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18 Sweet, Silly and Sentimental Wedding Day Parent Photos

Check out these ideas for important photos you'll want of and with your parents from your wedding.

wedding portrait bride with parents formal attire

wedding portrait bride with parents formal attire

Photo: CWKelly Photography

Your wedding isn’t just a milestone occasion for you and your spouse-to-be, it’s also a big deal for your parents. You may be focused on the romantic portraits that will be captured of you and your future-spouse, but remember, your parents will treasure the family photos from your wedding for a lifetime as well.

The Classic Portrait
Ask your photographer to snap a photo of just you and your parents, as well as one with your spouse and each set of parents. This classic portrait will be a staple on your parents’ desks and mantels for years to come.

mother of the bride helping button dress

Photo: Arte De Vie

The Getting Ready Photo
If your parent or parents will be present during the getting-ready process, it’s nice to capture a loving moment between you and your family members. Whether they’re helping you tie your tie or button your dress, these photos represent all the times in your life where your parents provided a helping hand. 

parents of the bride kiss bride on cheek

Photo: Shaunte Dittmar Photography

The Double Smooch
Don’t be afraid to have a little fun with your parents! Be sure to take a few silly or sweet images that reflect your personalities. 

image of loved one attached to bride bouquet

Photo: Cadey Reisner Weddings

The Memory Photo
If there’s a parent or other close relative who has passed away, you may wish to include a tribute to him or her in your wedding. Whether it’s an empty chair at the ceremony or a charm on a bouquet or boutonniere, be sure to have that special detail captured by your photographer. 

bride and her mom share a hug

Photo: Kane and Social

The Snuggle
If you and your parents are close, be sure to let that shine through both on and off camera! Don’t be shy about giving your dad a hug or your mom a nuzzle while the camera is snapping away!

Photo: Judy Nuñez Photography

The “Embarrassing” Photo
This is a fun one—love is certainly in the air, so it’s okay for your parents to show a little PDA on your wedding day! 

bride mother and grandmother pose with their wedding rings

Photo: Aga Jones Photography

The Three Generations Photo
If you’re fortunate enough to have three generations present at your wedding—a grandparent, parent, and yourself—be sure to celebrate the moment with a capture like this one. 

Bride and her father do a first look

Photo: Nate Messarra Photography

The First Look
We’ve been seeing these types of photos more and more—a “first look” session with a parent, instead of or in addition to a similar session with the future spouse. The look on a parent's face when seeing their child dressed up in his or her wedding finery is pretty priceless.

parents of the bride holding personalized handkerchiefs

Photo: Andie Freeman Photography

The Gifts
If you’re giving your parents gifts on your wedding day, your photographer can take photos of these sentimental objects. 

couple hold photos of their parents on their wedding day

Photo: Camille Fontanez Photography

The Family History Photo
Some couples choose to display family wedding photos at their own weddings. We love the idea of a couple taking a photo holding their respective parents’ wedding photos. It represents such a sense of nostalgia and family history. 

bride and dad ride in car to ceremony together

Photo: Stout Photography

The Pre-processional
The minutes before your walk down the aisle are sure to be emotional—whether you’re laughing, crying, or somewhere in between. 

bride walks dow the aisle with both parents

Photo: Suzy Goodrick Photography

The Big Moment
Of course, this is a biggie. However you choose to walk down the aisle (or with whom), it will be captured from all angles. 

father of the bride gives her away at the end of the aisle

Photo: Reese Moore Weddings

The Ceremony 
Whether your parents are directly participating in the ceremony with a ritual or reading, or simply watching the proceedings, you'll always want to remember how they looked while watching their child wed. 

couple posed with family members

Photo: Monica Mendoza Photography

The Family Photo
Your parents will be so happy to capture a photo of your whole crew—including siblings, siblings-in-law, and the like, in their wedding finery. While it may take a little effort to get everyone together (and smiling!) this photo is certainly a keepsake. 

formal reception mother son dance

Photo: Kesha Lambert

The Dance
If you choose to have parents’ dances during your reception, these are must-photograph, emotion-filled moments. 

family heirloom vintage cake topper

Photo: blue martini photography

The Family Heirloom
Be sure to point out any family heirlooms that will be included in your big day to your photographer so he or she can be sure to capture those special details. 

parents watch newlyweds' during first dance

Photo: Vitaly M Photography

The Reception “Captured Moment”
Throughout the reception, your parents’ will likely go through a range of emotions—from their misty-eyes as they watch your first dance to the utter joy of letting loose on the dance floor. 

newlyweds smile as parent gives speech

Photo: Shutter Sam Photography

The Toast
A parent’s reception toast is often emotional, funny and sweet all rolled into one. A photographer will capture both the toast-giver and the reactions of those in the crowd.