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Master May 2017

Worst wedding you have attended

Flying, on October 7, 2016 at 7:14 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 66

What made it the worst wedding ? Did you stay for the whole thing ? I'll start: The worst wedding I have ever been to was one I talked about on CF. About 2 or 3 years ago FH got a call from FBIL saying "X set a date to be baptized so we have to get married! The date is 2 weeks from today so you need...

What made it the worst wedding ? Did you stay for the whole thing ?

I'll start:

The worst wedding I have ever been to was one I talked about on CF. About 2 or 3 years ago FH got a call from FBIL saying "X set a date to be baptized so we have to get married! The date is 2 weeks from today so you need to go rent a tux." Then I got on Facebook and received an invite to their wedding information including the fact that the "reception" will be held at an expensive restaurant on the beach and each person would have to pay for their own food/drinks. We arrived at the wedding, already broke from trying to afford the last minute $180 tux rental, and only about 20ish people had been able to attend. Once we got to the restaurant we realized we could barely afford 1 plate so we just decided to swing it and hope for the best. When we got the plate and started to share the waitress informed us that we would now be charged for sharing a meal. We sat through the cake cutting and then left. Quickly


  • Alice
    Expert October 2016
    Alice ·
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    Lol wow those are unbelievable...I've never been to a bad wedding they were always nice

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  • karen
    Devoted September 2017
    karen ·
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    Guests had to bring a dish.......couple said it was demonstrating a " sense of community" .......I say it was a demonstration of tacky and cheap......gross!!!

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  • F
    Expert July 2017
    FutureMrs.Ruffalo ·
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    The bride was 2 hours late to her ceremony. The ceremony was 20 mins. Then a bunch of us went to go get food and beers because we were starving. There was no cocktail hour. One and a half hours later the reception started. The reception was 2 and a half hours long. On top of that, we flew and had to get hotels for this wedding. Worst wedding ever.

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  • SoonToBeSummers
    Super May 2017
    SoonToBeSummers ·
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    A few years ago, FH and I went to a wedding with 500+ people. I don't even know that many people but whatever. The couple was popular. The mic kept messing up during the ceremony so we couldn't hear anything. We had to sit towards the back because there were trees in the middle of the ceremony site and the back was the only area we could see anything from.

    Well the ceremony was outside and we had to carry our chairs to the reception site inside. Getting 500 people through 1 door with their chairs took FOREVER. FH carried my chair like the gentleman he is but I was carrying 2 more for an older couple. We weren't even last and it took us 30 minutes to get inside. FH and I were seated at different tables (according to the gigantic poster that the seating chart was written on) for some reason, so we kept looking and looking and realized the tables weren't in any order. We passed table 47 and then table 18! After 30 minutes of walking around the gigantic room looking at the teeny tiny table numbers on each table, we left. We COULD NOT find either of our tables. I felt bad but it took an hour and I couldn't even find my table! I was hot, hungry, and beyond irritated.

    My mom lectured me on how rude it was to leave and believe me, I'm aware it was rude, but they got a card with some money from me so I don't think they cared.

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  • O&L
    VIP September 2016
    O&L ·
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    I posted this before:

    Went to my ex boy friend's cousin wedding. Super long/ religious catholic wedding that started two hours late. The invite time was 10AM but started at noon. The ceremony itself was about two hours.

    Even after 4 long hours at the church, there was still a few hours to kill before the reception started.

    Drove to the reception venue and they were charging for parking..$ an empty lot.

    We debated parking on the street or running to the ATM. I didn't want to walk far in heels so ATM run was made.

    It was a good thing because there was a cash bar. Not only they charge for alcoholic drinks, they also charged $1 for water and $2 for soda!

    Dinner started really late but before we can start eating, the bride sang for us. It was sweet at first but after a few mins, we were like, get on with it. Many long toasts later, the dinner was served., I think it must be 7-8 because it was getting dark. One piece of chicken and one potato! Everyone got that same dish. At this time, two vegetarians at our table decide to leave discretely because they were starving.

    After dinner, first dance, and many other "dances" bride and her father, bride and her uncle, bride and her mom, bride ....I lost track....the bride sang again.

    I don't remember if the dance floor ever open up with everyone because we left.

    The best part...I saw the pictures after...they are beautiful. Don't be fool by dreamy picture perfect wedding because it was one to the longest yet most boring wedding I have ever been to.

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  • Stephannie
    Super December 2017
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    Last summer, it was a close family members wedding...if it wouldn't have rained it would have been awesome to an extent.

    1. BYOB - said "if you bring booze, bring it to the bar and they'll serve it for you " (& use it to give to their guests as well) -

    2. It poured the ENTIRE day - ONE tent for 150 people, no side walling, and 6 regular tables. The ceremony was held under the tent as well. There was a little house (it was at a public park) that they had everything else in. There was 50 yards of nocoverage from the house to the tent. It was 55 degrees the entire time. On top of no seats for anyone, there was ONE single bathroom. THAT'S IT. No rainy day plan really is the dumbest thing ever.

    3. The ceremony started 30 minutes late, when we arrived the bride and groom were taking pictures that's why they were late (we knew because we say them).

    5. Cocktail hour was a tub of hummus, a bag of tortillas and a store bought veggie tray thrown on a table without and plates, still in the bags/tub.

    6. Said cocktail hour lasted until 830 (ceremony was at 4) when we finally left. They hadn't done their first dance, speeches, cake, ANYTHING.

    7. They had 4 different bands there to play, and I didn't see a single one.

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  • Sassy Cincy Bride
    VIP August 2015
    Sassy Cincy Bride ·
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    We went to a wedding for one of DHs cousins a couple of years ago. The bathroom was gross, we waited over 2 and a half hours for the bride and groom to show up after the ceremony, appetizers consisted of chess cubes and a cookie table. Dinner was inedible and then came the doallar dance followed by no thank you card for our gift. Did I mention the grooms mother looked like a trashy version of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman? You could see her granny panty line through her skin tight red dress. Ick!

    This past summer we went to a friends wedding and it was only marginally better. Ceremony started 30 minutes late because the bouquets were left at the hotel. We then had to wait over two hours for the bride and groom to finish taking pictures. During this time beverages and appetizers ran out. The maid and matron of honor roasted the bride in their toast, the best man's speech was over 10 minutes long. It was a 5 p.m. wedding and it was almost 8:30 by the time the buffet was served. Dinner was dry white and red mystery meat and cold mushy veggies. We left at 9:30 and there had still been no first dance and the cake had not been cut. I felt rude but I needed to eat. Why can't people focus more on taking care of their guests and less on cutesy signs?

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  • Nicole
    Devoted May 2018
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    The wedding was at 6. There was barely any food at cocktail hour. Dinner wasn't served until 9! Needless to say everyone kept drinking to pass the time so everyone was wasted by the time dinner rolled around. I don't remember much about the actual wedding because I was drunk, except that after all that dinner wasn't good.

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  • Trista(soontobeSmith)
    Expert June 2018
    Trista(soontobeSmith) ·
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    Wow these are horrible! I'm lucky, the worse thing that's happened to me was the groom and bride got drunk (and lost) on their way from the church to the reception hall so we had to wait over an hour for them

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  • NewlyWeducated
    Expert November 2016
    NewlyWeducated ·
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    ....jeez this is the stuff of my worst nightmares. Going to stare at my spreadsheets some more to calm my nerves

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  • Suzz
    April 2018
    Suzz ·
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    I did flowers for a gf at work daughters wedding, no organization to start with, 3 hour gap so 'people would feed themselves' bridal party attempting to 'help' with decor in between shots round, self catered, her poor mother, cash bar and no DJ because the couple didn't dance. Yup, left after 2 drinks and didn't eat anything, think we went to burger king because I was hangry. Oh and perfect pic on FB was one of them grabbing each other's bums at the bar. Wow!

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  • Kayce
    Devoted March 2017
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    Most of these posts make me thankful for the terrible dry weddings/cash bars I've been to. Wow!

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  • ALN
    Devoted October 2019
    ALN ·
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    FH was told two weeks before the wedding that he was a groomsman. He had to go rent a $240 tux when his dress blues would have been fine...buuuut the bride said he would've stuck out too much. FH is already 6'9" so some dress blues wouldn't have made that much of a difference! OH! And the bridesmaids all got to choose their own dresses, so that was great to see that only the groomsmen were burdened with the excess costs. Their invitations also had asked for money instead of gifts. FH and I were so tempted to buy them the bottle of windex off their registry and call it a day. Lol

    When we got to the site the bride demanded to have the ceremony outside despite it raining off and on all day. Just as she was coming down the stairs, it started pouring. (I ran under the awning in the back because I wasn't going to sit through that.) They finally decided to move indoors where it was now all standing room because the chairs were soaking outside. I put it on myself to search for a dry chair inside for a mother and her baby because apparently no one else was going to help them.

    Quite a few raised eyebrows were made when the bride mentioned in her vows the groom's crazy ex-girlfriend he had been hung up on and how everything she was promising to do she would most definitely break them.

    No assigned seating at the reception!!! Start the free-for-all!! FH was required to sit at the head table, so I was left alone in a room of 100 strangers to try and find my place. The open bar also turned into a cash bar about an hour in. FH nor I had brought any money because we were told it was going to be an open bar. About two hours in, FH was told that he was a part of a dance off between the groomsmen and bridesmaids later. Turns was a dollar dance!! Whoever's jar was more full of money won! Nothing says "wedding" like pimping out your wedding party. After that we refused to take part in the bouquet toss and garter toss. We also ended up leaving the reception about 3 hours early to go eat chocolate cake at the hotel's bar.

    (I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I'm not sure I want to remember at this point. Lol)

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  • S
    Super June 2017
    SoontobeMrs. ·
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    They ran out of food at one wedding I attended. Luckily for me, I was able to find a local store and get some snacks in order to go back to find out, they ran out of cups for drinks as well smh.

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  • Bstar0306
    Devoted April 2017
    Bstar0306 ·
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    I haven't been to any bad weddings but weird stuff have happened.

    Two weddings they surved dry chicken it was so gross and everyone at the table was raving how good it was I didn't get it

    At one point I lived with 2 girls n when My roommate got married her bridal party n mom n sister stayed at the house even after the wedding after her dry chicken wedding everyone was back home by 9pm n they all went to bed meanwhile I was starving n started cooking dinner lol

    I hate seating charts bc I always end up at crappy tables At my cousins wedding in June they put my mom n my sister n I at 2 different tables we didn't know anyone else at the wedding

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  • Samtoine2017
    VIP May 2017
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    The most etiquette breaching wedding I've been to was potluck and byob. They're a lovely couple, and this was before I really understood what a no-no those things were. The only real awkward parts were when the FOB gave a speech and started with, "well usually they say you're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a son...but in this case I feel more like I've gained a younger brother" (20yr age gap between bride&groom) and that there were a few people FH and I weren't speaking to in attendance as well that we avoided like the plague. Also the ceremony was private, this was only the reception. I still had a nice time, though I didn't dance and we left early....I just think of it as a different vibe than I'm going for. I'm sure they didn't know any better. Oh, they did say no gifts. So no honeyfund or anything.

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  • Private_User804
    Master November 2016
    Private_User804 ·
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    Last spring, lovely setting in a public park. Totally disorganized, put start time as 1 hour too early on purpose then ran 30 minutes late, so the guests were standing around for 90 minutes waiting for the ceremony! We had to carry our chairs inside to re-use them for the ceremony. There was a 2-hour "cocktail" hour with only chips and salsa, no music or DJ, and the live band never showed up. But even with no dancing or anything else to do, they delayed the cake cutting. We finally gave up and left 2 hours after the dinner, and the cake still wasn't cut. Apparently they got around to it by 10pm, 7 hours after we arrived.

    Brides who wonder if a 4-hour reception is "enough"....this wedding was proof. It absolutely is enough. This bride had a 6-7 hour reception and it was EXCRUCIATINGLY boring. We ran out of small talk halfway through the cocktail period, went to the photo booth 4 times, and did laps around the building. It was awful.

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  • GeeQT
    Expert November 2017
    GeeQT ·
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    The one I went to last week where everyone got food poisoning.

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  • O&L
    VIP September 2016
    O&L ·
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    GeeQT!! You win! I hope you are feeling better! Was it self cater?

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  • Iesha
    Dedicated August 2017
    Iesha ·
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    Waited 2hours in the hot sun ,wedding on Belle Isle fountain random ppl coming back n taking pics, food served Luke warm and IT WAS DRYYYYYYYY

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