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Master April 2015

Worst Wedding Story?

Silan, on May 18, 2014 at 8:12 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 63

What's the worst wedding story you've heard from a friend or experienced yourself? I have a friend who had an outdoor wedding, no rain plan, and it poured. She was also sick with the flu and got her period that morning. But she was super positive throughout it all. I also heard of a friend who was a...

What's the worst wedding story you've heard from a friend or experienced yourself?

I have a friend who had an outdoor wedding, no rain plan, and it poured. She was also sick with the flu and got her period that morning. But she was super positive throughout it all.

I also heard of a friend who was a BM for a catholic ceremony. They were required to wear 6 inch heels and stand for the whole thing. One of the BM's passed out, and the bride threw a fit and refused to talk to her the rest of the night. Says she ruined her wedding.


  • Pentecost
    Expert August 2015
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    The worst one I went to started with an outdoor wedding in the hot sun with no shade and no water. Once the ceremony was blessedly over, there was a long gap until the reception, and the rudeness just got worse. The speeches went on so long that the dinner wasn't served until 9. Not an hors d'oeuvre in sight, so everyone was starving by that time and we didn't even care that the food was cold. It was, of course, a cash bar... with a tip jar....

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  • Pancakes
    Master October 2015
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    Hahaha. These are fantastic. Thank you for starting off my week right Smiley smile

    Mine isn't so bad. But my twin started a giant fight with me and uninvited me and reinvited me and so on and so on. It was in February an hour away during a terrible snow storm (they needed to have a 3 month engagement because the groom was married before (though divorce is never an option for him) and said he'd already "been there done that" and her response was "you know, we haven't slept together, yet..." which turned out was a lie. She slept with him while his divorce was still not finalized). So I went and she seated me in the back corner of the room with the cousins she doesn't speak to. There was no alcohol and it was a Sunday afternoon. The band was two friends so the music stopped while we were eating dinner. There was a cheese plate before, but they ran out and didn't bring out more. There was no dancing, since the "band" were socializing after eating and there was no music. We left after two hours. And I only stayed that long because a cousin I hadn't seen in a while was there.

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  • Sarahdell
    Master October 2014
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    A friend of both me and my sister got married last Summer.

    First, she met him online (which isn't a problem but sets the stage for the rest of the story) and had only seen him 4 times in person before they got engaged. They had a 6 month engagement during which they made all kinds of plans for her and her daughter (from a high school BF) to move 9 hours away to where new husband was from. She never cleared it with the courts and found out two weeks before the wedding she wasn't allowed to.

    One of the bridesmaids neglected to show up for the ceremony – claimed it was because she wasn’t from around the area and didn’t know where she was going – which is a lie because everyone had been there the night before decorating. Bride was upstairs in the “getting ready” room taking shots before the ceremony – she was marrying a pastor BTW.

    The ceremony was outside in the middle of July with no shade - started late of course. We had to move our chairs from the outdoor ceremony to the outdoor reception under open sided tents. Bugs were horrible! Dance floor was actually a tennis court. DRY RECEPTION (we brought in and kept it on the DL). The only things provided to drink were lemonade (which mixed nicely with my Bacardi), iced tea and water. It was a tapas reception - no real meal but no one was told in advance.

    To top it all off, my sister and her husband and me and FH drove 9 hours to go and she never came over and thanked us for coming and we never got a thank you in the mail for our gift.

    ETA: Bride and Groom also left the reception early to the hotel because new groom was a virgin and they didn’t feel like waiting until the party was over before they consummated the marriage.

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  • LJ411
    Master April 2015
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    The best man speech at my best friends wedding was so awful I can't even type it out because I'll get flagged. They eventually won $1,000 from a radio show that held a contest for worst best man speeches. At least she got something out of it - Its all people talked about for months after her wedding.

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  • DisneyNut
    Master October 2014
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    I've heard this story a million times and it is the reason my FH wouldn't even discuss an outdoor wedding. His cousin got married outside. They had a gorgeous view wherever they got married on top of a mountain. They did have a tent so the ceremony area was fine. The problem was that they got like 3 inches of rain the night before they wedding. There was MUD everywhere. People took off their shoes to get to the tent because the mud was so bad. A bridesmaid actually lost a shoe in the mud. I was told not to even consider an outdoor wedding (and that came from FH and his cousin).

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  • Nay
    Master August 2014
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    Wow. These stories are crazy. lol Here's mine:

    Years ago I went to my cousin's wedding. It was just me, my dad and my uncle representing the family and I wondered why no one else from our family bothered to show up. But then I found out why. While we waited and waited and waited for the wedding to begin, they were playing upbeat music. Then out of nowhere the bridal party danced down the aisle to the music playing. Looked like a Soul Train line coming down the aisle. The guys had on tuxes with mock neck sweaters. Can't remember what the BMs had on. My cousin came down the aisle on arm of my uncle. Ceremony was short and sweet, and then we went to the reception which was being held in her apartment. That's not it. Wait, there's more. lol

    She had not even decorated her apartment or moved any furniture around to make room for everyone. My father, uncle and some other guests (not me) were moving furniture around. My cousin and her sisters and friends had all cooked food, but there was NOTHING to drink. No water, no juice, no alcohol. So me, my father and uncle went to the liquor store and got liquor, and to the corner store and bought water, beer, soda and ice for EVERYONE. The music was from CDs and the radio, and the apartment was too small to move around in, let alone dance in.

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  • Shannon S.
    Master March 2011
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    I have two.

    One was my close friend's wedding and I was a BM. Her parents and two of the BMs (her youngest sisters) were over two hours late to photos because her mom had decided to make her own dress two days before, and was also still altering BM dresses. She was literally sewing hems on the way to meet us, and we had to do 90 minutes of photos in about ten minutes. Bride and Mom spent the whole limo ride to the church snarling at one another. Oh, and we all had a stomach virus/the runs, which made the full Catholic wedding mass kind of uncomfortable.

    Also, did I mention the groom dropped the bride on her butt during their first dance? And that there were speeches, dances, and slideshows galore, and that not a scrap of food was served until all the performance stuff was over? And that I was seated in Siberia and got my food last, even though I was a BM, so I didn't eat until after 10:00?

    A close second would be another Catholic wedding, but this time there was a huge gap between ceremony and reception. The WP spent that gap drinking in the limo, and showed up completely wobbly and schnockered. The best man speech was incomprehensible and thoroughly inappropriate - he mentioned at one point that since he and the groom are identical twins, he might slip into their room on the wedding night and see if the bride noticed a difference. Ewwwwww. Oh, and the music was all hipster undanceable trip-hop.

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  • Tracy
    VIP February 2015
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    When my sister got married a second time, she opted to pay for everything herself since my mom had basically controlled her first wedding. Everything was lovely and romantic and the food was great but my sister had made the mistake of hiring my uncle as the videographer. A little back story, my uncle is a former supermodel and has never really accepted that he's not a big deal anymore. Anyway, he did a good job filming her ceremony but during the reception he left to change his outfit (from a suit into head-to-toe Von Dutch, classy). He handed a slightly tipsy bridesmaid (me) the camera and said "just push this button to record." I tried to film the cake cutting but the camera was so zoomed in and I couldn't figure out how to fix it so I just walked to the back of the room hoping that would help. Needless to say my sister was upset (at him, not me) when she saw the shaky video later. The moral of the story is to hire professionals, not aging, former models.

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  • Shannon S.
    Master March 2011
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    Dang. There goes my plan of having Linda Evangelista officiate my vow renewal.

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  • .
    Master October 2013
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    PPD, 3 hour drive, no hotel blocks so no one knew where to stay, cash bar (with SUH KYUTE "rock the cash bar!" signs), fake wedding vows, fake first dance, dress code of jeans and t-shirts while bride wore full wedding gown, awful fried food only (which makes me very sick), nowhere to sit and eat...oh, and we never got a thank you card.

    Another wedding was so gorgeous - great food, hosted wine and beer, beautiful location...but it was 115 degrees that day...and everything was outside. The cake was melting. For some reason the bathrooms had AC, everyone kept hiding in them. The pregnant guests had to leave early. We stuck it out but it was hoooooooooooot.

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  • Pamela Anne
    Super July 2014
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    @Brittany: OMG, I so hope someone says "Merry Christmas" to me in tears! That's the funniest thing EVER! Knowing myself, I would have absent-mindlessly said "Merry Christmas" right back, hahahaha!

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  • DeniseD
    Master May 2015
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    Wedding was fine but I was a BM at the one. There was a huge gap so my friend and I went for Mexican food in between. I was rear ended by another car trying to make a right hand turn and then at the restaurant, a psychic tried to tell me my future. That's why I am avoiding the gap and having the hall down the street from the church, all types of craziness can happen.

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  • Christine
    Devoted May 2015
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    My fiance's cousin's wedding. Pretty much a shot-gun wedding. Bride's parents were drunk. Food was inedible. Best man and maid of honor speeches were poorly planned and awkward. Bride and groom's friends wore inappropriate "clubbing" clothes and were grinding on the dance floor. Complete hot mess. My fiance was in the wedding party and we left early.

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  • Beth
    Expert September 2014
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    My best friend's wedding, at which I was MOH, was outside at a park in July. It was hot to begin with, and then it rained the day before, so it was super humid. We were surrounded by trees, so the mosquitos were out in full force. Guests were literally passing around bottles of bugspray during the ceremony, and everyone up at the alter was slapping mosquitos away the entire time because they were swarming us and biting constantly (despite the bugspray!) with no reprieve. No good wedding pictures because everyone was red and swollen and splotchy and sweaty.

    At my cousin's wedding, there was no assigned seating, so no one knew what to do when we got there. Tell me why she had to go on anti-anxiety medication to deal with wedding-planning stress if she didn't even have a seating chart? Then the best man gave an intoxicated speech about how the groom was a really great guy and would never beat the bride. THEN they made us get up from our table to make room for the dance floor. We were all family and none of us had dates or really wanted to dance, so we had to just stand around all night holding our purses. Oh, and then she ended up pregnant with some other guy's baby not three years later. So clearly that wedding was a total success on every level.

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  • The Future Mrs. Gierman
    Super August 2014
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    Wow been to a few bad ones.

    First - my sister got married in 1997 and invited a "friend" of hers. I had always hated this woman. The woman got drunk and dropped her beer bottle, my sister cut open her foot on the glass and then as we were trying to help her leave the room, she threw up on my sister's dress.

    Second, I went to a wedding when I was in high school. The bride was underage but her parents arranged the wedding. There were over 300 people that attended. Dinner was suppose to start at 7pm but because of the recieving line we didnt eat until after 10pm but her dad did pay the place to stay open until 4am. Bottles of booze on all the tables for the win Smiley smile

    Lastly, went to a wedding for a friend named Tina. This was her first wedding and her husbands second wedding. The best man was so worried that he would screw up the speech that he got drunk. He proceeded to congratulate the groom and Sarah.. the groom's ex wife.. how embarrassing!

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  • Sarahdell
    Master October 2014
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    @Stephanie - I gotta know...what are fake wedding vows and a fake first dance?

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  • Pentecost
    Expert August 2015
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    @Sarah I think she means the couple was already legally married and just doing the fake wedding because they wanted a wedding, never mind that they were already married.

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  • Emma
    Master October 2024
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    Why do these forums always flip the fuck out on women who want to have a nice wedding reception after being legally married for a few months? Why don't you get that a 5-minute ceremony does not make a wedding ??

    I think I need to join the IDGAF club again.

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  • F
    VIP October 2014
    FutureMrsS ·
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    The Merry Christmas Story reminds me of Frosty the Snowman and how he always says Happy Birthday. That us all I can picture right now Frosty the Snowman in the bridal party.

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  • Emily
    Master May 2014
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    These are awesome - I am noticing a distinct theme of horribly inappropriate drunk best man speeches.

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