekMek
    Master June 2012
    MekMek ·
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    Mine was the absolutely horrible!

    We were attending a friend’s destination wedding in which he was a groomsman. He had arrived a day before me and turned our hotel room into a Tiffany's Wonderland. There were Tiffany's boxes everywhere. Thinking I was just getting an I'm sorry gift (from previous heated argument) I started opening boxes like crazy only to be disappointed to find them all empty. Stunned I turned to him and he was down on one knee. I started to cry and could hardly get my YES out. Here where it all went wrong. I wanted to scream and share my news with the world not to mention show off my ring but it was my first time meeting many of his undergrad friends including the bride. I couldn’t even wear my ring that entire weekend for the fear that I would take the attention away from the bride.

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  • Stacy
    VIP October 2011
    Stacy ·
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    Not lame but still wanted to share. I just cut and paste it from our wedding website, which is why it reads Stacy and Russ instead of me/I.

    It was around noon and Stacy decided she was finally going to shower and get dressed and ready for the day. She headed upstairs to the shower and Russ followed her but he was acting weird. She didn’t think anything of it and went to shower. Little did she know that Russ was getting himself and Dakota (Stacy’s dog) ready for the proposal. As she was shutting off the water Russ came into the bathroom and told her that Dakota had a lump on his neck. She quickly responded saying that Dakota always has a lump on his neck; she then quickly retracted her comment saying that Dakota is too young for lumps. Stacy quickly grabbed a towel and ran out to see Dakota to make sure he was ok.

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  • Stacy
    VIP October 2011
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    Stacy found Dakota lying on the bed and went to look at his neck; thankfully he didn’t have a lump on his neck. However there was a ring hanging from his collar. Stacy turned around and saw Russ on his knee trying to propose to her, but Stacy being Stacy couldn’t believe what was going on and used a few choice words to express her disbelief about what was happening. (At this time Dakota must have had enough of it because he jumped off the bed and went into the other room.) Once he got her to shut up Russ said a bunch of sweet stuff and asked her to marry him and of course she said YES! Then Russ suggested that they go and get Dakota and retrieve the ring from his collar.

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